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The formation of aerial tubers in Begonia plants, an SD response,was inhibited by IAA, NAA and IBA applied to their leaves duringthe dark periods. The effectiveness of IAA differed accordingto the time of application during the dark periods, and themost sensitive time varied with daylengths employed. In order to inhibit the tuberization under optimal photoperiods(8-hr SDs), IAA had to be applied during the first 2 days orso of the SDs. Under non-optimal photoperiods, however, IAAwas effective even when applied somewhat later. The auxin activity of leaf extracts from the plants subjectedto 8-hr SDs decreased during the first 2 or 3 days to a minimum,and then increased until finally began to decrease, again; undernon-optimal photoperiods, the minimum of auxin activity wasattained more slowly. The paper-chromatographic study suggestedthat the change in auxin activity was mainly due to the changein IAA content. The number of SDs making the auxin content minimal agreed withthe minimum number of SDs required for tuberization. On the basis of the above results, the part played by endogenousauxin in photoperiodic induction is discussed. 1Present address: Institute for Agricultural Research, TôhokuUniversity, Sendai. 2Present address: Biological Institute, Yamaguchi University,Yamaguchi.  相似文献   

1. Aerial tuber formation of Begonia evansiana Andr. known totake place usually in response to short-day conditions occurredalso under long-day conditions, provided a part of the photoperiodswas maintained at a lower temperature (chillng). Such a changeof the critical daylength was marked in degree when the chillingtemperature was from 9° to 13°. The effectiveness ofthe chilling was more pronounced when it was given during thelater part of photoperiods, namely, just before nyctoperiods,than when given during the early part. No promotion of the chillingeffect by sugar application was found. 2. If the plant was previously subjected to chilling under illumination,aerial tuber formation occurred in continuous darkness. Themagnitude of this dark tuberization increased with decreasingthe temperature and with prolonging the duration of the chilling. 3. If the plant was previously exposed to chilling, aerial tuberformation occurred in response to a single photoperiodic cycle,whose critical dark length was shorter than that in the standardcondition. The magnitude of the tuberization was increased withthe prolongation of the chilling period. The effectiveness ofthis previous chilling survived over one day even under illuminationand a temperature of 30°. In a plant unexposed to the chilling,tuber formation required at least two cycles of short-days. 4. The aged plant which is known to tuberize in darkness wasunable to respond to a single short-day. 5. Upon a modification of Gregory's scheme of the process ofshort-day response, the above findings were inclusively explained. (Received August 2, 1963; )  相似文献   

Two effects of blue light on the development of Onoclea sensibilis spores are demonstrated. Brief irradiation promotes the protonemal or filamentous type of growth, and the rate of filament elongation is greater than in darkness. Longer periods of irradiation induce the formation of 2-dimensional prothallia. Blue-light treatments which promote filament elongation interact with elongation-promoting far-red light. Far-red irradiation alone promotes filament elongation to a greater extent than blue light, but a blue-light irradiation, either following or preceding far-red treatment, strongly inhibits the far-red promotion. In darkness, a slow recovery from the blue-light-induced loss of sensitivity to far-red takes place. The recovery may be greatly accelerated by interposing a red-light treatment between blue and far-red irradiation.  相似文献   

This preliminary report describes how the formation of aerialtubers of Begonia evansiana in response to short-days is inhibitedby near infrared irradiations given before and during dark periods.The time of application of red light during the dark period,which caused the maximum inhibition, was found to have no relationto the day. length while that of near infrared light causingthe same effect shifted from an early to a later part of thedark period as daylength was shortened. It was also observedthat the effect of near infrared light given before the darkperiod was inhibitive when the photoperiod was short, and somewhatpromotive when the latter was long. (Received October 31, 1962; )  相似文献   

L. perpusilla, 6746 grown in HUTNER's medium (containing a highlevel of EDTA) responds as a short-day plant under white orred light, but is almost completely daylength-indifferent underblue. In a medium containing ca. 2µmoles/liter of unchelatedcopper ion, it flowers rapidly under all photoperiods, white,blue or red. Although certain long-day blue schedules permitflowering even on HUTNER's medium, blue is not simply "inactive"photoperiodically, since inclusion of a single brief red exposurein certain blue schedules is sufficient to prevent floweringas though the whole schedules were red. The indicated blue-redinteraction should prove important for further analyses of photoperiodismin this plant. 1Research carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory underthe auspices of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

红光(R)和远红光(Fr)都抑制水稻胚芽的生长,但对胚芽鞘来说,红光抑制其生长,远红光表现出部分逆转效应。一定浓度单一生长素(IAA)促进水稻胚芽鞘的生长,而赤霉素(GA_3)与生长素作用相反。对于水稻的过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POX),红光促进两种酶的活性,远红光则表现出逆转效应。单一10~(-2)ppmIAA、10~(-2)ppmGA_3都促进其活性。照光时,在10~(-2)ppm IAA存在的条件下,红光表现为促进,远红光则表现为抑制;但在10~(-2)ppm GA_3存在的条件下,红光反而对两种酶的活性有抑制作用,远红光则表现为促进作用。  相似文献   

Developmental changes in fine structure were studied in plastids of etiolated bean leaves during the time required for the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide transformation and the following lag phase prior to chlorophyll accumulation. In agreement with some other workers, two distinct stages of change in the fine structure of proplastids were found to occur upon illumination during this period. The first involves a dissociation of the previously fused units in the prolamellar bodies of the proplastids and occurs simultaneously with the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide conversion in light of 655 mµ, but not of 682, 700, or 730 mµ. The effect of the red light could not be reversed by a simultaneously supplied stronger far-red irradiation. The energy requirements for these structural changes parallel those for the pigment conversion. During the following step the vesicles which arose from the fused units of the prolamellar body were dispersed in rows through the stroma, and the prolamellar bodies themselves disappeared. For these changes to occur, higher light energies were required and the leaves had to be illuminated for longer periods. A red preillumination seemed to accelerate the development somewhat. The structural changes could be induced by light of 655 mµ, but also, to a lesser degree, of 730 mµ. No measurable additional chlorophyll accumulated during this period. Thus, the structural changes observed were independent of major changes in pigment content.  相似文献   

  1. Seed germination of Begonia Evansiana ANDR. was investigatedat 29?C.
  2. The germination was induced under long-day conditions,the criticaldaylength being about 8 hours. Exposure to at least2 or 3 cyclesof long days was necessary for germination. Theseeds couldgerminate under otherwise non-inductive photoperiods,when thedark period was interrupted with a short period ofillumination.Thus the photoperiodic behaviour of Begonia seedsin germinationis similar to that of typical long-day plantsin flowering.
  3. The application of gibberellin brought aboutno germinationin complete darkness, but markedly reduced thecritical daylengthfor germination, even 1-minute photoperiodsbeing inductive.The germination under continuous light wasalso favoured bygibberellin application. The action of gibberellinin germinationof Begonia seeds may be to intensify the lightaction or tosubstitute for a part of it.
1Present address: Dept. of Botany, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. (Received October 19, 1959; )  相似文献   

The rate of reduction of methylene blue by milk and acetaldehyde is proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the milk. This fact may be made the basis of a method of determining oxygen in gaseous mixtures.  相似文献   

The steady-state levels of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium were estimated in the green alga Ulva rigida C. Agardh in darkness after addition of 0.5 mM KNO3 and irradiation with red (R) and blue (B) light pulses of different duration (5 and 30 min). The net uptake of nitrate was very rapid. Seventy-five percent of the nitrate added was consumed after 60 min in darkness. Although uptake was stable after R or B, efflux of nitrate occurred within 3 h in the dark control and when R or B were followed by far-red (FR) irradiation. The internal nitrate concentration after 3 h in darkness was similar after R and B light pulses; however, the intracellular ammonium was higher after R than after B. The intracellular nitrate and ammonium decreased when FR tight pulses were applied immediately after R or B. Thus, the involvement of phytochrome in the transport of nitrate and ammonium is proposed. Nitrate reductase activity, measured by the in situ method, was increased by both R and B light pulses. The effect was partially reversed by FR light. Nitrate reductase activity was higher after 5 min of R light than after 5 min of B. However, after 30-min light pulses, the relative increase in activity was reversed for R and B. We propose that phytochrome and a blue-light photoreceptor are involved in regulation of nitrogen metabolism. Nitrate uptake and reduction correlates with previously detected light-regulated accumulation of protein in Ulva rigida under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Nine-day-old Pinto bean seedlings, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were treated daily for 12 days with supplementary red or far-red radiation following daily exposure to 8 hr of daylight. Stem elongation was nearly exponential from the 4th to the 12th day of treatment and was about 2.9 times greater under far-red radiation. Cell division and cell elongation were promoted essentially equally by far-red radiation. There was virtually no difference in either the rate of leaf initiation or the duration of growth of internodes under the supplementary radiation.  相似文献   

The elongation of fern protonemata is controlled by red andfar-red light in an atypical fashion. Red light promotes theelongation of young plants but inhibits the elongation of olderplants. Far-red light promotes elongation regardless of filamentage, and the maximum promotion by far-red is greater than thepromotion which red light causes in young filaments. The elongationof rhizoids is under typical red, far-red control. Red lightpromotes elongation, and a period of far-red illumination followingred light treatment negates the promotive effects of red light. 1 Present address of the authors: Dept. of Bacteriology andBotany, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, U. S. A. (Received November 5, 1962; )  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the aerial tuber initiation ofBegonia evansiana Andr. in response to short-day condition wereinvestigated. Tuberization was inhibited by relatively low and high temperaturesduring the dark periods. The optimal nycto-temperature was 23°and hardly changed by not only photo-temperature but also daylength.There were two temperature-sensitive phases in the dark period;one came at its beginning, and the other later one came at varioustimes depending on the length of the light period. Low temperatureswere effective at both of these sensitive phases, but high temperatureshad an influence only at the later one. Photo-temperatures exerted little influence on tuberizationunder the sub-optimal daylength, but the lower temperatureswere promotive under longer daylengths. (Received August 2, 1963; )  相似文献   

1. In a salt-free medium the proportion of the total amount of hemolytic sensitizer present, combined with the homologous cells, reaches a maximum of almost 100 per cent at pH 5.3. On the alkaline side of this point the proportion combined diminishes with the alkalinity and reaches a minimum of approximately 5 per cent at pH 10. On the acid side of pH 5.3 the proportion combined diminishes with the acidity but somewhat less rapidly than for a corresponding increase in alkalinity. 2. The presence of NaCl greatly increases the proportion of sensitizer combined with cells at all reactions except those in the neighborhood of pH 5.3. At this point the combination of sensitizer with cells is independent of the presence of electrolyte. 3. The curves representing the proportion of sensitizer combined or free run almost exactly parallel, both when the sensitizer combines de novo and when it dissociates from combination; therefore, in constant volume, at a given hydrogen ion concentration, and at a given temperature, an equilibrium exists between the amount of sensitizer free and that combined with cells. 4. The combination of sensitizer and cells is related fundamentally to the isoelectric point of the sensitizer. 5. The dissociated ions of the sensitizer, formed either by its acid or its basic dissociation, do not unite with cells. Combination takes place only between the cells and the undissociated molecules of the sensitizer.  相似文献   

Tuberization of Begonia Evansiana Andr. in response to short-day(SD) treatment given to a leaf is inhibited by long-day (LD)treatment of another leaf, no matter whether the latter is situatedabove or below the former. In general, however, young leavesare more inhibitory than mature leaves, although the reverseis the case if the growing activity of the former is extremelylowered. LD treatment is inhibitory even when given prior toan SD treatment. In contrast with the above, the SD effect is slight in the youngerleaves. The LD inhibition may be attributable primarily to a formationin the LD leaf of some substance antagonizing the SD effect. (Received November 10, 1960; )  相似文献   

  1. Under continuous irradiation, the growth of intact rice coleoptilewas strongly inhibited by red light, and somewhat preventedby blue and far-red light. The inhibitory effect of red lighton coleoptile elongation was caused by a low-energy brief irradiation,and a single exposure of 1.5 kiloergs cm–2 incidentenergy of red light brought about the 50% inhibition. This photoinhibitionof growth was observed only after the coleoptile had elongatedto about 10 mm or longer. The red light-induced effect was reversedby an immediately following brief exposure to far-red light,and the photoresponses to red and far-red light were repeatedlyreversible. The escape reaction of red lightinduced effect tookplace at a rate so that 50% of the initial reversibility waslost within 9 hr in darkness at 27. The inhibition by bluelight and reversal by far-red irradiation was also achievedrepeatedly with successive treatments of the coleoptiles. Theevidence for a low intensity red far-red reversible controlof coleoptile growth, indicative of control by phytochrome,seems clearly established in etiolated intact seedlings.
  2. Incontrast, the elongation of apically excised rice coleoptilesegments was promoted by a brief exposure to red light in 0.02M phosphate buffer, pH 7, and the effect was almost completelynullified by an immediately subsequent exposure to far-red light.It becomes evident that the growth of intact coleoptiles wasinhibited by a exposure to red light, while that of excisedsegments in a buffer was rather promoted by red irradiation.The direction of red light induced responses, either promotiveor inhibitory, depends upon the method of bioassay using intactcoleoptiles or their excised segments.
(Received July 24, 1967; )  相似文献   

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