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王宪辉 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):352-352
飞蝗是世界上最具破坏性的农业害虫之一。在特定的环境条件下,它可以从“散居型”转变成“群居型”,从而获得集群和迁飞的能力。为了阐释飞蝗型变的分子机理,中国科学院动物研究所康乐研究员领导的研究组与其合作通过大规模的测序分析,得到70000多条飞蝗的表达序列标签(ESTs),并发现了532个与型变相关的基因。总体分析表明,  相似文献   

《PLoS生物学》:DNA断裂修复增基因突变风险据美国物理学家组织网近日报道,美国印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波利斯联合分校(IUPUI)和瑞典优密欧大学(UmeaUniversity)最近的一项联合研究显示,有一种细胞用于修复自身DNA断裂的方法(称为断裂诱导复制),比正常合DNA产生的基因变异要高出2800倍。相关论文在线发表于《公共科学图书馆·生物学》(PLoS Biology)。  相似文献   

国际分子昆虫科学学术会议(International Symposium on Molecular Insect Scie-nce)于1989年10月22—27日在美国Arizona州的Tucson市召开,会议是由在1988年成立于Arizona大学的“昆虫科学中心”(Center for Insect Science)负责组织的,该中心主任H.H.Hagedorn教授主持了大会。美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)和孟山多公司(Monsanto Company)资助了部分经费。  相似文献   

飞蝗研究进展   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
飞蝗作为农业重大害虫,其分布遍及欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳洲。全世界共有10个亚种,我国有3个亚种。飞蝗不但分布广,而且数量多、发生频率高,危害极为严重。作者在查阅了国内外近20年文献资料的基础上,结合我国蝗害情况,分别从形态、组织、生理、生化、遗传、毒力及分子系统学等方面综述了国内外飞蝗的研究进展,以期对我国飞蝗的基础及应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

<正> 国际分子昆虫科学学术会议(International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science)于1989年10月22日~27日在美国Arizona州的Tncson市召开。来自22个国家的300位学者出席了会议,我国在美国和加拿大学习和工作的研究生和访问学者8人参加了会议。会  相似文献   

<正>2014年3月,中国科学院微生物研究所方荣祥研究组联合中国农科院和福建农林大学的科学家在PLoS Pathogens杂志上发表了他们对植物病毒介体昆虫的卵传机制的研究结果(Transovarial Transmission of a Plant Virus Is Mediated by Vitellogenin of Its Insect Vector)。植物病毒大都由介体昆虫传播,该传播过程并非简单地携带和制造侵染伤口,而是具有一定的特异性,即某种病毒只能由某种或某几种昆虫传播,而某种昆虫只能传播某种或某几种病毒。根据昆虫传播  相似文献   

赵云鲜 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):392-392
我国昆虫学英文国际期刊《Insect Science》(昆虫科学)近日被《Science Citation Index》(SCI)收录,成为我国目前惟一进入SCI的昆虫学期刊。《Insect Science》的前身是中国昆虫学会1994年创办的昆虫学英文期刊《中国昆虫科学》(Entomologia Sinica),在刊物出版的10年中始终没有实现稿源、编委和发行的国际化。2004年,期刊主编康乐和编委会编辑部的同事们为了提升该刊物的学术水平和国际影响力,积极开展期刊机制改革,严把稿件的质量关,做到宁缺毋滥,改进版面设计和印刷质量。同时拓展国际合作途径,吸引优秀稿源,聘请国际编委,开发期…  相似文献   

西藏飞蝗虫粪粗提物的成分分析及其活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏飞蝗作为青藏高原独有的飞蝗亚种,近年来发生危害严重,对其聚集机制的研究是西藏飞蝗生态治理的基础.采用自制Y型嗅觉仪、气质联用(GC-MS)和触角电位反应(EAG)等方法对西藏飞蝗虫粪粗提物进行了活性测定和成分分析.结果表明:乙醇浸提法是提取西藏飞蝗虫粪粗提物的较好方法.西藏飞蝗虫粪粗提物活性随虫龄增加,并且群居型成虫虫粪粗提物的活性最强.散居型蝗虫对蝗蝻虫粪粗提物的趋向性高于同虫态群居型蝗虫对蝗蝻虫粪粗提物的趋向性.不同虫态的西藏飞蝗虫粪粗提物所含化合物种类及含量有所差别,部分化合物与东亚飞蝗聚集信息素成分相同.西藏飞蝗对人工合成化合物的电生理反应变化趋势可分为三类:2μL/mL浓度下触角电位反应值最高;不同虫态西藏飞蝗对同一化合物的电生理反应变化趋势不一致;随浓度增加电生理反应显著增加.  相似文献   

对中国飞蝗种下阶元划分和历史演化过程的几点看法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
前人把我国飞蝗划分为东亚飞蝗、亚洲飞蝗和西藏飞蝗三个亚种,并推测我国最原始的飞蝗发生地可能是郑州-开封东北至临清-禹南以南的古黄河冲积扇地带。由于飞蝗的形态、生理、生态等性状受气候与生态条件影响,从而在地区间变化很大,而且过去关于我国飞蝗发生动态和演化的分析均忽视了地史中重大气候事件的影响,因此有关结论的可靠性值得质疑并有待深入验证。根据分子群体遗传学的最新研究结果,我们认为:(1)我国飞蝗应被重新划分为青藏种群、海南种群和北方种群3大类群;(2)我国东部地区(辽宁、黄淮平原、陕西和山西)的飞蝗与海南的飞蝗之间的遗传差别已达亚种水平,因此不是东亚飞蝗,而是亚洲飞蝗经过适应性演化在我国华北地区形成的特异地理宗——华北地理宗;(3)华北地理宗的形成应是末次冰期后种群大规模扩张的结果,推测是由蒙新高原的飞蝗沿黄河流域逐步扩散而来;(4)结合历史上飞蝗发生的情况可以推断,在中国,至少在北至北纬46℃的地区,光周期不会成为飞蝗发育的限制性因素,有效积温可能是惟一限制性气候因子。因此,在气候逐渐变暖的趋势下,飞蝗有逐渐向北扩散的可能,东北地区将会逐步具有飞蝗大发生所需要的必要气候条。  相似文献   

<正>根据编委会投票评选,以下论文被评为本刊2011年度优秀论文(按栏目和发表时间为序)。科技前沿徐卫华,2011.飞蝗型变分子机理研究前沿.48(2):227—230.娄永根,程家安,2011.稻飞虱灾变机理及可持续治理的基础研究.48(2):231—238.叶恭银,方琦,2011.基因组时代的昆虫学研究.48(6):1531—1538.  相似文献   

Guo W  Wang X  Ma Z  Xue L  Han J  Yu D  Kang L 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(2):e1001291
Behavioral plasticity is the most striking trait in locust phase transition. However, the genetic basis for behavioral plasticity in locusts is largely unknown. To unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the behavioral phase change in the migratory locust Locusta migratoria, the gene expression patterns over the time courses of solitarization and gregarization were compared by oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Data analysis revealed that several gene categories relevant to peripheral olfactory perception are strongly regulated in a total of 1,444 differentially expressed genes during both time courses. Among these candidate genes, several CSP (chemosensory protein) genes and one takeout gene, LmigTO1, showed higher expression in gregarious and solitarious locusts, respectively, and displayed opposite expression trends during solitarization and gregarization. qRT-PCR experiments revealed that most CSP members and LmigTO1 exhibited antenna-rich expressions. RNA interference combined with olfactory behavioral experiments confirmed that the CSP gene family and one takeout gene, LmigTO1, are involved in the shift from repulsion to attraction between individuals during gregarization and in the reverse transition during solitarization. These findings suggest that the response to locust-emitted olfactory cues regulated by CSP and takeout genes is involved in the behavioral phase change in the migratory locust and provide a previously undescribed molecular mechanism linked to the formation of locust aggregations.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) regulate various biological processes ranging from gene expression to animal behavior. Although protein-coding genes, microRNAs, and neuropeptides play important roles in the regulation of phenotypic plasticity in migratory locust, empirical studies on the function of lncRNAs in this process remain limited. Here, we applied high-throughput RNA-seq to compare the expression patterns of lncRNAs and mRNAs in the time course of locust phase change. We found that lncRNAs responded more rapidly at the early stages of phase transition. Functional annotations demonstrated that early changed lncRNAs employed different pathways in isolation and crowding phases to cope with changes in the population density. Two overlapping hub lncRNA loci in the crowding and isolation networks were screened for functional verification. One of them, LNC1010057, was validated as a potential regulator of locust phase change. This work offers insights into the molecular mechanism underlying locust phase change and expands the scope of lncRNA functions in animal behavior.  相似文献   

Swarming and the expression of phase polyphenism are defining characteristics of locust species. Increases in local population density mediate morphological, physiological and behavioural changes within individuals, which correlate with mass marching of juveniles in migratory bands and flying swarms of adults. The Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) regularly forms migratory bands and swarms, but is claimed not to express phase polyphenism and has accordingly been used to argue against a central role for phase change in locust swarming. We demonstrate that juvenile C. terminifera express extreme density-dependent behavioural phase polyphenism. Isolated-reared juveniles are sedentary and repelled by conspecifics, whereas crowd-reared individuals are highly active and are attracted to conspecifics. In contrast to other major locust species, however, behavioural phase change does not accumulate across generations, but shifts completely within an individual''s lifetime in response to a change in population density.  相似文献   

Chemical communication plays an important role in density‐dependent phase change in locusts. However, the volatile components and emission patterns of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, are largely unknown. In this study, we identified the chemical compositions and emission dynamics of locust volatiles from the body and feces and associated them with developmental stages, sexes and phase changes. The migratory locust shares a number of volatile components with the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), but the emission dynamics of the two locust species are significantly different. The body odors of the gregarious nymphs in the migratory locust consisted of phenylacetonitrile (PAN), benzaldehyde, guaiacol, phenol, aliphatic acids and 2,3‐butanediol, and PAN was the dominant volatile. Volatiles from the fecal pellets of the nymphs primarily consist of guaiacol and phenol. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed significant differences in the volatile profiles between gregarious and solitary locusts. PAN and 4‐vinylanisole concentrations were significantly higher in gregarious individuals than in solitary locusts. Gregarious mature males released significantly higher amounts of PAN and 4‐vinylanisole during adulthood than mature females and immature adults of both sexes. Furthermore, PAN and 4‐vinylanisole were completely lost in gregarious nymphs during the solitarization process, but were obtained by solitary nymphs during gregarization. The amounts of benzaldehyde, guaiacol and phenol only unidirectionally decreased from solitary to crowded treatment. Aliphatic aldehydes (C7 to C10), which were previously reported as locust volatiles, are now identified as environmental contaminants. Therefore, our results illustrate the precise odor profiles of migratory locusts during developmental stages, sexes and phase change. However, the function and role of PAN and other aromatic compounds during phase transition need further investigation.  相似文献   

李嘉  张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):1046-1051
飞蝗和沙漠蝗自古以来就是重要的农业害虫,这与其生物学特性是密不可分的.信息素对飞蝗和沙漠蝗生物学特征的调节起到了非常重要的作用.到目前为止,沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria和飞蝗Locusta migratoria 的研究较为深入,本文对其主要成果进行了综述,以此作为以后飞蝗和沙漠蝗信息素进一步研究的参...  相似文献   

封传红  张梅  马利  白马吞珠  黄冲  沈丽  李庆  郭聪 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7534-7542
西藏飞蝗Locusta migratoria tibetnsis Chen暴发成灾的重要原因之一是蝗蝻具有群集迁移危害习性。为阐明西藏飞蝗灾变的行为机制,为西藏飞蝗的监测预警和防治提供科学依据,利用视频跟踪技术测定了自然环境中西藏飞蝗蝗蝻群集迁移的运动速度、方向,建立自推进粒子模型模拟蝗蝻群集迁移行为,分析群集迁移效应。结果表明,①不同自然环境中的西藏飞蝗蝗蝻在群集迁移过程中,群体内个体的运动表现出定向集体运动,群集迁移速度为0.1256 m/s,0.2 m以内的个体蝗蝻方向趋向一致。沙滩、翻耕农田和草地蝗蝻群运动一致性参数均较高,分别为0.8502、0.7870和0.6987。②西藏飞蝗蝗蝻群由分散运动转变为群集迁移存在临界密度,密度较低时群体内个体分散运动,当蝗蝻密度达到12-15头/m2时,蝗蝻群体由分散运动转变为高度一致的群集迁移运动。③蝗蝻群通过群集迁移可以显著增加迁移距离,随机运动蝗蝻1 d扩展只有70-80 m,而群集迁移1 d最大距离可达2.5 km。蝗蝻群集迁移可以提高发现特别是远距离食物等资源的概率,使群体中更多的个体受益。④尽管未发现室外蝗蝻群存在先验个体,但模拟发现在群集迁移群体中,只需要少数先验个体(3%-5%)即可引导整个蝗蝻群运动。  相似文献   

改治结合,根除蝗害的关键因子是“水”!   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
陈永林 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):506-509
改治结合,根除蝗害的关键因子是“水”。其主要原因为:(1)水灾是为东亚飞蝗创造发生地和转移到临近地区危害的关键因子;(2)东亚飞蝗产卵的适宜的土壤含水量为10%~20%(沙土为10%~12%,壤土为15%~18%,粘土为18%~20%);(3)先涝后旱,飞蝗成片;(4)黄(河)患是东亚飞蝗蝗害发生的源泉。南水北调东线工程的实施,有利于滨湖(库)蝗区东亚飞蝗的持续控制。  相似文献   

Abstract The Tibetan migratory locust (Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen) is the highest altitude distributed subspecies among the 10 subspecies of migratory locusts. It was discovered and described as new subspecies in 1963. It is mostly distributed above an elevation of 3 000 m, with the highest up to 4 600 m, on the “Roof of the World,” viz. the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in southwestern China. Recent study on the historic literature revealed ancient records of locust plagues caused by Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen in many regions of Xizang (Tibet). These disasters took place during 124 years stretching from 1828 to 1952. Forty-five places were infested by locust swarms, and from 1846 to 1857 locust disasters occurred sucessively in 12 years, and affected 18 places of Xizang. At the severe disaster regions crops were damaged by locusts in such a degree that there was no harvest at all. At the same time, locust plagues due to another subspecies also occurred in the plains between the Yellow River and Huaihe and Haihe Rivers in East China. The disasters in Xizang were caused by the Tibetan migratory locust, while in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain disasters were due to the Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen). This study not only provides the evidence that the Tibetan migratory locust has been existing as a separate subspecies with a long history, but also reveals the relevant years of locust plagues, their regional distribution and intermittent rules of locust plagues. It also offers a scientific basis for forecasting Tibetan migratory locust disasters and related monitoring strategies; as well as understanding the close relationship between the outbreak of the migratory locust and drought.  相似文献   

2005 will see the launch of three new open access journals from the Public Library of Science - PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Genetics, and PLoS Pathogens.  相似文献   

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