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One-month-old male ICR mice were fed a nutritionally adequate, semipurified diet, either ad libitum (AL) or calorie restricted (CR) (40% less food) for 6 months and were killed to obtain spleens. Flow cytometric analysis revealed increased proportions of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in CR-fed mice compared to AL-fed mice. The T cell subsets of CR-fed mice were also found to have higher levels of plasma membrane Fas receptor expression. Similarly, Fas-ligand (Fas-L) expression was higher in anti-CD3-stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CR-fed mice also had increased numbers of annexin V-positive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in stimulated splenic lymphocytes suggesting an increased potential for apoptosis. Fas and Fas-L gene expression in splenic lymphocytes, which correlated closely with the observed increased rate of apoptosis, was significantly increased in CR-fed mice compared to AL-fed mice. In conclusion, these results indicate that CR increases the expression of Fas and Fas-L which may contribute to the known beneficial effects of CR such as prolongation of life span by activating chronic physiologically mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study, a cell-free extract of Salmonella inhibited T cell mitogen-induced proliferation of spleen cells from non-immunized mice. The proliferation of murine spleen cells stimulated with a T cell mitogen, such as phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin A (ConA) was suppressed significantly when the cells were treated with a sonicate of S. typhimurium , but not of E. coli . The agent(s) responsible for the suppressive effect existed mainly in the soluble fraction of S. typhimurium , whereas the membrane fraction possessed minimal activity. The T cell proliferation suppression paralleled the level of interleukin-2 (IL-2) secretion. Addition of phorbol 12-myristate-13 acetate (PMA) to the cultures restored IL-2 secretion to normal levels, although proliferation remained suppressed and was not reversed by treatment with recombinant IL-2. These results suggest that the suppression of T cell proliferation induced by a soluble Salmonella fraction is associated with inhibition of IL-2 secretion and the response of T cells to IL-2 and the former effect is dependent upon the inhibition of the stimulatory activity of protein kinase C on IL-2 secretion. This type of suppression may explain a mechanism of immunosuppression induced by murine typhoid fever.  相似文献   

M A Brock  W H Adler 《Cryobiology》1989,26(3):256-264
The physiological status of donor organisms is an often overlooked factor in cryopreservation experiments. Murine splenic lymphocytes exhibit systematic changes in function which are endogenous and influence recoveries of viable and functional frozen-thawed cells over the life span of mice. One of these changes is the decline in the performance of unfrozen cells as organisms age. Superimposed on the age-related decline in lymphocyte functions are circannual rhythms in T- and B-cell mitogenesis, and the properties of these rhythms also change with age. Splenocytes from young, 15-month-old and 23- to 27-month-old C57BL/6 mice were cryopreserved and tested for recovery of mitogenic responses to activation by the T-cell mitogens, phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A, and the B-cell mitogen, lipopolysaccharide. Tritiated thymidine incorporation by activated, dividing cells was determined after 72 hr of in vitro culture. Seasonal patterns in recovery of viable and functional cryopreserved cells from young mice resembled those of their unfrozen controls (6). By 15 months of age, the responses after freeze-thaw stress decreased to the levels observed for cells obtained from senescent mice, and seasonal patterns were no longer observed. In these middle-aged mice, intracellular changes in lymphocytes that are equivalent to those in senescent animals resulted in irreparable structural-functional injury during cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of host immunosuppression after infection with Toxoplasma gondii are unclear. This study was performed to observe cytokine and immunoglobulin secretions by murine splenic lymphocytes infected in vitro with live, nonreplicating (irradiated) RH tachyzoites on stimulation with concanavalin A (Con A) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). For lymphocyte cultivation, 3 groups were prepared: coculture with live nonirradiated tachyzoites separated by a transwell (group T), live irradiated tachyzoites without a transwell (group R), and no tachyzoites (group C). Compared with group T, groups R and C, on stimulation with Con A, revealed significantly (P < 0.05) lower levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IFN-gamma, but not IL-10. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, and IgM were also significantly (P < 0.05) lower in groups R and C than in group T after stimulation with LPS. The results suggest that intracellular infection of murine splenic lymphocytes with T. gondii tachyzoites could impair their capacity to produce cytokine and immunoglobulin secretions.  相似文献   

Various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against Toxoplasma gondii RH tachyzoites were used for flow cytometric detection of intracellular parasites in murine splenic lymphocytes. Tg110 and Tg563 (reacting with the major surface protein SAG1), Tg505 (with another surface protein SAG2), Tg695 and Tg786 (with rhoptry proteins), Tg507, Tg621, and Tg317 (with dense granule proteins), Tg536 (with a microneme protein), and Tg685 (with a cytosol antigen) were the mAbs used. After an in vitro infection of lymphocytes with tachyzoites and reactions with the different mAbs, flow cytometry was performed using an indirect immunofluorescent technique. The proportions of whole infected lymphocytes and of each infected lymphocyte phenotype, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and B cells, were determined, and their fluorescent intensities were quantified. The best reaction was seen when Tg110 or Tg695 was used as the mAbs. The results suggest that mAbs against surface or rhoptry proteins are highly useful for the flow cytometric detection of intracellular T. gondii in host cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has indicated that addition of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) to culture medium is able to activate murine lymphocytes to undergo blastogenesis, to synthesize polyclonal antibody, and to develop cytotoxicity to both autologous and heterologous target cells. In order to explore the basis for these phenomena, a study of the physical interaction between the cell and 2-ME was undertaken by using a radiolabeled preparation of 2-ME. Uptake of labeled 2-ME increased over the initial 24 hr of culture, after which a steady state was achieved. Cells were found to have maximal susceptibility to activation by 2-ME after incubation for 24 hr in the absence of the thiol compound. This observation was not explicable in terms of any alteration in the kinetics of 2-ME uptake. The amount of labeled 2-ME taken up was a function of the 2-ME concentration with which the cell was incubated, with the exception of the concentration range that is optimal for mitogenesis. At this range, the curve was suggestive of a saturation effect. Uptake by B cell cultures was found to exceed that by T cell cultures. Uptake was shown to result from interaction with protein, to be independent of metabolic energy, to be governed by temperature-dependent kinetics, and to be highly specific.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from patients with antibodies against the AIDS associated human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV-1) have elevated concentrations of polyamines. Spermidine and spermine are similar in amount in patients with Persistent Generalized Lymphadenopathy (PGL) and overt AIDS, while putrescine is much higher in the latter. Spermidine-acetyltransferase activity is also increased in lymphocytes from patients with PGL. Diamine-oxidase activity is decreased in serum of patients with PGL, but not in those with AIDS.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte ghosts loaded with various kinds of protein molecules were fused with mouse splenic lymphocytes by means of polyethylene glycol supplemented with poly-L-arginine and dimethylsulfoxide. This fusion method made quantitative microinjection of IgG and other proteins into intact lymphocytes possible. The injection itself did not alter cell viability, and lymphocytes given protein molecules retained intact response activity when they were stimulated with mitogens. Rabbit anticyclic AMP was purified by affinity chromatography and injected into lymphocytes. Antibody activity in the cell lysates was measured by using 125I-labeled cyclic AMP as an antigen, and it was shown that antibody molecules were quantitatively injected and immunologically active in the cells. Antigen binding activity of anti-cyclic AMP antibodies in the nonstimulated lymphocytes was stable and intact even 24 hr after microinjection, whereas the activity rapidly decreased in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes, indicating that some immunologic or enzymatic mechanisms for inactivating antibodies were induced in mitogen-stimulated cells. Furthermore, microinjection of anti-cyclic AMP markedly enhanced the proliferative responses of lymphocytes to mitogens such as Con A or LPS and reversed the effect of a known elevator of intracellular cyclic AMP. These observations have implications for the role of cyclic AMP in early lymphocyte activation events.  相似文献   

In this study, we kept BALB/c mice on a hyperlipidic diet for 120 days and then assessed the predisposition to apoptosis and the appearance of heat shock protein (Hsp) on splenic lymphocytes. By immunoblot analysis, bands corresponding to Hsp 60 and Hsp 70 in cells from mice kept on a saturated fatty acid diet showed a greater expression already after 1 month while two other bands, which correspond to Hsp 25 and Hsp 27, were slightly present after 1 month of treatment. In cells from mice kept on a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acid, there was a marked expression of Hsp 25 and Hsp 27 after only 30 days of treatment, which was maintained constant for up to 4 months; while for bands corresponding to Hsp 60 and Hsp 70, a significant minor signal was only detectable after 2-4 months from the beginning of the treatment. Splenic lymphocytes from animals kept on a lipidic diet containing saturated fatty acids were more susceptible to death by apoptosis, while cells of animals treated with unsaturated fatty acid were shown to be more resistant.  相似文献   

The exposure of mouse splenic lymphocytes to the microtubule assembly-promoting drug taxol (10 microM for 4 h) results in an extensive reorganization of the microtubule system to form one to a few large bundles of microtubules, which extend from the centrosome. Lymphocytes pretreated with taxol for 4 h, or cultured in the continued presence of taxol, respond normally to the mitogen concanavalin A up to, and including, the stage of DNA replication. In contrast, the induction of DNA synthesis during the alloactivation of lymphocytes is inhibited when taxol is present in the mixed leukocyte culture. If the stimulators are pretreated with this drug, the mixed leukocyte reaction occurs normally, but pretreatment of the responders inhibits the proliferative response markedly. Microscopic observations of nuclear morphologies in these populations and autoradiography indicate that taxol inhibition occurs early in alloactivation, prior to DNA replication. The responding ability of taxol-treated lymphocytes is not restored to control levels by the addition of interleukin 2, leading to the suggestion that interleukin 2 receptors do not emerge or function normally in these cells. We conclude that the capacity to respond to allogeneic cells, but not to a mitogen, is dependent on the presence of the normal submembranous organization of the microtubule system.  相似文献   

Guinea pig peritoneal macrophages were activated in vitro by culturing with MAF (macrophage activating factor)-containing fractions from stimulated lymphocytes. These macrophage preparations demonstrate a 60% increase in the production of prostaglandins of the E series (PGE) when compared with macrophages cultured with fractions from unstimulated lymphocytes. PGE accumulation in macrophage cultures is maximal after 24 hr with MAF; tumor cytotoxicity is also maximal at this time. The final PGE concentration in cultures of activated macrophages averaged 3 × 10?8M.  相似文献   

The spleens of young pigs were selectively labeled with tritiated thymidine ([3H]-TdR) and the relative and absolute numbers of labeled lymphocytes found 24 hr later in different lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs were determined autoradiographically. It was deduced that about 4.6 × 109 lymphocytes (that is, about 15% of all splenic lymphocytes) are produced by the spleen per day and about 17% of the newly formed lymphocytes leave the spleen within the first day of labeling. Spleen-derived lymphocytes could be found in relatively high numbers in the lymph nodes, blood, gut-associated lymphoid tissues, and, surprisingly, in the bone marrow, whereas the concentration in the thymus was very low. In a second series, pigs were labeled with [3H]TdR and only the spleen was excluded from labeling. The labeling index of splenic small lymphocytes was about 10% 1 day later, indicating a high rate of influx of newly formed lymphocytes into the pig spleen. The spleen of the young pig is an important lymphocytopoietic organ and exports and imports newly formed lymphocytes at high rates.  相似文献   

A unique form of protein glycosylation in which N-acetylglucosamine monosaccharides are O-glycosidically linked to serine or threonine residues (O-GlcNAc) was initially reported in studies that used purified bovine milk galactosyltransferase to exogenously probe living populations of murine lymphocytes. However, in this same study, detergent latency experiments surprisingly indicated that unlike other known forms of protein glycosylation, O-GlcNAc-modified proteins occur predominantly intracellularly. Since we now know that as little as 5% lysis could have accounted for the putative cell surface O-GlcNAc seen in these earlier studies, and also in the light of recent data on the subcellular localization of the O-GlcNAc glycosyltransferase(s), we decided to critically reexamine the topology and polypeptide distribution of O-GlcNAc in primary cultures of murine lymphocytes that were prepared using improved cell selection techniques that do not involve complement-mediated lysis for cell enrichment. We have also examined two well-characterized T cell hybridoma lines. Under these highly stringent conditions of cell viability, we were unable to detect O-GlcNAc bearing proteins on the cell surfaces of any of these cell types. Also, O-GlcNAc was found on a similar subset of proteins in all of the various lymphocyte cell types. These data suggest that O-GLcNAc is highly restricted to the cytoplasmic/nucleoplasmic compartment of the cell and is found on a similar subset of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins in functionally different types of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A study of pathways of lymphocyte migration through mouse spleen revealed lymphatic channels closely following arteries in trabeculae and white pulp. Because there is no detailed record of the layout of deep splenic lymphatics in the mouse, or other species, we present our observations in this paper, relating our findings to normal migratory pathways of lymphocytes through the spleen. Lymphatics draining the spleen are so inconspicuous that they often are not mentioned in anatomical discussions. The data presented clearly demonstrate 1) the existence and layout of deep lymphatic vessels in the mouse spleen, and 2) that migrating lymphocytes exit white pulp via these lymphatic vessels. CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets migrated proximally along the central artery from distal (dPALS) to proximal periarterial lymphatic sheaths (pPALS) and exited via deep lymphatic vessels that originate there. B cells migrated from dPALS to enter lymphatic nodules (NOD), thus segregated from T cells. B cells then migrated toward and exited via deep lymphatics. The appearance of labelled lymphocytes in lymph coincided with their disappearance from white pulp compartments. Labelled T cells were observed in splenic lymphatics as early as 1 hr after intravenous infusion but took, on average, about 6 hr. B cells took somewhat longer. Thus T and B cells entered and left white pulp through shared pathways, but took divergent intermediate routes through dedicated zones, pPALS for T cells, NOD for B cells.  相似文献   

Abstract In a previous study, we observed that the suppression of T-cell proliferation induced by Salmonella cell-free extract was associated with augmentation of IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) α chain expression. In this study, we also observed this kind of augmentation of IL-2Rα in Salmonella -infected mice. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated proliferation of murine spleen cells was significantly suppressed when the mice were infected with Salmonella typhimurium . However, expression of the α chain but not the β chain of IL-2R in lymphocytes was augmented by the infection. Analysis of the IL-2R-positive cell-populylation showed that the augmentation of IL-2Rα was not specific to certain cell subpopulations. Furthermore, the inhibition of PHA-stimulated murine spleen cell proliferation and the augmentation of IL-2Rα expression induced by the infection in lymphocytes was completely reversed by treatment with anti-interferon-γ monoclonal antibody (anti-IFN-γ Ab). These results suggest that the suppression of T-cell proliferation induced by Salmonella infection was associated with augmentation of IL-2Rα expression in an IFN-γ production-dependent manner in the same way as the suppression of T-cell proliferation induced by Salmonella cell-free extract.  相似文献   

A functional T cell surface molecule, T cell-activating protein (TAP), has been identified on murine lymphocytes. TAP is a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 10-12 kilodaltons (kDa) nonreduced, 16-17 kDa reduced. Cross-linking of TAP can result in profound activation of T lymphocytes to produce lymphokines and to enter the cell cycle. Furthermore, antibody binding to TAP can modulate antigen-driven T cell stimulation. Current data suggest that TAP is physically distinct from the T cell receptor complex. On unstimulated lymphocytes, TAP is expressed on T cells and defines heterogeneity within the major T cell subsets. Its profile of expression is rapidly altered on cell activation. Ontologically, it is first detected in the thymus, where it is found on both the most immature and the most mature cell subsets, and it is functional on both. Together, these TAP+ cells constitute a small fraction of thymocytes. TAP expression, however, defines the immunocompetent compartment of the thymus, and thus could be involved in functional maturation. Finally, the gene controlling TAP expression has been mapped, and is tightly linked to a locus of hematopoietic antigens (Ly-6). TAP is molecularly distinct from these antigens. Furthermore, all of these proteins show a markedly distinct developmental regulation in their cell surface expression.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C of murine lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-phospholipase C) was found primarily in the cytosolic fraction of murine splenic lymphocytes. However, small but significant amounts of the activity of the enzyme were detected in the microsome and plasma membrane fractions. Both the cytosolic and membrane-bound phospholipases C specifically hydrolyzed inositol phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. PI-Phospholipase C activity was detected in the cytosolic and microsome fractions from both T-cell-enriched and B-cell-enriched spleen cells. The membrane-bound enzyme was distinguishable from the cytosolic enzyme in the following properties. The cytosolic PI-phospholipase C showed optimal activity at pH 6.0 while the membrane-bound enzyme had two pH optima between pH 5.0 and 7.0. The activity of the cytosolic enzyme was first detected at 1 microM Ca2+, and maximum activity was observed at 100 microM Ca2+, while the membrane-bound PI-phospholipase C required higher Ca2+ concentrations, of millimolar order. The membrane-bound enzyme could hardly be extracted with 1 M NaCl but was extracted with 0.4% cholate.A portion of the membrane-bound PI-phospholipase C activity in the cholate extract was absorbed by concanavalin A-Sepharose and specifically eluted with an alpha-methylmannoside solution. The cytosolic enzyme, which was water soluble, did not bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose. Trypsinization of lymphocytes before subcellular fractionation caused a significant decrease in the PI-phospholipase C activity in the microsome fraction but almost no loss at all of the cytosolic enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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