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Genetic exchange in African trypanosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
African trypanosomes are important pathogens of humans and domestic animals, but little was known, until recently, of the genetic system of these parasites. Recent results demonstrate the existence of nonobligatory genetic exchange between different stocks of T. brucei. A number of models have been put forward for the mechanism of genetic exchange, including a fusion model with subsequent random loss of chromosomes and a more conventional mendelian system.  相似文献   

Differences between host and parasite energy metabolism are eagerly sought after as potential targets for antiparasite chemotherapy. In Kinetoplastia, the first seven steps of glycolysis are compartmented inside glycosomes, organelles that are related to the peroxisomes of higher eukaryotes. This arrangement is unique in the living world. In this review, Christine Clayton and Paul Michels discuss the implications of this unusual metabolic compartmentation for the regulation of trypanosome energy metabolism, and describe how an adequate supply of energy is maintained in different species and life cycle stages.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) was examined to explore its trypanocidal activity. The compound is easily taken up by trypanosomes via its aquaglyceroporins but is not converted to a glycolytic intermediate due to the lack of a respective kinase. Investigating the DHA-induced cell death it became evident that parasites die by autophagy rather than by necrosis or apoptosis. Since autophagy is not well studied in African trypanosomes our work offers a way to investigate the importance of autophagy for trypanosomes not only for stress coping but also for organelle reconstruction during differentiation.  相似文献   

Gossypol-induced death of African trypanosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The cellular bases of resistance to the African trypanosomes were examined in inbred mice. As part of these studies, reciprocal bone marrow cell transplants were performed between H-2 compatible mice which differ in relative resistance to Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infection. Survival times, parasitemias and IgM antibody responses to the surface antigen of the infecting variant type were measured in these semiallogeneic bone marrow chimeras. Relatively resistant C57BL/10 mice, intermediate A.By mice, and least resistant C3H.SW mice that were reconstituted after lethal irradiation with syngeneic bone marrow cells displayed resistance and immunity characteristic of the homologous donor strain. When C57BL/10 mice were reconstituted with C3H.SW mouse bone marrow cells they retained the ability to produce antibodies to trypanosome surface antigen but the antibody titers were significantly reduced. Control of parasitemia and mean survival time were reduced in these chimeras, but differed significantly from C3H.SW mice. A.By mice that received cells from C57BL/10 donors exhibited antibody responses and survival times similar to the C57BL/10 mice. Survival times of A.By mice given syngeneic cells or C3H.SW cells were the same, but the antibody responses of A.By mice given C3H.SW cells were lower than those of A.By mice given syngeneic cells. C3H.SW mice reconstituted with C57BL/10 bone marrow cells were capable of making antibodies and controlling parasitemia, in marked contrast to the absence of such responses in C3H.SW mice reconstituted with syngeneic cells. Survival times, however, were indistinguishable from those of C3H.SW mice given syngeneic cells. Thus, resistance to T. b. rhodesiense was shown for the first time to depend on donor bone marrow derived cells as well as upon radiation-resistant cells/factors associated with host genetic background. Also, parasite-specific IgM antibody responses seem to be regulated by a mechanism which does not depend on bone marrow derived cells alone, and the presence of such immune responses is not linked to survival time.  相似文献   

Further studies on difluoromethylornithine in African trypanosomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DL-alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was previously shown to cure mice infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei, a parasite of game and cattle in Africa and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, a human African Sleeping Sickness pathogen. Our studies now indicate that DFMO blocks ornithine decarboxylase and lowers trypanosome polyamine levels in vivo. Polyamine uptake in T.b. brucei also resembles that previously described for mammalian cells. The therapeutic potential of DFMO can now also be extended to another human pathogen, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Finally, DFMO acts synergistically with another drug, bleomycin, to cure acute trypanosome infections, and furthermore, this same drug combination provides a new approach to the treatment of trypanosomal infections of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Control of antigenic variation in African trypanosomes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Sphingolipids are essential components of eukaryotic membranes, and many unicellular eukaryotes, including kinetoplastid protozoa, are thought to synthesize exclusively inositol phosphorylceramide (IPC). Here we characterize sphingolipids from Trypanosoma brucei, and a trypanosome sphingolipid synthase gene family (TbSLS1-4) that is orthologous to Leishmania IPC synthase. Procyclic trypanosomes contain IPC, but also sphingomyelin, while surprisingly bloodstream-stage parasites contain sphingomyelin and ethanolamine phosphorylceramide (EPC), but no detectable IPC. In vivo fluorescent ceramide labelling confirmed stage-specific biosynthesis of both sphingomyelin and IPC. Expression of TbSLS4 in Leishmania resulted in production of sphingomyelin and EPC suggesting that the TbSLS gene family has bi-functional synthase activity. RNAi silencing of TbSLS1-4 in bloodstream trypanosomes led to rapid growth arrest and eventual cell death. Ceramide levels were increased more than threefold by silencing suggesting a toxic downstream effect mediated by this potent intracellular messenger. Topology predictions support a revised six-transmembrane domain model for the kinetoplastid sphingolipid synthases consistent with the proposed mammalian sphingomyelin synthase structure. This work reveals novel diversity and regulation in sphingolipid metabolism in this important group of human parasites.  相似文献   

Tyler KM  Matthews KR  Gull K 《Protist》2001,152(4):367-378
In the bloodstream of a mammalian host, African trypanosomes are pleomorphic; the shorter, non-proliferative, stumpy forms arise from longer, proliferative, slender forms with differentiation occurring via a range of morphological intermediates. In order to investigate how the onset of morphological change is co-ordinated with exit from the cell cycle we first characterized slender form cell division. Outgrowth of the new flagellum was found to occur at a linear rate, so by using outgrowth of the new flagellum as a temporal marker of the cell cycle we were able determine the order in which single copy organelles (nucleus, kinetoplast and mitochondrion) were segregated. We also found that flagellar length was an effective marker of the slender to stumpy differentiation and were, therefore, able to study both cell division and differentiation. When these differentiating cells were compared to cells undergoing proliferative cell division, they were found to be anisomorphic – showing discernible differences not only in the length of their new flagella but also in the shape and size of the cells and their nuclei.  相似文献   

The surface of the African trypanosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The African trypanosomes bear on the outside of their cell membrane a single 10-15 nm thick coat of a glycoprotein. This glycoprotein may differ in structure in the predominant populations of parasitemic waves found in relapsing infections. Variant Specific Glycoprotein (VSG) range in MW between 53,000-63,000 d and may have variable amounts of carbohydrate attached at one, two, or several loci. Such differences in carbohydrate content may account in part for their range in molecular size. Approximately 30 C-terminal residues demonstrate isotypy ; i.e. these regions fall into classes having similar amino acid sequence. Modest homology has been demonstrated in two VSGs of T. congolense arising in relapsing infections although comparison of many VSG show little or no obvious homology. More recently, lipid-associated forms of VSG have been described and it is believed that these forms may be transmembrane proteins. Different VSGs appear to have different amounts of the primary sequence which have alpha-helix-forming potential. In some VSG, in excess of 80% of the structure is helical as judged by both Chou-Fasman calculations and by circular dichroism. This raises the possibility that different VSG may have different folding patterns. The arrangement of VSG on the trypanosome surface probably places the basic amino acid-rich carbohydrate-bearing C-terminus of the polypeptide chain close to the membrane. There is some protein-protein association between VSGs for which (in T. evansi) the C-terminal tail is not required. The importance of VSG structure lies not only in the fact that the molecule mediates the phenomenon of antigenic variation but also in the recent observation that VSG may act on the cellular immune system to suppress the humoral immune responses of the host.  相似文献   

Biology of African trypanosomes in the tsetse fly   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
African trypanosomes present several features of interest to cell biologists. These include: a repressible single mitochondrion with a large mass of mitochondrial DNA, the kinetoplast; a special organelle, the glycosome, which houses the enzymes of the glycolytic chain; a surface coat of variable glycoprotein which enables the parasite to evade the mammalian host's immune response; and a unique flagellum-to-host attachment mechanism associated with novel cytoskeletal elements. Trypanosome development during the life cycle involves cyclical activation and repression of genes controlling these activities. Understanding the complexity of parasite development in the tsetse fly vector is especially challenging but may help to suggest new methods for the control of trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

The polyamine biosynthetic pathway is an important drug target for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), raising interest in understanding polyamine function and their mechanism of regulation. Polyamine levels are tightly controlled in mammalian cells, but similar regulatory mechanisms appear absent in trypanosomes. Instead trypanosomatid S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC), which catalyzes a key step in the biosynthesis of the polyamine spermidine, is activated by dimerization with an inducible protein termed prozyme. Prozyme is an inactive paralog of the active AdoMetDC enzyme that evolved by gene duplication and is found only in the trypanosomatids. In Trypanosoma brucei, AdoMetDC activity appears to be controlled by regulation of prozyme protein levels, potentially at the translational level.  相似文献   

Recent advances in transfection technology have been exploited to address fundamental questions relating to secretory trafficking in African trypanosomes. Targeted gene disruptions and ectopic expression of the major stage-specific surface proteins have provided unexpected insights into both the function and assembly of the essential parasite surface coats. A growing list of novel secretory cargo molecules, as well as advances in the characterization of trypanosomal secretory machinery, provide a unique model system for the study of eukaryotic secretory processes.  相似文献   

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