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The key physiological functions of the rhodopsin molecule are reviewed. Molecular mechanisms of visual pigments spectral tuning, photoisomerization of the 11-cis-retinal chromophore that triggers the phototransduction process, formation of physiologically active state of rhodopsin as a G-protein-coupled receptor, rhodopsin visual cycle, and consequences of its impairment are evaluated. Visual pigment rhodopsin performs several functions, providing spectral sensitivity of photoreceptor cells, phototransduction processes and light and dark adaptation. Genetically determined defects of visual pigment molecule and proteins involved into mechanisms of phototransduction and adaptation or into mechanism of visual cycle are directly linked to pathogenesis of different forms of degenerative retina diseases. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of these physiological processes uncovers the way to direct investigation of pathogenesis of these severe eye diseases.  相似文献   

Molecular determinants of visual pigment function.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutagenesis studies and comparisons of natural variants of rhodopsin and related visual pigments have led to new insights concerning photoreceptor function. The studies identify domains important for receptor folding, the residues that set the wavelength of absorption for the ligand 11-cis retinal, and residues, that when mutated, trigger the cell death of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a singular protein with multiple functions. It is probably the most slowly evolving protein known, is encoded by genes with a unique structure, and provides an intriguing case study for various aspects of molecular evolution. In particular, the multiple ubiquitin-coding repeats which have been characterized in man, yeast and a slime mould graphically illustrate the dynamics of concerted evolution, but cast doubts on the effectiveness of this process for unlinked arrays in this repeat family.  相似文献   

The red-green pigment gene arrays of 203 (101 from a previous study and 102 from this study) randomly selected men of Japanese ancestry from the Seattle area were screened for the abnormal molecular patterns (deletions and red/green or green/red hybrid genes) that are usually associated with defective color vision. Such molecular patterns were found in approximately 5% of these individuals, which is equivalent to the frequency of phenotypic color vision defects in Japanese males in Japan. Thus, the majority of hybrid genes carried by Japanese males appear to be associated with defective color vision. In contrast, the frequency of hybrid genes among Caucasians and African-Americans is approximately two and five times the frequency of color vision defects in these two ethnic groups, respectively. The coding sequences of 50 males of Japanese ancestry were determined. All the polymorphisms in the red and green pigment genes that were detected in the Japanese sample had been observed in Caucasians and African-Americans. The same polymorphisms of the red pigment gene were present in the green pigment gene, suggesting that gene conversion contributes to sequence homogenization between these pigment genes. As is the case for Caucasians, exon 3 of the red and green pigment genes was observed to be a hot spot for recombination and gene conversion. Fewer polymorphic sites (4 vs 11) and haplotypes (5 vs 14) of the red pigment gene were observed in Japanese than in Caucasians. The Japanese population was more uniform with respect to the red pigment gene, with 70% of individuals having the same haplotype, as compared with the 43% for the Caucasian population. This difference was largely due to the lower degree of polymorphism at position 180 of the red pigment gene in Japanese (84% Ser and 16% Ala vs 62% Ser and 38% Ala.) The number of polymorphic sites and haplotypes in the green pigment gene was similar in the two populations. Nevertheless, the Japanese population was more uniform with 65% having the same haplotype. The difference in the frequency of alleles at position 283 accounted for this difference in haplotype distribution.  相似文献   

Both adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and red/green color blindness have been mapped to the distal long arm of the human X chromosome (Xq28). Color-vision defects are frequently associated with ALD, and study of the red and green visual pigment genes in eight ALD kindreds has shown frequent structural changes including deletions and possible intragenic recombinations. Such changes may reflect chromosomal events underlying both ALD and the associated visual defects and should help define both the structural gene responsible for ALD and physical genetic relationships in the Xq28 region.  相似文献   

Detecting gene conversion: primate visual pigment genes.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effects of gene conversion can be detected in the DNA sequences of multigene families. We develop a permutation test of the significance of patterns of sequence mismatches, and apply it to the sequences of the red- and green-sensitive visual pigment genes of human and the diana monkey. Whereas conventional tests of the rate of sequence divergence are equivocal, the permutation test convincingly excludes divergence in the absence of gene conversion (p = 10(-6)).  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of nitrate reductase genes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To understand the evolutionary mechanisms and relationships of nitrate reductases (NRs), the nucleotide sequences encoding 19 nitrate reductase (NR) genes from 16 species of fungi, algae, and higher plants were analyzed. The NR genes examined show substantial sequence similarity, particularly within functional domains, and large variations in GC content at the third codon position and intron number. The intron positions were different between the fungi and plants, but conserved within these groups. The overall and nonsynonymous substitution rates among fungi, algae, and higher plants were estimated to be 4.33 × 10−10 and 3.29 × 10−10 substitutions per site per year. The three functional domains of NR genes evolved at about one-third of the rate of the N-terminal and the two hinge regions connecting the functional domains. Relative rate tests suggested that the nonsynonymous substitution rates were constant among different lineages, while the overall nucleotide substitution rates varied between some lineages. The phylogenetic trees based on NR genes correspond well with the phylogeny of the organisms determined from systematics and other molecular studies. Based on the nonsynonymous substitution rate, the divergence time of monocots and dicots was estimated to be about 340 Myr when the fungi–plant or algae–higher plant divergence times were used as reference points and 191 Myr when the rice–barley divergence time was used as a reference point. These two estimates are consistent with other estimates of divergence times based on these reference points. The lack of consistency between these two values appears to be due to the uncertainty of the reference times. Received: 10 April 1995 / Accepted: 10 September 1995  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of bat color vision genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two suborders of bats, Megachiroptera (megabats) and Microchiroptera(microbats), use different sensory modalities for perceivingtheir environment. Megabats are crepuscular and rely on a well-developedeyes and visual pathway, whereas microbats occupy a nocturnalniche and use acoustic orientation or echolocation more thanvision as the major means of perceiving their environment. Inview of the differences associated with their sensory systems,we decided to investigate the function and evolution of colorvision (opsin genes) in these two suborders of bats. The middle/longwavelength (M/L) and short wavelength (S) opsin genes were sequencedfrom two frugivorous species of megabats, Haplonycteris fischeriand Pteropus dasymallus formosus, and one insectivorous speciesof microbat, Myotis velifer. Contrary to the situation in primates,where many nocturnal species have lost the functional S opsingene, both crepuscular and strictly nocturnal species of batsthat we examined have functional M/L and S opsin genes. Surprisingly,the S opsin in these bats may be sensitive to UV light, whichis relatively more abundant at dawn and at dusk. The M/L opsinin these bats appears to be the L type, which is sensitive tored and may be helpful for identifying fruits among leaves orfor other purposes. Most interestingly, H. fischeri has a recentduplication of the M/L opsin gene, representing to date theonly known case of opsin gene duplication in non-primate mammals.Some of these observations are unexpected and may provide insightsinto the effect of nocturnal life on the evolution of opsingenes in mammals and the evolution of the life history traitsof bats in general.  相似文献   



Obtaining a draft genome sequence of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), the second bird genome to be sequenced, provides the necessary resource for whole-genome comparative analysis of gene sequence evolution in a non-mammalian vertebrate lineage. To analyze basic molecular evolutionary processes during avian evolution, and to contrast these with the situation in mammals, we aligned the protein-coding sequences of 8,384 1:1 orthologs of chicken, zebra finch, a lizard and three mammalian species.


We found clear differences in the substitution rate at fourfold degenerate sites, being lowest in the ancestral bird lineage, intermediate in the chicken lineage and highest in the zebra finch lineage, possibly reflecting differences in generation time. We identified positively selected and/or rapidly evolving genes in avian lineages and found an over-representation of several functional classes, including anion transporter activity, calcium ion binding, cell adhesion and microtubule cytoskeleton.


Focusing specifically on genes of neurological interest and genes differentially expressed in the unique vocal control nuclei of the songbird brain, we find a number of positively selected genes, including synaptic receptors. We found no evidence that selection for beneficial alleles is more efficient in regions of high recombination; in fact, there was a weak yet significant negative correlation between ω and recombination rate, which is in the direction predicted by the Hill-Robertson effect if slightly deleterious mutations contribute to protein evolution. These findings set the stage for studies of functional genetics of avian genes.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of cycloidea-like genes in Fabaceae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cycloidea (CYC) gene controls floral symmetry in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus). We investigated the evolution of CYC-like genes in some species of legumes that have zygomorphic flowers. Two to four CYC-like genes were isolated from a single species. The results of NJ and ML analyses indicate that CYC-like genes in legumes group into two monophyletic clades; one group consists of eight CYC-like genes (Clade 1) and the other contains three CYC-like genes and TB1 of maize (Clade 2). These phylogenetic trees and the Shimodaira–Hasegawa test suggest that Clade 1 is a sister of the original CYC group (Clade 3). Moreover, the result of the GeneTree analysis showed that the CYC-like genes experienced repeated duplication events during the evolution of legumes. We herein speculate as to the role of CYC-like genes in legumes and discuss the evolutionary processes that these genes have undergone. Current address (Jun Yokoyama and Masayuki Maki): Division of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba, Sendai 980-8578, Japan  相似文献   

A total of 752 odorant receptor (Or) genes, including pseudogenes, were identified in 11 Drosophila species and named after their orthologs in Drosophila melanogaster. The 813 Or genes, including 61 from D. melanogaster, were classified into 59 orthologous groups that are well supported by gene phylogeny. By reconciling with the gene family phylogeny, we estimated the number of gene duplication/loss events and intron gain/loss events in the species phylogeny. We found that these events are particularly frequent in Drosophila grimshawi, Drosophila willistoni, and obscura group. More than half of the duplicated genes stay as tandem arrays, whose size range from 2 to 8. These genes vary in sequence and some likely underwent positive selection, indicating that the gene duplication was important for flies to acquire new olfactory functions. We hypothesize that Or genes conferred the basic olfactory repertoire to ancestral flies before the speciation of the Drosophila and Sophophora subgenera about 40 Mya. This repertoire has been largely maintained in the current species, whereas lineage-specific gene duplication seems to have led to additional specialization in some species in response to specific ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Molecular aspects of murine evolution were studied by sequencing, and subsequently comparing, introns of the Y-chromosomal tspy genes from Apodemus agrarius, A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, Mus platythrix (subgenus Pyromys), M. booduga (subgenus Leggada), and from species of the subgenus Mus, including M. cervicolor, M. macedonicus and M. spretus. Estimates of nucleotide substitution rates in these lineages were in perfect agreement with phylogenetic data previously published by She et al. (1990), Catzeflis et al. (1992; 1993), and Lyon et al. (1996). The only exception was provided by a comparatively late divergence of M. spretus and M. macedonicus. Our data also suggest that M. booduga diverged from the subgenus Mus about 3 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Molecular population genetic studies are providing new perspectives on the evolution of genes that confer resistance to pathogens and herbivores. Here, we compare the evolutionary history of different components of the defense response (detection, signaling and response) and of genes with parallel function in plants and Drosophila. A review of the literature indicates that the dominant form of selection acting on defense genes (balancing, positive and purifying) differs among components of defense. Sampling of particular classes of genes and genes from non-model organisms, however, remains limited. Future studies combining molecular evolutionary analyses with ecological genetic and functional analyses should better reveal how natural selection has shaped defense gene evolution.  相似文献   

Studies of morphology, interspecific hybridization, protein/DNA sequences, and levels of gene expression have suggested that sex-related characters (particularly those involved in male reproduction) evolve rapidly relative to non-sex-related characters. Here we report a general comparison of evolutionary rates of sex-biased genes using data from cDNA microarray experiments and comparative genomic studies of Drosophila. Comparisons of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rates (d(N)/d(S)) between species of the D. melanogaster subgroup revealed that genes with male-biased expression had significantly faster rates of evolution than genes with female-biased or unbiased expression. The difference was caused primarily by a higher d(N) in the male-biased genes. The same pattern was observed for comparisons among more distantly related species. In comparisons between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, genes with highly biased male expression were significantly more divergent than genes with highly biased female expression. In many cases, orthologs of D. melanogaster male-biased genes could not be identified in D. pseudoobscura through a Blast search. In contrast to the male-biased genes, there was no clear evidence for accelerated rates of evolution in female-biased genes, and most comparisons indicated a reduced rate of evolution in female-biased genes relative to unbiased genes. Male-biased genes did not show an increased ratio of nonsynonymous/synonymous polymorphism within D. melanogaster, and comparisons of polymorphism/divergence ratios suggest that the rapid evolution of male-biased genes is caused by positive selection.  相似文献   

Human DHRS2 and DHRS4 genes code for similar NADP-dependent short-chain carbonyl-reductase enzymes having different substrate specificity. Human DHRS2 and DHRS4 enzymes share several common sequence motives including residues responsible for coenzyme binding as well as for the intimate catalytic oxido-reductase mechanism, while their substrate-binding sequences have very low similarity. We found that DHRS2 and DHRS4 genes are syntenic outparalogues originated from a duplication of the DHRS4 gene that took place before the formation of the mammalian clade. DHRS2 gene evolved more rapidly and underwent positive selection on more sites than the DHRS4 gene. DHRS2 sites under positive selection were mainly located on the enzyme active site thus showing that substrate specificity drove the divergence from the DHRS4 enzyme. Rapid divergent evolution brought the human DHRS2 enzyme to have subcellular localization, synthesis regulation and specialized cellular functions very different from those of the human DHRS4 enzyme.  相似文献   

Incursions of marine water into South America during the Miocene prompted colonization of freshwater habitats by ancestrally marine species and present a unique opportunity to study the molecular evolution of adaptations to varying environments. Freshwater and marine environments are distinct in both spectra and average intensities of available light. Here, we investigate the molecular evolution of rhodopsin, the photosensitive pigment in the eye that activates in response to light, in a clade of South American freshwater anchovies derived from a marine ancestral lineage. Using likelihood-based comparative sequence analyses, we found evidence for positive selection in the rhodopsin of freshwater anchovy lineages at sites known to be important for aspects of rhodopsin function such as spectral tuning. No evidence was found for positive selection in marine lineages, nor in three other genes not involved in vision. Our results suggest that an increased rate of rhodopsin evolution was driven by diversification into freshwater habitats, thereby constituting a rare example of molecular evolution mirroring large-scale palaeogeographic events.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced two full-length cDNA clones encoding actin from carrot. The two carrot clones are almost identical at the nucleotide level, and are quite homologous to each other and to other plant actins at the amino acid level. In those regions where amino acid variation exists between the two genes from carrot, the differences have arisen from very simple changes at the nucleotide level. The most common changes are nucleotide insertion(s) coupled to the deletion of a different nucleotide(s) nearby in the DNA sequence, resulting in the restoration of the proper reading frame for the protein; thus, these changes can be viewed as multiple or coupled frameshift mutations. There are almost no base substitutions between the two carrot genes. In contrast to this, when the carrot actin nucleotide sequences are compared to those of a soybean actin gene or a maize actin gene, many base substitutions are observed (ca. 21.8% and 23.5%), more than half of which are third base changes which do not alter the protein sequence. At the amino acid level, both carrot genes show greater similarity to maize actin than they do to soybean actin, thus reinforcing the idea that plant actin genes diverged from a single common ancestral actin gene prior to the divergence of monocots and dicots.  相似文献   

Genes of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) have a wide variety of cellular activities. In this study, we investigated molecular evolution of IgSF genes in primates by comparing orthologous sequences of 249 IgSF genes among human, chimpanzee, orangutan, rhesus macaque, and common marmoset. To evaluate the non-synonymous/synonymous substitution ratio (ω), we applied Bn-Bs program and PAML program. IgSF genes were classified into 11 functional categories based on the Gene Ontology (GO) database. Among them, IgSF genes in three functional categories, immune system process (GO:0002376), defense response (GO:0006952), and multi-organism process (GO:0051704), which are tightly linked to the regulation of immune system had much higher values of ω than genes in the other GO categories. In addition, we estimated the average values of ω for each primate lineage. Although each primate lineage had comparable average values of ω, the human lineage showed the lowest ω value for the immune-related genes. Furthermore, 11 IgSF genes, SIGLEC5, SLAMF6, CD33, CD3E, CEACAM8, CD3G, FCER1A, CD48, CD4, TIM4, and FCGR2A, were implied to have been under positive selective pressure during the course of primate evolution. Further sequence analyses of CD3E and CD3G from 23 primate species suggested that the Ig domains of CD3E and CD3G underwent the positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the red-sensitive visual pigment gene, R007Af, in the fish Astyanax fasciatus, from the initiation codon to the stop codon of this gene, including introns, is 1,592 bp, making it the shortest visual pigment gene known in vertebrates. Analysis of this and other homologous sequence data suggests that vertebrates initially had two duplicate genes and that each ancestor of Astyanax, human, and chicken independently duplicated the gene in the process of developing their red-green color vision. Furthermore, many extant red-green colorblind organisms may be explained simply by the failure of achieving very specific nucleotide substitutions at the three codon positions 180, 277, and 285, rather than by the lack of duplicate loci.   相似文献   

Summary Synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates at the loci encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gap) and outer membrane protein 3A (ompA) were examined in 12 species of enteric bacteria. By examining homologous sequences in species of varying degrees of relatedness and of known phylogenetic relationships, we analyzed the patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions within and among these genes. Although both loci accumulate synonymous substitutions at reduced rates due to codon usage bias, portions of thegap andompA reading frames show significant deviation in synonymous substitution rates not attributable to local codon bias. A paucity of synonymous substitutions in portions of theompA gene may reflect selection for a novel mRNA secondary structure. In addition, these studies allow comparisons of homologous protein-coding sequences (gap) in plants, animals, and bacteria, revealing differences in evolutionary constraints on this glycolytic enzyme in these lineages.  相似文献   

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