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Electrophoretic variation ascribable to three enzyme loci, coding for a pyruvate kinase (PK1), a glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI1), and an isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1), was observed in three species of fish of the genus Xiphophorus. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes confirmed the dimeric structures of GPI and IDH, and indicated a multimeric structure for pyruvate kinase. Variant alleles at the three loci exhibited normal Mendelian segregation in backcross hybrids. Linkage analyses indicate a gene order and estimated recombination of PK1—10%—GPI1—41%—IDH1. No significant interference or sex- or population-specific recombination difference was detected. This group (designated linkage group IV) was shown to assort independently from the nine loci comprising linkage groups I, II, and III and from 23 other informative markers, within the limits of the data. No conclusions with respect to homology of linkage relationships could be reached, due to the presence of presumably duplicated loci in these fish coding for isozymes whose homology with enzymes in other vertebrate species is as yet unestablished.This work was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-28909.  相似文献   

Analysis of genotypes of 76 polymorphic loci in more than 2600 backcross hybrid individuals derived from intra- and interspecific genetic crosses of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus (Poeciliidae) resulted in the identification of 17 multipoint linkage groups containing 55 protein-coding loci and one sex chromosome-linked pigment pattern gene. Multipoint linkage analyses identified highly probable gene orders for 10 linkage groups. The total genome length was estimated to be approximately 18 Morgans. Comparisons of the Xiphophorus linkage map with those of other fishes, amphibians and mammals suggested that fish gene maps are remarkably similar and probably retain many syntenic groups present in the ancestor of all vertebrates.  相似文献   

The linkage of loci coding for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) is described in fish of the genus Poecilia (Teleostei:Poeciliidae) and designated Poecilia linkage group I. These two loci were shown to assort independently from six other informative markers (peptidase S, malate dehydrogenase 2 [soluble], mannose phosphate isomerase, parvalbumin 2, phosphoglucomutase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2) within the limits of the data obtained. Data for the linkage analyses were generated by scoring starch-gel electrophoretic phenotypes of the eight loci in reciprocal backcross hybrids obtained from matings between Poecilia perugiae and P. vittata. The linkage chi 2 for G6PD-PGD locus pairs was significant (P less than 0.001) in all reciprocal backcross hybrid broods (22.7% recombinants in the combined data), indicating linkage in both parental species. The linkage of G6PD and PGD in gene maps of the poeciliid genera Xiphophorus and Poeciliopsis documents homology of this linkage within the family. Linkages in salmonid and centrarchid fishes suggest conservation of this linkage group in most or all teleosts. The six additional indpendently assorting loci have been assigned to independent linkage groups in Xiphophorus; thus, no example of poeciliid linkage group divergence has yet been identified.  相似文献   

Swordtail fish have been studied extensively in relation to diverse aspects of biology; however, little attention has been paid to the patterns of genetic variation within and among populations of swordtails. In this study, we sequenced the mtDNA control region from 65 individuals and 10 populations of Xiphophorus cortezi to investigate the genetic variation within and among populations, including tests for correlations between genetic and geographic distances and tests for species monophyly. We found low gene and nucleotide diversity within populations and high degrees of genetic differentiation among populations. Significant and positive correlations between genetic distance and both river and straight-line geographic distance indicate that genetic differentiation among X. cortezi populations can be explained, to some extent, by an isolation-by-distance model and provide evidence of stream capture. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that X. cortezi is paraphyletic relative to X. malinche, raising questions concerning the status of these taxa as separate species.  相似文献   

We used sequences of the mitochondria control region to assess the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations of the poeciliid fish species Xiphophorus birchmanni . We collected 122 X. birchmanni samples from 11 sites in three drainage systems comprising the distribution of the species. We found low levels of polymorphism among aligned sequences and low levels of genetic variation within populations but high levels of genetic differentiation among populations. Haplotypes are exclusive to three river drainages (Los Hules, Calabozo and San Pedro). Mantel tests revealed correlations between geographical (both straight-line and river distances) and genetic distance, consistent with an isolation by distance scenario, while nested clade analysis suggested allopatric fragmentation between haplotypes from two of the major drainages, and isolation by distance with restricted gene flow within those drainages. Finally, monophyly of X. birchmanni is strongly supported while the previous hypothesis of the evolutionary origin of this species from X. malinche is not.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variants at four additional enzyme loci--two esterases (Est-2, Est-3), retinal lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-1) and mannose phosphate isomerase (MPI)--among three species and four subspecies of fish of the genus Xiphophorus were observed. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes confirmed the monomeric structures of MPI and the esterase and the tetrametric structure of LDH in these fishes. Variant alleles of all four loci displayed normal Mendelian segregation in backcross and F2 hybrids. Recombination data from backcross hybrids mapped with Haldane's mapping function indicate the four loci to be linked as Est-2--0.43--Est3--0.26--LDH-1--0.19--MPI. Significant interference was detected and apparently concentrated in the Est-3 to MPI region. No significant sex-specific differences in recombination were observed. This group (designated linkage group II) was shown to assort independently from the three loci of linkage group I (adenosine deaminase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) and from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and two isocitrate dehydrogenase loci. Evidence for conservation of the linkage group, at least in part, in other vertebrate species is presented.  相似文献   

To assess the historical biogeography of freshwater topminnows in the genus Poeciliopsis, we examined sequence variation in two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b (1140 bp) and NADH subunit 2 (1047 bp). This widespread fish genus is distributed from Arizona to western Colombia, and nearly half of its 21 named species have distributions that border on the geologically active Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), a region that defines the uplifted plateau (Mesa Central) of Mexico. We used the parametric bootstrap method to test the hypothesis that a single vicariant event associated with the TMVB was responsible for divergence of taxa found to the north and south of this boundary. Because the single-event hypothesis was rejected as highly unlikely, we hypothesize that at least two geological events were responsible for divergence of these species. The first (8-16 million years ago) separated ancestral populations that were distributed across the present TMVB region. A second event (2.8-6.4 million years ago) was associated with northward dispersal and subsequent vicariance of two independent southern lineages across the TMVB. The geological history of this tectonically and volcanically active region is discussed and systematic implications for the genus are outlined.  相似文献   

Homologies among esterase isozymes in fish in the poeciliid genera Poeciliopsis and Xiphophorus are proposed. Esterase homologies are based on their tissue distributions and inhibition and substrate properties. The five esterases include two carboxylesterases, one eserine sulfate-sensitive esterase, and two esterases resistant to inhibition, one of which reacts only with acetate esters. Linkage studies in Poeciliopsis monacha indicate that the loci encoding the two carboxylesterases are linked to each other and to the locus for eye-specific lactate dehydrogenase. Comparisons of the linkage reported here with earlier studies in Xiphophorus suggest that there is a large region of linkage homology in the genetic maps of Poeciliopsis and Xiphophorus.This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (DEB76-19285) to R. C. Vrijenhoek and the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund to R. C. Vrijenhoek and N. H. Hart. J. F. L. and P. J. P. were supported by U.S. Public Health Service Genetics Training Grant GM07129-04.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that Rhizobium leguminosarum strain LPR1105 contains a heat stable and a heat labile glutamine synthetase (EC activity similar to those described for other Rhizobiaceae. Most of the activity is heat stable when this strain is grown on glutamine as sole nitrogen source, but most is heat labile when grown on nitrate. Using a gene bank of R. leguminosarum DNA we have isolated two clones, which code for heat stable (p7D9) and heat labile (p4F7) glutamine synthetase activity, by complementing the glutamine auxotrophy of Klebsiella pneumoniae glnA mutants. Cross-hybridization of p7D9 with a fragment of the glnA gene of K. pneumoniae was observed, but no cross-hybridization between p7D9 and p4F7 was found. Since these two regions hybridize to genomic DNA of R. leguminosarum they are probably the structural genes for GSI and GSII, and the availability of these genes will make it possible to test this hypothesis. Clone p4F7 complements an ntrC+ but not an ntrC K. pneumoniae glnA mutant, suggesting that the ntrC gene is required for the complementation of the glutamine auxotrophy by this plasmid.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation ascribable to two enzyme loci, coding for a guanylate kinase (GUK2) and a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD1), was observed in three species of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes suggested a monomeric subunit structure for GUK2 and confirmed a tetrameric structure for GAPD1. Variant alleles at the two loci exhibited normal Mendelian segregation in backcross hybrids. Linkage analyses indicate estimated recombination of GUK2-7.6 percent-GAPD 1. This group (designated linkage group III) was shown to assort independently from the 7 loci comprising linkage groups I and II and from 26 other informative markers, within the limits of the data. Difficulties inherent in establishing homology with linkage groups in other species in cases involving presumed gene duplication are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation appears to be established as an important DNA base modification involved in regulation of gene expression but is poorly understood from an evolutionary viewpoint. Xiphophorus progeny from inter-species crosses and backcrosses that are utilized in contemporary tumor induction studies were analyzed for cytosine methylation pattern inheritance using Southern blot analyses. Methylation patterns at CCGG sequences of 411 independent chromosomes in three distinct inter-species crosses were analyzed. In every case the non-recurrent parental methylation pattern remained unaltered for each of the genes studied, once introduced into the recurrent parental genetic background. Through F1 inter-species hybridization and succeeding meiosises leading to first generation (BC1) and second generation (BC2) backcross hybrid progeny, we demonstrate that parental species methylation patterns are stable.  相似文献   

Evidence from mouse-human somatic cell hybrids is presented for the assignment of the gene for uridine monophosphate kinase (ATP: nucleoside monophosphate phosphotransferase, E.C. to human chromosome 1. The use of the "clone panel" in this determination and its value as a systematic method for gene mapping is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The Xiphophorus melanoma system is one of the few well established and genetically well understood in vivo models in experimental carcinogenesis. However, data describing features of intermediary metabolism of the genetically caused melanoma or the different inducible neoplasia, as well as that of the different transformed cell lines of Xiphophorus, are still lacking. For this reason we initiated a comparative study of enolase-, pyruvate kinase-, lactate dehydrogenase- and malate dehydrogenase-activities and pyruvate and lactate levels in transformed as well as normal tissues of Xiphophorus.
  • 2.2. We observed tissue specific and age dependent activities of the different enzymes and substrate levels.
  • 3.3. Enzyme activities and substrate levels from all tumors analyzed differ from that of any normal tissue. They are dependent on the tumor sections analyzed, the histiotype and the etiology of the tumors.
  • 4.4. Analysis of enzyme activities from different in vitro cultured fish cell lines and the human Hela cell line revealed dependency of the intermediary metabolism on oxygen supply, on the proliferative state of the cells and on the cell types.
  • 5.5. We could not find a correlation between our data and the expression of the c-src gene of Xiphophorus and no genotype-dependent changes in enzyme activities were detected.

Complex adaptations are often found in nature, although our ability to discern how and why such traits evolved is limited because their origin occurred in the distant past and the details of their evolution have been lost through extinction (e.g. all placental mammals inherited their placentas from a single common ancestor that lived over 100 Mya). In poeciliid fishes, placentas have evolved independently multiple times and portions of the path to the evolution of complexity can be found in living species. In the present study, we describe the life histories of six species within the genus Poecilia that includes the subgenera Micropoecilia and Acanthophacelus (the guppy; Poecilia reticulata). We demonstrate that extensive placentotrophy and superfetation, the ability to simultaneously carry more than one developing brood, have evolved within this clade. These fish represent the third clade in which we have discovered the independent origin of a placenta that also includes close relatives that lack a placenta. We discuss possible adaptive advantages of the joint evolution of extensive placentation and superfetation in these fishes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 784–796.  相似文献   

  • 1 Aus einer Gruppe junger Xiphophorus-Hybriden (X. helleri × X. maculatus) wurden 20 Fischpaare an aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen ausgewählt, so daß jedes Paar während eines Tages untersucht werden konnte. Die zwei Fische jeden Paares wurden zuerst für 45 Min. zusammengesetzt, um den dominierenden α-Fisch und den untergeordneten Ω-Fisch zu bestimmen. Nur in 15 Paaren entschied sich die Dominanz innerhalb dieses Zeitraums, bei sieben innerhalb 30 Min., wenn sie gefüttert wurden. Alle bildeten stabile Dominanzverhältnisse ohne Umkehrungen, außer in einem ziemlich zweifelhaften Falle.
  • 2 Darauf wurden die α-Fische aus 8 Paaren (experimentellen Paaren) je zu einem größeren Fisch gesetzt, von dem sie einen ganzen Tag lang beherrscht wurden; die α-Tiere der 7 anderen Paare kamen (Kontrollpaare) zu einem kleineren, der ihnen niemals überlegen war. (Täglich entschied das Los, ob ein Paar eine experimentelle (E) oder eine Kontroll-(C) Behandlung bekommen sollte, so daß die 8 E- und 7 C-Paare statistisch äquivalent waren.) Die 5 übrigen Paare wurden nicht weiter für das Experiment gebraucht. Nach einem Tag wurden die α-Fische wieder ins selbe Aquarium gesetzt wie zuerst, zusammen mit ihren α-Partnern, die inzwischen in einem anderen Aquarium isoliert gewesen waren. Der einzige statistisch gesicherte Effekt war, daß die früheren Ω-Fische nach einer schweren E-Behandlung ihrer α-Partner in signifikant mehr Fällen anzugreifen begannen als nach einer C-Behandlung der α-Partner.
  • 3 Andere Experimente über den Einfluß von Subordinationserfahrungen auf die Dominanz werden besprochen. Die Ergebnisse werden nach einer Hypothese interpretiert, die wechselseitige positive Einflüsse zwischen dem Flucht- und dem Angriffsverhalten annimmt und die den meisten Dominanzverhältnissen in Tiergruppen zugrunde liegen kann.

The thymus was very large and tightly packed by lymphocytes in prenatal larvae of platy, Xiphophorus maculatus L., whereas the lymphoid tissues in the spleen and trunk kidney were poorly developed at these stages. We therefore suggest that the specific cellular defence is developed much earlier than the corresponding humoral defence mechanisms in this species.  相似文献   

A panel of hybrid clones segregating rat chromosomes in a mouse background was used to determine the chromosomal localization of three genes specifically expressed in hepatocytes. The phenylalanine hydroxylase, tyrosine aminotransferase, and pyruvate kinase genes were assigned to rat chromosomes 7, 19, and 2, respectively.  相似文献   

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