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Reverse-phase column profiles of the isoaccepting species of lysyl-, seryl-, aspartyl-, methionyland alanyl-tRNAs present in two developmental stages of Oncopeltus fasciatus embryos, before (48-hour) and after (120-hour) gastrulation have been shown. Quantitative differences in the seryl-, aspartyl- and methionyl-tRNAs were evident. In addition, seryl-tRNAs possibly exhibit qualitative changes. Little variation was detected in the isoaccepting species of lysyl- and alanyl-tRNAs.  相似文献   

Jürgen Bongers 《Oecologia》1969,3(3-4):374-389
Zusammenfassung Das Verhalten von Oncopeltus fasciatus bei der Nahrungssuche und- aufnahme wurde untersucht. Durch Aufspeicheln und Aufsaugen von Speichelsekret wird ein Substrat auf Eignung für Einstich und Nahrungsaufnahme geprüft. Die histologische Bearbeitung des Saugortes in einer Pflanze (Vicia faba) zeigt eine deutliche Bevorzugung des Leitungssystems beim Einstich. Hier werden Speichelscheiden gebildet. Im Samen (Asclepias syriaca und Helianthus annuus) werden die reservestoffreichen Cotyledonen besaugt. Der Einstich erfolgt ohne Sekretion einer Speichelscheide. Die Funktion dieser Speichelscheide wird diskutiert. Unter extremen Bedingungen tritt bei der sonst phytophagen Wanze trotz ihres ausgeprägten Subsozialverhaltens Kannibalismus auf. Beim Durchstechen der Cuticula dürften überwiegend mechanische Kräfte wirksam sein. Im Speichel konnte kein Chitin-spaltendes Enzym nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde die Saugzeitenverteilung zwischen Pflanze (Wasseraufnahme) und Samen (Nahrungsaufnahme) über einen Tagesablauf bestimmt. Die Wanzen dürften an der Pflanze in kürzeren Saugphasen Sättigung erreichen als an den dehydratisierten Samen. Die beträchtliche Menge and Speichel (1,14 mg/Wanze/Std), die in einen Samen injiziert werden, emulgieren und suspendieren dessen Inhalt und bringen ihn so in eine für das Insekt aufsaugbare Form.
Summary The feeding behaviour of Oncopeltus fasciatus has been investigated. Exploration of food materials is performed by means of watery saliva which is secreted onto surfaces of substrates and sucked back again. Histological tests indicate that the animal preferably pierces the conducting system of the Vicia faba plant. Oncopeltus fasciatus secretes sheath material which coagulates and forms a lining to the path of the stylets during plant feeding. Feeding on seeds (Asclepias syriaca and Helianthus annuus) is not accompanied by stylet sheath formation. The function of this stylet sheath is discussed. Under extreme conditions the phytophagous animal shows cannibalism in spite of its marked subsocial behaviour. Penetration of the cuticle seems to be effected mainly by mechanical forces. No chitin-splitting enzyme could be detected in the saliva. The feeding activity over a photoperiod of 12 hrs on plants (uptake of water) and seeds (uptake of nutritive materials) is determined. It is suggested that on a green plant the animal is saturated more rapidly than on dehydrated seeds. The considerable amounts of watery saliva emulsify and suspend the contents of the seeds. Into seeds of Asclepias syriaca saliva is injected at a rate of approximately 1.14 mg/animal/hr.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Rahmen einer Herrn Prof. Kloft gewährten Sachbeihilfe.  相似文献   

Summary The integument of Oncopeltus fasciatus is made up of a vacuolated and a pigmented epidermal cell layer. This double layered integument is present from late embryo to adult in male and female animals reared on milkweed or sunflower seeds. Experiments with a labelled glycoside as well as retrograde ink injections suggest that O. fasciatus concentrates cardiac glycosides, normally derived from the host plants, within the vacuolated epidermal cell layer throughout its life cycle. In the adult, droplets of glycoside-rich fluid appear at precise points along the dorsolateral margins when external pressure is applied to the thorax and abdomen. This pressure causes separation of cuticular flanges in the metathoracic epimeral lobe and rupture of the cuticle in restricted areas in the mesothorax and abdomen. In addition the pigmented epidermal cell layer and the distal membranes of the vacuolated epidermal cell layer rupture with the result that the contents of the vacuolated cell layer are eliminated onto the surface of the animal where they are retained as discrete droplets by the cuticular morphology. Release of cardiac glycosides into the haemolymph is prevented by a thick basal lamina on the haemolymph side of the vacuolated epidermal cells. No specialized muscles involved with fluid release were observed. The vacuolated epidermal cells do not show ultrastructural features characteristic of actively transporting tissues, i.e., abundant mitochondria and elaborate membrane infoldings. This suggests that glycoside sequestration is essentially a passive process and should not be associated with any physiological cost. Large concentration gradients of cardiac glycosides are maintained across the basal lamina, basal plasma and vacuolar membranes of the vacuolated epidermal cell layer. Possible mechanisms by which O. fasciatus is able to concentrate cardiac glycosides as well as the possible function of this phenomenon are discussed.Abbreviations A abdominal trabeculum - Ap mesofurcal apodeme - C metathoracic supracoxal lobe - D metathoracic stink gland duct - E metathoracic epimeral lobe - Ep pigmented epidermal cell layer - Ev vacuolated epidermal cell layer - G last thoracic ganglion - H haemocoel - M midgut - N nerve cord - P second phragma - R reproductive organ - T trachea - V dorsal vessel - W wing - bl basal lamina - c cuticle - cf cytoplasmic fragments - cv coated vesicle - d hemidesmosome - ep epidermal cell - en endocuticle - ex exocuticle - f flange - fp foot processes - gc glycoside compartment - h hair - is intersegmental region - id ink deposits - l lumen of metathoracic stink gland - m mitochondria - mb mushroom bodies - mt microtrichia - n nucleus - p pigment granule - s slit - sp spine - tsm tergosternal muscle - v vacuole  相似文献   

Summary The hemocytes of Oncopeltus differentiate rather early during embryogenesis. They are segregated by the mesoderm soon after its formation (about 50h after egg deposition). Newly segregated hemocytes show the typical features of embryonic cells: many free ribosomes, a few strands of rough ER, the cisternae of which are considerably distended, electron lucent vacuoles around the periphery, and glycogen deposits. A few hours thereafter the hemocytes undergo striking subcellular changes. First, glycogen, electron lucent vacuoles and rough ER disappear and phagocytotic activity can be observed. Golgi complexes become well expressed and give rise to electron dense vesicles which fuse to larger bodies. Then, rough ER develops again and occupies large areas of the cytoplasm. Its cisternae are often considerably distended by proteinaceous secretions. All hemocytes undergo the same steps of differentiation.Embryonic hemocytes obviously play a decisive role in the elimination of waste products, in particular of tissue debris that results from programmed cellular death. The significance of the conspicuous protein secretions is not fully understood. They may participate in the deposition of the acellular connective tissue, or may have some of the other functions ascribed to insect blood cells.Larvae and imagines of Oncopeltus have four types of hemocytes, which agree rather well with those found in Rhodnius (Lai-Fook, 1970). All embryonic hemocytes, aside from the newly segregated ones, represent plasmatocytes but, unlike plasmatocytes of postembryonic stages, they contain no large inclusion bodies. Newly segregated embryonic hemocytes, in addition to their typical embryonic features, have some similarities with larval and adult prohemocytes. Oenocytoids and granulocytophagous cells are absent in the embryo. Some aspects concerning the differentiation and classification of hemocytes are discussed.Supported by research grant Do 163 from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThe author is grateful to Ms. K. Schmidtke and Ms. M. Ullmann for technical assistance  相似文献   

The preblastoderm nuclei of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), divide in the absence of centrioles and a spindle fibre apparatus. The preblastoderm nuclei occur in cytoplasmic islands that are not bound by cytoplasmic membranes. The chromatin condenses in association with the nuclear envelope and intranuclear lamellae into two compact masses. The chromatin of the sister nuclei disperse as the nuclei increase in volume and move away from each other in a common cytoplasm. A model is proposed for the orderly separation of the chromatin of the indicated eukaryotic system that is patterned after the site and site territory concept for the control of prokaryotic DNA replication by the membrane. In the case of the milkweed bug preblastoderm nuclei, the nuclear envelope would play a distributive role by providing only one site and site territory in each half of the nucleus for the attachment of a homologue. The presence of a site on the membrane for the attachment of a given chromosome would prevent the formation of a new site for the chromosome homologue within a certain distance.  相似文献   

A report is given on the pharmacological activity of body fluids from milkweed bugs maintained on a diet of sunflower seeds, together with observations on the toxin accumulating system of the adult insect.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When adults of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) were starved or fed non-host seeds, their mating activity during the 30 days following emergence was reduced by c. 50%. Topical applications of a juvenoid to adults fed non-host seeds usually increased mating activity, sometimes to near the level of milkweed-fed controls. An optimal juvenoid dose applied to adults reared and fed on sunflower seeds increased mating activity by only 9% to 28% from that of controls reared and fed on milkweed. Rearing and maintenance of the sexes on separate diets before pairing indicated that both the juvenoid-restored and non-restored milkweed stimulatory effects on mating probably acted exclusively on the males. Topical application of the anti-allatotropic agent precocene II to milkweed-fed males reduced mating activity by 75%. Simultaneous juvenoid treatment prevented most, but not all, of the precocene II effect. Juvenoid treatment completely prevented the depressed mating activity under short days. Rearing and maintenance of the sexes under different photo-periods before pairing under short days showed that photoperiod acted solely on the males. It is postulated that JH and one or more photosensitive and diet-sensitive factors in males regulate mating activity, JH being stimulatory but nonessential. A partial dietary control over mating may optimize male activity according to the population density and female reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Newly hatched nymphs of the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus were exposed to various concentrations of CdCl2 administered in drinking water until the end of adult life. Significant nymphal mortalities were observed at concentrations above 30 mg Cd/l (corresponding to the LC50). The duration of the nymphal stages increased in proportion to the Cd concentration; at the lowest Cd concentration of 10 mg Cd/l, the median duration was significantly prolonged by one day, while at the highest concentration of 100 mg Cd/l it was increased by 10 days over the control group. The weight of newly emerged adults lineally decreased with Cd concentration, being reduced to half the weight of controls at 100 mg Cd/l. In addition, a proportionality between delay in development and weight reduction was found in Cd-treated adults. Survival of adult females was decreased at concentrations higher than 10 mg Cd/l, while males were only affected at 30 mg Cd/l or higher doses. Reproduction was the most affected parameter. Oviposition rate, fecundity and fertility of females exposed to 10 mg Cd/l were significantly lower than controls (73%, 58% and 55% relative to controls, respectively). Hatchability of the eggs laid by treated females was also reduced. These results show that development and reproduction of O. fasciatus are seriously impaired at sublethal Cd concentrations.  相似文献   

Histochemical and electron microscopic methods have revealed that there are four types of cell inclusions in the late vitellogenic oocytes of Oncopeltus. (a) Type 1 is a vacuole which seems to be contributed from the tropharium via the nutritive tubes. It is suggested that this type consists partly at least of nucleolus-like material (ribonucleoprotein) emitted from the nuclei of the Zone III trophocytes. (b) Type 2 is lipid yolk which in early stage oocytes seems to be produced in the “Balbiani body.” In the vitellogenic oocytes these lipid spheres are apparently imported by the oocyte from the haemolymph either through the follicle cells, or through the extracellular space in the follicular epithelium. (c) Type 3 is carbohydrate/protein yolk where at least part of the protein (“vitellogenic protein”) is taken up from the haemolymph, transported through the extracellular space in the follicular epithelium, and deposited into the oocyte by pinocytosis. (d) Glycogen is deposited from the early phases of vitellogenesis. The tropharium may contribute, besides Type 1 vacuoles, ribosomes, mitochondria, stacks of annulated lamellae, and “food vacuoles” to the oocytes. Specialized cells which line the tropharium and send projections toward the trophic core have been called “peripheral trophocytes.” Contrary to the regular trophocytes, they contain glycogen and an abundance of Golgi complexes.  相似文献   

In this study, the condensation of the three thoracic and 11 abdominal segmental ganglia to form a prothoracic and central nerve mass during embryogenesis is described. During katatrepsis, many changes occur in the organization of these ganglia; this study suggests that some of these changes are caused by mechanical forces acting on the ventral nerve cord at this time. The ventral nerve cord begins its anterior migration and coalescence ten hours after katatrepsis and is completed 63 hours later. The central ganglion is made up of the meso- and metathoracic ganglia and seven abdominal ganglia. Intrasegmental median cord nuclei are shown to form glial elements in the median sagittal plane of the neuropile and in the longitudinal connectives. Intersegmental median cord neuroblasts migrate into the posterior gangliomeres but, apparently, degenerate soon after katatrepsis. Lateral cord cells bordering on the neuropile form a glial investment that surrounds this fiber tract region. Peripheral lateral cord cells are shown to form the cells of the outer ganglionic sheath, the perineurium.  相似文献   

In the typical meroistic insect ovary, the oocyte nucleus synthesizes little if any RNA. Nurse cells or trophocytes actively synthesize ribosomes which are transported to and accumulated by the oocyte. In the telotrophic ovary a morphological separation exists, the nurse cells being localized at the apical end of each ovariole and communicating with the ooocytes via nutritive cords. In order to determine whether the genes coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are amplified in the telotrophic ovary of the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, the percentages of the genome coding for ribosomal RNA in somatic cells, spermatogenic cells, ovarian follicles, and nurse cells were compared. The oocytes and most of the nurse cells of O. fasciatus are uninucleolate. DNA hybridizing with ribosomal RNA is localized in a satellite DNA, the density of which is 1.712 g/cm(-3). The density of main-band DNA is 1.694 g/cm(-3). The ribosomal DNA satellite accounts for approximately 0.2% of the DNA in somatic and gametogenic tissues of both males and females. RNA-DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates that approximately 0.03% of the DNA in somatic tissues, testis, ovarian follicles, and isolated nurse cells hybridizes with ribosomal RNA. The fact that the percentage of DNA hybridizing with rRNA is the same in somatic and in male and female gametogenic tissues indicates that amplification of ribosomal DNA does not occur in nurse cells and that if it occurs in oocytes, it represents less than a 50-fold increase in ribosomal DNA. An increase in total genome DNA accounted by polyploidization appears to provide for increasing the amount of ribosomal DNA in the nurse cells.  相似文献   

The development period from birth to adult of virginoparae of the turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), at 14 constant, 15 alternating and 15 natural temperature regimes were modelled to determine mathematical functions for simulating aphid development under a wide range of natural conditions. The day-degree model, the logistic equation, and the Wang model were used to describe the relationships between temperature and development rate at constant and alternating temperatures. The three models were then used with a Weibull function describing the distribution of development times, to simulate the development of individuals of cohorts at natural temperature regimes. Comparison of the observed with simulated distributions of adult emergence indicates that all three models can simulate the development of L. erysimi equally well when temperature does not go below 6 degrees C (the notional low temperature threshold of the day-degree model) or above 30 degrees C. When accumulation of temperatures below 6 degrees C becomes substantial, only the logistic curve offers accurate simulations; the other two models give falsely longer durations of development. When accumulation of temperatures above 30 degrees C becomes substantial, the logistic curve and the Wang model offer more accurate simulations than the day-degree model, which tends to produce shorter durations of development. Further analysis of the data reveals that development rate of this aphid at a given unfavourable high temperature may vary with time. Methods for accurately simulating the development time of L. erysimi in the field are suggested. The significance of modelling insect development at low and high temperatures by non-linear models is discussed.  相似文献   

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