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Seven dextran types, displaying from 3 to 20% α(1→3) glycosidic linkages, were synthesized in vitro from sucrose by mutants of dextransucrase DSR-S from Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-512F, obtained by combinatorial engineering. The structural and physicochemical properties of these original biopolymers were characterized. When asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation coupled with multiangle laser light scattering was used, it was determined that weight average molar masses and radii of gyration ranged from 0.76 to 6.02 × 10(8) g·mol(-1) and from 55 to 206 nm, respectively. The ν(G) values reveal that dextrans Gcn6 and Gcn7, which contain 15 and 20% α(1→3) linkages, are highly branched and contain long ramifications, while Gcn1 is rather linear with only 3% α(1→3) linkages. Others display intermediate molecular structures. Rheological investigation shows that all of these polymers present a classical non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior. However, Gcn_DvΔ4N, Gcn2, Gcn3, and Gcn7 form weak gels, while others display a viscoelastic behavior that is typical of entangled polymer solutions. Finally, glass transition temperature T(g) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. Interestingly, the T(g) of Gcn1 and Gcn5 are equal to 19.0 and 29.8 °C, respectively. Because of this low T(g), these two original dextrans are able to form rubber and flexible films at ambient temperature without any plasticizer addition. The mechanical parameters determined for Gcn1 films from tensile tests are very promising in comparison to the films obtained with other polysaccharides extracted from plants, algae or microbial fermentation. These results lead the way to using these dextrans as innovative biosourced materials.  相似文献   

Summary A novel method for the preparative scale synthesis of L-Dopa esters using tyrosinase-catalysed ortho-hydroxylation and proteinase-catalysed transesterification is described. Several L-Dopa esters have been prepared by the combined use of these two enzymes and fully characterised.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of a catabolite-repression-resistant strain ofMalbranchea sulfurea and a mutant of it over-producing amylase were isolated and fused using electrofusion. The yield of hybrids was 5×10-5. One stable hybrid, DGCS 1, was insensitive to glucose repression and produced approx. twice the -amylase activity produced by either of its parents. The amount of DNA in DGCS 1 was also double that of either parent strain.The authors are with the Department of Biological Science, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, M.P.-482 001, India  相似文献   

Summary The cellular location and sites of synthesis of -fetoprotein (AFP) in the foetal, neonatal and maternal rabbit, were studied by the fluorescent antibody technique and by culturing tissuesin vitro with labelled amino acids. AFP was found to be localised intracellularly within liver hepatocytes and yolk sac endoderm of the foetus, and within the maternal uterine epithelium. Analysis of extracts of the cultured tissues for incorporation of radioactivity into serum proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or analysed by autoradiography of immuno-precipitation lines, confirmed that the foetal liver and yolk sac splanchnopleur were the principal sites of primary synthesis of AFP. Localisation of AFP in the uterine epithelium and other foetal organs was consistent with a secondary derivation from the uterine fluid or from the blood circulation. These findings are discussed in relationship to findings in man and other mammals.Supported by an award from the Medical Research Council to whom grateful acknowledgement is made.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and sites of synthesis of -fetoprotein in chick embryos throughout development have been investigated using the combined techniques of immunofluorescence microscopy and tissue culture in the presence of radiolabelled amino acids, followed by immunoautoradiographic analysis.Alpha-fetoprotein is present in a range of embryonic tissues and especially concentrated in the yolk sac, liver and connective tissue. Analysis of culture fluids revealed that the yolk sac is the major site of -fetoprotein synthesis with smaller, but significant quantities being produced by the liver.These results are discussed in relation to mammalian -fetoprotein, and the merits of the chick embryo for studies on the biological function of AFP are considered.Supported by an award from the Science Research Council, to whom grateful acknowledgement is made  相似文献   

α-Amylase was found to be the main protein secreted byBacillus subtilis, corresponding to 90, 87 and 60% of total extracellular proteins at 30, 40 and 45°C, respectively. A change in temperature can affect the pattern of proteins secreted as detected by gel electrophoresis.14C-Leucine incorporation into extracellular proteins and their proportion at the end of the growth phase was higher at 30°C than that at 40 or 45°C. The effect of temperature on α-amylase synthesis as determined by its enzymic activity and on the extracellular protein synthesis followed a similar pattern.  相似文献   

We have successfully cloned an α-galactosidase gene from a rice cDNA library and transformed it into Escherichia coli BL21. It was subsequently cloned to the pPIC9K vector and expressed in Pichia pastoris. A selected clone was found to result in high production yield of the galactosidase enzyme. The secreted enzyme was purified, and it revealed as a major protein band on an SDS-PAGE gel. The optimal pH value, enzyme stabilities, and substrate specificity were studied. The enzyme specificity toward the terminal α1→6, 1→4, and 1→3 linked galactosyl residue from various substrates was investigated. By determining the Michelis constant (Km) of the enzyme for melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose, our results showed that melibiose was hydrolyzed faster than raffinose, whereas the published data reported a reversed sequence, raffinose > melibiose. The enzyme also showed the ability of converting B red blood cells into O red cells. The objective of this work is to develop the Pichia system to produce a large quantity of enzyme for blood cell conversion for transfusion.  相似文献   

Mannose is an important sugar in the biology of the Gram-negative bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. It is a major component of the oligosaccharides attached to the Arg-gingipain cysteine proteases, the repeating units of an acidic lipopolysaccharide (A-LPS), and the core regions of both types of LPS produced by the organism (O-LPS and A-LPS) and a reported extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) isolated from spent culture medium. The organism occurs at inflamed sites in periodontal tissues, where it is exposed to host glycoproteins rich in mannose, which may be substrates for the acquisition of mannose by P. gingivalis. Five potential mannosidases were identified in the P. gingivalis W83 genome that may play a role in mannose acquisition. Four mannosidases were characterized in this study: PG0032 was a β-mannosidase, whereas PG0902 and PG1712 were capable of hydrolyzing p-nitrophenyl α-d-mannopyranoside. PG1711 and PG1712 were α-1→3 and α-1→2 mannosidases, respectively. No enzyme function could be assigned to PG0973. α-1→6 mannobiose was not hydrolyzed by P. gingivalis W50. EPS present in the culture supernatant was shown to be identical to yeast mannan and a component of the medium used for culturing P. gingivalis and was resistant to hydrolysis by mannosidases. Synthesis of O-LPS and A-LPS and glycosylation of the gingipains appeared to be unaffected in all mutants. Thus, α- and β-mannosidases of P. gingivalis are not involved in the harnessing of mannan/mannose from the growth medium for these biosynthetic processes. P. gingivalis grown in chemically defined medium devoid of carbohydrate showed reduced α-mannosidase activity (25%), suggesting these enzymes are environmentally regulated.  相似文献   

It was reported that bovine α-lactalbumin (BLA) as an important whey protein can be utilized as valuable vehicle for metal ions. The goal of this study was to investigate the interaction of BLA with bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC), Diacetylcurcumin (DAC), and diacetylbisdemethoxycurcumin (DABC) as three bioactive compounds by fluorescence quenching measurements and docking studies. It was observed that these ligands come closer to tryptophan residues and quench their emission without any change in their micro region polarity. The Stern–Volmer equation which is the best model to provide information about the interaction between small bioactive molecules and proteins was used to obtain the binding constants and the binding stoichiometry. Information about the extent of resonance energy transfer and Förster’s distance between donor and acceptor was estimated. Thermodynamic parameters confirmed that the final BDMC–BLA complex was stabilized by hydrogen bonds, whereas the final DABC–BLA and DAC–BLA complexes were stabilized by hydrophobic bonds which are in accordance with their chemical structures. Both the synchronous and docking studies verified that theTrp-26 which is the most exposed Tryptophan residue has the most contribution in the binding process. The Förster’s distances between bound ligands and tryptophans were in agreement with the measured distances by docking studies. The obtained achievements confirmed that there are considerable binding interactions between these curcuminoids and BLA.  相似文献   

Tony Hunter  James I. Garrels 《Cell》1977,12(3):767-781
The mRNAs for α-, β- and γ-actin have been characterized with respect to molecular weight and poly(A) content. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions shows that the mRNA for α-actin (muscle-specific actin) is approximately 4.6 × 105 daltons in size, and that the mRNAs for β- and γ-actin (nonmuscle actins) are much larger, approximately 6.6 × 105 daltons in size. We therefore calculate that the noncoding regions of the β- and γ-actin mRNAs contain about 800 nucleotides. This is in marked contrast to the noncoding regions of α-actin mRNA which contain only about 180 nucleotides. During electrophoresis in high-resolution nondenaturing gels, the β-actin mRNA migrates slightly slower than the γ-actin mRNA. This indicates either that β-actin mRNA is about 100 nucleotides longer than γ-actin mRNA, or that these mRNAs differ in secondary structure. Fractionation of actin mRNA on the basis of poly(A) content shows that a substantial portion of the β-actin mRNA, but very little of the α- or γ-actin mRNAs, fails to bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose. Much of this poly(A)-deficient β-actin mRNA, however, does bind to poly(U)-Sepharose, a substrate with higher affinity for short poly(A) sequences. This indicates that many of these β-actin mRNA molecules are polyadenylated, but that they have unusually short poly(A) tails. The finding that β- and γ-actins are translated from mRNAs of different electrophoretic mobility and different poly(A) content strongly suggests that these two closely related proteins are products of different genes.  相似文献   

α-D-Mannosyl-maltotriose (Man-G3) were synthesized from methyl α-mannoside and maltotriose by the transfer action of α-mannosidase. (Man-G3)-βCD and (Man-G3)2-βCD were produced in about 20% and 4% yield, respectively when Aerobacter aerogenes pullulanase (160 units per 1 g of Man-G3) was incubated with the mixture of 1.6 M Man-G3 and 0.16 M βCD at 50°C for 4 days. The reaction products, (Man-G3)-βCD were separated to three peaks by HPLC analysis on a YMC-PACK A-323-3 column and (Man-G3)2-βCD were separated to several peaks by HPLC analysis on a Daisopak ODS column. The major product of (Man-G3)-βCDs was identified as 6-O-α-(63-O-α-D-mannosyl-maltotriosyl)-βCD by FAB-MS and NMR spectroscopies. The structures of (Man-G3)2-βCDs were analyzed by TOF-MS and NMR spectroscopies, and confirmed by comparison of elution profiles of their hydrolyzates by α-mannosidase and glucoamylase on a graphitized carbon column with those of the authentic di-glucosyl-βCDs. The structures of three main components of (Man-G3)2-βCDs were identified as 61,62-, 61,63- and 61,64-di-O-(63-O-α-D-mannosyl-maltotriosyl)-βCD.  相似文献   

Magoń A  Pyda M 《Carbohydrate research》2011,346(16):2558-2566
The thermal behaviors of α-D-glucose in the melting and glass transition regions were examined utilizing the calorimetric methods of standard differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), standard temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry (TMDSC), quasi-isothermal temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry (quasi-TMDSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The quantitative thermal analyses of experimental data of crystalline and amorphous α-D-glucose were performed based on heat capacities. The total, apparent and reversingheat capacities, and phase transitions were evaluated on heating and cooling. The melting temperature (T(m)) of a crystalline carbohydrate such as α-D-glucose, shows a heating rate dependence, with the melting peak shifted to lower temperature for a lower heating rate, and with superheating of around 25K. The superheating of crystalline α-D-glucose is observed as shifting the melting peak for higher heating rates, above the equilibrium melting temperature due to of the slow melting process. The equilibrium melting temperature and heat of fusion of crystalline α-D-glucose were estimated. Changes of reversing heat capacity evaluated by TMDSC at glass transition (T(g)) of amorphous and melting process at T(m) of fully crystalline α-D-glucose are similar. In both, the amorphous and crystalline phases, the same origin of heat capacity changes, in the T(g) and T(m) area, are attributable to molecular rotational motion. Degradation occurs simultaneously with the melting process of the crystalline phase. The stability of crystalline α-D-glucose was examined by TGA and TMDSC in the melting region, with the degradation shown to be resulting from changes of mass with temperature and time. The experimental heat capacities of fully crystalline and amorphous α-D-glucose were analyzed in reference to the solid, vibrational, and liquid heat capacities, which were approximated based on the ATHAS scheme and Data Bank.  相似文献   

An α-glucosidase (HaG) with the following unique properties was isolated from Halomonas sp. strain H11: (i) high transglucosylation activity, (ii) activation by monovalent cations, and (iii) very narrow substrate specificity. The molecular mass of the purified HaG was estimated to be 58 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). HaG showed high hydrolytic activities toward maltose, sucrose, and p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucoside (pNPG) but to almost no other disaccharides or malto-oligosaccharides higher than trisaccharides. HaG showed optimum activity to maltose at 30°C and pH 6.5. Monovalent cations such as K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+), and NH(4)(+) increased the enzymatic activity to 2- to 9-fold of the original activity. These ions shifted the activity-pH profile to the alkaline side. The optimum temperature rose to 40°C in the presence of 10 mM NH(4)(+), although temperature stability was not affected. The apparent K(m) and k(cat) values for maltose and pNPG were significantly improved by monovalent cations. Surprisingly, k(cat)/K(m) for pNPG increased 372- to 969-fold in their presence. HaG used some alcohols as acceptor substrates in transglucosylation and was useful for efficient synthesis of α-d-glucosylglycerol. The efficiency of the production level was superior to that of the previously reported enzyme Aspergillus niger α-glucosidase in terms of small amounts of by-products. Sequence analysis of HaG revealed that it was classified in glycoside hydrolase family 13. Its amino acid sequence showed high identities, 60%, 58%, 57%, and 56%, to Xanthomonas campestris WU-9701 α-glucosidase, Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani 756C oligo-1,6-glucosidase, Pseudomonas stutzeri DSM 4166 oligo-1,6-glucosidase, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens F2 α-glucosidase, respectively.  相似文献   

Cells of the slime strain of Neurospora crassa synthesize a coherent extracellular material which remains attached to the cell surface, but is released into the liquid medium by shaking. The material was purified and studied by different criteria. By electron microscopy it appears as long wavy sheets which strongly bind concanavalin A, but not wheat germ agglutinin, and maintain their integrity in the absence of structural polysaccharides. Analysis of the purified material revealed that it was free of contaminating membranes; it contained more than 70% protein, 1% neutral sugars (glucose, mannose, fucose and galactose), less than 2% lipids and ca. 4% not-characterized hexosaminelike compounds. Its polypeptide pattern as determined by PAGE was complex. The significance of this material is discussed.Abbreviations used Au-WGA colloidal gold-wheat germ agglutinin - Endo H endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase H - Fe-Con A ferritin labcled concanavalin A - FITC-Con A fluorescent concanavalin A - PEM proteinaceous extracellular material - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfphonyl fluoride - BSDA bovine serum albumin - CTAB cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide - DOC-Na sodium deoxychlate - DTT dl-dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetracetic acid  相似文献   

Heterogeneous DNA methylation leads to difficulties in accurate detection and quantification of methylation. Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM) is unique among regularly used methods for DNA methylation analysis in that heterogeneous methylation can be readily identified, although not quantified, by inspection of the melting curves. Bisulfite pyrosequencing has been used to estimate the level of heterogeneous methylation by quantifying methylation levels present at individual CpG dinucleotides. Sequentially combining the two methodologies using MS-HRM to screen the amplification products prior to bisulfite pyrosequencing would be advantageous. This would not only replace the quality control step using agarose gel analysis prior to the pyrosequencing step but would also provide important qualitative information in its own right. We chose to analyze DAPK1 as it is an important tumor suppressor gene frequently heterogeneously methylated in a number of malignancies, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A region of the DAPK1 promoter was analyzed in ten CLL samples by MS-HRM. By using a biotinylated primer, bisulfite pyrosequencing could be used to directly analyze the samples. MS-HRM revealed the presence of various extents of heterogeneous DAPK1 methylation in all CLL samples. Further analysis of the biotinylated MS-HRM products by bisulfite pyrosequencing provided quantitative information for each CpG dinucleotide analyzed, and confirmed the presence of heterogeneous DNA methylation. Whereas each method could be used individually, MS-HRM and bisulfite pyrosequencing provided complementary information for the assessment of heterogeneous methylation.  相似文献   

To carry out comparative analysis of the α-gliadin genes on A genomes of diploid and polyploid wheats, 8 full-length α-gliadin genes, including 3 functional genes and 5 pseudogenes, were obtained from diploid wheats, among which 2, 2 and 4 α-gliadin genes were isolated from T. urartu, T. monococcum, and T. boeoticum, respectively. The results indicated that higher number of α-gliadin pseudogenes have been present in diploid wheats before the formation of polyploid wheats. Amino acid sequence comparative analysis among 26 α-gliadin genes, including 16 functional genes and 10 pseudogenes, from diploid and polyploid wheats was conducted. The results indicated that all α-gliadins contained four coeliac toxic peptide sequences (i.e., PSQQ, QQQP, QQPY, and QPYP). The polyglutamine domains are highly variable, and the second polyglutamine stretch is usually disrupted by the lysine or arginine residue at the fourth position. The unique domain I is the most conserved domain. There are four and two conserved cysteine residues in the unique domains I and II, respectively. Comparative analysis indicated that the functional α-gliadin genes from A genome are highly conserved, whereas the identity of pseudogenes in diploid wheats are higher than those in hexaploid wheats. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that all the analyzed functional α-gliadin genes could be clustered into two major groups, among which one group could be further divided into 5 subgroups. The origin of α-gliadin pseudogene and functional genes were also discussed. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Tubulin protomers undergo an extensive array of post-translational modifications to tailor microtubules to specific tasks. One such modification, the acetylation of lysine 40 of α-tubulin, located in the lumen of microtubules, is associated with stable, long-living microtubule structures. MEC-17 was recently identified as the acetyltransferase that mediates this event. We have determined the crystal structure of the catalytic core of human MEC-17 in complex with its cofactor acetyl-CoA at 1.7 Å resolution. The structure reveals that the MEC-17 core adopts a canonical Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) fold that is decorated with extensive surface loops. An enzymatic analysis of 33 MEC-17 surface mutants identifies hot-spot residues for catalysis and substrate recognition. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch that is critical for enzymatic activity is identified, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the α-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. An analysis of MEC-17 mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans shows that enzymatic activity is dispensable for touch sensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary An 8-fold increase in -amylase production by pulsing of succinic acid to a chemostat culture ofBacillus licheniformis has been shown. The -amylase concentration was found to be at the highest value two doubling times after the addition, indicating that the effect may be due to regulatory control.  相似文献   

α1-Acid glycoprotein (AGP) interacts with lipid membranes as a peripheral membrane protein so as to decrease the drug-binding capacity accompanying the β→α conformational change that is considered a protein-mediated uptake mechanism for releasing drugs into membranes or cells. This study characterized the mechanism of interaction between AGP and lipid membranes by measuring the vacuum-ultraviolet circular-dichroism (VUVCD) spectra of AGP down to 170 nm using synchrotron radiation in the presence of five types of liposomes whose constituent phospholipid molecules have different molecular characteristics in the head groups (e.g., different net charges). The VUVCD analysis showed that the α-helix and β-strand contents and the numbers of segments of AGP varied with the constituent phospholipid molecules of liposomes, while combining VUVCD data with a neural-network method predicted that these membrane-bound conformations comprised several common long helix and small strand segments. The amino-acid composition of each helical segment of the conformations indicated that amphiphilic and positively charged helices formed at the N- and C-terminal regions of AGP, respectively, were candidate sites for the membrane interaction. The addition of 1 M sodium chloride shortened the C-terminal helix while having no effect on the length of the N-terminal one. These results suggest that the N- and C-terminal helices can interact with the membrane via hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, respectively, demonstrating that the liposome-dependent conformations of AGP analyzed using VUVCD spectroscopy provide useful information for characterizing the mechanism of interaction between AGP and lipid membranes.  相似文献   

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