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On molecular sieve columns the neuropeptide head activator elutes at two distinct positions corresponding to apparent mol. wts of 700 and 1400 daltons. The low mol. wt component is stable only under high ionic conditions and represents the monomeric state of the head activator. Only this form is biologically active. The higher mol. wt component, which is reapidly formed under physiological conditions, is the dimeric head activator and is biologically inactive. We suggest that this dimerization is of biological relevance as a mechanism for inactivation of neuropeptides.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectrum of the neuropeptide head activator in aqueous solution has been completely assigned by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and selective deuteration. The apparent pseudo-first-order exchange rate, kex, of the backbone amide protons and the correspondent activation enthalpies, delta H not equal to, were determined. The exchange rates decrease and the activation enthalpies increase from the N-terminal to the C-terminal part of the peptide. The exchange rates vary from 21 to 0.3 s-1 at 274 K, the activation enthalpies from 60 to 75 kJ.mol-1. The pK values of the terminal carboxyl group and of the lysine amino group have been estimated as 3.3 and 10.3, respectively. The NMR results are in line with a dimeric structure in an antisymmetric arrangement of the subunits, forming an antiparallel beta-pleated sheet between C-terminal segments. The peptide bonds between pGlu-1, Pro-2 and Pro-3 are predominantly in trans-configuration, in fact no cis-isomers can be observed spectroscopically. The structure appears to be very stable; in the temperature and pH range studied, i.e., from 274 to 338 K and from pH 0.8 to pH 11.6, there are no spectroscopic indications for a global structural change.  相似文献   

Peptides have been shown in both in vivo and in vitro systems to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and so affect function on the side contralateral to their origin. Some peptides cross primarily by transmembrane diffusion, a nonsaturable mechanism largely dependent on the lipid solubility of the peptide. Other peptides are transported by saturable systems across the BBB. These transport systems can be in the CNS to blood direction, as in the cases of Tyr-MIF-1 and methionine enkephalin, in the blood to CNS direction, as in the case of peptide T, or bidirectional, as in the case of LHRH. Other factors that also affect the amount of peptide crossing the BBB include binding in blood, volume of distribution, enzymatic resistance, and half-time disappearance from the blood. An in vitro model of the BBB has been characterized and used to confirm that peptides can cross the BBB. Results with the model agree with those obtained in vivo and have been used to study the permeability of the BBB to peptides, the effect of peptides on BBB integrity, the cellular pathway peptides and proteins use to cross the BBB, and the ability of the BBB to degrade peptides. The in vivo and in vitro methods have been used together to develop halogenated enkephalin analogs that are enzymatically resistant, cross the BBB readily to accumulate in areas of the brain rich in opiate receptors, and are powerful analgesics. This shows how the principles elucidated for peptide passage across the BBB can be used to develop therapeutic peptides and how those peptides can be further tested in complementary in vivo and in vitro systems.  相似文献   

A method of formylation of peptides using formic acid and isovaleroyl chloride is outlined in this communication. Its application for synthesis of several model peptides is also presented.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CTx) is an AB5 cytotonic protein that has medical relevance in cholera and as a novel mucosal adjuvant. Here, we report an analysis of the noncovalent homopentameric complex of CTx B chain (CTx B5) using electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry and the analysis of the noncovalent hexameric holotoxin usingelectrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry over a range of pH values that correlate with those encountered by this toxin after cellular uptake. We show that noncovalent interactions within the toxin assemblies were maintained under both acidic and neutral conditions in the gas phase. However, unlike the related Escherichia coli Shiga-like toxin B5 pentamer (SLTx B), the CTx B5 pentamer was stable at low pH, indicating that additional interactions must be present within the latter. Structural comparison of the CTx B monomer interface reveals an additional alpha-helix that is absent in the SLTx B monomer. In silico energy calculations support interactions between this helix and the adjacent monomer. These data provide insight into the apparent stabilization of CTx B relative to SLTx B.  相似文献   

As the prevalence of AIDS continues to grow, and current therapeutic agents begin to lose efficacy, the need for alternative treatments to combat HIV has become significantly greater. Targeting the highly conserved dimerization interface of HIV protease (PR) with interfacial peptides has been shown to reduce the activity of the enzyme due to generation of inactive monomers. The potency of these peptide-based inhibitors has been dramatically increased by cross-linking the interfacial sequences derived from HIV PR. This review focuses on a variety of strategies to develop potent, low-molecular-weight dimerization inhibitors of HIV PR.  相似文献   

Evaluation of analogs of the blocked insect myotropic neuropeptide leucopyrokinin (LPK) has demonstrated its relative insensitivity to amino acid substitution in the N-terminal in contrast to the C-terminal region. Truncated analogs of LPK without the first, second, and third N-terminal amino acids retain a significant 144%, 59% and 30% of the activity of the parent octapeptide, respectively. The [2-8]LPK analog is the first fragment of an insect neuropeptide to exhibit greater activity than the parent hormone. In contrast, truncated analogs of the insect myotropic, proctolin, exhibit little or no activity. The pentapeptide fragment Phe-Thr-Pro-Arg-Leu-NH2 has been identified as the active core of LPK.  相似文献   

H Qian 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(1):349-355
A simple thermodynamic formalism is presented to model the conformational transition between a random-coil monomeric peptide and a coiled-coil helical dimer. The coiled-coil helical dimer is the structure of a class of proteins also called leucine zipper, which has been studied intensively in recent years. Our model, which is appropriate particularly for short peptides, is an alternative to the theory developed by Skolnick and Holtzer. Using the present formalism, we discuss the multi-equilibriatory nature of this transition and provide an explanation for the apparent two-state behavior of coiled-coil formation when the helix-coil transition is coupled to dimerization. It is found that such coupling between multi-equilibria and a true two-state transition can simplify the data analysis, but care must be taken in using the overall association constant to determine helix propensities (w) of single residues. Successful use of the two-state model does not imply that the helix-coil transition is all-or-none. The all-or-none assumption can provide good numerical estimates when w is around unity (0.35 < or = w < or = 1.35), but when w is small (w < 0.01), similar estimations can lead to large errors. The theory of the helix-coil transition in denaturation experiments is also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have presented indirect evidence that the transposase of the maize transposable element Activator (TPase) is active as an oligomer and forms inactive macromolecular complexes expressed in large amounts. Here, we have identified and characterized a dimerization domain at the C terminus of the protein. This domain is the most highly conserved region in the transposases of elements belonging to the Activator superfamily (hAT element superfamily) and contains a characteristic signature motif. The isolated dimerization domain forms extremely stable dimers in vitro. Interestingly, mutations in five of the six conserved residues of the signature motif do not affect in vitro dimerization, whereas mutations in other, less strictly conserved residues of the signature motif do. Loss of dimerization in vitro correlates with loss of TPase activity in vivo. As revealed by in situ immunofluorescence staining of mutant TPase proteins, the dimerization domain also is involved in forming inactive macromolecular aggregates when overexpressed, and the TPase contains one or more additional interaction functions.  相似文献   

Aizawa Y  Sugiura Y  Ueno M  Mori Y  Imoto K  Makino K  Morii T 《Biochemistry》1999,38(13):4008-4017
The basic region peptide derived from the basic leucine zipper protein GCN4 bound specifically to the native GCN4 binding sequences in a dimeric form when the beta-cyclodextrin/adamantane dimerization domain was introduced at the C-terminus of the GCN4 basic region peptide. We describe here how the structure and stability of the dimerization domain affect the cooperative formation of the peptide dimer-DNA complex. The basic region peptides with five different guest molecules were synthesized, and their equilibrium dissociation constants with a peptide possessing beta-cyclodextrin were determined. These values, ranging from 1.3 to 15 microM, were used to estimate the stability of the complexes between the dimers with various guest/cyclodextrin dimerization domains and GCN4 target sequences. An efficient cooperative formation of the dimer complexes at the GCN4 binding sequence was observed when the adamantyl group was replaced with the norbornyl or noradamantyl group, but not with the cyclohexyl group that formed a beta-cyclodextrin complex with a stability that was 1 order of magnitude lower than that of the adamantyl group. Thus, cooperative formation of the stable dimer-DNA complex appeared to be effected by the stability of the dimerization domain. For the peptides that cooperatively formed dimer-DNA complexes, there was no linear correlation between the stability of the inclusion complex and that of the dimer-DNA complex. With the beta-cyclodextrin/adamantane dimerization domain, the basic region peptide dimer preferred to bind to a palindromic 5'-ATGACGTCAT-3' sequence over the sequence lacking the central G.C base pair and that with an additional G.C base pair in the middle. Changing the adamantyl group into a norbornyl group did not alter the preferential binding of the peptide dimers to the palindromic sequence, but slightly affected the selectivity of the dimer for other nonpalindromic sequences. The helical contents of the peptides in the DNA-bound dimer with the adamantyl group were decreased by reducing the stability of the dimer-DNA complex, which was possibly caused by deformation of the helical structure proximal to the dimerization domain.  相似文献   

The diuretic/myotropic insect kinin neuropeptides, which share the common C-terminal pentapeptide core FX(1)X(2)WG-NH(2), reveal primary (X(2)-W) and secondary (N-terminal to F) sites of susceptibility to peptidases bound to corn earworm (H. zea) Malpighian tubule tissue. Analogs designed to enhance resistance to tissue-bound peptidases, and pure insect neprilysin and ACE, demonstrate markedly enhanced in vivo activity in a weight gain inhibition assay in H. zea, and strong in vivo diuretic activity in the housefly (M. domestica). The peptidase-resistant insect kinin analog pQK(pQ)FF[Aib]WG-NH(2) demonstrates a longer internal residence time in the housefly than the native muscakinin (MK), and despite a difference of over 4 orders of magnitude in an in vitro Malpighian tubule fluid secretion assay, is equipotent with MK in an in vivo housefly diuretic assay. Aminohexanoic acid (Ahx) is shown to function as a surrogate for N-terminal Lys, while at the same time providing enhanced resistance to aminopeptidase attack. Peptidaese-resistant insect kinin analogs demonstrate enhanced inhibition of weight gain in larvae of the agriculturally destructive corn earworm moth. Potent peptidase resistant analogs of the insect kinins, coupled with an increased understanding of related regulatory factors, offer promise in the development of new, environmentally friendly pest insect control measures.  相似文献   

Diapause hormone and its analogs terminate pupal diapause in Helicoverpa zea when injected, but if such agents are to be used as effective diapause disruptors it will be essential to develop simple techniques for administering active compounds that can exert their effect by penetrating the insect epidermis. In the current study, we used two molecules previously shown to have high diapause-terminating activity as lead molecules to rationally design and synthesize new amphiphilic compounds with modified hydrophobic components. An assay for diapause termination identified 13 active compounds with EC50's ranging from 0.9 to 46.0 pmol per pupa. Three compounds, Decyl-1963, Dodecyl-1967, and Heptyl-1965, selected from the 13 compounds most active in breaking diapause following injection, also successfully prevented newly-formed pupae from entering diapause when applied topically. These compounds feature straight-chain, aliphatic hydrocarbons from 7 to 12 carbons in length; DH analogs with either a short-chain length of 4 or an aromatic phenethyl group failed to act topically. Compared to a high diapause incidence of 80–90% in controls, diapause incidence in pupae receiving a 10 nmole topical application of Decyl-1963, Dodecyl-1967, or Heptyl-1965 dropped to 30–45%. Decyl-1963 and Dodecyl-1967 also remained effective when topically applied at the 1 nmole level. These results suggest the feasibility of developing DH agonists that can be applied topically and suggest the identity of new lead molecules for development of additional topically-active DH analogs. The ability to penetrate the insect epidermis and/or midgut lining is critical if such agents are to be considered for future use as pest management tools.  相似文献   

Our maximum protection strategy for the synthesis of human parathyroid hormone(1-84) indicates that fully protected peptide segments in the form of Boc-peptide phenacyl (Pac) ester are relatively soluble in ordinary organic solvents such as DMF, NMP or DMSO, which are suitable for coupling segments. However, about 1% of such segments synthesized were found to be insoluble even in the most polar solvent, DMSO. Thus, a more powerful solvent which can be used for their peptide synthesis was pursued. Among the solvent systems tested, a mixture of trifluoroethanol (TFE) or hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) and trichloromethane (TCM) or dichloromethane (DCM) was found to be most powerful for dissolving such sparingly-soluble protected peptides. These solvent systems were confirmed to be useful for the removal reaction of the carboxy-terminal Pac esters from the sparingly-soluble segments. They were then tested for the coupling reactions of fully protected Boc-peptides with other sparingly-soluble peptide esters. The TFE/TCM or TFE/DCM system was extremely useful for coupling segments without danger of racemization and of trifluoroester formation, if WSCI was used as the coupling reagent in the presence of 3,4-dihydro-3-hydroxy-4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazine (HOOBt).  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a putative co-transmitter in noradrenergic sympathetic nerves of the cardiovascular system, inhibits the negative chronotropic action of the cardiac vagus. In the present study, peptides related to NPY were tested for potency in producing this effect. In bilaterally vagotomized, anaesthetised dogs, the increase in pulse interval caused by electrical stimulation of the peripheral stump of the right vagus was measured before and after intravenous administration of peptide. The effects of doses of NPY were compared with those of equimolar doses of peptide YY (PYY), and of avian and human pancreatic polypeptides (APP and HPP). PYY inhibited the vagal action more effectively than did NPY. APP and HPP, however, caused no change in strength of vagal action at the doses used. The response to a second injection of NPY, given soon after the injection of APP or HPP, was not significantly different from the original. Thus no evidence was obtained for a competitive inhibition of the action of NPY by either pancreatic polypeptide. A C-terminal hexapeptide fragment of human pancreatic polypeptide was also tested. Like APP and HPP, it neither inhibited the cardiac vagus nor blocked the action of NPY. The order of potency obtained here (PYY greater than NPY much greater than APP, HPP, CFPP) can be expected to be of use in efforts to distinguish the active site(s) of the NPY molecule, and to characterise the receptors involved in these modulatory effects.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene for the hydra neuropeptide head activator (HA) was used to produce large amounts of an HA bacterial fusion protein. From this protein an HA-containing fragment was cleaved out, attached in high copy number to carrier proteins, and used as an immunogen to produce monoclonal antibodies able to recognize head activator in precursor form. Using such antibodies and others with different specificities for HA epitopes in combination with different fixation procedures, we detected HA immunoreactivity in three locations in the HA-rich neural cell line NH15-CA2. A precursor-like HA immunoreactivity was present in the cytoplasm of cells and detected, independent of fixation procedure, by monoclonal antibodies characterized as HA-precursor-specific. With antibodies specific for the HA peptide, two immunoreactivities could be distinguished, one within cells and one at the outer cell membrane. HA was detected within differentiated cells with long processes when crosslinkers such as carbodiimide or glutaraldehyde were applied together with agents like methanol. HA peptide bound to target cells was restricted to small round cells with an undifferentiated morphology, especially to those in the process of cell division. In hydra HA precursor immunoreactivity was localized in interstitial cells and in developing nerve cells. HA peptide immunoreactivity was present in nerve cells, but was more concentrated on and in target cells such as interstitial cells and epithelial cells. In tissue sections immunoreactive cells were especially abundant in regions of high HA content such as hypostome, subhypostomal region, and the future head region of developing buds.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) localizes and enhances activation of pro-uPA. Active uPA, in turn, promotes increased degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) by activation of plasminogen. uPAR binds to ECM molecules and integrins, which can affect cellular adhesion, signal transduction, and gene regulation. The current study examines the expression and function of uPAR in developing rat ventral prostates (VPs). We report that newborn VPs express uPAR mRNA and protein. In addition, the function of uPAR-bound uPA during in vitro prostatic development was studied by adding recombinant peptide competitive inhibitors of uPA-uPAR binding. Newborn VP explants were cultured in serum-free media for one week with 10(-8) M testosterone plus chimeric peptides containing a human immunoglobulin G Fc domain and either human uPA amino acids 1-138 (hu-uPA 1-138) as a control or mouse uPA amino acids 1-138 (mo-uPA 1-138) or 1-48 (mo-uPA 1-48). Hu-uPA 1-138-treated VPs underwent normal ductal branching morphogenesis and tissue differentiation. In contrast, VPs treated with mo-uPA 1-138 or mo-uPA 1-48 displayed a dose-dependent perturbation of ductal branching. Differentiation of both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues was also impaired. Mo-uPA 1-48-treated VPs contained significantly more apoptotic cells. These observations suggest that disruption of uPA binding to uPAR results in a retardation of the development of newborn VPs.  相似文献   

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