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Elevational gradients provide an interesting opportunity for studying the effect of climatic drivers over short distances on the various facets of biodiversity. It is globally assumed that the decrease in species richness with increasing elevation follows mainly the decrease in ecosystem productivity, but studies on functional diversity still remain limited. Here, we investigated how resource use and food preferences by both individual ant species and communities foraging in the understory vary with elevation along a complete elevational gradient (200 to 3200 m asl). Five bait types reflecting some of the main ecosystem processes in which ants are involved were tested: mutualism (sucrose and melezitose), predation (live termites), and detritivory (crushed insects and chicken feces). The observed monotonic decrease in both species richness and occurrences with elevation increase was accompanied by changes in some of the tested ecosystem processes. Such variations can be explained by resource availability and/or resource limitation: Predation and bird feces removal decreased with increasing elevation possibly reflecting a decline in species able to use these resources, while insect detritivory and nectarivory were most probably driven by resource limitation (or absence of limitation), as their relative use did not change along the gradient. Consequently, resource attractiveness (i.e., food preferences at the species level) appears as an important factor in driving community structuring in ants together with the abiotic environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, elevational gradients have become a powerful tool with which to understand the underlying cause(s) of biodiversity. The Mt. Wilhelm elevational transect is one such example, having been used to study the birds, insects, and plants of Papua New Guinea (PNG). However, a survey of mammals from this forest elevational transect was lacking. We thus aimed to investigate patterns in the community structure and species richness of bats (Chiroptera) along the transect, link the species to available regional data, and explain the observed patterns by including environmental characteristics. Bat assemblages were surveyed between 200 m and a timberline at 3700 m a.s.l. at eight study sites separated by 500 m in elevation. We conducted mist-netting and acoustic surveys to detect and identify species at each site. Regional data were compiled to compare local with regional diversity. Finally, biotic (i.e., food availability, habitat features) and abiotic (i.e., mean daily temperature) factors were included in our analyses to disentangle the ecological drivers underlying bat diversity. Results revealed that species richness decreases with ascending elevation and was best explained by a corresponding decrease in temperature. We observed both turnover and nestedness of the species composition at regional scale whereas turnover was dominant at local scale. Extensions and shifts of bat elevational ranges were also found in Mt. Wilhelm. Consequently, despite that the study was restricted to one mountain in PNG, it demonstrates how basic inventory surveys can be used to address ecological questions in other similar and undisturbed tropical mountains.  相似文献   

Insect herbivores were sampled from the foliage of 15 species of Ficus (Moraceae) in rainforest and coastal habitats in the Madang area, Papua New Guinea. The collection included 13 193 individuals representing 349 species of leaf-chewing insects and 44 900 individuals representing 430 species of sap-sucking insects. Despite a high sampling intensity, the species accumulation curve did not reach an asymptote. This pattern was attributed to the highly aggregated distribution of insects on individual host trees. The number of insect species collected on a particular Ficus species ranged from 34 to 129 for leaf-chewing and from 51 to 219 for sap-sucking insects. Two Ficus species growing on the seashore sustained less speciose insect communities than their counterparts growing in forest. For the forest figs, significant predictors of insect species richness included leaf palatability and leaf production for leaf-chewing insects (40% of the variance explained), and tree density and leaf expansion for sap-sucking insects (75%). The high faunal overlap among Ficus communities and the importance of local resources for insect herbivores suggest that highly specialized interactions between insect herbivores and Ficus in Papua New Guinea have not been conserved in evolutionary time. This is at variance with the dogma of old, extremely specialized and conservative interactions between insect herbivores and their hosts, providing numerous ecological niches in the floristically rich tropics.  相似文献   

Background and AimsNon-native plant species are not restricted to lowlands, but increasingly are invading high elevations. While for both native and non-native species we expected variability of plant functional traits due to the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients, we additionally assumed that non-native species are characterized by a more acquisitive growth strategy, as traits reflecting such a strategy have been found to correlate with invasion success. Furthermore, the typical lowland introduction of non-native species coming from multiple origins should lead to higher trait variability within populations of non-native species specifically at low elevations, and they might therefore occupy a larger total trait space.MethodsAlong an elevational gradient ranging from 55 to 1925 m a.s.l. on Tenerife, we collected leaves from eight replicate individuals in eight evenly distributed populations of five native and six non-native forb species. In each population, we measured ten eco-morphological and leaf biochemical traits and calculated trait variability within each population and the total trait space occupied by native and non-native species.Key ResultsWe found both positive (e.g. leaf dry matter content) and negative (e.g. leaf N) correlations with elevation for native species, but only few responses for non-native species. For non-native species, within-population variability of leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area decreased with elevation, but increased for native species. The total trait space occupied by all non-native species was smaller than and a subset of that of native species.ConclusionsWe found little evidence that intraspecific trait variability is associated with the success of non-native species to spread towards higher elevations. Instead, for non-native species, our results indicate that intermediate trait values that meet the requirements of various conditions are favourable across the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients. As a consequence, this might prevent non-native species from overcoming abruptly changing environmental conditions, such as when crossing the treeline.  相似文献   

Aim Bergmann's rule generally predicts larger animal body sizes with colder climates. We tested whether Bergmann's rule at the interspecific level applies to moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) along an extended elevational gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Location Moths were sampled at 22 sites in the province Zamora‐Chinchipe in southern Ecuador in forest habitats ranging from 1040 m to 2677 m above sea level. Methods Wingspans of 2282 male geometrid moths representing 953 species were measured and analysed at the level of the family Geometridae, as well as for the subfamily Ennominae with the tribes Boarmiini and Ourapterygini, and the subfamily Larentiinae with the genera Eois, Eupithecia and Psaliodes. Results Bergmann's rule was not supported since the average wingspan of geometrid moths was negatively correlated with altitude (r = ?0.59, P < 0.005). The relationship between body size and altitude in Geometridae appears to be spurious because species of the subfamily Larentiinae are significantly smaller than species of the subfamily Ennominae and simultaneously increase in their proportion along the gradient. A significant decrease of wingspan was also found in the ennomine tribe Ourapterygini, but no consistent body size patterns were found in the other six taxa studied. In most taxa, body size variation increases with altitude, suggesting that factors acting to constrain body size might be weaker at high elevations. Main conclusions The results are in accordance with previous studies that could not detect consistent body size patterns in insects at the interspecific level along climatic gradients.  相似文献   

Plants have the capacity to alter their phenotype in response to environmental factors, such as herbivory, a phenomenon called phenotypic plasticity. However, little is known on how plant responses to herbivory are modulated by environmental variation along ecological gradients. To investigate this question, we used bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) plants and an experimental treatment to induce plant defenses (i.e., application of methyl jasmonate; MeJA), to observe ecological responses and gene expression changes along an elevational gradient in a boreal system in western Norway. The gradient included optimal growing conditions for bilberry in this region (ca. 500 m a.s.l.), and the plant's range limits at high (ca. 900 m a.s.l.) and low (100 m a.s.l.) elevations. Across all altitudinal sites, MeJA‐treated plants allocated more resources to herbivory resistance while reducing growth and reproduction than control plants, but this response was more pronounced at the lowest elevation. High‐elevation plants growing under less herbivory pressure but more resource‐limiting conditions exhibited consistently high expression levels of defense genes in both MeJA‐treated and untreated plants at all times, suggesting a constant state of “alert.” These results suggest that plant defense responses at both the molecular and ecological levels are modulated by the combination of climate and herbivory pressure, such that plants under different environmental conditions differentially direct the resources available to specific antiherbivore strategies. Our findings are important for understanding the complex impact of future climate changes on plant–herbivore interactions, as this is a major driver of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity.  相似文献   

K. Sam  B. Koane  V. Novotny 《Ecography》2015,38(3):293-300
Signals given off by plants to alert predators to herbivore attack may provide exciting examples of coevolution among organisms from multiple trophic levels. We examined whether signals from mechanically damaged trees (simulating damage by herbivores) attract predators of insects along a complete elevational rainforest gradient in tropical region, where various predators are expected to occur at particular elevational belts. We studied predation of artificial caterpillars on trees with and without ‘herbivorous’ damage; as well as diversity and abundances of potential predators at eight study sites along the elevational gradient (200–3700 m a.s.l.). We focused on attacks by ants and birds, as the main predators of herbivorous insect. The predation rate decreased with elevation from 10% d?1 at 200 m a.s.l. to 1.8% d?1 at 3700 m a.s.l. Ants were relatively more important predators in the lowlands, while birds became dominant predators above 1700 m a.s.l. Caterpillars exposed on trees with herbivorous damage were attacked significantly more than caterpillars exposed on trees without damage. Results suggest that relative importance of predators varies along elevational gradient, and that observed predation rates correspond with abundances of predators. Results further show that herbivorous damage attracts both ants and birds, but its effect is stronger for ants.  相似文献   

The mobility of butterflies determines their ability to find host plant species, and thus their potential host plant range, as well as their ability to maintain meta-populations in fragmented habitats. While butterfly movement has been extensively studied for temperate species, very little is known for tropical forest species. A mark-release-recapture study of the three most common butterfly species in the understory of a lowland primary rainforest in Papua New Guinea included 3,705, 394 and 317 marked individuals of Danis danis, Taenaris sp. and Parthenos aspila respectively, with 1,031, 78 and 40 butterfly individuals recaptured at least once. Over a period of 6 weeks there were almost 22,000 individuals belonging to these three species hatching within or entering our four study plots totaling 14.58 ha in area. The most abundant species, D. danis, with 20,000 individuals, showed highly variable population densities during the study. The residency time in the studied plots was highest for P. aspila (84 days), as individual butterflies stayed mostly in a single gap; we estimated that less than 1 % of individuals disperse 1 km or more. Similar movement probability was found in D. danis whilst in Taenaris sp., 10 % of the population disperses ≥1 km. Movement distances of D. danis were more than sufficient to locate its host plant, Derris elliptica, which occurred in 61 % of the 20 × 20 m subplots within a 50 ha plot. Compared with temperate species, our three species have much longer life spans, but their movement patterns remain within the known mobility estimates of temperate species. The mobility of D. danis is close to the average for temperate Lycaenidae, while Taenaris sp. is more mobile and P. aspila less mobile than the mean for all temperate species.  相似文献   

In the long-term absence of disturbance, ecosystems often enter a decline or retrogressive phase which leads to reductions in primary productivity, plant biomass, nutrient cycling and foliar quality. However, the consequences of ecosystem retrogression for higher trophic levels such as herbivores and predators, are less clear. Using a post-fire forested island-chronosequence across which retrogression occurs, we provide evidence that nutrient availability strongly controls invertebrate herbivore biomass when predators are few, but that there is a switch from bottom-up to top-down control when predators are common. This trophic flip in herbivore control probably arises because invertebrate predators respond to alternative energy channels from the adjacent aquatic matrix, which were independent of terrestrial plant biomass. Our results suggest that effects of nutrient limitation resulting from ecosystem retrogression on trophic cascades are modified by nutrient-independent variation in predator abundance, and this calls for a more holistic approach to trophic ecology to better understand herbivore effects on plant communities.  相似文献   

Transplantation experiments are a useful method to identify responses of organisms to environmental change. However, they are typically restricted to single or few species. Our experiment was carried out using entire bromeliad‐inhabiting microfauna communities which were transplanted along an elevational gradient, simulating environmental change acting on the communities. Additionally, we manipulated trophic interactions, i.e. resource availability and predator presence, thus combining abiotic and biotic effects in a full‐factorial experimental design. Using this experiment, we found a strong signal of original elevation in microfauna community structure (abundance, evenness, functional composition) with a shift from amoeba‐dominated to flagellate‐dominated communities with increasing original elevation. Surprisingly, the transplantation of communities along the elevational gradient did not affect community structure, indicating strong priority effects. Predation decreased microfauna abundance and increased microfauna evenness, specifically in higher original elevation and high resource levels. In summary, our results suggest that microfauna communities in bromeliads might be primarily shaped by priority effects and predator presence. However, interacting effects (between predator presence and resource availability, as well as between predator presence and original elevation) highlight the usefulness of studies with full‐factorial experimental designs to understand community‐structuring processes. Bromeliads and other micro‐ecosystems provide convenient study systems for community level approaches that could be used in future studies concerning the effects of environmental change, for example climate change on community structure.  相似文献   

Kubo people of Papua New Guinea sometimes grew Dioscorea yams in mounds of forest litter that were made as egg-incubation sites by birds (Megapodiidae).' The small yam plots were included within larger banana gardens and, in the latter, it was yams, not bananas, that took precedence in the gardening decisions of people. The technique would be viable in the absence of a larger garden. It is interpreted as an expression of an ancient pattern of small-scale plant domestication.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by birds constitutes an essential mechanism for ornithochorous exotic plants to successfully invade a new system. New biotic associations with native birds might facilitate the upward spread of exotic plants from the foothills into the high mountains. However, environmental changes associated with elevation are known to drive changes in bird assemblages, and it is not clear how elevation changes impact the seed dispersal service of ornithochorous invaders. We evaluated changes in frugivorous bird assemblages of one of the exotic shrubs (Cotoneaster franchetii, Rosaceae) with the broadest elevation range among woody invaders in the Córdoba Mountains (Argentina). We quantified frugivory interactions (including absolute and proportional fruit consumption by seed dispersers, pulp consumers, and seed predators) using 4-h observations of focal C. franchetii shrubs distributed across low-elevation, mid-elevation, and high-elevation sites (700, 1100, and 1800 m a.s.l., respectively; 15 individuals per elevational band and one site per elevation). Seed disperser richness was highest at the low- and mid-elevation sites (three species vs. one at the high-elevation site), but proportional and absolute fruit consumption of C. franchetii was highest at the high-elevation site (39.1%, 88 seeds at high-elevation and 7.7%, 20 seeds at low-elevation). The Chiguanco Thrush (Turdus chiguanco, Turdidae) was the only seed disperser species found at the highest elevation site. Fruit consumption by seed dispersers was positively related to their abundance and elevation. In a high mountain system, a single abundant generalist seed disperser, rather than a high richness of seed disperser species, can uphold an effective dispersal service for an invasive ornithochorous shrub. This pattern may facilitate the spread of such plants across higher elevational ranges, thereby promoting the invasion of other exotic ornithochorous plants into upper elevations.  相似文献   

We characterized a plant–caterpillar food web from secondary vegetation in a New Guinean rain forest that included 63 plant species (87.5% of the total basal area), 546 Lepidoptera species and 1679 trophic links between them. The strongest 14 associations involved 50% of all individual caterpillars while some links were extremely rare. A caterpillar randomly picked from the vegetation will, with ≥ 50% probability, (1) feed on one to three host plants (of the 63 studied), (2) feed on < 20% of local plant biomass and (3) have ≥ 90% of population concentrated on a single host plant species. Generalist species were quantitatively unimportant. Caterpillar assemblages on locally monotypic plant genera were distinct, while sympatric congeneric hosts shared many caterpillar species. The partitioning of the plant–caterpillar food web thus depends on the composition of the vegetation. In secondary forest the predominant plant genera were locally monotypic and supported locally isolated caterpillar assemblages.  相似文献   

Increasing plant diversity has long been hypothesized to negatively affect levels of invertebrate herbivory due to a lower number of specialist insect herbivores in more diverse sites, but studies of natural systems have been rare. We used a planned comparison to study herbivory in a set of 19 semi-natural montane grasslands managed as hay meadows. Herbivory was measured in transects through the plant communities, and in individuals of Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium pratense that were transplanted into each meadow. In addition, plant community biomass and arthropod abundances were determined in the grasslands. Before the first mowing in June, mean herbivory levels correlated negatively with plant species richness, as predicted by theory, but they were also significantly affected by plant community biomass and plant community composition. After mowing, herbivory levels were only significantly related to plant community composition. Damage levels in the transplants were lower than herbivory levels in the established plant communities. Most insect herbivores were generalists and not specialists. The number of insect herbivores and spiders were positively correlated and tended to increase with increasing plant species richness. Herbivory levels were correlated negatively with spider abundances. We conclude that while the predicted negative relationship between plant species richness and insect herbivory can be found in grasslands, the underlying mechanism involves generalist rather than specialist herbivores. Our data also suggest a role of natural enemies in generalist herbivore activities.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

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