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Tridecamers containing a central no-base residue (X) have been synthesized and hybridized to their complementary strands, so as to constitute duplexes consisting of two hexamers separated by central mismatched X-A or X-T pairs. The effect of the introduction of this deoxyribose derivative on duplex stability was investigated by measuring UV absorbance as a function of salt concentration and temperature. As expected, the duplexes containing the abnormal base pairs (X-T and X-A) are less stable when compared to the totally complementary duplexes (A-T and T-A). The X-T mismatched duplex shows the most unstable thermodynamical behaviour. The conformational changes of these duplexes were studied by IR spectroscopy in condensed phase as a function of water content. At high relative humidity, the IR spectra show that these tridecamers form B-type double stranded duplex structures. If the water content is decreased, only the duplexes m5CGm5CGCTXAGCTTC GCGCGAATCGAAG and, to a lesser degree, m5CGm5CGCTXAGCTTC GCGGCATTCGAAG undergo a partial B---Z transition involving the methylated hexamer, the conformation of the second segment remaining of the B type. These results show that only one apurinic residue leads to a flexible junction between B and Z forms in a short duplex containing 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidines.  相似文献   

The conformation of d(C-Br8G-C-G-C-Br8G) in aqueous solution was studied by CD and 1H-NMR spectroscopy and in condensed phase by IR spectroscopy. Whether in 0.1 M or 3 M NaCl solution or in film the only double helical structure adopted by brominated d(C-G)3 oligomer is the Z form. The IR spectrum of the film presents all the characteristic absorptions of the Z conformation and in particular is indicative of a syn conformation for the central guanosine as well as for the brominated one. Imino proton resonances of d(C-Br8G-C-G-C-Br8G) demonstrating the duplex formation were observed up to 60 degrees C. It is interesting to note that the significant highfield shifts of the dC H5" exocyclic sugar protons characteristic of the non exchangeable proton spectra of d(C-G)3 containing 5-methyl dC residues in the Z form were also detected in the proton spectrum of brominated oligomer. Whereas formation of the Z helix of methylated d(C-G)3 oligomers dependent on the salt concentration was found to occur via the preliminary formation of a B helix even in 4 M NaCl solution, the Z helix of d(C-Br8G-C-G-C-Br8G) is obtained directly from the coil form. However, IR data suggest that in the Z form of d(C-Br8G-C-G-C-Br8G), the overlapping of the base planes should be slightly different in comparison with the stacking observed in d(C-G)3 crystals. The kinetic data (activation energy and lifetime) of the Z helix-coil transition of brominated d(C-G)3 are compared to those of the B helix-coil transition observed for methylated d(C-G)3 in 0.1 M NaCl solution while the thermodynamic data of these two reactions (enthalpy and midpoint temperature) are slightly different.  相似文献   

Tyrocidines are a family of cyclic decapeptides produced by the soil bacterium, Brevibacillus parabrevis. These antibiotic peptides can be used to prevent infections in agriculture and food industry but also to prepare antimicrobial lozenges, creams, and dressings for medical applications. It has been observed that the tyrocidines interact with saccharides such as cellulose from their soil environment, as well as sugars in culture media and glycans in fungal cell walls. Here, we investigated the interactions of tyrocidines with glucose, sucrose, and cellotetraose (as cellulose model) in a quantitative fashion utilising CD and NMR spectroscopy. The CD and NMR spectra of tyrocidine A (TrcA) were analysed as a function of solvent composition, and the spectral properties agree with the formation of oligomeric structures that are governed by β‐sheet secondary structures once the acetonitrile content of the solvent is increased. Saccharides seem to also induce TrcA spectral changes reverting those induced by organic solvents. The CD spectral changes of TrcA in the presence of glucose agree with new ordered H‐bonding, possibly β‐sheet structures. The amides involved in intramolecular H‐bonding remained largely unaffected by the environmental changes. In contrast, amides exposed to the exterior and/or involved in TrcA intermolecular association show the largest 1H chemical shift changes. CD and NMR spectroscopic investigations correlated well with TrcA‐glucose interactions characterized by a dissociation constant around 200 μM. Interestingly, the association of cellotetraose corresponds closely to the additive effect from four glucose moieties, while a much higher dissociation constant was observed for sucrose. Similar trends to TrcA for binding to the three saccharides were observed for the analogous tyrocidines, tyrocidine B, and tyrocidine C. These results therefore indicate that the tyrocidine interactions with the glucose monosaccharide unit are fairly specific and reversible.  相似文献   

The synthetic polynucleotide poly(dA-dC).poly(dG-dT) at low ionic strength is shown to undergo conformational changes in the presence of [tris(2-aminoethyl)amine]zinc(II) chloride (ZnN4). At 100 microM ZnN4, circular dichroism and 31P NMR spectra show the formation of Z DNA. With an increase of the concentration up to 600 microM, an A-like form is obtained, and at still higher concentration, the polynucleotide reverts to the original B form. Experiments on polynucleotide samples in which some sequence errors were observed showed that spermine was necessary as well as ZnN4 to induce the Z form. At higher concentrations of spermine and ZnN4, a second Z form (Z*) is observed. Raising the ionic strength inhibits the formation of the Z form, whereas the presence of ethylene glycol favors it.  相似文献   

Two crystals d(C2GCG2) and d(C5GCG5) have been studied under microscope by Fourier transform ir spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The x-ray diffraction study of the latter crystal had shown that the d(C5GCG5) sequence is the first DNA dodecamer known to adopt a canonical A conformation [N. Verdaguer, J. Aymami, D. Fernandez-Forner, I. Fita, M. Coll, T. Huynh-Dinh, J. Igolen, and J. A. Subirana (1991) Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 221, pp. 623–635]. Characteristic ir marker bands and Raman marker peaks of the A conformation have thus been obtained and are compared with previously proposed assignments correlated to fiber diffraction x-ray results obtained on polymers. The d(C2GCG2) sequence crystal had previously been studied in an intermediate form between B and Z [L. Urpi, J. P. Ridoux, J. Liquier, N. Verdagner, I. Fita, J. A. Subirana, F. Iglesias, T. Huynh-Dinh, J. Igolen, and E. Taillandier (1989) Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 17, pp. 6669–6679]. In this paper we present results obtained from a crystal with this oligonucleotide in Z conformation. The effect of the crystallization conditions on the geometry of the obtained oligomer helix is discussed. The influence of the addition, to the central tetramer CGCG, of dCn stretches (at the 5′ end) and dGn stretches (at the 3′ end) of different lengths, on the conformational flexibility of the nucleic acid, is considered. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Acid-induced denaturation of the ribonuclease HI protein from Escherichia coli was analyzed by CD and NMR spectroscopies. The CD measurement revealed that the acid denaturation at 10 degrees C proceeds from the native state (N-state) to a molten globule-like state (A-state), through an apparently more unfolded state (U(A)-state). In (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra, cross peaks from the N-state and those from the other two states are distinctively observed, while the U(A)-state and A-state are not distinguished from each other. Cross peaks from the U(A)/A-states showed a small pH dependence, which suggests a similarity in the backbone structure between the two states. The direct hydrogen-deuterium (H-D) exchange measurement at pH with the largest population of U(A)-state revealed that at least alpha-helix I is highly protected in the structure of the U(A)-state. A pH-jump H-D exchange analysis showed that the protection of alpha-helix I is highest also in the A-state. The profile of hydrogen-bond protection indicated that the structure of the A-state is closely related to that of the kinetic folding intermediate.  相似文献   

The sequences CA'CGTG (where A' = 2-aminodeoxyadenosine) and m5CGCAm5CGTGCG are prepared and studied by IR, CD and 1H-NMR. Infrared spectra demonstrate the capacity of the modified hexamer and decamer to adopt a Z conformation. The influence of the NH2 substitution on the adenine or of the methylated terminal part of the decamer acting with the increase of the DNA concentration stabilizes the Z conformation at room temperature in low humidity films. Very weak proportion of Z conformation is detected in UV dilute solutions. In more concentrated NMR solutions, the Z proportion induced by high salt content is only 20-25%. The effects of the concentration and of the covalent modification of the bases are discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of several aromatic cationic dyes such as, ethidium bromide (EB), methylene blue (MB), acridine orange (AO), and Hoechst 33258 with calf-thymus DNA and poly(A)-poly(U) duplex was investigated. The different induced extrinsic Cotton effects (greater than 300 nm) were observed for DNA- and RNA-dye complexes. The binding properties of these complexes were examined by UV, CD, and NMR spectroscopies.  相似文献   

A close association between the HIV surface protein gp120 and the CD4 T cell receptor initiates the viral multiplication cycle. A 15 amino acid peptide (LAV) within the CD4 binding domain of gp 120 has been shown to retain receptor binding ability. The structural behavior of the LAV peptide has been studied by CD and NMR methods in aqueous solution and upon addition of trifluoroethanol (TFE) to emulate the relatively apolar conditions at the membrane bound receptor. Previous work has shown that the LAV peptide folds into a β-pleated structure in more polar buffer/TFE mixtures, while a concerted structural change can be observed at a concentration of 60% TFE (v/v). This abrupt, cooperative refolding from a regular β-sheet to a helical secondary structure is known as “switch” behavior. Former CD experiments with LAV sequence variants have supported the assumption that four amino acids at the N-terminus (LPCR) are indispensable for the “switch.” The tetrad has a strong β-turn forming potential. The suggestion has been formulated that the tetrad can act as a nucleation site governing the refolding. The present NMR study of the LAV peptide in TFE gives evidence for a 310-helix suggesting that the tetrad adopts a type III β-turn and promotes the formation of a similar bend in the next overlapping tetrad until the sequence is restructured into a 310-helix at a critical polarity favoring intrachain hydrogen bonds. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aqueous and hydroalcoholic solutions of the heptenic macrolide amphotericin B display strong and variable signals in CD and absorption spectroscopies in the range of the π* ← π transition. An interpretation of the spectroscopic changes is proposed based on the equilibrium between two forms of the intermolecular organization: the aggregated one (A) with strong excitonic interaction and the nonaggregative one (B) whose spectra are like those of linear conjugated polyenes in true solution with a well-developed vibrational structure. The intermediate spectra are fitted by linear combination of the A- and B-form spectra. A two-level organization of the aggregates is proposed for the A-form: (1) a close packing of few molecules, which is the origin of the absorption maxima hypsochromic shift; and (2) interaction between the preceding small units inside the aggregates, which is spectroscopically expressed by the intense CD couplet.  相似文献   

Seven complexes containing neutral isoorotic and 2-thioisoorotic acids, as well as thiocyanate and chloride anions as lignands, have been synthesized and characterized by means of both spectral (IR, 1H, and 13C NMR) and thermal (TG and DSC) methods, as well as conductivity measurements. Spectral data suggest that any binding metal-ligand mode for uracil derivatives is not easy to propose. Therefore, isoorotic ligands must link through some oxygen atom. Likewise, 2-thioisoorotic acid seems to be [N,S] bonded in Pd(II) and Pt(IV) complexes, whereas for Hg(II) complex a distorted tetrahedral HgCl2S2 structure has been proposed. In the cadmium complex, the metal ion exhibits a CdCl2O2 coordination sphere. Antimicrobial activities of the complexes against Pseudomonas sp, E. coli, Proteus sp, Salmonella sp, Micrococcus sp, Staphylococcus sp, Bacillus sp and Candida sp were performed as a previous step in the study of their biological activity.  相似文献   

The structure of the model protein hen egg-white lysozyme dissolved in water and in five neat organic solvents (ethylene glycol, methanol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), formamide, and dimethylformamide (DMF)) has been examined by means of 1H NMR and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies. The NMR spectra of lysozyme reveal the lack of a defined tertiary structure in all five organic solvents, although the examination of line widths suggests the possibility of some ordered structure in ethylene glycol and in methanol. The near-UV CD spectra of the protein suggest no tertiary structure in lysozyme dissolved in DMSO, formamide, and DMF, while a distinctive (albeit less pronounced than in water) tertiary structure is seen in ethylene glycol and a drastically changed one in methanol. A highly developed secondary structure was observed by far-UV CD in ethylene glycol and methanol; interestingly, the alpha-helix content of the protein in both was greater than in water, while the beta-structure content was lower. (Solvent absorbance in the far-UV region prevents conclusions about the secondary structure in DMSO, formamide and DMF.) Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

NMR and CD studies on an oligonucleotide containing N4-methylcytosine.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The hexamer d(CGm4CGCG) exists predominantly as a right handed B form helix at 20 degrees C in 150 mM NaCl, as shown by 2D NOE spectra. Under these conditions a minor species is also observed which corresponds to the single strand in slow exchange on a proton NMR time scale with the double strand. This exchange is unusually slow and separate resonances for the two species are seen up to 65 degrees C. At 50 degrees C the lifetime of the single strand species is 0.85 s. Under high salt conditions the hexamer is partly converted into the Z form, but the complete transition is only observed at 5M NaCl at -6 degrees C.  相似文献   

The helical structures of d(C-G-m5C-G-C-G) were studied in aqueous solution at various salt concentrations and temperatures by CD and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. At room temperature only the B form is observed in 0.1 M NaCl whereas the B and Z forms are simultaneously present in 1.8 M NaCl. At high salt concentration (4 M NaCl) the Z form is largely predominant (greater than 95%). The Z form proton resonances were assigned by using the polarisation transfer method (between B and Z at 1.8 M NaCl) and by proton-proton decoupling (at high salt concentration). The Z-B-Coil transitions were studied as a function of temperature with the 1.8 M NaCl solution. At high temperature (95 degrees C) only the coil form (S) is present. Below 55 degrees C the coil proportion is negligible, and the B-Z exchange is slow. The disappearance of the coil gives rise at first to the B form and on lowering the temperature the Z proportion increases to the detriment of the B form. Proton linewidth, relaxation and polarisation transfer studies confirm the conclusion in the previous report on d(m5C-G-C-G-m5C-G) (Tran-Dinh et al Biochemistry 1984 in the press) that Z exchanges only with B whereas the latter also exchanges with S,Z in equilibrium B in equilibrium S. The present data show that even at high salt concentration where only the Z form of d(C-G-m5C-G-C-G) is observed the Z-S transition also passes through the B form as an intermediate stage. The B-Z transition takes place when the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds are firmly maintained and is greatly favoured when there are three hydrogen bonds between the base-pairs.  相似文献   

The bulky, asymmetric analog of the antitumor drug cisplatin, [PtCl(2)(tmen)] (tmen = N,N,N'-trimethylethylenediamine), was used to produce crosslinks with the dinucleotide d(GpG), modeling the most frequent lesions that cisplatin and its analogs cause to DNA. The ligand tmen was chosen because it is expected to constrain the guanine cis to the NMe(2) group in the adduct [Pt(tmen){d(GpG)}](+) to an orientation perpendicular to the coordination plane and to stabilize the other guanine in an oblique orientation, thus maintaining a head-to-head geometry typical of cisplatin-d(GpG) crosslinks within single- and double-stranded DNA. Of the four possible combinations of tmen chirality (R or S symmetry of the coordinated NHMe group) and crosslink direction (5'-G bound cis to the secondary or the tertiary amino group of tmen), two isomers were preponderantly formed, [Pt(R-tmen){d(GpG)}](+) with 5'-G bound cis to NMe(2) and [Pt(S-tmen){d(GpG)}](+) with 5'-G bound cis to NHMe. The former was shown to have a right-handed R2 orientation of guanines similar to that found in duplex DNA, whereas the latter had a left-handed L1 orientation that modeled cisplatin-d(GpG) adducts within single-stranded DNA. The R2 rotamer was found to be in an equilibrium (as observed using EXSY spectroscopy) with a minor fraction (< or =4%) of a Delta-HT rotamer related to R2 by rotation of the 3'-G about the Pt-N7 bond. The major rotamers R2 and L1 were isolated using reverse-phase HPLC, and their NMR and CD signatures were compared to those of the corresponding rotamers of the less hindered adduct [Pt(dmen)(GpG)](+) (dmen = N,N-dimethylethylenediamine). From this and other comparisons with previously reported platinum dinucleotide complexes, and from molecular modeling, it could be concluded that both steric repulsion between guanine and substituents of the cis amino group and N-H...O6 hydrogen bonding are significant effects favoring the oblique orientation of one guanine base typical of the HH rotamers of [Pt(diamine){d(GpG)}](+) and [Pt(diamine)(GpG)](+) complexes.  相似文献   

A conformational analysis of the A, B, C and D DNA forms was made in order to establish molecular models presenting a good agreement with experimental data obtained from fiber X-ray, infrared linear dichroism and 31P NMR. The proposed models have been refined and do present good stereochemistry and optimized H-bond distances between bases associated with the Watson-Crick pairing. The DNA conformations proposed are a left handed double helix for the C form and right handed helices for A, B and D. Relations to conformational transitions between these forms are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently it has been suggested that double-helical complexes formed between the DNA sequences (CG)n(A)m and their conjugates, (T)m(CG)n, would be candidates for the formation of a B-Z junction in aqueous solution at high salt concentrations [Peticolas et al. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 2579-2583]. The junction was predicted to occur between a B-type helix in the d(A)m.d(T)m section and a Z-type helix in the self-complementary (CG)n.(CG)n sequence. In this paper we report Raman experiments on the deoxyoligonucleotides d(CGCGCGCGCGCGAAAAA) and d(CGCGCGAAAAA) and their complements. It is found the latter compound cannot be induced into the Z form in saturated salt solution but that the former sequence goes into a B-Z junction at 5.5 M salt. From a comparison of the relative intensity of the Raman conformational marker bands for B and Z DNA for both the A-T and C-G base pairs, it is shown that in 5.5 M NaCl solution none of the A-T base pairs are in the Z form, but nine of the C-G base pairs are in the Z form. The remaining three C-G base pairs are either in the junction or in the B form. Thus, the junction is formed from three or less C-G base pairs. If the solution is made 95 microM with NiCl2, then the entire duplex goes into the Z form and the Raman bands of the adenine are completely changed into those of the Z form.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

T Higashijima  T Miyazawa  M Kawai  U Nagai 《Biopolymers》1986,25(12):2295-2307
The proton nmr and CD spectra of gramicidin S (GS) cyclic-(Val1,1′-Orn2,2′-Leu3,3′-D-Phe4,4′-Pro5,5′)2 and of GS analogs—namely, [D-Ala4,4′]-GS, [Gly4,4′]-GS, and [L-Ala4,4′]-GS—were analyzed. The molecular conformation of [D-Ala4,4′]-GS is similar to that of GS, with the trans form about the D-Ala-Pro peptide bond. The molecular conformation of [Gly4,4′]-GS depends on the solvent composition of dimethylsulfoxide-d6/trifluoroethanol (DMSO)-d6/TFE and DMSO-d6/H2O as well as the solute concentration. In DMSO-d6 solution, [Gly4,4′]-GS forms the GS-type conformation of the monomer at lower concentration. At higher concentration, the GS-type conformer is converted to the other one that forms molecular aggregates. The cis form about the X-Pro peptide bonds is found for [Gly4,4′]-GS and [L-Ala4,4′]-GS in DMSO-d6 and for [L-Ala4,4′]-GS in TFE solution. The large temperature dependences of α-proton chemical shifts of [L-Ala4,4′]-GS in DMSO-d6 solution indicate that the conformer equilibrium changes with temperature. The GS-type conformation is not formed in [L-Ala4,4′]-GS. The two active peptide analogs, [D-Ala4,4′]-GS and [Gly4,4′]-GS, interact with the phospholipid membrane, taking the GS-type conformation. By contrast, an inactive analog, [L-Ala4,4′]-GS, does not interact with phospholipid membrane. The activities of GS analogs are found to correlate to the formation of the GS-type conformation upon binding with phospholipid membrane.  相似文献   

The ESR spectra from different positional isomers of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled in their acyl chain have been studied in sphingomyelin(cerebroside)-phosphatidylcholine mixed membranes that contain cholesterol. The aim was to investigate mechanisms by which cholesterol could stabilize possible domain formation in sphingolipid-glycerolipid membranes. The outer hyperfine splittings in the ESR spectra of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled on the 5 C atom of the acyl chain were consistent with mixing of the components, but the perturbations on adding cholesterol were greater in the membranes containing sphingomyelin than in those containing phosphatidylcholine. Infrared spectra of the amide I band of egg sphingomyelin were shifted and broadened in the presence of cholesterol to a greater extent than the carbonyl band of phosphatidylcholine, which was affected very little by cholesterol. Two-component ESR spectra were observed from lipids spin-labeled on the 14 C atom of the acyl chain in cholesterol-containing membranes composed of sphingolipids, with or without glycerolipids (sphingomyelin/cerebroside and sphingomyelin/cerebroside/phosphatidylcholine mixtures). These results indicate the existence of gel-phase domains in otherwise liquid-ordered membranes that contain cholesterol. In the gel phase of egg sphingomyelin, the outer hyperfine splittings of sphingomyelin spin-labeled on the 14-C atom of the acyl chain are smaller than those for the corresponding spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine. In the presence of cholesterol, this situation is reversed; the outer splitting of 14-C spin-labeled sphingomyelin is then greater than that of 14-C spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine. This result provides some support for the suggestion that transbilayer interdigitation induced by cholesterol stabilizes the coexistence of gel-phase and "liquid-ordered" domains in membranes containing sphingolipids.  相似文献   

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