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Kinetic results on the glucomylase-catalysed hydrolysis of maltose and maltotriose, and glucose polymerization into maltose and isomaltose up to 450 g/L total sugar concentration are presented. Whereas the enzyme has a faster hydrolytic and synthetic activity on alpha-(1-->4) than on alpha-(1-->6) linkages, at equilibrium, on the contrary, the isomaltose level which represents 15% (w/w) of the total sugar concentration at the highest investigated concentrations is much higher than the corresponding maltose level. Under a wide range of initial conditions, experimental results are adequately described by a new kinetic model with simple first- and second-order, or Michaelian-type, rate expressions for the reversible hydrolysis of maltotriose, maltose, and isomaltose. The model also accounts for the inhibition of hydrolysis by glucose, but does not consider the concentration of water which, under the present conditions, was not found kinetically limiting.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of glucose addition to the kinetics of maltodextrin hydrolysis catalyzed with free and immobilized Aspergillus niger glucoamylase does not show any significant glucose inhibitory effect. This result is in contradiction with data previously reported in the literature. On the contrary, a slight glucose-activating effect was observed. This effect was greater in the case of the immobilized enzyme. The glucose inhibitory effect may thus not be involved in the case of practical saccharification conditions catalyzed with glucoamylase when maltodextrins are used as substrate.  相似文献   

The flash-induced absorbance change measured at 518 nm (P515) in intact chloroplasts consists of at least 4 kinetically different components. Here the non-electrochromic component, either called phase d or reaction 3, is studied in some detail. The effect of DCMU, DQH2 and DBMIB on the amplitude of reaction 3 and the turnover of cytochrome f and P700 have been monitored, suggesting an involvement of photosystem 1 in the activation of the non-electrochromic absorbance change. This is confirmed by the parallel oscillation pattern found in P700 rereduction and the amplitude of reaction 3.  相似文献   

The faster dark decay of the 520 nm absorbance change in phosphorylating conditions can be achieved with the same efficiency by addition of ATP alone.The substitution of 1,N6 etheno ADP (εADP) to ADP or of 1,N6 etheno ATP (εATP) to ATP are absolutely ineffective on the 520 nm absorbance change dark decay in spite of the good phosphorylation of εADP into εATP.The conclusion is that the faster dark decay of the 520 nm absorbance change is not linked directly with phosphorylation but is the consequence of the interaction of newly formed or added ATP with coupling factor.  相似文献   

A new light-induced absorbance change having a maximum at 561nm was discovered in the thalli, as well as in isolated chloroplastsof a green alga, Bryopsis maxima Okamura. Another simultaneous change also occurred at 515 nm. The magnitudeof the 561 nm change was several-fold larger than that at 515nm and much larger than could be explained by an oxidation-reductionchange in cytochromes contained in chloroplasts. There was noabsorbance change in the Soret region that may be correlatedto the 561 nm change. Both 561 and 515 nm changes showed a spike-liketime course pattern, both having a half-rise time of about 20msec. Effects of inhibitors and uncouplers such as DCMU, Cl-CCPand gramicidin J on the absorbance change were also similarat 561 and at 515 nm. We inferred that the 561 nm change is related to photophosphorylationand possibly to the membrane potential in a way similar to the515 nm change. (Received March 27, 1974; )  相似文献   

Glucoamylase, as a model enzyme, was immobilized on a ceramic membrane modified by surface corona discharge induced plasma chemical process-chemical vapor deposition (SPCP-CVD). Characterizations of the immobilized enzyme were then discussed. Three kinds of ceramic membranes with different amounts of amino groups on the surface were prepared utilizing the SPCP-CVD method. Each with 1-time, 3-times and 5-times surface modification treatments and used for supports in glucoamylase immobilization. The amount of immobilized glucoamylase increased with the increase in the number of surface modification treatments and saturated to a certain maximum value estimated by a two-dimensional random packing. The operational stability of the immobilized glucoamylase also increased with the increase in the number of the surface treatment. It was almost the same as the conventional method, while the activity of immobilized enzyme was higher. The results indicated the possibility of designing the performance of the immobilized enzyme by controlling the amount of amino groups. The above results showed that the completely new surface modification method using SPCP was effective in modifying ceramic membranes for enzyme immobilization.  相似文献   

A new, light-induced absorbance change centered at 591 nm wasfound during analysis of the effect of preliminary illuminationon ferricyanide photoreduction in spinach chloroplasts. Thisabsorbance change is believed to come from a chloroplast componentfunctionally related to the reaction-center of photosystem IIfor the following reasons: (1) It occurred rapidly upon illumination.(2) It was driven by only PS-II light. (3) It was observed evenat 77 K. (4) It was observed with subchloroplast preparationsenriched in the reaction-center of PS-II. (Received October 23, 1978; )  相似文献   

Roles of the coupling factor in light-induced proton transportand 515-nm absorption change were investigated in chloroplastswashed with high concentrations of Tris salts (pH 7.2). Washingthe chloroplasts with Tris-HCl and Tris-HNO3 buffers diminishedboth the light-induced pH rise and absorbance change at 515-nm,while Tris-H2SO4 buffer was much less effective. Inhibited activitiescould be restored by replacement of the coupling factor afterextraction with EDTA. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide also restoredboth activities. Effects of various anions on the proton pumpand 515-nm shift were also investigated. The order of effectivenesswas NO3>Cl>SO42–. The role of thecoupling factor and its mode of action; the action mechanismsof Tris and anionsn energy transducing processes in chloroplasts,photophosphorylation, proton transport and absorbance changeat 515 nm, are discussed. 1Present address: Biology Department, College of Science andEngineering, Ryukyu University, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. (Received June 27, 1972; )  相似文献   

The light-induced absorbance change at 515 nm and the light-inducedhydrogen ion uptake in chloroplasts are sensitive to physicaltreatment and to changes in ionic environment. High concentrationsof salts (chlorides) were inhibitory to the 515-nm absorbancechange. This inhibition was stronger in chloroplasts than insubchloroplast particles. In subchloroplast particles, NH4Clwas slightly stimulatory for the 515-nm change at low concentrations({small tilde}0.5 mM), as was the case with photophosphorylation. Tetraphenylboron (TPB), as a permeant anion, inhibited the 515-nmchange and the rate of hydrogen ion uptake. Tetraphenylarsonium(TPA) and tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP), both permeant cations,diminished the 515-nm change but did not affect the hydrogenion uptake. These results are analyzed in connection with adiscussion of the significance of the membrane potential andhydrogen ion gradient in the energy conversion of chloroplastsand subchloroplast particles. 1Present address: Fukuoka Women's University, Kasumigaoka, Fukuoka813, Japan. (Received February 5, 1974; )  相似文献   

We investigated the flash-induced electrochromic absorbance change, A 515, of isolated intact chloroplasts in continuous monochromatic background light of different intensities and wavelengths. From the variation of the amplitude of A 515 in background illumination the steady-state turnover time of electron transport was found to be around 100 msec and the slowest process could be assigned to a photosystem 1 driven cycle. The change of pH induced by nigericin, ATP, or ADP did not modify substantially the turnover time.In contrast to earlier observations the slow rise (10 msec) of A 515 in untreated chloroplasts persists also at high-intensity background illumination exciting both photosystems. The proportion of the slow rise of A 515 in nigericin-treated chloroplasts increases in the presence of background light. This result on the slow rise is discussed in terms of two different models existing in the literature.  相似文献   

The flash-induced electrochromic absorbance change (A 515) was measured in leaves of higher plants in the absence and presence of continuous monochromatic background illumination of different intensities and wavelengths. The variation of the amplitude of A 515 in background light was used to estimate the steady-state turnover time of the electron transport. In red light we obtained about 5 msec which was accounted for by the turnover of the linear electron transport. With far red background illumination or in the presence of the photosystem 2 inhibitor, DCMU, the steady-state turnover time tentatively assigned to photosystem 1 cyclic electron transport was much larger (100 msec).Increasing the intensity of background illumination with far red light gradually diminished the slow rise of A 515 in parallel with suppression of the initial rise generated by photosystem 1. At high intensities of the red light, however, while A 515 was attenuated, the slow rise was not eliminated and its proportion relative to the initial rise did not vary appreciably.  相似文献   

Inhibitory activities of 1-deoxynojirimycin and gluconolactone on Aspergillus niger glucoamylase were studied in relation to the subsite structure of the enzyme. Although both of these inhibitors are considered to bind at subsite 1 of the enzyme active site, 1-deoxynojirimycin showed competitive type inhibition but gluconolactone was a mixed type (or noncompetitive type) inhibitor for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-glucoside. The former type of inhibition suggested that the main binding mode of the substrate was productive, but the latter, nonproductive. A possible way of explaining these apparent inconsistent results is to assume that the main binding mode of the substrate is productive and gluconolactone forms a nonproductive ternary complex with the enzyme and the substrate.  相似文献   

In this study, local sewage sludge was acclimated to establish H2-producing enrichment cultures, which were used to convert sucrose to H2 with continuously stirred anaerobic bioreactors. The steady-state behaviors of cell growth, substrate utilization, and product formation were closely monitored. Kinetic models were developed to describe and predict the experimental results from the H2-producing cultures. Operation at dilution rates (D) of 0.075-0.167 h(-1) was preferable for H2 production, resulting in a H2 concentration of nearly 0.02 mol/l. The optimal hydrogen production rate was 0.105 mol/h occurring at D=0.125 h(-1). The major volatile fatty acid produced was butyric acid (HBu), while acetic acid and propionic acid were also produced in lesser quantities. The major solvent product was ethanol, whose concentration was only 15% of that of HBu, indicating that the metabolic flow favors H2 production. The proposed model was able to interpret the trends of the experimental data. The maximum specific growth rate (mu(max)), Monod constant (Ks), and yield coefficient for cell growth (Y(x/s)) were estimated as 0.172 h(-1), 68 mg COD/l, and 0.1 g/g, respectively. The model study also suggests that product formation in the continuous hydrogen-producing cultures was essentially a linear function of biomass concentration.  相似文献   

The interaction of gum arabic, maltodextrin and pullulan with lipids in emulsion systems was investigated. Interfacial tension and interfacial viscosity measurements revealed that only gum arabic could adsorb and form a viscoelastic film at the oil-water interface. Good emulsifying activity was demonstrated for gum arabic, whereas fine emulsions could not be produced from the other polysaccharide solutions and oil. Frequency-dependent increases in the storage and loss moduli were observed for all the polysaccharide solutions. Such rheological behavior did not substantially change when maltodextrin and pullulan were mixed with oil to form emulsions. However, the frequency-dependence of the dynamic moduli disappeared in the gum arabic-stabilized emulsion, suggesting the formation of a network structure in which oil droplets could form junctions with gum arabic chains. The results on the inhibition of lipid oxidation by polysaccharides suggest that gum arabic protected lipids from the attack of lipoxygenase and free radicals by adsorbing at the oil droplet surface.  相似文献   

It is now established that nitrogen monoxide is produced not only in animals but also in plants. However, much less is known about the pathways of generation and the functions of in planta. One of the possible targets of is leghemoglobin (Lb), the hemoprotein found in high concentrations in the root nodules of legumes that establish a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. In analogy to hemoglobin and myoglobin, we have shown that different forms of Lb react not only with , but also with so-called reactive nitrogen species derived from it, among others peroxynitrite and nitrite. Because of the wider active-site pocket, the rate constants measured in this work for and for nitrite binding to metLb are 1 order of magnitude larger than the corresponding values for binding of these species to metmyoglobin and methemoglobin. Moreover, we showed that reactive nitrogen species are able to react with two forms of Lb that are produced in vivo but that cannot bind oxygen: ferrylLb is reduced by and nitrite, and nitrosylLb is oxidized by peroxynitrite. The second-order rate constants of these reactions are on the order of 102, 106, and 105 M−1 s−1, respectively. In all cases, the final reaction product is metLb, a further Lb form that has been detected in vivo. Since a specific reductase is active in nodules, which reduces metLb, reactive nitrogen species could contribute to the recycling of these inactive forms to regenerate deoxyLb, the oxygen-binding form of Lb.  相似文献   

Glucoamylase G1 from Aspergillus niger contains an unusual type of carbohydrate-protein linkage, involving mannose O-glycosidically linked to serine and threonine. The majority of the neutral oligosaccharides of glucoamylase G1 are located in a region of about 70 amino acid residues which carries about 35 oligosaccharide units [(1983) Carlsberg Res. Commun. 48, 517-527]. Structural analysis was performed on the O-linked carbohydrates of a tryptic fragment from glucoamylase G1 comprising the segment characterized by a high degree of glycosylation. The carbohydrate structures released by trifluoroacetolysis were elucidated using sugar analysis, methylation analysis, mass spectrometry, chromium trioxide oxidation, digestion with alpha-mannosidase and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The following structures could be identified. (formula; see text)  相似文献   

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