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The International HapMap Project has recently made available genotypes and frequency data for phase 3 (NCBI build 36, dbSNPb129) of the HapMap providing an enriched genotype dataset for approximately 1.6 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 1,115 individuals with ancestry from parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Mexico. In the present study, we aim to facilitate pharmacogenetics studies by providing a database of SNPs with high population differentiation through a genomewide test on allele frequency variation among 11 HapMap3 samples. Common SNPs with minor allele frequency greater than 5¢ from each of 11 HapMap3 samples were included in the present analysis. The population differentiation is measured in terms of fixation index (Fst), and the SNPs with Fst values over 0.5 were defined as highly differentiated SNPs. Our tests were carried out between all pairs of the 11 HapMap3 samples or among subgroups with the same continental ancestries. Altogether we carried out 64 genomewide Fst tests and identified 28,215 highly differentiated SNPs for 49 different combinations of HapMap3 samples in the current database.  相似文献   



Since the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genetic variations which determine the difference between any two unrelated individuals, the SNPs can be used to identify the correct source population of an individual. For efficient population identification with the HapMap genotype data, as few informative SNPs as possible are required from the original 4 million SNPs. Recently, Park et al. (2006) adopted the nearest shrunken centroid method to classify the three populations, i.e., Utah residents with ancestry from Northern and Western Europe (CEU), Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria in West Africa (YRI), and Han Chinese in Beijing together with Japanese in Tokyo (CHB+JPT), from which 100,736 SNPs were obtained and the top 82 SNPs could completely classify the three populations.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The interpretation of genome-wide association results is confounded by linkage disequilibrium between nearby alleles. We have developed a flexible bioinformatics query tool for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to identify and to annotate nearby SNPs in linkage disequilibrium (proxies) based on HapMap. By offering functionality to generate graphical plots for these data, the SNAP server will facilitate interpretation and comparison of genome-wide association study results, and the design of fine-mapping experiments (by delineating genomic regions harboring associated variants and their proxies). AVAILABILITY: SNAP server is available at http://www.broad.mit.edu/mpg/snap/.  相似文献   

Previous theory indicates that zygotic linkage disequilibrium (LD) is more informative than gametic or composite digenic LD in revealing natural population history. Further, the difference between the composite digenic and maximum zygotic LDs can be used to detect epistatic selection for fitness. Here we corroborate the theory by investigating genome-wide zygotic LDs in HapMap phase III human populations. Results show that non-Africa populations have much more significant zygotic LDs than do Africa populations. Africa populations (ASW, LWK, MKK, and YRI) possess more significant zygotic LDs for the double-homozygotes (DAABB) than any other significant zygotic LDs (DAABb, DAaBB, and DAaBb), while non-Africa populations generally have more significant DAaBb’s than any other significant zygotic LDs (DAABB, DAABb, and DAaBB). Average r-squares for any significant zygotic LDs increase generally in an order of populations YRI, MKK, CEU, CHB, LWK, JPT, CHD, TSI, GIH, ASW, and MEX. Average r-squares are greater for DAABB and DAaBb than for DAaBB and DAABb in each population. YRI and MKK can be separated from LWK and ASW in terms of the pattern of average r-squares. All population divergences in zygotic LDs can be interpreted with the model of Out of Africa for modern human origins. We have also detected 19735-95921 SNP pairs exhibiting strong signals of epistatic selection in different populations. Gene-gene interactions for some epistatic SNP pairs are evident from empirical findings, but many more epistatic SNP pairs await evidence. Common epistatic SNP pairs rarely exist among all populations, but exist in distinct regions (Africa, Europe, and East Asia), which helps to understand geographical genomic medicine.  相似文献   

We have developed an online program, WCLUSTAG, for tag SNP selection that allows the user to specify variable tagging thresholds for different SNPs. Tag SNPs are selected such that a SNP with user-specified tagging threshold C will have a minimum R2 of C with at least one tag SNP. This flexible feature is useful for researchers who wish to prioritize genomic regions or SNPs in an association study. AVAILABILITY: The online WCLUSTAG program is available at http://bioinfo.hku.hk/wclustag/  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) determined based on SNP arrays from the international HapMap consortium (HapMap) and the genetic variants detected in the 1000 genomes project (1KGP) can serve as two references for genomewide association studies (GWAS). We conducted comparative analyses to provide a means for assessing concerns regarding SNP array-based GWAS findings as well as for realistically bounding expectations for next generation sequencing (NGS)-based GWAS. We calculated and compared base composition, transitions to transversions ratio, minor allele frequency and heterozygous rate for SNPs from HapMap and 1KGP for the 622 common individuals. We analysed the genotype discordance between HapMap and 1KGP to assess consistency in the SNPs from the two references. In 1KGP, 90.58% of 36,817,799 SNPs detected were not measured in HapMap. More SNPs with minor allele frequencies less than 0.01 were found in 1KGP than HapMap. The two references have low discordance (generally smaller than 0.02) in genotypes of common SNPs, with most discordance from heterozygous SNPs. Our study demonstrated that SNP array-based GWAS findings were reliable and useful, although only a small portion of genetic variances were explained. NGS can detect not only common but also rare variants, supporting the expectation that NGS-based GWAS will be able to incorporate a much larger portion of genetic variance than SNP arrays-based GWAS.  相似文献   

High resolution melting analysis of almond SNPs derived from ESTs   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
High resolution melting curve (HRM) is a recent advance for the detection of SNPs. The technique measures temperature induced strand separation of short PCR amplicons, and is able to detect variation as small as one base difference between samples. It has been applied to the analysis and scan of mutations in the genes causing human diseases. In plant species, the use of this approach is limited. We applied HRM analysis to almond SNP discovery and genotyping based on the predicted SNP information derived from the almond and peach EST database. Putative SNPs were screened from almond and peach EST contigs by HRM analysis against 25 almond cultivars. All 4 classes of SNPs, INDELs and microsatellites were discriminated, and the HRM profiles of 17 amplicons were established. The PCR amplicons containing single, double and multiple SNPs produced distinctive HRM profiles. Additionally, different genotypes of INDEL and microsatellite variations were also characterised by HRM analysis. By sequencing the PCR products, 100 SNPs were validated/revealed in the HRM amplicons and their flanking regions. The results showed that the average frequency of SNPs was 1:114 bp in the genic regions, and transition to transversion ratio was 1.16:1. Rare allele frequencies of the SNPs varied from 0.02 to 0.5, and the polymorphic information contents of the SNPs were from 0.04 to 0.53 at an average of 0.31. HRM has been demonstrated to be a fast, low cost, and efficient approach for SNP discovery and genotyping, in particular, for species without much genomic information such as almond.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that a map of dense single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can outperform a map of sparse microsatellites for linkage analysis. There is also argument as to whether a clustered SNP map can outperform an evenly spaced SNP map. Using Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data, we compared for linkage analysis microsatellites, SNPs, and composite markers derived from SNPs. We encoded the composite markers in a two-step approach, in which the maximum identity length contrast method was employed to allow for recombination between loci. A SNP map 2.3 times as dense as a microsatellite map (approximately 2.9 cM compared to approximately 6.7 cM apart) provided slightly less information content (approximately 0.83 compared to approximately 0.89). Most inheritance information could be extracted when the SNPs were spaced < 1 cM apart. Comparing the linkage results on using SNPs or composite markers derived from them based on both 3 cM and 0.3 cM resolution maps, we showed that the inter-SNP distance should be kept small (< 1 cM), and that for multipoint linkage analysis the original markers and the derived composite markers had similar power; but for single point linkage analysis the resulting composite markers lead to more power. Considering all factors, such as information content, flexibility of analysis method, map errors, and genotyping errors, a map of clustered SNPs can be an efficient design for a genome-wide linkage scan.  相似文献   

Summary A design and model are presented to allow the prediction, in early generations, of the mean and distribution of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between two parental populations or partially inbred lines. The procedure has been tested in autumn-sown onions (in the UK) using a wide cross between the openpollinated Japanese cultivar, Senshyu, and a partially inbred line derived from the European cultivar, Rawska. The early generations used for prediction included the first self-pollinated generation of the two parental populations and the F3 generation produced from the hybrid population. The predictions were tested by reference to the field performance of a random array of inbred lines, which were produced by single-seed descent (SSD) and had been selfed for three generations. The early generations, used for prediction, and a sample of SSD lines were raised alongside each other in each of two seasons. Within each season, good agreement was found between the predicted and observed performance of the recombinant inbred lines for three characters — yield, quality and maturity. This is used as evidence of the validity of the genetical model and the assumptions made. The effects of genotype x environment interactions prevented predictions made in one season being reliably applied to those made in the other and, therefore, reduce the attraction of this type of prediction study to the plant breeder.  相似文献   

Transmission distortion (TD) is a significant departure from Mendelian predictions of genes or chromosomes to offspring. While many biological processes have been implicated, there is still much to be understood about TD in humans. Here we present our findings from a genome-wide scan for evidence of TD using haplotype data of 60 trio families from the International HapMap Project. Fisher's exact test was applied to assess the extent of TD in 629,958 SNPs across the autosomes. Based on the empirical distribution of PFisher and further permutation tests, we identified 1,205 outlier loci and 224 candidate genes with TD. Using the PANTHER gene ontology database, we found 19 categories of biological processes with an enrichment of candidate genes. In particular, the “protein phosphorylation” category contained the largest number of candidates in both HapMap samples. Further analysis uncovered an intriguing non-synonymous change in PPPIR12B, a gene related to protein phosphorylation, which appears to influence the allele transmission from male parents in the YRI (Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria) population. Our findings also indicate an ethnicity-related property of TD signatures in HapMap samples and provide new clues for our understanding of TD in humans.  相似文献   



The application of a subset of single nucleotide polymorphisms, the tagSNPs, can be useful in capturing untyped SNPs information in a genomic region. TagSNP transferability from the HapMap dataset to admixed populations is of uncertain value due population structure, admixture, drift and recombination effects. In this work an empirical dataset from a Brazilian admixed sample was evaluated against the HapMap population to measure tagSNP transferability and the relative loss of variability prediction.


The transferability study was carried out using SNPs dispersed over four genomic regions: the PTPN22, HMGCR, VDR and CETP genes. Variability coverage and the prediction accuracy for tagSNPs in the selected genomic regions of HapMap phase II were computed using a prediction accuracy algorithm. Transferability of tagSNPs and relative loss of prediction were evaluated according to the difference between the Brazilian sample and the pooled and single HapMap population estimates.


Each population presented different levels of prediction per gene. On average, the Brazilian (BRA) sample displayed a lower power of prediction when compared to HapMap and the pooled sample. There was a relative loss of prediction for BRA when using single HapMap populations, but a pooled HapMap dataset generated minor loss of variability prediction and lower standard deviations, except at the VDR locus at which loss was minor using CEU tagSNPs.


Studies that involve tagSNP selection for an admixed population should not be generally correlated with any specific HapMap population and can be better represented with a pooled dataset in most cases.  相似文献   

Genetic association studies increasingly rely on the use of linkage disequilibrium (LD) tag SNPs to reduce genotyping costs. We developed a software package TAGster to select, evaluate and visualize LD tag SNPs both for single and multiple populations. We implement several strategies to improve the efficiency of current LD tag SNP selection algorithms: (1) we modify the tag SNP selection procedure of Carlson et al. to improve selection efficiency and further generalize it to multiple populations. (2) We propose a redundant SNP elimination step to speed up the exhaustive tag SNP search algorithm proposed by Qin et al. (3) We present an additional multiple population tag SNP selection algorithm based on the framework of Howie et al., but using our modified exhaustive search procedure. We evaluate these methods using resequenced candidate gene data from the Environmental Genome Project and show improvements in both computational and tagging efficiency. AVAILABILITY: The software Package TAGster is freely available at http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/software/tagster/  相似文献   



Sexual reproduction relies on two key events: formation of cells with a haploid genome (the gametes) and restoration of diploidy after fertilization. Therefore the underlying mechanisms must have been evolutionary linked and there is a need for evidence that could support such a model.


We describe the identification and the characterization of yem 1 , the first yem-alpha mutant allele (V478E), which to some extent affects diploidy reduction and its restoration. Yem-alpha is a member of the Ubinuclein/HPC2 family of proteins that have recently been implicated in playing roles in chromatin remodeling in concert with HIRA histone chaperone. The yem 1 mutant females exhibited disrupted chromosome behavior in the first meiotic division and produced very low numbers of viable progeny. Unexpectedly these progeny did not display paternal chromosome markers, suggesting that they developed from diploid gametes that underwent gynogenesis, a form of parthenogenesis that requires fertilization.


We focus here on the analysis of the meiotic defects exhibited by yem 1 oocytes that could account for the formation of diploid gametes. Our results suggest that yem 1 affects chromosome segregation presumably by affecting kinetochores function in the first meiotic division. This work paves the way to further investigations on the evolution of the mechanisms that support sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

A novel protein purification system has been developed which enables purification of free recombinant proteins in a single chromatographic step. The system utilizes a modified protein splicing element (intein) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sce VMA intein) in conjunction with a chitin-binding domain (CBD) from Bacillus circulans as an affinity tag. The concept is based on the observation that the modified Sce VMA intein can be induced to undergo a self-cleavage reaction at its N-terminal peptide linkage by 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT), β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) or cysteine at low temperatures and over a broad pH range. A target protein is cloned in-frame with the N-terminus of the intein-CBD fusion, and the stable fusion protein is purified by adsorption onto a chitin column. The immobilized fusion protein is then induced to undergo self-cleavage under mild conditions, resulting in the release of the target protein while the intein-CBD fusion remains bound to the column. No exogenous proteolytic cleavage is needed. Furthermore, using this procedure, the purified free target protein can be specifically labeled at its C-terminus.  相似文献   

Model-based (likelihood and Bayesian) and non-model-based (PCA and K-means clustering) methods were developed to identify populations and assign individuals to the identified populations using marker genotype data. Model-based methods are favoured because they are based on a probabilistic model of population genetics with biologically meaningful parameters and thus produce results that are easily interpretable and applicable. Furthermore, they often yield more accurate structure inferences than non-model-based methods. However, current model-based methods either are computationally demanding and thus applicable to small problems only or use simplified admixture models that could yield inaccurate results in difficult situations such as unbalanced sampling. In this study, I propose new likelihood methods for fast and accurate population admixture inference using genotype data from a few multiallelic microsatellites to millions of diallelic SNPs. The methods conduct first a clustering analysis of coarse-grained population structure by using the mixture model and the simulated annealing algorithm, and then an admixture analysis of fine-grained population structure by using the clustering results as a starting point in an expectation maximisation algorithm. Extensive analyses of both simulated and empirical data show that the new methods compare favourably with existing methods in both accuracy and running speed. They can analyse small datasets with just a few multiallelic microsatellites but can also handle in parallel terabytes of data with millions of markers and millions of individuals. In difficult situations such as many and/or lowly differentiated populations, unbalanced or very small samples of individuals, the new methods are substantially more accurate than other methods.Subject terms: Population genetics, Evolutionary ecology  相似文献   

Mutations in the HFE gene on chromosome 6 are believed to cause the iron overload disorder hemochromatosis, the most common single gene disorder in northern Europeans. Two mutations have been described previously: C282Y, with an allele frequency of between 3% and 10% in the caucasian population, and H63D, which has an allele frequency of 16%. Published data shows that C282Y appears to be causative in the homozygous state, while the frequency of H63D/C282Y compound heterozygotes is much greater than expected in patient groups. There also appears to be a slightly elevated risk for H63D homozygotes. Hemochromatosis has been thought to be primarily a caucasian disorder. We have studied 97 healthy, black Ghanaian subjects, whose parents and grandparents were also African, to find the frequency of the two mutations. C282Y was absent, while H63D occurred in 2 individuals. These differences are significant at the 0.05 and 0.001 levels, respectively. The prevalence of H63D homozygotes in this population at 1 in 10,000 is clearly of no use in studying the effect of this genotype on phenotype. However, this study suggests an absence of the C282Y mutation in African populations, and the possibility that other populations might provide different genotypes and hence an analysis of H63D risk. A possible heterozygote advantage for the mutation is discussed.  相似文献   

Improving drought tolerance of crop plants is a major goal of plant breeders. In this study, we characterized biomass and drought‐related traits of 220 Medicago truncatula HapMap accessions. Characterized traits included shoot biomass, maximum leaf size, specific leaf weight, stomatal density, trichome density and shoot carbon‐13 isotope discrimination (δ13C) of well‐watered M. truncatula plants, and leaf performance in vitro under dehydration stress. Genome‐wide association analyses were carried out using the general linear model (GLM), the standard mixed linear model (MLM) and compressed MLM (CMLM) in TASSEL, which revealed significant overestimation of P‐values by CMLM. For each trait, candidate genes and chromosome regions containing SNP markers were found that are in significant association with the trait. For plant biomass, a 0.5 Mbp region on chromosome 2 harbouring a plasma membrane intrinsic protein, PIP2, was discovered that could potentially be targeted to increase dry matter yield. A protein disulfide isomerase‐like protein was found to be tightly associated with both shoot biomass and leaf size. A glutamate‐cysteine ligase and an aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein with Arabidopsis homologs strongly expressed in the guard cells were two of the top genes identified by stomata density genome‐wide association studies analysis.  相似文献   

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