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Incubation of normal mouse peritoneal cells consisting of over 90% phagocytizing macrophages with delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) resulted in a inhibition of phagocytic function. The THC in a dose-related manner suppressed the percentage of macrophages per culture which ingested yeast and the average number of yeast particles ingested by the phagocytizing macrophages. The vehicle used to suspend the THC in vitro, i.e., DMSO, had no detectable effect on macrophage function. Suppression of phagocytosis with no effects on viability or cell number occurred with doses of 10 micrograms or less THC per milliliter culture medium. Measurable suppression also occurred after 24- to 48-hr treatment of the macrophages with the THC. This compound had little if any detectable effect on phagocytosis when added directly to the cultures shortly before testing for phagocytosis. Further studies concerning the effects of THC on macrophage function appear warranted.  相似文献   

A S Bloom  C O Haavik  D Strehlow 《Life sciences》1978,23(13):1399-1404
The effect of (?)-Δ9-THC on the activities of Mg2+?, Na+?K+? and Mg2+Ca2+-ATPases were studied in mouse brain subcellular fractions. In vitrotreatment with Δ9-THC produced a dose dependent stimulation of Mg2+ ATPase in the crude mitochondrial fraction and its subfractions and a dose-related inhibition of this activity in the microsomal fraction. Na+-K+- and Mg2+-Ca2+-ATPase activities were inhibited in a dose-related manner in all subcellular fractions studied.  相似文献   

C O Haavik  H F Hardman 《Life sciences》1973,13(12):1771-1778
The hypothermic activity of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), a metabolite, 11-hydroxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-Δ9-THC) and 11-hydroxy-Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-Δ8-THC) has been determined in male mice maintained at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 1°C. The mean body temperature of mice that received 2, 4, 16 or 32 mg/kg, i. v., of a tetrahydrocannabinol was significantly lower than that of vehicle treated mice (p <0.05) within 2 minutes after drug administration. Dose-response relationships show the intrinsic activity of Δ9-THC to be significantly greater than that of 11-OH-Δ9-THC or 11-OH-Δ8-THC in this system (p <0.05). The data indicate that the hypothermic activity of Δ9-THC cannot be explained entirely by metabolism to 11-OH-Δ9-THC.  相似文献   

Fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from skeletal muscle of the rabbit has a cation-binding capacity of about 350 µeq/g of protein at neutral pH. The same binding sites bind Ca, Mg, K, and H ions and, consequently, the selective binding of Ca induced by ATP releases an amount of the other cations equivalent to the Ca taken up. At pH values below 6.2, an increasing number of binding sites are associated with H+, and ATP induces exchange of Ca mostly for H+. At pH values above 6.2, the binding sites exist in the form of Mg and K, and Ca is bound in exchange for these cations. The total bound Ca + Mg + K, expressed in microequivalents of cations bound per gram of protein, is approximately constant at various pCa values, which indicates a stoichiometric exchange of Ca for the other cations. To accomplish the same degree of exchange of Ca for other cations bound, in the absence of ATP, concentrations of free Ca++ of about 1000-fold higher than those needed in the presence of ATP are required in the medium. We cannot distinguish between a mechanism whereby Ca actively transported into a compartment of the microsomal vesicles containing also the binding sites is bound passively to these sites in exchange for Mg, K, and H and another in which ATP selectively increases the affinity of surface-binding sites for Ca. Irrespective of the mechanism of accumulation, the Ca retained does not contribute to the activity of the cation in the membrane fraction. Caffeine (10 mM) has no effect on the binding of Ca, but releases a more labile fraction of Ca, which presumably accumulates in excess of the bound Ca. Procaine (5 mM) antagonizes the effect of caffeine. Acetylcholine and epinephrine have no effect on the binding of Ca.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum from the white hind leg muscle of the rabbit was examined with 31P nuclear magnetic resonance as a nonperturbing probe of phospholipid-protein interactions in the intact membrane. The phospholipids of the sarcoplasmic reticulum appear to inhabit two distinct environments: one very similar in behavior to pure phospholipid lamellar dispersions and the other immobilized by the protein in the membrane. Measurement of the population of the latter environment suggests that it is dependent on salt concentration and probably not due to the Ca++ Mg++ ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This immobilization can be removed completely by papain proteolysis of the membrane protein, but only partially by trypsin treatment. The phospholipid composition of recombinants with the Ca++ Mg++ ATPase was varied in order to look for effects of the phospholipid-protein interface on enzymatic activity of the Ca++ Mg++ ATPase. Both transphosphatidylated phosphatidylethanolamine (from egg phosphatidylcholine) and bovine brain phosphatidylserine readily partitioned into the putative boundary layer, whereas under the same conditions soybean phosphatidylethanolamine was excluded. Only phosphatidylserine affected the activity of the enzyme, causing an inhibition that was proportional to the phosphatidylserine content, relative to phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

Isolated human red blood cell membrane fragments (RBCMF) were found to take up Ca++ in the presence of ATP.1 This ATP-dependent Ca++ uptake by RBCMF appears to be the manifestation of an active Ca++ transport mechanism in the red cell membrane reported previously (Schatzmann, 1966; Lee and Shin, 1969). The influences of altering experimental conditions on Ca++-stimulated Mg++ ATPase (Ca++ ATPase) and Ca++ uptake of RBCMF were studied. It was found that pretreatment of RBCMF at 50°C abolished both Ca++ ATPase and Ca++ uptake. Pretreatment of RBCMF with phospholipases A and C decreased both Ca++ ATPase and Ca++ uptake, whereas pretreatment with phospholipase D did not significantly alter either Ca++ ATPase or Ca++ uptake. Both Ca++ ATPase and Ca++ uptake had ATP specificity, similar optimum pH's, and optimum incubation temperatures. From these results, it was concluded that Ca++ uptake is intimately linked to Ca++ ATPase.  相似文献   

Oocytes (N=2922) were collected from superovulated female C57B16/J X DBA2/J (B6D2F1) mice and distributed among 48 treatments consisting of a 2×3×2×2×2 factorial design. The factors were strain of spermatozoa, B6D2F1 or SJL/J; caffeine concentration in the fertilization medium, 0,2, or 6 mM; time oocytes were exposed to sperm, 1 or 2 hours; Ca++ concentration in the capacitation medium, 0 or 1.8 mM; and capacitation time, 1 or 2 hr. Ova were observed 400 min after they were initially exposed to 105 spermatozoa per ml. Ova with two or more pronuclei and a second polar body were considered fertilized, In vitro embryonic development was monitored for 5 days. B6D2F1 spermatozoa resulted in consistently higher rates of fertilization than SJL spermatozoa, 77.5% vs 38.7% when averaged over other treatments. Caffeine concentrations of 0,2, and 6 mM resulted in respective mean fertilization rates of 50.1%, 58.8%, and 65.4% (P<0.005) when averaged over other factors. Fertilization rates of ova exposed 1 and 2 hr to sperm were 53.0% and 63.3% (P<0.005). B6D2F1 spermatozoa capacitated in medium with 1.8 mM Ca++ fertilized more ova (P<0.01), 83.1%, than when no Ca++ was present, 71.9%; this effect was absent with SJL spermatozoa. The effect of capacitation time depended on strain. Fertilization rates with B6D2F1 spermatozoa were higher, 80.1%, with a 2-hour capacitation time than with a 1-hour capacitation time, 75.0%. Exactly the opposite was true for the SJL spermatozoa; 43.4% for the 1-hour and 34.1% for 2-hour capacitation (P<.01). Development to the blastocyst stage was significantly greater (P<0.025) for ova fertilized by B6D2F1 (26.8%) than by SJL spermatozoa (17.7%).  相似文献   

Groups of pseudopregnant rats were injected intravenously with (-)-trans- delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to determine its effects on serum prolactin (PRL) and the maintenance of pseudopregnancy. A single injection of 4 mg THC/kg BW at 2400 h on the first day of leukocytic vaginal smears of pseudopregnancy (D-1) delayed the ensuing nocturnal PRL surge for approximately one hour. When THC (1.0 mg/kg BW) was administered hourly from 2400 h on D-1 through 1700 h on D-2, the nocturnal surge was blocked and serum PRL levels were suppressed until 0600 h on D-2, but not thereafter. Neither treatment altered the duration of pseudopregnancy. These results indicate that the nocturnal surge secretion of PRL during early pseudopregnancy in the rat is sensitive to THC suppression, but that this suppression is not adequate to influence the duration of pseudopregnancy. The mechanism through which THC exerts this action remains unknown.  相似文献   

Synthetic delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was dissolved in undiluted propylene glycol and administered in daily subcutaneous doses of 15.0, 30.0 or 60.0 mg/kg to pregnant New Zealand white rabbits on days 7--19 of gestation. Maternal food consumption and weight gain were markedly reduced at all dose levels. Embryotoxicity and embryocidal effects were observed in the form of reduced litter weight and number of viable fetuses, respectively, in offspring from pregnant mothers treated with THC. However, on the basis of extensive external, visceral and skeletal examination of all fetuses it may be concluded that THC is not teratogenic in the New Zealand white strain rabbit following subcutaneous administration of doses as high as 60.0 mg/kg/day during the critical period of organogenesis (days 7--19 of gestation). On the other hand, an oral dose of thalidomide (200.0 mg/kg/day), the positive control used in this study, was both embryocidal and teratogenic.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide levels were determined in division-synchronized Tetrahymena and the effect of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the cyclic nucleotide levels was studied. In non-drug-treated division-synchronized cells, there was no statistically significant variation in the level of cAMP and cGMP during the G2 period, preceding the first division. During the free running cell cycle (the interval of time between the first and second synchronous division) the twofold increase in the level of cAMP was statistically significant; however the variation in the level of cGMP was not statistically significant. THC caused a lowering of cAMP and cGMP levels throughout the 4-experimental treatment. The suppression of cAMP and cGMP levels altered the cyclic nucleotide pattern of the cell cycle. The cAMP pattern was changed particularly in the G2 period preceding the first synchronous division, and immediately after division during the free running cell cycle. THC treatment caused division delays of approximately 8-15 min in the onset of the first and second synchronous division. However, the duration of the free running cell cycle (110-120 min) was unchanged. The suppression of cyclic nucleotide levels resulting from THC treatment is discussed in relation to delays in the division schedule.  相似文献   

We have studied by X-ray diffraction fibres of complexes of polypurine-polypyrimidine with divalent cations. In the presence of Mg++, poly(dC) and poly(dG) form a very stable triple helix at neutral pH, based on G-G-C triplexes, whereas Zn++ prevents its formation, both at neutral and acidic pH. The poly(dC) . poly(dG) complex with Zn++ is of the B form, but its X-ray diffraction pattern shows an unusual intensity distribution. This is probably due to the fact that counterions occupy defined positions on the helix. The A form has not been observed. With poly[d(A-G)].poly [d(C-T)] a different triple helical structure is formed, both with Zn++ and Mg++. Direct, X-ray diffraction evidence for these triple helices is provided here for the first time.  相似文献   

delta 9-THC, sodium phenobarbital, or a combination of these drugs, were administered to pregnant mice on gestation days 6 to parturition. Levels of delta 9-THC in blood approximated levels attained in humans after smoking one to two marijuana cigarettes. Blood cannabinoid levels in mice were not significantly elevated by concurrent drug administration. Both drugs significantly reduced litter size and weight per pup at birth, but the combination of these drugs did not affect these outcomes to a significantly greater degree than either drug by itself. Phenobarbital but not delta 9-THC increased resorption rate.  相似文献   

Vanadate inhibits the Ca++-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum from pig heart half maximally at about 10?5 M. Mg++ promotes this inhibition by vanadate whereas increasing Ca++-concentrations protect the enzyme against vanadate inhibition. Keeping the ratio Mg++ATP constant there was no influence of ATP on the vanadate inhibition at concentrations up to 5 × 10?3 M ATP. Whenever the ratio Mg++ATP was higher than 1:1 the inhibitory effect of vanadate on the Ca++-ATPase was increased.  相似文献   

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