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Summary Photoperiodic induction occurs in Japanese quail after exposure to a single long day and this leads to a wave of pituitary LH secretion which lasts for up to 10 days. Pharmacological doses of thyroid hormones mimic this photoperiodic response if given to quail on short days, the magnitude and duration of the rise in LH and FSH output being dose-dependent. Thyroxine (T4) is some 7 times more potent than tri-iodothyronine (T3). There is no effect of T4 on LH secretion in quail already on long days although such birds can increase LH output markedly if treated with Gn-RH. Testosterone prevents the initial rise in LH secretion following T4 but does not block the long-term effect, suggesting that T4 acts high in the photoneuroendocrine chain to mimic long days. The first rise in LH secretion following T4 injection takes place about 24 h after the injection and the time-scale of secretion is quite similar to that seen when quail are exposed to a long day. T4 elicits a rise in LH secretion even if the quail are maintained in darkness. However, T4 does not act simply as light for if it is given at the exact time when birds are in a photoinducible state (i.e. 12–16 h after dawn) the rise in LH secretion still occurs 24 h later.Abbreviations FSH follicle stimulating hormone - Gn-RH gonadotropin releasing hormone - LH luteinizing hormone - T 4 thyroxine - T 3 tri-iodothyronine  相似文献   

The conditioning effect of cyclic photoperiods was studied in 9 experiments. Quail after 1 day of age were exposed to repeated cycles of 6 hr of light and 18 hr of darkness during their first 4 weeks.Afterwards the groups were established to study the effect of (a) ahemeral (unnatural daylength); (b) phase shifted, and (c) abbreviated photoperiods. The quail were kept on such regimens for 3 weeks. The results based on the 7-week testicular weights indicated that quail did not respond to a phase shift in the light period but responded to an abbreviation of a previously established photoperiod.Quail responded to unnatural daylength even when the actual and relative length of the dark period increased.
Zusammenfassung Die konditionierende Wirkung von zyklischen Photoperioden wurde in 9 Experimenten untersucht. Japanische Wachteln wurden nach der Geburt 4 Wochen einem Zyklus von 6L:18D Studen exponiert.Anschliessend wurden die Tiere in Gruppen eingeteilt, um die Wirkung von: (a) unnatürlicher Tageslänge; (b) Phasenwechsel, und (c) verkürzten Photoperioden bei 3 Wochen Exponierung zu prüfen.Die Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf das Hodengewicht nach 7 Wochen. Danach reagierten die Wachteln nicht auf einen Phasenwechsel in der Lichtperiode,wohl aber auf eine Verkürzung der bis dahin bestandenen Photoperiode.Wachteln reagierten auf unnatürliche Tageslänge auch dann, wenn die wirkliche und relative Länge der Dunkelperiode zunahm.

Resume L'effet de mise en condition qu'ont des périodes cycliques de lumière a été étudié au cours de neuf essais. Des cailles japonaises ont été soumises dès le lendemain de leur éclosion et durant 4 semaines à un régime de 6 heures de lumière suivies de 18 heures d'obscurité. Ensuite, les oiseaux furent placés durant 3 semaines en groupe afin d'étudier l'effet: (a) d'une durée du jour non-naturelle;(b)du changement de phase et (c) d'une période d'éclairement très brève. Les répercussions de ces anomalies sont chiffrées au moyen du poids des testicules après 7 semaines.Selon ce critère, les cailles ne réagissent pas à un changement de phase dans la période de lumière, mais bien à un racourcissement de la durée d'éclairement par rapport à la période précédente. Les cailles ont aussi réagi à une longueur non-naturelle du jour, mais uniquement si la durée d'obscurité réelle et relative augmentait.

Presented at the 4th International Biometeorological Congress,New Brunswick, New Jersey, 26 August – 2 September 1966. This investigation was supported in part by USDA Regional Research Project W-50.  相似文献   

Adult male Japanese quail were transferred from long to short days. Plasma testosterone and dihydrotestosterone quickly decreased and this endocrine response was followed by a regression of the cloacal gland, an androgen-target organ. After about a month, a spontaneous recovery of gonadal activity was observed in some but not all birds. It was not associated with obvious shifts in the circadian system. The physiological bases of this spontaneous recovery are discussed as well as the detailed relationships between plasma testosterone and cloacal gland size.  相似文献   

Photoperiodically generated triiodothyronin (T3) in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) has critical roles in the photoperiodic response of the gonads in Japanese quail. In a previous study, we demonstrated seasonal morphological changes in the neuro-glial interaction between gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) nerve terminals and glial endfeet in the median eminence (ME). However, a direct relationship between photoperiodically generated T3 and seasonal neuro-glial plasticity in the ME remained unclear. In the present study, we examined the effect of T3 implantation into the MBH on the neuro-glial interaction in the ME. T3 implantation caused testicular growth and reduced encasement of nerve terminals in the external zone of the ME. In contrast, no morphological changes were observed in birds given an excessive dose of T3, which did not cause testicular growth. These results support the hypothesis that thyroid hormone regulates photoperiodic GnRH secretion via neuro-glial plasticity in the ME. T. Yoshimura was supported by the Program for Promotion of Basic Research Activities for Innovative Biosciences (PROBRAIN) and a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

The relationship between photoperiodically changed growth of leaves, cotyledons, hypocotyl, roots and flowering has been investigated inChenopodium rubrum. It was found that all the growth characteristics recorded in leaves and cotyledons,i.e. length, area, dry weight and chlorophyll content, were inhibited during three inductive photoperiods (16 h darkness, 8 h light-SD) as compared with control plants grown under continuous illumination. Similarly, the cessation of root elongation and a decrease in root dry weight were observed. On the contrary, the elongation and dry weight of hypocotyl are stimulated by SD. The degree of the effect exerted by SD on the growth of different organs depends both on actual growth stage and the number of SD photoperiods. Increased relative rate of growth of roots and cotyledons was recorded in plants transferred after SD treatment to continuous illumination. However, this rise possesses only transitional character and the relative growth rate of treated plants equals that of control ones afterwards. The above growth changes are discussed as a possible modifying factor of floral differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The ependymal linings of the median eminence were destroyed by electric cautery or intraventricular injection of picric acid in the rat and Japanese quail. In these animals the ventricular lumen near the median eminence disappeared due to adhesion of lesioned walls on both sides of the third ventricle. Electric lesions of the ependymal layer containing tanycytes did not induce appreciable disturbance in the estrous cycles. Rats in which tanycytes were lesioned by picric acid displayed 4-day estrous cycles after prolonged diestrus (10–22 days). After destruction of tanycytes in the quail, a photostimulated gonadal growth was observed. It is concluded that the tanycyte transport of the ventricular fluid to capillaries of the portal vessels appears unnecessary for maintenance of adenohypophysial gonadotrophic activities.Supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan and by a grant from the Ford Foundation. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. B.K. Follett for providing chicken LH (IRC2) and to the late Mr. T. Asai for assay of serum LH  相似文献   

Animals perceiving repeated aversive events can become chronically stressed. Chronic activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis can have deleterious consequences on physiological parameters (e.g. BW, blood chemistry) and behaviour (e.g. emotional reactivity, stereotypies, cognition). Environmental enrichment (EE) can be a mean to reduce animal stress and to improve welfare. The aim of this study was first, to assess the effects of EE in battery cages on the behaviour of young Japanese quail and second, to evaluate the impact of EE on quail exposed to chronic stress. The experiment involved quail housed in EE cages and submitted or not to a chronic stress procedure (CSP) (EE cages, control quail: n=16, CSP quail: n=14) and quail housed in standard cages and exposed or not to the CSP (standard non-EE cages, control quail: n=12, CSP quail: n=16). Our procedure consisted of repeated aversive events (e.g. ventilators, delaying access to food, physical restraint, noise) presented two to five times per 24 h, randomly, for 15 days. During CSP, EE improved quail’s welfare as their stereotypic pacing decreased and they rested more. CSP decreased exploration in all quail. After the end of CSP, quail presented increased emotional reactivity in emergence test. However, the effect of EE varied with test. Finally, chronic stress effects on comfort behaviours in the emergence test were alleviated by EE. These results indicate that EE can alleviate some aspects of behavioural alterations induced by CSP.  相似文献   

We compared albino (aI), dilute (aID), and wild-type (AI+) quail in their ocular responses to continuous light, the rearing condition that brings on light-induced avian glaucoma (LIAG) in domestic chickens. At age 3 months, all quail kept under 24L/OD showed the retarded corneal growth and corneal flattening characteristic of LIAG. Unlike chickens, quail did not suffer pathological eye enlargement during the early growing period. However, by 6 months of age, 24L/OD albinos showed an almost 20% increase in eye weight compared with 12L/12D albinos. The increase in eye weight for 24L/OD dilutes at 6 months of age was 18%; for 24L/OD wild types, it was 16%. Intraocular pressure, the key criterion for glaucoma, was almost twice as high at 6 months of age in 24L/OD wild types as it was in 12L/12D wild types and showed similar but even greater increases in dilutes and albinos reared under continuous light. Across-genotype comparisons revealed additional effects of the mutant genes themselves: the eyes of albinos were 22.6% larger. The eyes of dilutes showed a similar but smaller response--5% and 6.6%, respectively, and correlated increases in globe dimensional parameters. The flat cornea characteristic of LIAG appeared in all three mutants, but only when environmental light had been kept at 24L/OD. This further separates the LIAG effect from the phenomenon we call albino quail macrophthalmos.  相似文献   

We identified a growth hormone secretagogue-receptor (GHS-R) for ghrelin (GRLN) in the Japanese quail, and examined relationship between its receptor distribution and the effects of ghrelin on the gastrointestinal tract of the quail. GHS-R expression and GRLN-induced response were also investigated in the chicken and compared with quail. Several types of GHS-R, namely GHS-R1a-L, GHS-R1a-S, GHS-R1aV, GHS-R1b, GHS-R1bV and GHS-R1tv-like receptor, were identified in quail cerebellum cDNA. Amino acid sequence of quail GHS-R1a-L was 98% identical to that of chicken GHS-R1a. GHS-R1a mRNA was expressed heterogeneously in the quail gastrointestinal tract with a high expression level in the colon, moderate levels in the esophagus and crop, and low levels in the proventriculus, gizzard and small intestine. The region-specific expression pattern was almost the same as that in the chicken. Chicken and quail GRLN caused contraction in the crop, proventriculus and colon of both the quail and chicken, whereas the small intestine was less sensitive. However, the contractile efficacy was more potent in the chicken than in the quail. Chicken motilin (MTL), another gut peptide, structurally resemble to GRLN, caused marked contraction in the small intestine of both the quail and chicken, and the region-specific effect of MTL was opposite to that of GRLN. In conclusion, GRLN mainly induces the contractile responses of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract and MTL stimulates motility of the middle intestine in both the quail and chicken. Regions in which GRLN acts were consistent with the distribution of GHS-R1a mRNA, but the contractile efficacy was different in the quail and chicken. These results suggest a species-specific contribution of GRLN in the regulation of avian gastrointestinal contractility.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression in Japanese quail   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Short day (8L : 16D), pretreated adult male redheaded buntings were held on various light—dark cycles of 20 to 30 h duration, in which a fixed ultra-short photophase of 3 h was combined with scotophases of varying duration. A photoperiodic testicular response was obtained only in 28- and 30-h cycles (3L : 25D and 3L : 27D). The same photo-period (3 h) in 20- to 26-h cycles (3L : 17D, 3L : 19D, 3L : 21D and 3L : 23D) failed to stimulate testicular growth. The results can be interpreted on the assumption that the positive testicular response in this species, under ultra-short-day light cycles, is the result of an advance in the photosensitive phase of the photoperiodic response system so that it coincides at least partly with the external photophase. The results thus appear to conform with the Bünning hypothesis or external coincidence model.  相似文献   

Summary The abscisic acid contents of birch, maple and sycamore plants growing under long and short photoperiods were measured by gas-liquid chromatography. No increase was observed in the abscisic acid content of extracts when plants were transferred to dormancy-inducing conditions.A preliminary account of this work was presented at the XI International Botanical Congress, 1969.  相似文献   

Morphological effects of magnesium deficiency on liver cells and general aspects of its influence on the metabolism were investigated in young quails. Magnesium deficiency was characterized by a depressed growth, a high mortality rate, a decrease in hematocrit and magnesium and calcium plasma concentrations. Magnesium deficiency reduced the magnesium concentration in heart by 44%, but did not affect the concentration in liver. Ultrastructural aspect of liver parenchymal cells revealed that the number of mitochondria per cell section was decreased and the average area of a mitochondrion was greater in deficient quails than in control animals. The significance of these morphological changes was discussed in relation to disturbances in energy metabolism of these organelles. From these results, japanese quail appeared as an interesting experimental model for studies on metabolic disturbances in magnesium deficiency.  相似文献   

Akagi S  Sato K  Ohmori S 《Amino acids》2004,26(3):235-242
Summary. In general, threonine is metabolized by reaction catalyzed by threonine-3-dehydrogenase (TDH), threonine dehydratase (TH) or threonine aldolase (TA). The activities of these three enzymes were compared in the liver of Japanese quails and rats. The animals were fed a standard or threonine rich-diet, or fasted for 3 days. The specific activity of TDH in the liver from quail fed a standard diet was 11 times higher than that in the liver from rats fed a standard diet. The TDH activities in the livers of the fasting and 5% threonine-rich diet groups of quail were 3 and 2 times higher than those in the livers from quail fed the standard diet, respectively. The TH activity in the liver of rats fed a standard diet was 14 times higher than that in the liver of quail fed a standard diet. The TH activity in the rat liver after fasting was 2.3 times higher than that of the standard diet control. The activity of TA in the livers of rat and quail were so low that its role in threonine metabolism in both animals seemed to be negligible. These results suggest that threonine is a ketogenic amino acid in the quail liver, while it is a glucogenic in the rat liver.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that gonadal hormones may mediate behavioral and biological responses to cocaine. Estrogen, in particular, has been shown to increase behavioral responding to cocaine in female rats relative to male rats. The current study investigated the effect of cocaine on locomotor activity and hormonal correlates in male and female Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In Japanese quail, circulating hormone levels can be manipulated without surgical alterations via modifying the photoperiod. Male and female quail were housed on either 8L:16D (light:dark) or 16L:8D (light:dark) cycle for 21 days. Blood samples were taken prior to the beginning of the experiment and assays were performed to determine the levels of testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2). Quail were given injections of saline or cocaine (10 or 20 mg/kg) once a day for 10 days. Immediately after each injection, birds were placed in open field arenas and distance traveled was measured for 30 min. Results showed that male quail housed under long-light conditions exhibited cocaine-induced sensitization to 10 mg/kg cocaine which was correlated with the high levels of plasma T. Female quail housed under short-light conditions demonstrated sensitization to 10 mg/kg cocaine, but this was not correlated with the levels of plasma E2. The current findings suggest that cocaine-induced locomotor activity was associated with T in males but not with E2 in females.  相似文献   

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