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李超凡  范春雨  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9502-9510
以吉林蛟河阔叶红松林的木本植物为研究对象,将30hm2的样地面积划分为5m×5m,10m×10m,20m×20m,25m×25m的连续取样单元,在4个不同尺度下分别统计各物种在每个取样单元中的有无,得到每个物种在不同尺度下的取样单元数。利用随机分布模型和负二项分布模型分析物种的多度分布,对比预测多度与观测多度讨论两个模型的科学性与实用性。结果表明:对于阔叶红松林而言,负二项分布模型在所有研究尺度上的预测精度都要优于随机分布模型。随机分布和负二项分布的模型预测误差随着研究尺度的增大而增大,因此选取较小的取样单元可以切实提高物种多度的预测精度。利用随机分布和负二项分布模型对多度较小的物种进行预测的效果要优于多度较大的物种。负二项分布模型适合用来模拟阔叶红松林的物种多度分布格局,并且模型的拟合效果受取样单元大小影响。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating a population size by removal sampling when the sampling rate is unknown. Bayesian methods are now widespread and allow to include prior knowledge in the analysis. However, we show that Bayes estimates based on default improper priors lead to improper posteriors or infinite estimates. Similarly, weakly informative priors give unstable estimators that are sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters. By examining the likelihood, we show that population size estimates can be stabilized by penalizing small values of the sampling rate or large value of the population size. Based on theoretical results and simulation studies, we propose some recommendations on the choice of the prior. Then, we applied our results to real datasets.  相似文献   

Henry T. Reich 《Biometrics》2020,76(3):1017-1027
We present general theoretical limits on the possible accuracy (mean squared error or MSE) of occupancy estimates for a large range of occupancy study designs with imperfect detection and confirm our theoretical results via a simulation study. In particular, we show that for a given total survey effort, the best possible MSE is driven by two design-related factors: the fraction of visits made at occupied sites (regardless of whether that occupancy status is known or not) and the number of visits made to each site with unknown occupancy status (ie, sites with no detections). The limits reveal that there is very little room for improvement over optimal implementations of the three existing occupancy design paradigms: standard design (visit S sites K times each), removal design (visit S sites up to K times each, halting visits to each site following a positive detection), and conditional design (visit S sites once, then resurvey sites with a positive detection an additional K1 times). For the small portion of the occupancy-detection parameter space where improvement can be achieved, we introduce a new hybrid survey design with accuracy closer to the theoretical limit, which we illustrate by reanalyzing an existing coyote (Canis latrans) camera trap dataset. Our results provide new clarity and intuition regarding key factors of occupancy study design.  相似文献   

Abstract  Studies of citrus leafminer in a coastal orchard in NSW, Australia indicated that an increase in abundance to about one mine per flush was followed during the midseason flush by a rapid increase in population that was related to an increase in the percentage of leaves infested within flushes and the number of mines per leaf. The fits of frequency distributions and Iwao's patchiness regression indicated that populations were highly contagious initially, and as the exponent k of the negative binomial distribution increased with increasing population density, the distribution approached random. Concurrently, the coefficient of variation of mines per flush (which was strongly related to the proportion of un-infested flushes) decreased to about unity as the proportion of un-infested flushes reached zero and fell further as the number of mines per flush increased. Both numerative and binomial sequential sampling plans were developed using a decision threshold based on 1.2 mines per flush. The binomial sampling plan was based on a closely fitting model of the functional relationship between mean density and proportion of infested flushes. Functional relationships using the parameters determined from Iwao's patchiness regression and Taylor's power law were equally satisfactory, and one based on the negative binomial model also fitted well, but the Poisson model did not. The three best fitting models indicated that a decision threshold of 1.2 mines per flush was equivalent to 50% of flushes infested. From a practical point of view, the transition from 25% infestation of flushes through 50% is so rapid that it may be prudent to take action when the 25% level is reached; otherwise, the 50% may be passed before the crop is checked again. For valuable nursery stock should infestation be detected in spring, it may be advisable to apply prophylactic treatment as the midseason flush starts.  相似文献   

We propose a semiparametric mean residual life mixture cure model for right-censored survival data with a cured fraction. The model employs the proportional mean residual life model to describe the effects of covariates on the mean residual time of uncured subjects and the logistic regression model to describe the effects of covariates on the cure rate. We develop estimating equations to estimate the proposed cure model for the right-censored data with and without length-biased sampling, the latter is often found in prevalent cohort studies. In particular, we propose two estimating equations to estimate the effects of covariates in the cure rate and a method to combine them to improve the estimation efficiency. The consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimates are established. The finite sample performance of the estimates is confirmed with simulations. The proposed estimation methods are applied to a clinical trial study on melanoma and a prevalent cohort study on early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Simulated data were used to investigate the influence of the choice of priors on estimation of genetic parameters in multivariate threshold models using Gibbs sampling. We simulated additive values, residuals and fixed effects for one continuous trait and liabilities of four binary traits, and QTL effects for one of the liabilities. Within each of four replicates six different datasets were generated which resembled different practical scenarios in horses with respect to number and distribution of animals with trait records and availability of QTL information. (Co)Variance components were estimated using a Bayesian threshold animal model via Gibbs sampling. The Gibbs sampler was implemented with both a flat and a proper prior for the genetic covariance matrix. Convergence problems were encountered in > 50% of flat prior analyses, with indications of potential or near posterior impropriety between about round 10 000 and 100 000. Terminations due to non-positive definite genetic covariance matrix occurred in flat prior analyses of the smallest datasets. Use of a proper prior resulted in improved mixing and convergence of the Gibbs chain. In order to avoid (near) impropriety of posteriors and extremely poorly mixing Gibbs chains, a proper prior should be used for the genetic covariance matrix when implementing the Gibbs sampler.  相似文献   

Simulated data were used to determine the properties of multivariate prediction of breeding values for categorical and continuous traits using phenotypic, molecular genetic and pedigree information by mixed linear-threshold animal models via Gibbs sampling. Simulation parameters were chosen such that the data resembled situations encountered in Warmblood horse populations. Genetic evaluation was performed in the context of the radiographic findings in the equine limbs. The simulated pedigree comprised seven generations and 40 000 animals per generation. The simulated data included additive genetic values, residuals and fixed effects for one continuous trait and liabilities of four binary traits. For one of the binary traits, quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects and genetic markers were simulated, with three different scenarios with respect to recombination rate (r) between genetic markers and QTL and polymorphism information content (PIC) of genetic markers being studied: r = 0.00 and PIC = 0.90 (r0p9), r = 0.01 and PIC = 0.90 (r1p9), and r = 0.00 and PIC = 0.70 (r0p7). For each scenario, 10 replicates were sampled from the simulated horse population, and six different data sets were generated per replicate. Data sets differed in number and distribution of animals with trait records and the availability of genetic marker information. Breeding values were predicted via Gibbs sampling using a Bayesian mixed linear-threshold animal model with residual covariances fixed to zero and a proper prior for the genetic covariance matrix. Relative breeding values were used to investigate expected response to multi- and single-trait selection. In the sires with 10 or more offspring with trait information, correlations between true and predicted breeding values ranged between 0.89 and 0.94 for the continuous traits and between 0.39 and 0.77 for the binary traits. Proportions of successful identification of sires of average, favourable and unfavourable genetic value were 81% to 86% for the continuous trait and 57% to 74% for the binary traits in these sires. Expected decrease of prevalence of the QTL trait was 3% to 12% after multi-trait selection for all binary traits and 9% to 17% after single-trait selection for the QTL trait. The combined use of phenotype and genotype data was superior to the use of phenotype data alone. It was concluded that information on phenotypes and highly informative genetic markers should be used for prediction of breeding values in mixed linear-threshold animal models via Gibbs sampling to achieve maximum reduction in prevalences of binary traits.  相似文献   

Removal sampling data are the primary source of monitoring information for many populations (e.g., invasive species, fisheries). Population dynamics, temporary emigration, and imperfect detection are common sources of variation in monitoring data and are key parameters for informing management. We developed two open robust‐design removal models for simultaneously modeling population dynamics, temporary emigration, and imperfect detection: a random walk linear trend model (estimable without ancillary information), and a 2‐age class informed population model (InfoPM, closely related to integrated population models) that incorporated prior information for age‐structured vital rates and relative juvenile availability. We applied both models to multiyear, removal trapping time‐series of a large invasive lizard (Argentine black and white tegu, Salvator merianae) in three management areas of South Florida to evaluate the effectiveness of management programs. Although estimates of the two models were similar, the InfoPMs generally returned more precise estimates, partitioned dynamics into births, deaths, net migration, and provided a decision support tool to predict population dynamics under different effort scenarios while accounting for uncertainty. Trends in tegu superpopulation abundance estimates were increasing in two management areas despite generally high removal rates. However, tegu abundance appeared to decline in the Core management area, where trapping density was the highest and immigration the lowest. Finally, comparing abundance predictions of no‐removal scenarios to those estimated in each management area suggested significant population reductions due to management. These results suggest that local tegu population control via systematic trapping may be feasible with high enough trap density and limited immigration; and highlights the value of these trapping programs. We provided the first estimates of tegu abundance, capture probabilities, and population dynamics, which is critical for effective management. Furthermore, our models are applicable to a wide range of monitoring programs (e.g., carcass recovery or removal point‐counts).  相似文献   

We created genecap to facilitate analysis of multilocus genotype data for use in non‐invasive DNA sampling and genetic capture‐recapture studies. genecap is a Microsoft excel macro that uses multilocus genetic data to match samples with identical genotypes, calculate frequency of alleles, identify sample genotypes that differ by one and two alleles, calculate probabilities of identity, and match probabilities for matching samples. genecap allows the user to include background data and samples with missing genotypes for multiple loci. Capture histories for each user‐defined sampling period are output in formats consistent with commonly employed population estimation programs.  相似文献   

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