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Methods in the literature for missing covariate data in survival models have relied on the missing at random (MAR) assumption to render regression parameters identifiable. MAR means that missingness can depend on the observed exit time, and whether or not that exit is a failure or a censoring event. By considering ways in which missingness of covariate X could depend on the true but possibly censored failure time T and the true censoring time C, we attempt to identify missingness mechanisms which would yield MAR data. We find that, under various reasonable assumptions about how missingness might depend on T and/or C, additional strong assumptions are needed to obtain MAR. We conclude that MAR is difficult to justify in practical applications. One exception arises when missingness is independent of T, and C is independent of the value of the missing X. As alternatives to MAR, we propose two new missingness assumptions. In one, the missingness depends on T but not on C; in the other, the situation is reversed. For each, we show that the failure time model is identifiable. When missingness is independent of T, we show that the naive complete record analysis will yield a consistent estimator of the failure time distribution. When missingness is independent of C, we develop a complete record likelihood function and a corresponding estimator for parametric failure time models. We propose analyses to evaluate the plausibility of either assumption in a particular data set, and illustrate the ideas using data from the literature on this problem.  相似文献   

Data with missing covariate values but fully observed binary outcomes are an important subset of the missing data challenge. Common approaches are complete case analysis (CCA) and multiple imputation (MI). While CCA relies on missing completely at random (MCAR), MI usually relies on a missing at random (MAR) assumption to produce unbiased results. For MI involving logistic regression models, it is also important to consider several missing not at random (MNAR) conditions under which CCA is asymptotically unbiased and, as we show, MI is also valid in some cases. We use a data application and simulation study to compare the performance of several machine learning and parametric MI methods under a fully conditional specification framework (MI-FCS). Our simulation includes five scenarios involving MCAR, MAR, and MNAR under predictable and nonpredictable conditions, where “predictable” indicates missingness is not associated with the outcome. We build on previous results in the literature to show MI and CCA can both produce unbiased results under more conditions than some analysts may realize. When both approaches were valid, we found that MI-FCS was at least as good as CCA in terms of estimated bias and coverage, and was superior when missingness involved a categorical covariate. We also demonstrate how MNAR sensitivity analysis can build confidence that unbiased results were obtained, including under MNAR-predictable, when CCA and MI are both valid. Since the missingness mechanism cannot be identified from observed data, investigators should compare results from MI and CCA when both are plausibly valid, followed by MNAR sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

For regression with covariates missing not at random where the missingness depends on the missing covariate values, complete-case (CC) analysis leads to consistent estimation when the missingness is independent of the response given all covariates, but it may not have the desired level of efficiency. We propose a general empirical likelihood framework to improve estimation efficiency over the CC analysis. We expand on methods in Bartlett et al. (2014, Biostatistics 15 , 719–730) and Xie and Zhang (2017, Int J Biostat 13 , 1–20) that improve efficiency by modeling the missingness probability conditional on the response and fully observed covariates by allowing the possibility of modeling other data distribution-related quantities. We also give guidelines on what quantities to model and demonstrate that our proposal has the potential to yield smaller biases than existing methods when the missingness probability model is incorrect. Simulation studies are presented, as well as an application to data collected from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.  相似文献   

Cho Paik M 《Biometrics》2004,60(2):306-314
Matched case-control data analysis is often challenged by a missing covariate problem, the mishandling of which could cause bias or inefficiency. Satten and Carroll (2000, Biometrics56, 384-388) and other authors have proposed methods to handle missing covariates when the probability of missingness depends on the observed data, i.e., when data are missing at random. In this article, we propose a conditional likelihood method to handle the case when the probability of missingness depends on the unobserved covariate, i.e., when data are nonignorably missing. When the missing covariate is binary, the proposed method can be implemented using standard software. Using the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study data, we illustrate the method and discuss how sensitivity analysis can be conducted.  相似文献   

In cohort studies the outcome is often time to a particular event, and subjects are followed at regular intervals. Periodic visits may also monitor a secondary irreversible event influencing the event of primary interest, and a significant proportion of subjects develop the secondary event over the period of follow‐up. The status of the secondary event serves as a time‐varying covariate, but is recorded only at the times of the scheduled visits, generating incomplete time‐varying covariates. While information on a typical time‐varying covariate is missing for entire follow‐up period except the visiting times, the status of the secondary event are unavailable only between visits where the status has changed, thus interval‐censored. One may view interval‐censored covariate of the secondary event status as missing time‐varying covariates, yet missingness is partial since partial information is provided throughout the follow‐up period. Current practice of using the latest observed status produces biased estimators, and the existing missing covariate techniques cannot accommodate the special feature of missingness due to interval censoring. To handle interval‐censored covariates in the Cox proportional hazards model, we propose an available‐data estimator, a doubly robust‐type estimator as well as the maximum likelihood estimator via EM algorithm and present their asymptotic properties. We also present practical approaches that are valid. We demonstrate the proposed methods using our motivating example from the Northern Manhattan Study.  相似文献   

Missing data is a common issue in research using observational studies to investigate the effect of treatments on health outcomes. When missingness occurs only in the covariates, a simple approach is to use missing indicators to handle the partially observed covariates. The missing indicator approach has been criticized for giving biased results in outcome regression. However, recent papers have suggested that the missing indicator approach can provide unbiased results in propensity score analysis under certain assumptions. We consider assumptions under which the missing indicator approach can provide valid inferences, namely, (1) no unmeasured confounding within missingness patterns; either (2a) covariate values of patients with missing data were conditionally independent of treatment or (2b) these values were conditionally independent of outcome; and (3) the outcome model is correctly specified: specifically, the true outcome model does not include interactions between missing indicators and fully observed covariates. We prove that, under the assumptions above, the missing indicator approach with outcome regression can provide unbiased estimates of the average treatment effect. We use a simulation study to investigate the extent of bias in estimates of the treatment effect when the assumptions are violated and we illustrate our findings using data from electronic health records. In conclusion, the missing indicator approach can provide valid inferences for outcome regression, but the plausibility of its assumptions must first be considered carefully.  相似文献   

Summary .  In this article, we study the estimation of mean response and regression coefficient in semiparametric regression problems when response variable is subject to nonrandom missingness. When the missingness is independent of the response conditional on high-dimensional auxiliary information, the parametric approach may misspecify the relationship between covariates and response while the nonparametric approach is infeasible because of the curse of dimensionality. To overcome this, we study a model-based approach to condense the auxiliary information and estimate the parameters of interest nonparametrically on the condensed covariate space. Our estimators possess the double robustness property, i.e., they are consistent whenever the model for the response given auxiliary covariates or the model for the missingness given auxiliary covariate is correct. We conduct a number of simulations to compare the numerical performance between our estimators and other existing estimators in the current missing data literature, including the propensity score approach and the inverse probability weighted estimating equation. A set of real data is used to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

Bivariate samples may be subject to censoring of both random variables. For example, for two toxins measured in batches of wheat grain, there may be specific detection limits. Alternatively, censoring may be incomplete over a certain domain, with the probability of detection depending on the toxin level. In either case, data are not missing at random, and the missing data pattern bears some information on the parameters of the underlying model (informative missingness), which can be exploited for a fully efficient analysis. Estimation (after suitable data transformation) of the correlation in such samples is the subject of the present paper. We consider several estimators. The first is based on the tetrachoric correlation. It is simple to compute, but does not exploit the full information. The other two estimators exploit all information and use full maximum likelihood, but involve heavier computations. The one assumes fixed detection limits, while the other involves a logistic model for the probability of detection. For a real data set, a logistic model for the probability of detection fitted markedly better than a model with fixed detection limits, suggesting that censoring is not complete.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Dagne G 《Biometrics》2012,68(3):943-953
Summary It is a common practice to analyze complex longitudinal data using semiparametric nonlinear mixed-effects (SNLME) models with a normal distribution. Normality assumption of model errors may unrealistically obscure important features of subject variations. To partially explain between- and within-subject variations, covariates are usually introduced in such models, but some covariates may often be measured with substantial errors. Moreover, the responses may be missing and the missingness may be nonignorable. Inferential procedures can be complicated dramatically when data with skewness, missing values, and measurement error are observed. In the literature, there has been considerable interest in accommodating either skewness, incompleteness or covariate measurement error in such models, but there has been relatively little study concerning all three features simultaneously. In this article, our objective is to address the simultaneous impact of skewness, missingness, and covariate measurement error by jointly modeling the response and covariate processes based on a flexible Bayesian SNLME model. The method is illustrated using a real AIDS data set to compare potential models with various scenarios and different distribution specifications.  相似文献   

Maps depicting cancer incidence rates have become useful tools in public health research, giving valuable information about the spatial variation in rates of disease. Typically, these maps are generated using count data aggregated over areas such as counties or census blocks. However, with the proliferation of geographic information systems and related databases, it is becoming easier to obtain exact spatial locations for the cancer cases and suitable control subjects. The use of such point data allows us to adjust for individual-level covariates, such as age and smoking status, when estimating the spatial variation in disease risk. Unfortunately, such covariate information is often subject to missingness. We propose a method for mapping cancer risk when covariates are not completely observed. We model these data using a logistic generalized additive model. Estimates of the linear and non-linear effects are obtained using a mixed effects model representation. We develop an EM algorithm to account for missing data and the random effects. Since the expectation step involves an intractable integral, we estimate the E-step with a Laplace approximation. This framework provides a general method for handling missing covariate values when fitting generalized additive models. We illustrate our method through an analysis of cancer incidence data from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These analyses demonstrate that standard complete-case methods can yield biased estimates of the spatial variation of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity are common measures of the accuracy of a diagnostic test. The usual estimators of these quantities are unbiased if data on the diagnostic test result and the true disease status are obtained from all subjects in an appropriately selected sample. In some studies, verification of the true disease status is performed only for a subset of subjects, possibly depending on the result of the diagnostic test and other characteristics of the subjects. Estimators of sensitivity and specificity based on this subset of subjects are typically biased; this is known as verification bias. Methods have been proposed to correct verification bias under the assumption that the missing data on disease status are missing at random (MAR), that is, the probability of missingness depends on the true (missing) disease status only through the test result and observed covariate information. When some of the covariates are continuous, or the number of covariates is relatively large, the existing methods require parametric models for the probability of disease or the probability of verification (given the test result and covariates), and hence are subject to model misspecification. We propose a new method for correcting verification bias based on the propensity score, defined as the predicted probability of verification given the test result and observed covariates. This is estimated separately for those with positive and negative test results. The new method classifies the verified sample into several subsamples that have homogeneous propensity scores and allows correction for verification bias. Simulation studies demonstrate that the new estimators are more robust to model misspecification than existing methods, but still perform well when the models for the probability of disease and probability of verification are correctly specified.  相似文献   

Hairu Wang  Zhiping Lu  Yukun Liu 《Biometrics》2023,79(2):1268-1279
Missing data are frequently encountered in various disciplines and can be divided into three categories: missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), and missing not at random (MNAR). Valid statistical approaches to missing data depend crucially on correct identification of the underlying missingness mechanism. Although the problem of testing whether this mechanism is MCAR or MAR has been extensively studied, there has been very little research on testing MAR versus MNAR. A critical challenge that is faced when dealing with this problem is the issue of model identification under MNAR. In this paper, under a logistic model for the missing probability, we develop two score tests for the problem of whether the missingness mechanism is MAR or MNAR under a parametric model and a semiparametric location model on the regression function. The implementation of the score tests circumvents the identification issue as it requires only parameter estimation under the null MAR assumption. Our simulations and analysis of human immunodeficiency virus data show that the score tests have well-controlled type I errors and desirable powers.  相似文献   

Summary In medical research, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to evaluate the performance of biomarkers for diagnosing diseases or predicting the risk of developing a disease in the future. The area under the ROC curve (ROC AUC), as a summary measure of ROC curves, is widely utilized, especially when comparing multiple ROC curves. In observational studies, the estimation of the AUC is often complicated by the presence of missing biomarker values, which means that the existing estimators of the AUC are potentially biased. In this article, we develop robust statistical methods for estimating the ROC AUC and the proposed methods use information from auxiliary variables that are potentially predictive of the missingness of the biomarkers or the missing biomarker values. We are particularly interested in auxiliary variables that are predictive of the missing biomarker values. In the case of missing at random (MAR), that is, missingness of biomarker values only depends on the observed data, our estimators have the attractive feature of being consistent if one correctly specifies, conditional on auxiliary variables and disease status, either the model for the probabilities of being missing or the model for the biomarker values. In the case of missing not at random (MNAR), that is, missingness may depend on the unobserved biomarker values, we propose a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of MNAR on the estimation of the ROC AUC. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are studied and their finite‐sample behaviors are evaluated in simulation studies. The methods are further illustrated using data from a study of maternal depression during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Toledano AY  Gatsonis C 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):488-496
We propose methods for regression analysis of repeatedly measured ordinal categorical data when there is nonmonotone missingness in these responses and when a key covariate is missing depending on observables. The methods use ordinal regression models in conjunction with generalized estimating equations (GEEs). We extend the GEE methodology to accommodate arbitrary patterns of missingness in the responses when this missingness is independent of the unobserved responses. We further extend the methodology to provide correction for possible bias when missingness in knowledge of a key covariate may depend on observables. The approach is illustrated with the analysis of data from a study in diagnostic oncology in which multiple correlated receiver operating characteristic curves are estimated and corrected for possible verification bias when the true disease status is missing depending on observables.  相似文献   

Censored survival data are common in clinical trial studies. We propose a unified framework for sensitivity analysis to censoring at random in survival data using multiple imputation and martingale, called SMIM. The proposed framework adopts the δ-adjusted and control-based models, indexed by the sensitivity parameter, entailing censoring at random and a wide collection of censoring not at random assumptions. Also, it targets a broad class of treatment effect estimands defined as functionals of treatment-specific survival functions, taking into account missing data due to censoring. Multiple imputation facilitates the use of simple full-sample estimation; however, the standard Rubin's combining rule may overestimate the variance for inference in the sensitivity analysis framework. We decompose the multiple imputation estimator into a martingale series based on the sequential construction of the estimator and propose the wild bootstrap inference by resampling the martingale series. The new bootstrap inference has a theoretical guarantee for consistency and is computationally efficient compared to the nonparametric bootstrap counterpart. We evaluate the finite-sample performance of the proposed SMIM through simulation and an application on an HIV clinical trial.  相似文献   

Chen B  Zhou XH 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):830-842
Longitudinal studies often feature incomplete response and covariate data. Likelihood-based methods such as the expectation-maximization algorithm give consistent estimators for model parameters when data are missing at random (MAR) provided that the response model and the missing covariate model are correctly specified; however, we do not need to specify the missing data mechanism. An alternative method is the weighted estimating equation, which gives consistent estimators if the missing data and response models are correctly specified; however, we do not need to specify the distribution of the covariates that have missing values. In this article, we develop a doubly robust estimation method for longitudinal data with missing response and missing covariate when data are MAR. This method is appealing in that it can provide consistent estimators if either the missing data model or the missing covariate model is correctly specified. Simulation studies demonstrate that this method performs well in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

Wang YG 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):984-989
Troxel, Lipsitz, and Brennan (1997, Biometrics 53, 857-869) considered parameter estimation from survey data with nonignorable nonresponse and proposed weighted estimating equations to remove the biases in the complete-case analysis that ignores missing observations. This paper suggests two alternative modifications for unbiased estimation of regression parameters when a binary outcome is potentially observed at successive time points. The weighting approach of Robins, Rotnitzky, and Zhao (1995, Journal of the American Statistical Association 90, 106-121) is also modified to obtain unbiased estimating functions. The suggested estimating functions are unbiased only when the missingness probability is correctly specified, and misspecification of the missingness model will result in biases in the estimates. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of different methods when the covariate is binary or normal. For the simulation models used, the relative efficiency of the two new methods to the weighting methods is about 3.0 for the slope parameter and about 2.0 for the intercept parameter when the covariate is continuous and the missingness probability is correctly specified. All methods produce substantial biases in the estimates when the missingness model is misspecified or underspecified. Analysis of data from a medical survey illustrates the use and possible differences of these estimating functions.  相似文献   

Summary .  Longitudinal studies often generate incomplete response patterns according to a missing not at random mechanism. Shared parameter models provide an appealing framework for the joint modelling of the measurement and missingness processes, especially in the nonmonotone missingness case, and assume a set of random effects to induce the interdependence. Parametric assumptions are typically made for the random effects distribution, violation of which leads to model misspecification with a potential effect on the parameter estimates and standard errors. In this article we avoid any parametric assumption for the random effects distribution and leave it completely unspecified. The estimation of the model is then made using a semi-parametric maximum likelihood method. Our proposal is illustrated on a randomized longitudinal study on patients with rheumatoid arthritis exhibiting nonmonotone missingness.  相似文献   

Summary In individually matched case–control studies, when some covariates are incomplete, an analysis based on the complete data may result in a large loss of information both in the missing and completely observed variables. This usually results in a bias and loss of efficiency. In this article, we propose a new method for handling the problem of missing covariate data based on a missing‐data‐induced intensity approach when the missingness mechanism does not depend on case–control status and show that this leads to a generalization of the missing indicator method. We derive the asymptotic properties of the estimates from the proposed method and, using an extensive simulation study, assess the finite sample performance in terms of bias, efficiency, and 95% confidence coverage under several missing data scenarios. We also make comparisons with complete‐case analysis (CCA) and some missing data methods that have been proposed previously. Our results indicate that, under the assumption of predictable missingness, the suggested method provides valid estimation of parameters, is more efficient than CCA, and is competitive with other, more complex methods of analysis. A case–control study of multiple myeloma risk and a polymorphism in the receptor Inter‐Leukin‐6 (IL‐6‐α) is used to illustrate our findings.  相似文献   

BackgroundPopulation-based net survival by tumour stage at diagnosis is a key measure in cancer surveillance. Unfortunately, data on tumour stage are often missing for a non-negligible proportion of patients and the mechanism giving rise to the missingness is usually anything but completely at random. In this setting, restricting analysis to the subset of complete records gives typically biased results. Multiple imputation is a promising practical approach to the issues raised by the missing data, but its use in conjunction with the Pohar-Perme method for estimating net survival has not been formally evaluated.MethodsWe performed a resampling study using colorectal cancer population-based registry data to evaluate the ability of multiple imputation, used along with the Pohar-Perme method, to deliver unbiased estimates of stage-specific net survival and recover missing stage information. We created 1000 independent data sets, each containing 5000 patients. Stage data were then made missing at random under two scenarios (30% and 50% missingness).ResultsComplete records analysis showed substantial bias and poor confidence interval coverage. Across both scenarios our multiple imputation strategy virtually eliminated the bias and greatly improved confidence interval coverage.ConclusionsIn the presence of missing stage data complete records analysis often gives severely biased results. We showed that combining multiple imputation with the Pohar-Perme estimator provides a valid practical approach for the estimation of stage-specific colorectal cancer net survival. As usual, when the percentage of missing data is high the results should be interpreted cautiously and sensitivity analyses are recommended.  相似文献   

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