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Structure and activation of complement components C2 and factor B   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The activation of complement is initiated by two independent pathways. Each leads to the formation of a complex protease, C3 convertase, with equivalent specificity and function but different composition. The convertase derived from the classical pathway is composed of complement components C4 and C2 while that from the alternative pathway consists of components C3 and Factor B. C2 and Factor B contain the catalytic site of each convertase respectively. The amino acid sequence of Factor B has been determined. Limited sequence of CNBr-peptides isolated from C2 has also been obtained. The two enzymes are shown to be homologous and to represent a novel type of serine proteinase, characterized by their unusual structure and mechanism of activation, when compared to known serine proteinases.  相似文献   

Radioimmune assays were developed to assay the binding of complement components C1q, C1s and C4 to antibody aggregates and to cell-bound antibody. The binding of the components was compared with the haemolytic activity and with the capacity to form the C3 convertase activity in the presence of excess C2. The destruction of whole complement and of C4 activity is similar per 1,000 molecules of antibody in aggregates and cell-bound antibody, as is the binding of C1g and C1s, the latter being in a 1:2 molar ratio. The binding of C4 is about 12 times greater, per 1,000 molecules of antibody, on cells than in aggregates. However, the effective C4 molecules, as judged by the formation of C3 convertase activity, are much more similar on cells and aggregates. An assembly mechanism of the early components of complement on antibody-coated cells, which is compatible with these results, is suggested.  相似文献   

The complement system is the central component of innate immunity and an important player in the adaptive immunity of vertebrates. We analyzed the expression patterns of several key members of the complement cascade during Xenopus development. We found extensive expression of these molecules already during gastrula/early neurula stage. Remarkably, several genes also showed an organ-specific expression pattern during early organogenesis. Early expression is notable for two different expression patterns in the neuroectoderm. In one group, there is early strong neural plate and neural precursor expression. This is the case of properdin, C1qA, C3 and C9. The second pattern, seen with C1qR and C6, is noteworthy for its expression at the periphery of the neural plate, in the presumptive neural crest. Two genes stand out for their predominantly mesodermal expression. C3aR, the message for the cognate receptor for C3 in the complement cascade, is expressed at the same time as C3, but in a complementary, reciprocal pattern in the mesoderm. C1qA expression also predominates in somites, pronephros, visceral mesoderm and ventral blood islands. Finally, several genes are characterized by later expression in developing organs. C1qR displays a reticular pattern consistent with expression in the developing vasculature. The late expression of C1qA and C3bC4b is strongest in the pronephros. Finally, the expression of properdin in the hindbrain and in the developing lens are novel findings. The expression patterns of these molecules suggest that these components of the complement system may have in Xenopus a so far undefined developmental role.  相似文献   

Externally oriented protein kinases are present on the plasma membrane of the human parasite, Leishmania. Since activation of complement plays an important role in the survival of these parasites, we examined the ability of protein kinases from Leishmania major to phosphorylate components of the human complement system. The leishmanial protein kinase-1 (LPK-1) isolated from promastigotes of L. major was able to phosphorylate purified human C3, C5 and C9. Only the alpha-chain of C3 and C5 was phosphorylated. The beta-chain appeared not to be a substrate for this enzyme. C3b which is formed by proteolytic cleavage of C3 was not phosphorylated by LPK-1. Trypsin treatment of phosphorylated C3 (P-C3) resulted in the disappearance of 32P from the alpha-chain. This was correlated with the conversion of the C3 alpha-chain to the alpha'-chain of C3b, and the appearance of a 9 kDa 32P fragment comigrating with the C3a fragment of C3. P-C3 was more resistant to cleavage by trypsin than nonphosphorylated C3. LPK-1 phosphorylated purified C3a and two synthetic peptides, C3a21R and YA-C3a10R, derived from its COOH-terminal end, which contain the C3a binding site to leukocytes and platelets. LPK-1 did not phosphorylate C3a8R. Phosphoamino acid analysis of the synthetic peptides indicated that serine 71 of C3a was phosphorylated by LPK-1. Treatment of C3 with either methylamine or freeze-thaw C3 (H2O) prevented phosphorylation by the LPK-1 suggesting that substrate conformation may be involved in recognition by the leishmanial enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ra-reactive factors (RaRF) are the name of a group of C-dependent bactericidal factors that bind specifically to Ra chemotype strains of Salmonella. These factors are present in the sera of a wide variety of vertebrates and have common characteristics. Here we investigate the C components required for the C activation induced by mouse RaRF, by using hemolysis of Ra LPS-coated E (ELPS) as a model system. It was found that C1-depleted and C1q-depleted sera were as effective as the undepleted serum in the lysis of ELPS sensitized with RaRF. Addition of the C1 component or C1q subcomponent to the depleted sera did not increase the effect. On the other hand, C4 and C2 components were found to be essential for the lysis of RaRF-sensitized ELPS. Activities of C4 and C2 remained on the sensitized cells even after washing the cells, suggesting that the classical C3 convertase, C4b2a, is generated on the RaRF-sensitized ELPS.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A regulates complement activation.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Complement proteins aid in the recognition and clearance of pathogens from the body. C1, the first protein of the classical pathway of complement activation, is a calcium-dependent complex of one molecule of C1q and two molecules each of C1r and C1s, the serine proteases that cleave complement proteins. Upon binding of C1q to Ag-bound IgG or IgM, C1r and C1s are sequentially activated and initiate the classical pathway of complement. Because of structural and functional similarities between C1q and members of the collectin family of proteins, including pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A), we hypothesized that SP-A may interact with and regulate proteins of the complement system. Previously, SP-A was shown to bind to C1q, but the functional significance of this interaction has not been investigated. Binding studies confirmed that SP-A binds directly to C1q, but only weakly to intact C1. Further investigation revealed that the binding of SP-A to C1q prevents the association of C1q with C1r and C1s, and therefore the formation of the active C1 complex required for classical pathway activation. This finding suggests that SP-A may share a common binding site for C1r and C1s or Clq. SP-A also prevented C1q and C1 from binding to immune complexes. Furthermore, SP-A blocked the ability of C1q to restore classical pathway activity to C1q-depleted serum. SP-A may down-regulate complement activity through its association with C1q. We hypothesize that SP-A may serve a protective role in the lung by preventing C1q-mediated complement activation and inflammation along the delicate alveolar epithelium.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes which had been isolated from the livers of Charles River rats were cultured in vitro. The cells were shown to synthesize albumin and the complement components C4, C2, C3 and B. Pulse-label studies with [35S]methionine showed that C4 and C3 were synthesized as single polypeptide chains. Pro-C4 did not appear to be converted into the plasma form of C4 intracellularly, whereas cell lysates contained the alpha- and beta-chains of plasma C3 as well as pro-C3. It is concluded that culture of rat hepatocytes in vitro provides a useful technique for studies of the synthesis of complement components.  相似文献   

The complement system, though complex, is relatively easy to study both in terms of its reaction pathways, its distribution and its genetics. There is reason to believe that the complement system is involved in cell surface events and interactions at a variety of levels and we may hope that the knowledge of the system in the blood plasma will provide relatively easy insights into the more difficult areas with cells.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we have reported that the larval products (crude extract [CE] and excretory-secretory [ES]) of Anisakis simplex showed a dose-dependent inhibition of the lysis mediated by classical (CP) and alternative pathways (AP) of the human complement system, with the major inhibition on the CP rather than on AP. This inhibition of hemolysis is due to the consumption of complement factors because the assays performed shortening the preincubation period result in a significant decrease of the inhibitory effect on the lysis of the larval products compared with the standard time. Likewise, we found that the larval products reduce the inhibitory percentages in the CP using C3-deficient sera, but not in the AP, which could indicate that other complement components are implicated in the inhibitory effect in the CP. Hence, we have studied the activity of the larval products of A. simplex on individual components in the CP, using different complement-deficient sera. The investigated complement molecules were C1q, C2, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9. The larval products showed activity at the C2 level but failed to have a significant effect on the other components. Therefore, CE and ES products from A. simplex interact with C3 and C2 complement proteins, which are early components of the complement system, but not with the late complement components.  相似文献   

A number of new synthetic nociceptin ligands were studied in receptor binding and functional tests in rat brain membranes and in cloned systems. Ligand binding experiments were performed with three different radioprobes developed in our lab. The nociceptin derivatives exhibited high affinity in competition experiments. Receptor-mediated G-protein activation was determined in [35S]GTPgS binding assays. Among the new structures examined, Ac-RYYRIK-ol was found to be only a weak stimulator by itself, whereas this compound inhibited receptor-mediated G-protein activation. These data suggest that Ac-RYYRIK-ol is a high affinity peptide antagonist for the nociceptin receptor.
Acknowledgements:  Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA T-035211, T-033078, T-030841, and the Ministry of Education, NKFP 1/027 Hungary.  相似文献   

By means of cobra venom factor (CVF) it is demonstrated that the stimulation of hexosemonophosphate shunt (HMPS) of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) by zymosan (Z) and dextran sulfate (DS) is caused by at least two models of activation: (a) via activation caused by phagocytosis, (b) via activated alternative pathway of complement activation (APC). Active factors of APC presented with phagocytizable objects strongly enhance activation of PMN. The effect of APC can be observed in serum-containing as well as in serum-free cultures. It can be demonstrated that in serum-free cultures the factors of APC participating in the activation of PMN are supplied by monocytes. By use of synthetic hexapeptide (HP) representing the COOH-terminal sequence of human C3 further evidence is provided that factors of APC are able to activate the PMN.  相似文献   

Recently, we described two novel constituents of the multimolecular initiation complex of the mannan-binding lectin (MBL) pathway of complement activation, a serine protease of 76 kDa, termed MASP-2, and a MASP-2 related plasma protein of 19 kDa, termed MAp19. Upon activation of the MBL/MASPs/MAp19 complex, MASP-2 cleaves the fourth complement component C4, while the role of MAp19 within the MBL/MASP-1/MASP-2/MAp19 complex remains to be clarified. In humans, the mRNA species encoding MASP-2 (2.6 kb) and MAp19 (1.0 kb) arise by an alternative polyadenylation/splicing mechanism from a single structural MASP-2 gene. Here, we report the complete primary structures of the rat homologue of MASP-2 and of rat and mouse MAp19. We show that both MASP-2 and MAp19 are part of the rat MBL pathway activation complex and demonstrate their exclusively hepatic biosynthesis. Southern blot and PCR analyses of rat genomic DNA indicate that as in humans, rat MASP-2 and MAp19 are encoded by a single structural gene.  相似文献   

Complement activation was assessed in 34 patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Arterial concentrations of complement fragments Ba and C3d rose in all patients, the increase in Ba preceding that of C3d. At the same time as complement fragments were being generated the arterial neutrophil count fell. These findings suggest (a) that complement activation is initiated by the alternative pathway during cardiopulmonary bypass and (b) that complement activation mediates loss of neutrophils during bypass. Complement mediated loss of neutrophils during the analogous setting of haemodialysis is the result of leucosequestration in the pulmonary vasculature. During cardiopulmonary bypass the lungs are out of circuit, so that activated leucocytes may sequester in other target organs. This may be an aetiological factor in the multi-organ failure occasionally seen after uneventful cardiopulmonary bypass.  相似文献   

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