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Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites are the repetitive nucleotide sequences of motifs of length 1–6 bp. They are scattered throughout the genomes of all the known organisms ranging from viruses to eukaryotes. Microsatellites undergo mutations in the form of insertions and deletions (INDELS) of their repeat units with some bias towards insertions that lead to microsatellite tract expansion. Although prokaryotic genomes derive some plasticity due to microsatellite mutations they have in-built mechanisms to arrest undue expansions of microsatellites and one such mechanism is constituted by post-replicative DNA repair enzymes MutL, MutH and MutS. The mycobacterial genomes lack these enzymes and as a null hypothesis one could expect these genomes to harbour many long tracts. It is therefore interesting to analyse the mycobacterial genomes for distribution and abundance of microsatellites tracts and to look for potentially polymorphic microsatellites. Available mycobacterial genomes, Mycobacterium avium, M. leprae, M. bovis and the two strains of M. tuberculosis (CDC1551 and H37Rv) were analysed for frequencies and abundance of SSRs. Our analysis revealed that the SSRs are distributed throughout the mycobacterial genomes at an average of 220–230 SSR tracts per kb. All the mycobacterial genomes contain few regions that are conspicuously denser or poorer in microsatellites compared to their expected genome averages. The genomes distinctly show scarcity of long microsatellites despite the absence of a post-replicative DNA repair system. Such severe scarcity of long microsatellites could arise as a result of strong selection pressures operating against long and unstable sequences although influence of GC-content and role of point mutations in arresting microsatellite expansions can not be ruled out. Nonetheless, the long tracts occasionally found in coding as well as non-coding regions may account for limited genome plasticity in these genomes. Supplementary Data pertaining to this article is available on the Journal of Biosciences Website at  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats in the Helicobacter pylori genome   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We describe an integrated system for the analysis of DNA sequence motifs within complete bacterial genome sequences. This system is based around ACeDB, a genome database with an integrated graphical user interface; we identify and display motifs in the context of genetic, sequence and bibliographic data. Tomb et al . (1997) previously reported the identification of contingency genes in Helicobacter pylori through their association with homopolymeric tracts and dinucleotide repeats. With this as a starting point, we validated the system by a search for this type of repeat and used the contextual information to assess the likelihood that they mediate phase variation in the associated open reading frames (ORFs). We found all of the repeats previously described, and identified 27 putative phase-variable genes (including 17 previously described). These could be divided into three groups: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, cell-surface-associated proteins and DNA restriction/modification systems. Five of the putative genes did not have obvious homologues in any of the public domain sequence databases. The reading frame of some ORFs was disrupted by the presence of the repeats, including the alpha(1-2) fucosyltransferase gene, necessary for the synthesis of the Lewis Y epitope. An additional benefit of this approach is that the results of each search can be analysed further and compared with those from other genomes. This revealed that H . pylori has an unusually high frequency of homopurine:homopyrimidine repeats suggesting mechanistic biases that favour their presence and instability.  相似文献   

Trace sequences from the 2X alpaca genome sequencing effort were examined to identify simple sequence repeats (microsatellites) for genetic studies. A total of 6,685 repeat-containing sequences were downloaded from GenBank, processed, and assembled into contigs representing an estimated 4,278 distinct sequences. This sequence set contained 2,290 sequences of length > 100 nucleotides that contained microsatellites of length > or = 14 dinucleotide or 10 trinucleotide repeats with purity equal to 100%. An additional 13 sequences contained a GC microsatellite of length > or = 12 repeats (purity = 100%) were also obtained. Primer pairs for amplification of 1,516 putative loci are presented. Amplification of genomic DNA from alpaca and llama by PCR was demonstrated for 14 primer sets including one from each of the microsatellite repeat types. Comparative chromosomal location for the alpaca markers was predicted in the bovine genome by BLAT searches against assembly 4.0 of the bovine whole genome sequence. A total of 634 markers (41.8%) returned BLAT hits with score > 100 and Identity > 85%, with the majority assignable to unique locations. We show that microsatellites are abundant and easily identified within the alpaca genome sequence. These markers will provide a valuable resource for further genetic studies of the alpaca and related species.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats in Cucumis mapping and map merging.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Thirty-four polymorphic simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) were evaluated for length polymorphism in melon (Cucumis melo L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). SSR markers were located on three melon maps (18 on the map of 'Vedrantais' and PI 161375, 23 on the map of 'Piel de Sapo' and PI 161375, and 16 on the map of PI 414723 and 'Dulce'). In addition, 14 of the markers were located on the cucumber map of GY14 and PI 183967. SSRs proved to be randomly distributed throughout the melon and cucumber genomes. Mapping of the SSRs in the different maps led to the cross-identification of seven linkage groups in all melon maps. In addition, nine SSRs were common to both melon and cucumber maps. The potential of SSR markers as anchor points for melon-map merging and for comparative mapping with cucumber was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats for the genetic analysis of apple   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
 The development of highly informative markers, such as simple sequence repeats, for tagging genes controlling agronomic characters is essential for apple breeding. Furthermore the use of these markers is fundamental both for variety identification and for the characterisation and management of genetic resources. We have developed 16 reliable simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers that amplify all alleles from a panel of 19 Malus x domestica (Borkh.) cultivars or breeding selections and from Malus floribunda 821. Those markers show a high level of genetic polymorphism, with on average 8.2 alleles per locus and an average heterozygosity of 0.78. Due to this high level of polymorphism, it was possible using two selected SSRs to distinguish all cultivars except Starking and Red Delicious. Ten of the markers we developed have been mapped on a RAPD linkage map, proving their Mendelian segregation as well as their random distribution in the apple genome. Finally, we discuss the importance of using co-dominant markers in outbreeding species. Received: 8 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary In the eightDrosophila species of themelanogaster subgroup, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains an A+T-rich region in which replication originates. The length of this region, in contrast with that of the coding part of the genome, varies extensively among these species. The A+T-rich region ranges from about 1kbp inD. yakuba, D. teissieri, D. erecta, andD. orena to 5 kbp inD. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana, andD. sechellia. The difference in size is due in part to the amplification, in the species with long genomes, of a 470-bp sequence that is present only once in each of the four species with short genomes.Usually three to six repeats of this sequence occur in direct tandem repetition in the species with long genomes. The sequence is characterized by the relative positions of the Hpa I and Acc I cleavage sites. Comparative study of the genomes found in the species with long mtDNA molecules reveals relative homogeneity of the repeat units within a given genome, which contrasts with the variability found among the repeats of different genomes. This result is suggestive of a process of a concerted evolution.The examination of heteroplasmic flies of three species (D. simulans, D. mauritiana, andD. sechellia) has shed light on this process. In most cases the molecular types of mtDNA present in a heteroplasmic individual differ by one repeat unit. Addition or deletion of this sequence appears to be the original mutational event generating transient heteroplasmy. Cycles of addition or deletion may consequently maintain the intragenomic homogeneity of the repeats.Finally, we have analyzed an exceptional isofemale line in which three molecular lengths of mtDNA are found (molecules with four, five, and six repeats, respectively). Individual offspring of this line carry from one to three of the molecular types, in all combinations. This indicates that the remodeling of the mitochondrial genome occurs through a mechanism that is at present unknown, but that is site specific and rather frequent.Presented at the FEBS Symposium on Genome Organization and Evolution, held in Crete, Greece, September 1–5, 1986  相似文献   

Protein interaction networks display approximate scale-free topology, in which hub proteins that interact with a large number of other proteins determine the overall organization of the network. In this study, we aim to determine whether hubs are distinguishable from other networked proteins by specific sequence features. Proteins of different connectednesses were compared in the interaction networks of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Homo sapienswith respect to the distribution of predicted structural disorder, sequence repeats, low complexity regions, and chain length. Highly connected proteins ("hub proteins") contained significantly more of, and greater proportion of, these sequence features and tended to be longer overall as compared to less connected proteins. These sequence features provide two different functional means for realizing multiple interactions: (1) extended interaction surface and (2) flexibility and adaptability, providing a mechanism for the same region to bind distinct partners. Our view contradicts the prevailing view that scaling in protein interactomes arose from gene duplication and preferential attachment of equivalent proteins. We propose an alternative evolutionary network specialization process, in which certain components of the protein interactome improved their fitness for binding by becoming longer or accruing regions of disorder and/or internal repeats and have therefore become specialized in network organization.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to substantiation of new characteristics for classification of living organisms. The novel view of a role of flexible regions in protein functioning and evolution is suggested. It is based on the newly revealed correlation between the number of loops in elongation factors and the complexity of organisms. This correlation allowed us to formulate a hypothesis of evolution of this protein family. In addition, the study of the ribosomal protein S1 family made it possible to consider the number of structural domains as a reliable indicator of a microorganism’s affiliation with a particular division and to judge about “direction” of their evolution. The findings allow us to consider the loops and repeats in these proteins as unique imprints of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

[目的] 瓜实蝇是世界性检疫害虫,被列入我国口岸常年监测计划中。本研究以检疫性有害生物瓜实蝇为研究对象,利用不同地理种群瓜实蝇的转录组发现特异性的微卫星(simple sequence repeats,SSR)序列,分析我国口岸监测的瓜实蝇样本的遗传多样性。[方法] 利用生物信息学方法,对4个不同地理来源的瓜实蝇转录组进行分析,发现了特异性的SSR序列,并设计特异性引物,选用我国11个省市的49个瓜实蝇监测样本进行测试及验证,使用NTsys和Popgene 32软件进行遗传多样性分析。[结果] 筛选出15对多态性较好的引物,UPGMA聚类分析显示,新疆、四川和广西种群归为一支,浙江、广东、江苏种群归为一支,上海、云南、海南、天津种群归为一支,北京种群单独聚为一支。[结论] 聚类分析结果显示,11个不同省市的瓜实蝇监测样本间基因分化系数为0.6712,表明不同口岸的瓜实蝇监测样本间的遗传分化较大,可能具有不同的来源地,可为进一步开发监测样本溯源技术提供理论依据。  相似文献   

DNA sequence polymorphisms in Alu repeats   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
M Orita  T Sekiya  K Hayashi 《Genomics》1990,8(2):271-278
We have developed an efficient method for detection of sequence differences in genomic DNA based on a new principle (M. Orita et al., 1989, Genomics 5: 874-879). Using this method, we show here that approximately half the Alu repeats interspersed in the human genome are significantly polymorphic. Analysis of Alu repeat polymorphism should be useful in construction of a high-resolution map and also in identifying genotypes of individuals for clinical and other purposes because the repeats are ubiquitous and the technique for their detection is simple.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are abundant across genomes. However, the significance of SSRs in organellar genomes of rice has not been completely understood. The availability of organellar genome sequences allows us to understand the organization of SSRs in their genic and intergenic regions. RESULTS: We have analyzed SSRs in mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of rice. We identified 2528 SSRs in the mitochondrial genome and average 870 SSRs in the chloroplast genomes. About 8.7% of the mitochondrial and 27.5% of the chloroplast SSRs were observed in the genic region. Dinucleotides were the most abundant repeats in genic and intergenic regions of the mitochondrial genome while mononucleotides were predominant in the chloroplast genomes. The rps and nad gene clusters of mitochondria had the maximum repeats, while the rpo and ndh gene clusters of chloroplast had the maximum repeats. We identified SSRs in both organellar genomes and validated in different cultivars and species.  相似文献   

Virus mutators (mutant alleles that confer a higher mutant-frequency phenotype than that of the wild type) and antimutators (mutant alleles that confer a lower mutant-frequency phenotype) were discovered in bacteriophage T4 over three decades ago, but there is only limited detailed knowledge about such genetic variants in viruses that infect humans and threaten public health. The creation of mutators and antimutators during the course of viral infection (particularly in the case of RNA viruses) could play a pivotal role in virus evolution, pathogenesis and emergence, and could also frustrate antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

An understanding of the processes that determine the observed patterns of genetic variation in natural plant populations is an important factor in the management of biodiversity. Pollen-mediated gene dispersal is recognized as a major determinant of population genetic structure. Here, the utility of simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis was investigated for the measurement of pollen-mediated gene transfer by paternity exclusion in a restricted, fragmented and endangered population of the insect-pollinated tropical leguminous tree Gliricidia sepium located in Guatemala. Data at a single SSR locus, which revealed six allelic variants, were employed to generate minimum distance curves of pollen dispersal. Combined data from all six alleles indicated that a minimum of 1.8% of transfer events occurred over a distance of greater than 75 m. However, this value represents an underestimate because of the exclusion approach employed for analysis. Considering the four rarest alleles in the population only (combined frequency = 0.196), which provides a less biased indicator of gene transfer, a minimum of 6.1% of pollen movements could be attributed to greater than 75 m. One extreme example of gene transfer of over 275 m was recorded. Estimates of pollen transfer suggest a homogenizing effect on genetic structure over the spatial scale of the study population and provide an important indicator for the genetic management of natural and exotic stands of G. sepium . This study provides the first example of SSR analysis being employed to estimate directly pollen movement in a natural stand of any tree species.  相似文献   

Publically available cDNA sequence data of Citrullus lanatus were searched for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Nineteen microsatellites were identified and primer pairs were designed to amplify those loci. Primers were evaluated for their ability to detect polymorphisms within a set of several watermelon varieties and local landraces, C. colocynthis, and interspecific hybrids. Eighteen polymorphic SSR loci were identified. These polymorphic loci can be used for varietal identification and other uses.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin genes as a paradigm of concerted evolution of tandem repeats   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Ubiquitin is remarkable for its ubiquitous distribution and its extreme protein sequence conservation. Ubiquitin genes comprise direct repeats of the ubiquitin coding unit with no spacers. The nucleotide sequences of several ubiquitin repeats from each of humans, chicken,Xenopus, Drosophila, barley, and yeast have recently been determined. By analysis of these data we show that ubiquitin is evolving more slowly than any other known protein, and that this (together with its gene organization) contributes to an ideal situation for the occurrence of concerted evolution of tandem repeats. By contrast, there is little evidence of between-cluster concerted evolution. We deduce that in ubiquitin genes, concerted evolution involves both unequal crossover and gene conversion, and that the average time since two repeated units within the polyubiquitin locus most recently shared a common ancestor is approximately 38 million years (Myr) in mammals, but perhaps only 11 Myr inDrosophila. The extreme conservatism of ubiquitin evolution also allows the inference that certain synonymous serine codons differing at the first two positions were probably mutated at single steps.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are omnipresent in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and are found anywhere in the genome in both protein encoding and noncoding regions. In present study the whole genome sequences of seven chromosomes (Shigella flexneri 2a str301 and 2457T, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli k12, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae and Staphylococcus saprophyticus) have downloaded from the GenBank database for identifying abundance, distribution and composition of SSRs and also to determine difference between the tandem repeats in real genome and randomness genome (using sequence shuffling tool) of the organisms included in this study. The data obtained in the present study show that: (i) tandem repeats are widely distributed throughout the genomes; (ii) SSRs are differentially distributed among coding and noncoding regions in investigated Shigella genomes; (iii) total frequency of SSRs in noncoding regions are higher than coding regions; (iv) in all investigated chromosomes ratio of Trinucleotide SSRs in real genomes are much higher than randomness genomes and Di nucleotide SSRs are lower; (v) Ratio of total and mononucleotide SSRs in real genome is higher than randomness genomes in E. coli K12, S. flexneri str 301 and S. saprophyticus, while it is lower in S. flexneri str 2457T, S.sonnei and M. tuberculosis and it is approximately same in M. leprae; (vi) frequency of codon repetitions are vary considerably depending on the type of encoded amino acids.  相似文献   

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