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Cinnamomin is a type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) and its A-chain (CTA) is a RNA N-glycosidase. It is observed that modification of tyrosine residues by N-acetylimidazole (N-AI) causes almost complete loss of CTA activity. Adenine partially protects tyrosine residues from modification by N-AI. It is proposed that tyrosine residues are involved in the active site of CTA and they are crucial in recognition and binding of ribosomal RNA. Tryptophan residues of CTA are also studied by NBS modification.  相似文献   

The RNA N-glycosidase activity of ricin A-chain has been characterized. When rat liver ribosomes were used as substrates, the A-chain cleaved the N-glycosidic bond at A-4324 in 28S rRNA. An apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for the reaction was determined to be 2.6 microM and the turnover number (Kcat) was 1777 min-1. When naked rRNA was the substrate, the A-chain cleaved the same bond in 28S rRNA but at a greatly reduced rate. The Km value was 5.8 microM. The results suggest that the A-chain has a similar affinity for 28S rRNA in both ribosomes and the naked states. When the deproteinized Escherichia coli rRNA was the substrates, ricin A-chain cleaved a N-glycosidic bond at A-2600 in 23S rRNA which corresponds to the ricin-site in 28S rRNA of rat liver ribosomes, while the A-chain has little activity on 23S rRNA in the ribosomes. The results suggest that ricin A-chain acts directly on RNA by recognizing a certain structure in the molecules. Using the secondary structure models for each species of rRNA, we have deduced a loop and stem structure having GAGA in the loop to be a minimum requirement for the substrate of ricin A-chain.  相似文献   

The pure cinnamomin A-chain is unstable compared to that in the mixture of A- and B-chain or in intact cinnamomin molecule either being stored at 4 degrees C or being heated. When being heated at 45 degrees C for 20min, the A-chain generates partially unfolded intermediate and loses its tertiary structure as monitored by circular dichroism (CD) and tryptophan fluorescence, thus resulting in the inactivity of its RNA N-glycosidase albeit it retains most of its secondary structures. This partially unfolded intermediate is sensitive to protease, exhibiting property of a molten globule. The changes in conformation and activity are irreversible upon cooling. The partially unfolded intermediate can fully restore its RNA N-glycosidase activity in the presence of cinnamomin B-chain. The phenomenon, that the cinnamomin B-chain mediates the refolding of partially unfolded A-chain, probably plays an important role in the intracellular transport of the cytotoxic protein, i.e., keeping the structural stability of A-chain and refolding partially unfolded A-chain that occasionally appeared in the process of intracellular transport, to avoid the destiny of proteolysis that occurs in most denatured proteins in cell.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectrum of the neuropeptide head activator in aqueous solution has been completely assigned by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and selective deuteration. The apparent pseudo-first-order exchange rate, kex, of the backbone amide protons and the correspondent activation enthalpies, delta H not equal to, were determined. The exchange rates decrease and the activation enthalpies increase from the N-terminal to the C-terminal part of the peptide. The exchange rates vary from 21 to 0.3 s-1 at 274 K, the activation enthalpies from 60 to 75 kJ.mol-1. The pK values of the terminal carboxyl group and of the lysine amino group have been estimated as 3.3 and 10.3, respectively. The NMR results are in line with a dimeric structure in an antisymmetric arrangement of the subunits, forming an antiparallel beta-pleated sheet between C-terminal segments. The peptide bonds between pGlu-1, Pro-2 and Pro-3 are predominantly in trans-configuration, in fact no cis-isomers can be observed spectroscopically. The structure appears to be very stable; in the temperature and pH range studied, i.e., from 274 to 338 K and from pH 0.8 to pH 11.6, there are no spectroscopic indications for a global structural change.  相似文献   

Conformation of a nonhydrolyzable adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogue, adenylyl-(,-methylene)-diphosphonate (AMPPCP) bound at the active site of yeast hexokinase-PII was determined by proton two-dimensional transferred nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (TRNOESY) and molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of the glucose-induced domain closure on the conformation of the nucleotide was evaluated by making measurements on two different complexes: PIIAMPPCPMg(II) and PIIGlcAMPPCPMg(II). TRNOE measurements were made at 500 MHz, 10°C, as a function of several mixing times varying in the range of 40 to 200 ms. Interproton distances derived from the analysis of NOE buildup curves were used as restraints in molecular dynamics simulations to determine the conformation of the enzyme bound nucleotide. The adenosine moiety was found to bind in high anti conformation with a glycosidic torsion angle = 48 ± 5 degrees in both complexes. However, significant differences in the conformations of the ribose and triphosphoryl chain of the nucleotide are observed between the two complexes. The phase angles of pseudorotation P in PIIAMPPCPMg(II) and PIIGlcAMPPCPMg(II) are 87 degrees and 77 degrees, describing a OE and OT4 sugar pucker and the amplitudes of the sugar pucker () are 37 degrees and 61 degrees, respectively.  相似文献   

The equilibrium composition of D-psicose in water, as determined from its 13C n.m.r. spectrum, is 7:2:5:5 α-furanose:β-furanose:α-pyranose:β-pyranose. These data, which are discussed in relation to the anomeric and ring-form equilibria of the other 2-hexuloses, are in general agreement with expectations based on conformational analysis. However, although the 13C chemical-shift pattern of the β-pyranose is closely consistent with the 1C(D) conformation predicted for this anomer, that of the α-pyranose is less readily reconciled with its predicted C1(D) conformation. Usually, carbon-13 nuclei of the furanose rings are substantially less shielded than those of their pyranose counterparts; for 2-hexulopyranoses in general, overall 13C shielding is close to that of those aldopyranoses expected to have similar conformational free-energies. Spectral data are also reported for several derivatives (glycosides, ethers, and selectively deuterated compounds) that were utilized in analysis of the D-psicose spectrum.  相似文献   



Cell culture media conditioned by human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) provide a complex supplement of protein and metabolic factors that support in vitro proliferation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). However, the conditioning process is variable with different media batches often exhibiting differing capacities to maintain hESCs in culture. While recent studies have examined the protein complement of conditioned culture media, detailed information regarding the metabolic component of this media is lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-NMR) metabonomics approach, 32 metabolites and small compounds were identified and quantified in media conditioned by passage 11 HFFs (CMp11). A number of metabolites were secreted by HFFs with significantly higher concentration of lactate, alanine, and formate detected in CMp11 compared to non-conditioned media. In contrast, levels of tryptophan, folate and niacinamide were depleted in CMp11 indicating the utilisation of these metabolites by HFFs. Multivariate statistical analysis of the 1H-NMR data revealed marked age-related differences in the metabolic profile of CMp11 collected from HFFs every 24 h over 72 h. Additionally, the metabolic profile of CMp11 was altered following freezing at −20°C for 2 weeks. CM derived from passage 18 HFFs (CMp18) was found to be ineffective at supporting hESCs in an undifferentiated state beyond 5 days culture. Multivariate statistical comparison of CMp11 and CMp18 metabolic profiles enabled rapid and clear discrimination between the two media with CMp18 containing lower concentrations of lactate and alanine as well as higher concentrations of glucose and glutamine.


1H-NMR-based metabonomics offers a rapid and accurate method of characterising hESC conditioning media and is a valuable tool for monitoring, controlling and optimising hESC culture media preparation.  相似文献   

Human muscle adenylate kinase (ATP:AMP phosphotransferase, EC was studied by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The C-2 and C-4 proton resonances of the active-center histidine His-36 could be identified; the pK of His-36 was determined as 6.1. The pK of His-189 is very low (4.9) although it is located at the surface of the protein. Other resonance lines are discussed in comparison with NMR spectra of porcine adenylate kinase [McDonald et al. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6947-6954]. A pH-dependent structural isomerization as shown by X-ray crystallography in the pig enzyme [Pai et al. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 114, 37-45] was not observed for human adenylate kinase in solution. However, the binding of adenosine(5')pentaphospho(5')adenosine (Ap5A), a bisubstrate inhibitor, to adenylate kinase causes an overall change of the NMR spectrum indicative of a large conformational change of the enzyme. The exchange rate (koff) for Ap5A was estimated as 10 s-1 and decreases by addition of Mg2+. On the basis of these values and the known dissociation constant it is likely that the binding of Ap5A is a diffusion-controlled process kon being 10(8) M-1 s-1. In conclusion, the system Ap5A/Mg2+/human adenylate kinase, which has been studied by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction in parallel, is suitable for analyzing the induced fit postulated by Jencks for all kinase-catalyzed reactions.  相似文献   

Eight monosaccharides (L-arabinoside, L-fucose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-lyxose, D-mannose, L-rhamnose, and D-xylose), eight disaccharides (cellobiose, gentiobiose, isomaltose, lactose, maltose, nigerose, sophorose, and xylobiose), and three trisaccharides (isomaltotriose, maltotriose, and xylotriose) were derivatized with N-methylbis-(trifluoroacetamide) in pyridine solution to form trifluoroacetylated derivatives. These were analyzed by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy to determine the characteristics of the spectra and distributions of the reaction products. Peaks corresponding to reducing-residue anomeric protons were located significantly downfield of all others, and were in general 0.4 p.p.m. or more downfield of equivalent signals from the same carbohydrates when they were free or derivatized with other groups. Neither the location of anomeric proton peaks relative to each other nor the degree of spin-spin coupling between H-1 and H-2 varied greatly with type of derivatization. Spin-spin coupling, however, decreased for some beta-pyranose forms of xylobiose and the three trisaccharides. In all examples except some where H-2 was oriented equatorially to a pyranose ring, the proportion of the alpha-pyranose was either enhanced or not changed in concentration by trifluoroacetylation.  相似文献   

The conformational proclivity of leucine and methionine enkephalinamides in deuterated dimethyl sulphoxide has been investigated using proton magnetic resonance at 500 MHz. The resonances from the spin system of the various amino acid residues have been assigned from the 2-dimensional correlated spectroscopy spectra. The temperature variation of the amide proton shifts indicates that none of the amide proton is intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded or solvent-shielded. The analysis of vicinal coupling constants,3JHN.C 2H,along with temperature coefficients and the absence of characteristic nuclear Overhauser effect cross peaks between the NH protons reveal that there is no evidence of the chain folding in these molecules. However, the observation of nuclear Overhauser effect cross peaks between the NH and the CαH of the preceding residue indicates preference for extended backbone conformation with preferred side chain orientations particularly of Tyr and Phe in both [Leu5]- and [Met5]-enkephalinamides.  相似文献   

Variable temperature 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the interaction of the RNA trimer, GpCpA, with the intercalators ethidium bromide and the acridine derivatives; proflavin, 9-amino-acridine, acridine orange, acridine yellow and acriflavin. The complexes formed were studied at nucleic acid to drug ratios of 1:1 and 5:1, the latter being useful in defining the effects of structural variation in the acridine series and in determining the site of intercalation. All the intercalators greatly stabilized the oligonucleotide duplex, the average melting temperature (Tm) increasing by up to 30 degrees C. Significant changes in individual Tms and chemical shifts were observed for all the GpCpA protons. 9-Amino-acridine and acriflavin did not stabilize the GpCpA duplex as substantially as the other acridine derivatives. It is suggested that this intercalator:GpCpA system, and its associated NMR-derived Tm, is a useful physical probe for potential mutagens.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed to determine the complete orientational order profile of lipid bilayers using 2H-NMR. The profile is obtained from a single powder spectrum of a lipid which has a saturated chain fully deuteriated. The smoothed order profile is determined directly from the normalized dePaked spectrum assuming a monotonic decrease of the order along the acyl chain. The oscillatory variations of the order at the beginning of the chain are not described by this method. However the smoothed order profile reveals in a straightforward way the crucial features of the anisotropic order of the bilayer.  相似文献   

1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)-based chemometric methods have been applied for the first time to investigate changes in the plasma metabolite profiles of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar as a result of exposure to Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, a Gram-negative bacterium that is the etiological agent of furunculosis. Plasma samples were obtained from salmon that survived 21 d post exposure to A. salmonicida, and from a control group maintained under similar conditions. 1D 1H-NMR spectra were acquired and principal components analysis (PCA) was used to assess differences between the spectral profiles of plasma from salmon that survived an A. salmonicida challenge, and non-infected controls. PCA enables simultaneous comparison of spectra, presenting a simplified overview of the relationship between spectral data, where spectra cluster based on metabolite profile similarities and differences; information regarding the metabolite variations can therefore be readily deciphered. The major metabolite changes responsible for the spectral differences were related to modification in the lipoprotein profile and choline-based residues, with minor changes in carbohydrates, glycerol, trimethylamine-N-oxide and betaine. These changes indicated that exposure to A. salmonicida induced a characteristic biochemical response which could be used to determine the health status of salmon. This study suggests that with further development this metabolite profiling technique may be a useful tool for diagnosis of disease states in salmon and could provide a better understanding of the host-pathogen relationship which at present is poorly understood for A. salmonicida and Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The modification reaction of 28 S rRNA in eukaryotic ribosomes by ricin A-chain was characterized. To examine whether ricin A-chain release any bases from 28 S rRNA, rat liver ribosomes were incubated with a catalytic amount of the toxin, and a fraction containing free bases and nucleosides was prepared from the postribosomal fraction of the reaction mixture by means of ion-exchange column chromatography. Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of this fraction revealed a release of 1 mol of adenine from 1 mol of ribosome. When the ribosomes or naked total RNAs were treated with ricin A-chain in the presence of [32P] phosphate, little incorporation of the radioactivity into 28 S rRNA was observed, indicating that the release is not mediated by phosphorolysis. Thus, considering together with the previous result (Endo, Y., Mitsui, K., Motizuki, M., and Tsurugi, K. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 5908-5912), the results in the present experiments demonstrated that ricin A-chain inactivates the ribosomes by cleaving the N-glycosidic bond of A4324 of 28 S rRNA in a hydrolytic fashion.  相似文献   

Advanced magnetic resonance (MR) relaxation and diffusion correlation measurements and imaging provide a means to non-invasively monitor gelation for biotechnology applications. In this study, MR is used to characterize physical gelation of three alginates with distinct chemical structures; an algal alginate, which is not O-acetylated but contains poly guluronate (G) blocks, bacterial alginate from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which does not have poly-G blocks, but is O-acetylated at the C2 and/or C3 of the mannuronate residues, and alginate from a P. aeruginosa mutant that lacks O-acetyl groups. The MR data indicate that diffusion-reaction front gelation with Ca(2+) ions generates gels of different bulk homogeneities dependent on the alginate structure. Shorter spin-spin T(2) magnetic relaxation times in the alginate gels that lack O-acetyl groups indicate stronger molecular interaction between the water and biopolymer. The data characterize gel differences over a hierarchy of scales from molecular to system size.  相似文献   

Selective proton relaxation rates were measured for selected protons of flunarizine in the presence of neutrophils, yielding evidence of a binding interaction that involves different moieties of the drug. Fast exchange between bound and free environments was demonstrated as the main factor determining the selective relaxation rate enhancement, whereas viscosity effects were shown to be negligible. The relaxation effect was cancelled out by the presence of adenosine as a cosolute in a dose-dependent fashion, leading to the suggestion that the endogenous mediator adenosine affects binding of flunarizine to the neutrophil surface.  相似文献   

High-resolution 270 MHZ 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to follow the interaction of myristoyllysophosphatidylcholine with bovine myelin basic protein. At lipid/protein ratios up to 30:1 it proved possible to follow changes in the spectra of both the protein and the lipid. Lysophosphatidylcholine induced several changes in the protein spectrum. Foremost amongst these changes were downfield shifts of histidine C2 protons, and upfield shifts and broadening of the phenylalanine aromatic proteins. Several other resonances assigned to nonpolar amino acid side chains also broadened. But even at a lipid/protein molar ratio of 30:1 the majority of the protein appeared to remain in a loosely coiled conformation. In the presence of the protein the lipid acyl chain peaks were moved upfield and broadened, whereas the resonances associated with the head-group protons were unaffected. These changes were consistent with partial immobilization of the acyl chain of lysophosphatidylcholine on binding to the basic protein, with hydrophobic interactions providing the predominant attraction between this lipid and the basic protein.  相似文献   

Guava leaves were classified and the free radical scavenging activity (FRSA) evaluated according to different harvest times by using the (1)H-NMR-based metabolomic technique. A principal component analysis (PCA) of (1)H-NMR data from the guava leaves provided clear clusters according to the harvesting time. A partial least squares (PLS) analysis indicated a correlation between the metabolic profile and FRSA. FRSA levels of the guava leaves harvested during May and August were high, and those leaves contained higher amounts of 3-hydroxybutyric acid, acetic acid, glutamic acid, asparagine, citric acid, malonic acid, trans-aconitic acid, ascorbic acid, maleic acid, cis-aconitic acid, epicatechin, protocatechuic acid, and xanthine than the leaves harvested during October and December. Epicatechin and protocatechuic acid among those compounds seem to have enhanced FRSA of the guava leaf samples harvested in May and August. A PLS regression model was established to predict guava leaf FRSA at different harvesting times by using a (1)H-NMR data set. The predictability of the PLS model was then tested by internal and external validation. The results of this study indicate that (1)H-NMR-based metabolomic data could usefully characterize guava leaves according to their time of harvesting.  相似文献   

1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was applied to the study of glucose metabolism of B lymphocytes (B cells) activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in a complex medium. The glucose in the medium is degraded to produce lactic acid by B cells activated with LPS to a far larger extent than by non-activated cells.  相似文献   

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