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The coexistence of numerous tree species in tropical forests is commonly explained by negative dependence of recruitment on the conspecific seed and tree density due to specialist natural enemies that attack seeds and seedlings (‘Janzen–Connell’ effects). Less known is whether guilds of shared seed predators can induce a negative dependence of recruitment on the density of different species of the same plant functional group. We studied 54 plots in tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, with contrasting mature tree densities of three coexisting large seeded tree species with shared seed predators. Levels of seed predation were far better explained by incorporating seed densities of all three focal species than by conspecific seed density alone. Both positive and negative density dependencies were observed for different species combinations. Thus, indirect interactions via shared seed predators can either promote or reduce the coexistence of different plant functional groups in tropical forest.  相似文献   

The top‐down and indirect effects of insects on plant communities depend on patterns of host use, which are often poorly documented, particularly in species‐rich tropical forests. At Barro Colorado Island, Panama, we compiled the first food web quantifying trophic interactions between the majority of co‐occurring woody plant species and their internally feeding insect seed predators. Our study is based on more than 200 000 fruits representing 478 plant species, associated with 369 insect species. Insect host‐specificity was remarkably high: only 20% of seed predator species were associated with more than one plant species, while each tree species experienced seed predation from a median of two insect species. Phylogeny, but not plant traits, explained patterns of seed predator attack. These data suggest that seed predators are unlikely to mediate indirect interactions such as apparent competition between plant species, but are consistent with their proposed contribution to maintaining plant diversity via the Janzen–Connell mechanism.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that the interaction between plants and herbivores cannot be completely understood if the natural enemies of the latter are not included. Most studies looking at the effects of herbivores and their enemies on plant fitness only consider one herbivore species or guild; however, plants in nature usually face the attack of more than one herbivore guild simultaneously and these herbivores may have a non-additive effect on the attraction with bodyguards and plant fitness. In this study, we asked whether folivory affects the activity of parasitoids on seed predators and whether this effect cascades down to plant fitness. We assessed these questions in a tritrophic system: the plant Ruellia nudiflora, its pre-dispersal seed predators and the parasitoids of the latter. Plants were submitted to either 50 % artificial defoliation or no defoliation (control). The number of seeds, fruit production and parasitoid incidence was assessed periodically in both sets of plants. Parasitoids indirectly and positively affected seed number, while defoliation had a direct negative effect on the number of seeds and an indirect negative effect on parasitoid incidence. However, the combined effect of defoliation and seed predation increased the indirect positive effect of the parasitoids on seed production, which overcame the negative effects of defoliation.  相似文献   

Two venerable hypotheses, widely cited as explanations for either the success or failure of introduced species in recipient communities, are the natural enemies hypothesis and the biotic resistance hypothesis. The natural enemies hypothesis posits that introduced organisms spread rapidly because they are liberated from their co‐evolved predators, pathogens and herbivores. The biotic resistance hypothesis asserts that introduced species often fail to invade communities because strong biotic interactions with native species hinder their establishment and spread. We reviewed the evidence for both of these hypotheses as they relate to the importance of non‐domesticated herbivores in affecting the success or failure of plant invasion.
To evaluate the natural enemies hypothesis, one must determine how commonly native herbivores have population‐level impacts on native plants. If native herbivores seldom limit native plant abundance, then there is little reason to think that introduced plants benefit from escape from these enemies. Studies of native herbivore‐native plant interactions reveal that plant life‐history greatly mediates the strength with which specialist herbivores suppress plant abundance. Relatively short‐lived plants that rely on current seed production for regeneration are most vulnerable to herbivory that reduces seed production. As such, these plants may gain the greatest advantage from escaping their specialist enemies in recipient communities. In contrast, native plants that are long lived or that possess long‐lived seedbanks may not be kept “in check” by native herbivores. For these species, escape from native enemies may have little to do with their success as exotics; they are abundant both where they are native and introduced.
Evidence for native herbivores providing biotic resistance to invasion by exotics is conflicting. Our review reveals that: 1) introduced plants can attract a diverse assemblage of native herbivores and that 2) native herbivores can reduce introduced plant growth, seed set and survival. However, the generality of these impacts is unclear, and evidence that herbivory actually limits or reduces introduced plant spread is scarce. The degree to which native herbivores provide biotic resistance to either exotic plant establishment or spread may be greatly determined by their functional and numerical responses to exotic plants, which we know little about. Generalist herbivores, through their direct effects on seed dispersal and their indirect effects in altering the outcome of native–non‐native plant competitive interactions, may have more of a facilitative than negative effect on exotic plant abundance.  相似文献   

Hunting can change abundances of vertebrate seed predators and seed dispersers, causing species‐specific changes in seed dispersal and seed predation and altering seedling communities. What are the consequences of these changes for the adult plant community in the next generation and beyond? Here, I derive equations showing how reduced seed dispersal reduces plant reproduction by intensifying kin competition, increasing vulnerability to natural enemies, and reducing the proportion of seeds passing through disperser guts. I parameterize these equations with available empirical data to estimate the likely effects on next‐generation abundances. I then consider the indirect effects and longer‐term feedbacks of changed seed or adult abundances on reproductive rates due to density‐dependent interactions with natural enemies and mutualists, as well as niche differentiation with competitors, and discuss their likely qualitative effects. The factors limiting seed disperser and seed predator populations in natural and hunted forests emerge as critical for determining the long‐term effects of hunting on rates of seed dispersal and seed predation. For example, where seed dispersers are held to a constant abundance by hunters, decreases in the availability of their preferred food plants are expected to lead to increased per‐seed dispersal probabilities, potentially to the point of compensating for the initial disperser decline. I close by discussing the likely reversibility of hunting‐induced changes in tropical forests and key questions and directions for future research.  相似文献   

With the increased use of biological control agents, artificial food webs are created in agricultural crops and the interactions between plants, herbivores and natural enemies change from simple tritrophic interactions to more complex food web interactions. Therefore, herbivore densities will not only be determined by direct predator–prey interactions and direct and indirect defence of plants against herbivores, but also by other direct and indirect interactions such as apparent competition, intraguild predation, resource competition, etc. Although these interactions have received considerable attention in theory and experiments, little is known about their impact on biological control. In this paper, we first present a review of indirect food web interactions in biological control systems. We propose to distinguish between numerical indirect interactions, which are interactions where one species affects densities of another species through an effect on the numbers of an intermediate species and functional indirect interactions, defined as changes in the way that two species interact through the presence of a third species. It is argued that functional indirect interactions are important in food webs and deserve more attention. Subsequently, we discuss experimental results on interactions in an artificial food web consisting of pests and natural enemies on greenhouse cucumber. The two pest species are the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. Their natural enemies are the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, which is commonly used for spider mite control and the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and Iphiseius degenerans and the predatory bug Orius laevigatus, all natural enemies of thrips. First, we analyse the possible interactions between these seven species and we continue by discussing how functional indirect interactions, particularly the behaviour of arthropods, may change the significance and impact of direct interactions and numerical indirect interactions. It was found that a simple food web of only four species already gives rise to some quite complicated combinations of interactions. Spider mites and thrips interact indirectly through resource competition, but thrips larvae are intraguild predators of spider mites. Some of the natural enemies used for control of the two herbivore species are also intraguild predators. Moreover, spider mites produce a web that is subsequently used by thrips to hide from their predators. We discuss these and other results obtained so far and we conclude with a discussion of the potential impact of functional indirect and direct interactions on food webs and their significance for biological control.  相似文献   

Despite current concern about the safety of biological control of weeds, assessing the indirect impacts of introduced agents is not common practice. Using 17 replicate food webs, we demonstrate that the use of a highly host-plant specific weed biocontrol agent, recently introduced into Australia, is associated with declines of local insect communities. The agent shares natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) with seed herbivore species from native plants, so apparent competition is the most likely cause for these losses. Both species richness and abundance in insect communities (seed herbivores and their parasitoids) were negatively correlated with the abundance of the biocontrol agent. Local losses of up to 11 species (dipteran seed herbivores and parasitoids) took place as the biocontrol agent abundance increased. Ineffective biocontrol agents that remain highly abundant in the community are most likely to have persistent, indirect negative effects. Our findings suggest that more investment is required in pre-release studies on the effectiveness of biocontrol agents, as well as in post-release studies assessing indirect impacts, to avoid or minimize the release of potentially damaging species.  相似文献   

Can plants use entomopathogens as bodyguards?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For 20 years, ecologists have been gathering evidence in support of the hypothesis that plants can use insect natural enemies such as predators and parasitoids as bodyguards to protect themselves from herbivory, but entomopathogens have escaped this consideration. We extend the bodyguard hypothesis to ask whether plants can use entomopathogens as bodyguards. We first discuss the evolutionary context of such tritrophic interactions and then categorize possible mechanisms as: (1) maintaining a population of bodyguards on the plant surface, (2) increasing contact rates between insect host and pathogen and (3) increasing the susceptibility of the host. We explore these mechanisms further, examining published studies for evidence for the hypothesis. We then discuss potential costs to the plant of promoting pathogens as bodyguards which may include a reduction in the efficiency of other "bodyguard" species, the incidental promotion of plant pathogens and the risk of entomopathogens developing phytopathogenicity. Aside from our intention to stimulate the testing of the bodyguard hypothesis with entompathogens and to provide a conceptual framework for this, we hope to bring evolutionary ecology and insect pathology closer together.  相似文献   

Giffard B  Corcket E  Barbaro L  Jactel H 《Oecologia》2012,168(2):415-424
According to the associational resistance hypothesis, neighbouring plants are expected to influence both the insect herbivore communities and their natural enemies. However, this has rarely been tested for the effects of canopy trees on herbivory of seedlings. One possible mechanism responsible for associational resistance is the indirect impact of natural enemies on insect herbivory, such as insectivorous birds. But it remains unclear to what extent such trophic cascades are influenced by the composition of plant associations (i.e. identity of ‘associated’ plants). Here, we compared the effect of bird exclusion on insect leaf damage for seedlings of three broadleaved tree species in three different forest habitats. Exclusion of insectivorous birds affected insect herbivory in a species-specific manner: leaf damage increased on Betula pendula seedlings whereas bird exclusion had no effect for two oaks (Quercus robur and Q. ilex). Forest habitat influenced both the extent of insect herbivory and the effect of bird exclusion. Broadleaved seedlings had lower overall leaf damage within pine plantations than within broadleaved stands, consistent with the resource concentration hypothesis. The indirect effect of bird exclusion on leaf damage was only significant in pine plantations, but not in exotic and native broadleaved woodlands. Our results support the enemies hypothesis, which predicts that the effects of insectivorous birds on insect herbivory on seedlings are greater beneath non-congeneric canopy trees. Although bird species richness and abundance were greater in broadleaved woodlands, birds were unable to regulate insect herbivory on seedlings in forests of more closely related tree species.  相似文献   

Plant‐provided foods for predatory arthropods such as extrafloral nectar and protein bodies provide indirect plant defence by attracting natural enemies of herbivores, enhancing top‐down control. Recently, ecologists have also recognised the importance of carrion as a food source for predators. Sticky plants are widespread and often entrap and kill small insects, which we hypothesised would increase predator densities and potentially affect indirect defence. We manipulated the abundance of this entrapped insect carrion on tarweed (Asteraceae: Madia elegans) plants under natural field conditions, and found that carrion augmentation increased the abundance of a suite of predators, decreased herbivory and increased plant fitness. We suggest that entrapped insect carrion may function broadly as a plant‐provided food for predators on sticky plants.  相似文献   

郭洪岭  李志文  肖治术 《生物多样性》2014,22(2):174-Heidelberg
果实(种子)产量和质量是影响植物种群更新的重要因素。为了探明影响黄连木果实产量和种子命运的因素以及这些影响因素之间的相互作用, 作者于2009年对河南省济源市45株黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)结果样树的植株特征、果实特征、果实产量和种子命运等进行了测定, 并用结构方程模型进行综合分析。结果表明: (1)黄连木果实产量与树高、树冠面积和果序大小等特征成正相关, 但与胸径、果实大小相关性不显著; (2)与捕食者饱和假说的预测不一致, 单株果实产量对黄连木广肩小蜂(Eurytoma plotnikovi)的种子捕食率(即虫蛀率)无显著直接负向效应; (3)树高和果实大小对虫蛀率为显著直接正向效应, 胸径对虫蛀率为显著直接负向效应, 显示黄连木广肩小蜂对植株特征和果实特征有一定的选择能力; (4)空壳率与虫蛀率成显著负相关, 空壳果实越多, 越易逃避黄连木广肩小蜂的寄生, 空壳果实的存在对完好种子起到了一定保护作用, 可能是黄连木防御昆虫寄生的重要机制; (5)空壳率和虫蛀率对种子完好率有显著直接负向效应, 而胸径、果序大小和果实产量对完好率为间接正向效应, 树高和果实大小为间接负向效应。可见, 黄连木植株特征和果实特征均不同程度地影响其果实产量和昆虫寄生, 从而影响黄连木的种子质量和种群更新。  相似文献   

Direct and indirect interactions between insect‐borne pathogens and their host plants are reviewed in the context of theoretical analyses of the evolution of virulence. Unlike earlier theories, which maintained that parasites should evolve to be harmless or even beneficial to their hosts, recent models predict that coevolution between pathogen and host may lead to virulence or avirulence, depending on the pathogen transmission system. The studies reviewed here support the hypothesis that virulence can be advantageous for insect‐borne pathogens of plants. Virulent pathogens may be transmitted more readily by vector insects and are likely to induce stronger disease symptoms, thereby potentially making the plant more attractive to vectors. In contrast, the transmission advantage of virulence for seed‐transmitted pathogens is lower and the costs of virulence are high. Pathogens may sometimes benefit plants via indirect interactions that arise through relationships with other organisms. Evidence for the effects of insect‐borne pathogens on plant competition, herbivory, and parasitism also is reviewed, but few studies have measured the outcome of both direct and indirect interactions. Benefits of pathogen infection that accrue to plants from indirect interactions may sometimes outweigh the direct detrimental effects of virulence.  相似文献   

The seeds of dipterocarp trees are the main food resources for many species of weevils, bark beetles and small moths; however, for most seed‐eating insects on dipterocarp tropical trees, seed utilization patterns remain poorly investigated. This study aimed to determine the fruit maturation stages at which eggs are laid by different insect seed predators feeding on the seeds or fruits of the following five dipterocarp species: Dipterocarpus globosus, Dryobalanops aromatica, Shorea beccariana, S. acuta and S. curtisii, which reproduced during the same period. We investigated the occurrence frequencies of the insect seed predators at various growth stages by collecting both unfallen and fallen fruit on several occasions during the period of seed/fruit maturation in a tropical rainforest in Borneo from September to December 2013. Weevils and bark beetles were the dominant insect seed predators of the five tree species. One or two weevil species of Alcidodes, Damnux and/or Nanophyes preyed on the seeds of each of the five tree species, and one bark beetle species, Coccotrypes gedeanus, preyed on the seeds of all five tree species. Many larvae, pupae and adults of each weevil species were found in pre‐dispersal (unfallen) fruit, whereas bark beetles at various growth stages were found in post‐dispersal (fallen) fruit. These results suggested that, among the dominant insect seed predators of the five dipterocarp species, weevil species oviposit on pre‐dispersal fruit and begin their larval growth before seed dispersal, whereas the oviposition and larval development of bark beetle species occurs in post‐dispersal fruit.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Recent research has addressed the function of herbivore-induced plant volatiles in attracting natural enemies of feeding herbivores. While many types of insect herbivory appear to elicit volatile responses, those triggered by gall insects have received little attention. Previous work indicates that at least one gall insect species induces changes in host-plant volatiles, but no other studies appear to have addressed whether gall insects trigger plant indirect defences.
2. The volatile responses of wheat to feeding by larvae of the Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were studied to further explore indirect responses of plants to feeding by gall insects. This specialist gall midge species did not elicit a detectable volatile response from wheat plants, whereas a generalist caterpillar triggered volatile release. Moreover, Hessian fly feeding altered volatile responses to subsequent caterpillar herbivory.
3. These results suggest that Hessian fly larvae exert a degree of control over the defensive responses of their host plants and offer insight into plant-gall insect interactions. Also, the failure of Hessian fly larvae to elicit an indirect defensive response from their host plants may help explain why natural enemies, which often rely on induced volatile cues, fail to inflict significant mortality on M. destructor populations in the field.  相似文献   

In this study, we analize the functional influence of animals on the plants they interact with in a mediterranean mountain. We hypothesise that seed dispersers, seed predators, and browsers can act as biotic filters for plant communities. We analyse the combined effects of mutualistic (seed dispersal) and antagonistic (seed predation, herbivory) animal interactions in a mosaic landscape of Mediterranean mountains, basing our results on observational and experimental field. Most of the dispersed seeds came from tree species, whereas the population of saplings was composed predominantly of zoochorous shrub species. Seed predators preferentially consumed seeds from tree species, whereas seeds from the dominant fleshy-fruited shrubs had a higher probability of escaping these predators. The same pattern was repeated among the different landscape units by browsers, since they browsed selectively and far more intensely on tree-species saplings than on the surrounding shrubs. In synthesis, our work identifies the major biotic processes that appear to be favoring a community dominated by shrubs versus trees because seed dispersers, predators, and herbivores together favored shrub dispersal and establishment versus trees.  相似文献   

Röder G  Rahier M  Naisbit RE 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19571
Plants are not passive victims of the myriad attackers that rely on them for nutrition. They have a suite of physical and chemical defences, and are even able to take advantage of the enemies of their enemies. These strategies are often only deployed upon attack, so may lead to indirect interactions between herbivores and phytopathogens. In this study we test for induced responses in wild populations of an alpine plant (Adenostyles alliariae) that possesses constitutive chemical defence (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) and specialist natural enemies (two species of leaf beetle, Oreina elongata and Oreina cacaliae, and the phytopathogenic rust Uromyces cacaliae). Plants were induced in the field using chemical elicitors of the jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) pathways and monitored for one month under natural conditions. There was evidence for induced resistance, with lower probability and later incidence of attack by beetles in JA-induced plants and of rust infection in SA-induced plants. We also demonstrate ecological cross-effects, with reduced fungal attack following JA-induction, and a cost of SA-induction arising from increased beetle attack. As a result, there is the potential for negative indirect effects of the beetles on the rust, while in the field the positive indirect effect of the rust on the beetles appears to be over-ridden by direct effects on plant nutritional quality. Such interactions resulting from induced susceptibility and resistance must be considered if we are to exploit plant defences for crop protection using hormone elicitors or constitutive expression. More generally, the fact that induced defences are even found in species that possess constitutively-expressed chemical defence suggests that they may be ubiquitous in higher plants.  相似文献   

Herbivores can be associated with distinct ontogenetic stages of their host in a nonseasonal, directional, and continuous pattern of colonization and extinction of species populations called ontogenetic succession, but the processes behind this pattern are still largely unknown. We used plants of Cryptocarya aschersoniana Mez (Lauraceae) belonging to different ontogenetic stages, to examine how the density of different gall‐inducing insects varies along the ontogeny of the host, and how gall density is influenced by mechanisms associated with host quality (plant height, plant shape, leaf area, specific leaf area, and hypersensitivity), and by mechanisms associated with their natural enemies (parasitoids, pathogens, and predators). In a remnant of Araucaria Forest, located in the São Francisco de Paula National Forest (Brazil), gall density (ind./100 g of leaf ) was obtained for 42 plants of C. aschersoniana divided into three height classes. Two galling species were recorded, showing quite distinct density patterns among height classes of C. aschersoniana. While Hymenoptera gall density decreased almost 50 times from small plants to canopy trees, Hemiptera gall density increased almost 10 times. Path analyses showed that Hymenoptera density was higher in smaller plants, independent of other host traits, while Hemiptera density was higher in plants exhibiting smaller leaves. Natural enemies were not detected in the Hemiptera population, and mortality rates due to predators, parasitoids, and pathogens did not affect Hymenoptera density. Processes associated with plant quality play the main role in generating the observed ontogenetic succession pattern.  相似文献   

The direct and indirect interactions of invasive ants with plants, insect herbivores, and Hemiptera are complex. While ant and Hemiptera interactions with native plants have been well studied, the effects of invasive ant–scale insect mutualisms on the reproductive output of invasive weeds have not. The study system consisted of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera monilifera), and sap-sucking scale insects (Hemiptera: Saissetia oleae and Parasaissetia nigra), all of which are invasive in New Zealand. We examined the direct and indirect effects of Argentine ants on scale insects and other invertebrates (especially herbivores) and on plant reproductive output. Argentine ants spent one-third of their time specifically associated with scale insects in tending behaviours. The invertebrate community was significantly different between uninfested and infested plants, with fewer predators and herbivores on ant-infested plants. Herbivore damage was significantly reduced on plants with Argentine ants, but sooty mould colonisation was greater where ants were present. Herbivore damage increased when ants were excluded from plants. Boneseed plants infested with Argentine ants produced significantly more fruits than plants without ants. The increase in reproductive output in the presence of ants may be due to increased pollination as the result of pollinators being forced to relocate frequently to avoid attack by ants, resulting in an increase in pollen transfer and higher fruit/seed set. The consequences of Argentine ant invasion can be varied; not only does their invasion have consequences for maintaining biodiversity, ant invasion may also affect weed and pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Invasions of alien rodents have shown to have devastating effects on insular ecosystems. Here we review the ecological impacts of these species on the biodiversity of the Balearic and the Canary Islands. A total of seven species of introduced rodents (two rats, three mice, one dormouse, and one squirrel) have been recorded (six in the Balearics and four in the Canaries). Some of them can occasionally be important predators of nesting seabirds, contributing to the decline of endangered populations in both archipelagos. Rats are also known to prey upon terrestrial birds, such as the two endemic Canarian pigeons. Furthermore, rats actively consume both vegetative and reproductive tissues of a high number of plants, with potential relevant indirect effects on vegetation by increasing erosion and favoring the establishment of alien plants. In the Balearics, rats and mice are important seed predators of endemic species and of some plants with a restricted distribution. In the Canaries, rats intensively prey upon about half of the fleshy-fruited tree species of the laurel forest, including some endemics. In both archipelagos, alien rodents disrupt native plant–seed dispersal mutualisms, potentially reducing the chances of plant recruitment at the same time that they modify the structure of plant communities. We further suggest that alien rodents played (and play) a key role in the past and present transformation of Balearic and Canarian native ecosystems.  相似文献   

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