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The zebrafish epithalamus, consisting of the pineal complex and flanking dorsal habenular nuclei, provides a valuable model for exploring how left-right differences could arise in the vertebrate brain. The parapineal lies to the left of the pineal and the left habenula is larger, has expanded dense neuropil, and distinct patterns of gene expression from the right habenula. Under the influence of Nodal signaling, positioning of the parapineal sets the direction of habenular asymmetry and thereby determines the left-right origin of habenular projections onto the midbrain target, the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN). In zebrafish with parapineal reversal, neurons from the left habenula project to a more limited ventral IPN region where right habenular axons would normally project. Conversely, efferents from the right habenula adopt a more extensive dorsoventral IPN projection pattern typical of left habenular neurons. Three members of the leftover-related KCTD (potassium channel tetramerization domain containing) gene family are expressed differently by the left and right habenula, in patterns that define asymmetric subnuclei. Molecular asymmetry extends to protein levels in habenular efferents, providing additional evidence that left and right axons terminate within different dorsoventral regions of the midbrain target. Laser-mediated ablation of the parapineal disrupts habenular asymmetry and consequently alters the dorsoventral distribution of innervating axons. The results demonstrate that laterality of the dorsal forebrain influences the formation of midbrain connections and their molecular properties.  相似文献   

How the left and right sides of the brain acquire anatomical and functional specializations is not well understood. The zebrafish has proven to be a useful model to explore the genetic basis of neuroanatomical asymmetry in the developing forebrain. The dorsal diencephalon or epithalamus consists of the asymmetric pineal complex and adjacent paired nuclei, the left and right medial habenulae, which in zebrafish larvae, exhibit differences in their size, neuropil density and patterns of gene expression. In all vertebrates, axons from the medial habenular nuclei project within a prominent fiber bundle, the fasciculus retroflexus, to a shared midbrain target, the interpeduncular nucleus of the ventral tegmentum. However, in zebrafish, projections from the left habenula innervate the dorsal and ventral regions of the target nucleus, whereas right habenular efferents project only to the ventral region. A similar dorsoventral difference in habenular connectivity is found in another teleost species, the highly derived southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostima. In this flatfish, directional asymmetry of the habenular projection appears to be independent of the left-right morphology and orientation that an individual adopts post-metamorphosis. Comparative anterograde labeling of the brains of salamanders, frogs and mice reveals that axons emanating from the left and right medial habenulae do not project to different domains, but rather, they traverse the target nucleus in a complementary mirror image pattern. Thus, although the habenulo-interpeduncular conduction system is highly conserved in the vertebrate brain, the stereotypic dorsoventral topography of left-right connections appears to be a feature that is specific to teleosts.  相似文献   

The medial habenular nuclei of the zebrafish diencephalon, which lie bilateral to the pineal complex, exhibit left-right differences in their neuroanatomy, gene expression profiles and axonal projections to the unpaired midbrain target--the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN). Efferents from the left habenula terminate along the entire dorsoventral extent of the IPN, whereas axons from the right habenula project only to the ventral IPN. How this left-right difference in connectivity is established and the factors involved in differential target recognition are unknown. Prior to IPN innervation, we find that only the left habenula expresses the zebrafish homologue of Neuropilin1a (Nrp1a), a receptor for class III Semaphorins (Sema3s). Directional asymmetry of nrp1a expression relies on Nodal signaling and the presence of the left-sided parapineal organ. Loss of Nrp1a, through parapineal ablation or depletion by antisense morpholinos, prevents left habenular neurons from projecting to the dorsal IPN. Selective depletion of Sema3D, but not of other Sema family members, similarly disrupts innervation of the dorsal IPN. Conversely, Sema3D overexpression results in left habenular projections that extend to the dorsal IPN, as well as beyond the target. The results indicate that Sema3D acts in concert with Nrp1a to guide neurons on the left side of the brain to innervate the target nucleus differently than those on the right side.  相似文献   

The habenulae are part of an evolutionarily highly conserved limbic-system conduction pathway that connects telencephalic nuclei to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the midbrain . In zebrafish, unilateral activation of the Nodal signaling pathway in the left brain specifies the laterality of the asymmetry of habenular size . We show "laterotopy" in the habenulo-interpeduncular projection in zebrafish, i.e., the stereotypic, topographic projection of left-sided habenular axons to the dorsal region of the IPN and of right-sided habenular axons to the ventral IPN. This asymmetric projection is accounted for by a prominent left-right (LR) difference in the size ratio of the medial and lateral habenular sub-nuclei, each of which specifically projects either to ventral or dorsal IPN targets. Asymmetric Nodal signaling directs the orientation of laterotopy but is dispensable for the establishment of laterotopy itself. Our results reveal a mechanism by which information distributed between left and right sides of the brain can be transmitted bilaterally without loss of LR coding, which may play a crucial role in functional lateralization of the vertebrate brain .  相似文献   

The dorsal diencephalon (or epithalamus) of larval zebrafish displays distinct left-right asymmetries. The pineal complex consists of the pineal organ anlage and an unpaired, left-sided accessory organ - the parapineal. The neighboring brain nuclei, the left and right dorsal habenulae, show consistent differences in their size, density of neuropil and gene expression. Mutational analyses demonstrate a correlation between the left-right position of the parapineal and the laterality of the habenular nuclei. We show that selective ablation of the parapineal organ results in the loss of habenular asymmetry. The left-sided parapineal therefore influences the left-right identity of adjacent brain nuclei, indicating that laterality of the dorsal diencephalon arises in a step-wise fashion.  相似文献   

The habenular neurons on both sides of the zebrafish diencephalon show an asymmetric (laterotopic) axonal projection pattern into the interpeduncular nucleus. We previously revealed that the habenula could be subdivided into medial and lateral subnuclei, and a prominent left-right difference in the size ratio of these subnuclei accounts for the asymmetry in its neural connectivity. In the present study, birth date analysis showed that neural precursors for the lateral subnuclei were born at earlier stages than those for the medial subnuclei. More neurons for the early-born lateral subnuclei were generated on the left side, while more neurons for the late-born medial subnuclei were generated on the right side. Genetic hyperactivation and repression of Notch signaling revealed that differential timing determines both specificity and asymmetry in the neurogenesis of neural precursors for the habenular subnuclei.  相似文献   

The epithalamus of zebrafish presents the best-studied case of directional asymmetry in the vertebrate brain. Epithalamic asymmetries are coupled to visceral asymmetry and include left-sided migration of a single midline structure (the parapineal organ) and asymmetric differentiation of paired bilateral nuclei (habenulae). The mechanisms underlying the establishment of epithalamic asymmetry involve the interplay between anti-symmetry and laterality signals to guide asymmetric parapineal migration. This event triggers the amplification of habenular asymmetries and the subsequent organisation of lateralised circuits in the interpeduncular nucleus. This review will summarise our current understanding on these processes and propose a sequential modular organisation of the events controlling the development of asymmetry along the parapineal–habenular–interpeduncular axis.  相似文献   

The body plan of Drosophila, and presumably that of other insects, develops under the control of anterio-posterior and dorsal ventral axes, but no evidence for a left-right axis has yet been found. We used geometric morphometrics to study the wings in three species of flies: Drosophila melanogaster, Musca domestica and Glossina palpalis gambiensis. In all three species, we found that both size and shape showed subtle, but statistically significant directional asymmetry. For size, these asymmetries were somewhat inconsistent within and between species, but for shape, highly significant directional asymmetry was found in all samples examined. These systematic left-right differences imply the existence of a left-right axis that conveys distinct positional identities to the wing imaginal discs on either body side. Hence, the wing discs of Drosophila may be a new model to study the developmental genetics of left-right asymmetry. The asymmetries of shape were similar among species, suggesting that directional asymmetry has been evolutionarily conserved since the three lineages diverged. We discuss the implications of this evolutionary conservatism in conjunction with results from earlier studies that showed a lack of genetic variation for directional asymmetry in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Most animals exhibit stable left-right asymmetries in their body. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms that set up these asymmetries in vertebrates, nothing is known about them in Drosophila. This is usually attributed to the fact that no reversals of stable left-right asymmetries have been observed in Drosophila, although relevant surveys have been carried out. We have focused on the asymmetry of the proventriculus in the embryonic gut of Drosophila, an aspect of left-right asymmetry that is extremely stable in wild-type flies. We show that this asymmetry can be reversed by mutations in the dicephalic and wunen genes, which also cause reversals in the antero-posterior axis of the embryo relative to its mother. This is the first observation to suggest that left-right asymmetries in Drosophila can be reversed by genetic/developmental manipulations. It also suggests that maternal signals may initiate the specification of some left-right asymmetries in the embryo.  相似文献   

Nodal factors play crucial roles during embryogenesis of chordates. They have been implicated in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation and patterning of the embryo along the anterior-posterior and left-right axes. We have analyzed the function of the Nodal signaling pathway during the embryogenesis of the sea urchin, a non-chordate organism. We found that Nodal signaling plays a central role in axis specification in the sea urchin, but surprisingly, its first main role appears to be in ectoderm patterning and not in specification of the endoderm and mesoderm germ layers as in vertebrates. Starting at the early blastula stage, sea urchin nodal is expressed in the presumptive oral ectoderm where it controls the formation of the oral-aboral axis. A second conserved role for nodal signaling during vertebrate evolution is its involvement in the establishment of left-right asymmetries. Sea urchin larvae exhibit profound left-right asymmetry with the formation of the adult rudiment occurring only on the left side. We found that a nodal/lefty/pitx2 gene cassette regulates left-right asymmetry in the sea urchin but that intriguingly, the expression of these genes is reversed compared to vertebrates. We have shown that Nodal signals emitted from the right ectoderm of the larva regulate the asymmetrical morphogenesis of the coelomic pouches by inhibiting rudiment formation on the right side of the larva. This result shows that the mechanisms responsible for patterning the left-right axis are conserved in echinoderms and that this role for nodal is conserved among the deuterostomes. We will discuss the implications regarding the reference axes of the sea urchin and the ancestral function of the nodal gene in the last section of this review.  相似文献   

Subtle left-right biases are often observed in organisms with an overall bilateral symmetry. The evolutionary significance of these directional asymmetries remains uncertain, however, and scenarios of both developmental constraints and adaptation have been suggested. Reviewing the literature on asymmetry in insect wings, we analyze patterns of directional asymmetry in wing size to evaluate the possible adaptive significance of this character. We found that directional asymmetry in wing size is widespread among insects, with left- and right-biased asymmetries commonly observed. The direction of the asymmetry does not appear to be evolutionarily conserved above the species level. Overall, we argue that the very small magnitude of directional asymmetry, 0.7% of the wing size on average, associated with an extremely imprecise expression, precludes directional asymmetry from playing any major adaptive role.  相似文献   

Vertebrates exhibit evolutionarily conserved asymmetries in the pattern of internal organ placement that are essential for their normal physiological function. Left-right asymmetries in organ situs are dependent upon the formation of an intact left-right axis during embryogenesis. Recently many of the molecular components involved in the initiation and maintenance of the left-right axis have been described. These molecules and their function in promoting left-right asymmetries are reviewed.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(3):742-752
In mammals and birds, embryonic development of the heart involves conversion of a straight tubular structure into a three-dimensional helical loop, which is a chiral structure. We investigated theoretically the mechanism of helical loop formation of the mouse embryonic heart, especially focusing on determination of left-/right-handedness of the helical loop. In geometrical terms, chirality is the result of the combination of three axial asymmetries in three-dimensional space. We hypothesized the following correspondences between axial asymmetries and morphogenesis (bending and displacement): the dorsal-ventral asymmetry by ventral bending of a straight tube of the initial heart and the left-right and anterior-posterior asymmetries, the left-right asymmetry by rightward displacement of the heart tube, which is confined to the anterior region of the tube. Morphogenesis of chiral looping of the embryonic heart is a large-scaled event of the multicellular system in which substantial physical force operates dynamically. Using computer simulations with a cell-based physico-mechanical model and experiments with mouse embryos, we confirmed the hypothesis. We conclude that rightward displacement of the tube determines the left-handed screw of the loop. The process of helix loop formation consists of three steps: 1) the left-right biasing system involving Nodal-related signals that leads to left-right asymmetry in the embryonic body; 2) the rightward displacement of the tube; and finally 3) the left-handed helical looping. Step 1 is already established. Step 3 is elucidated by our study, which highlights the need for step 2 to be clarified; namely, we explore how the left-right asymmetry in the embryonic body leads to the rightward displacement of the heart tube.  相似文献   

In vertebrates visceral asymmetry is conserved along the left-right axis within the body. Only a small percentage of randomization (situs ambiguus), or complete reversal (situs inversus) of normal internal organ position and structural asymmetry is found in humans. A breakdown in left-right asymmetry is occasionally associated with severe malformations of the organs, clearly indicating that the regulated asymmetric patterning could have an evolutionary advantage over allowing random placement of visceral organs. Genetic, molecular and cell transplantation experiments in humans, mice, zebrafish, chick and Xenopus have advanced our understanding of how initiation and establishment of left-right asymmetry occurs in the vertebrate embryo. In particular, the chick embryo has served as an extraordinary animal model to manipulate genes, cells and tissues. This chick model system has enabled us to reveal the genetic pathways that occur during left-right development. Indeed, genes with asymmetric expression domains have been identified and well characterized using the chick as a model system. The present review summarizes the molecular and experimental studies employed to gain a better understanding of left-right asymmetry pattern formation from the first split of symmetry in embryos, to the exhibition of asymmetric morphologies in organs.  相似文献   

The habenula is a part of an evolutionarily highly conserved conduction pathway within the limbic system that connects telencephalic nuclei to the brain stem nuclei such as interpeduncular nucleus(IPN), the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and the raphe.In mammals, the medial habenula receives inputs from the septohippocampal system, and relaying such information to the IPN. In contrast, the lateral habenula receives inputs from the ventral pallidum, a part of the basal ganglia. The physical adjunction of these two habenular nuclei suggests that the habenula may act as an intersection of the neural circuits for controlling emotion and behavior. We have recently elucidated that zebrafish has the equivalent structure as the mammalian habenula. The transgenic zebrafish, in which the neural signal transmission from the lateral subnucleus of the dorsal habenula to the dorsal IPN was selectively impaired, showed extremely enhanced levels of freezing response to presentation of the conditioned aversive stimulus. Our observation supports that the habenula may act as the multimodal switching board for controlling emotional behaviors and/or memory inexperience dependent manners.  相似文献   

The systematically 'handed', or directionally asymmetrical way in which the major viscera are packed within the vertebrate body is known as situs. Other less obvious vertebrate lateralisations concern cognitive neural function, and include the human phenomena of hand-use preference and language-associated cognitive partitioning. An overview, rather than an exhaustive scholarly review, is given of recent advances in molecular understanding of the mechanism that ensures normal development of 'correct' situs. While the asymmetry itself and its left/right direction are clearly vertebrate-conserved characters, data available from various embryo types are compared in order to assess the likelihood that the developmental mechanism is evolutionarily conserved in its entirety. A conserved post-gastrular 'phylotypic' stage, with left- and right-specific cascades of key, orthologous gene expressions, clearly exists. It now seems probable that earlier steps, in which symmetry-breaking information is reliably transduced to trigger these cascades on the correct sides, are also conserved at depth although it remains unclear exactly how these steps operate. Earlier data indicated that the initiation of symmetry-breaking had been transformed, among the different vertebrate classes, as drastically as has the anatomy of pre-gastrular development itself, but it now seems more likely that this apparent diversity is deceptive. Ideas concerning the functional advantages to the vertebrate lifestyle of a systematically asymmetrical visceral packing arrangement, while untestable, are accepted because they form a plausible adaptationist 'just-so' story. Nevertheless, two contrasting beliefs are possible about the evolutionary origins of situs. Major recent advances in analysis of its developmental mechanism are largely due not to zoologists, comparative anatomists or evolutionary systematists, but to molecular geneticists, and these workers have generally assumed that the asymmetry is an evolutionary novelty imposed on a true bilateral symmetry, at or close to the origin of the vertebrate clade. A major purpose of this review is to advocate an alternative view, on the grounds of comparative anatomy and molecular systematics together with the comparative study of expressions of orthologous genes in different forms. This view is that situs represents a co-optation of a pre-existing, evolutionarily ancient non-bilaterality of the adult form in a vertebrate ancestor. Viewed this way, vertebrate or chordate origins are best understood as the novel imposition of an adaptively bilateral locomotory-skeletal-neural system, around a retained non-symmetrical 'visceral' animal. One component of neuro-anatomical asymmetry, the habenular/parapineal one that originates in the diencephalon, has recently been found (in teleosts) to be initiated from the same 'phylotypic' gene cascade that controls situs development. But the function of this particular diencephalic asymmetry is currently unclear. Other left-right partitionings of brain function, including the much more recently evolved, cerebral cortically located one associated with human language and hand-use, may be controlled entirely separately from situs even though their directionality has a particular relation to it in a majority of individuals. Finally, possible relationships are discussed between the vertebrate directional asymmetries and those that occur sporadically among protostome bilaterian forms. These may have very different evolutionary and molecular bases, such that there may have been constraints, in protostome evolution, upon any exploitation of left and right for complex organismic, and particularly cognitive neural function.  相似文献   

Unveiling the establishment of left-right asymmetry in the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vertebrates display striking left-right asymmetries in the placement of internal organs, which are concealed by a seemingly bilaterally symmetric body plan. The establishment of asymmetries about the left-right axis occurs early during embryo development and requires the concerted and sequential action of several epigenetic, genetic and cellular mechanisms. Experiments in the chick embryo model have contributed crucially to our current understanding of such mechanisms and are reviewed here. Particular emphasis is given to the elucidation of a genetic network that conveys left-right information from Hensen's node to the organ primordia, characterized to a significant degree of detail in the chick embryo. We also point out a number of early and late events in the determination of left-right asymmetries that are currently poorly understood and for whose study the chick embryo model presents several advantages. We anticipate that the availability of the chick genome sequence will be combined with multidisciplinary approaches from experimental embryology, biophysics, live-cell imaging, and mathematical modeling to boost up our knowledge of left-right organ asymmetry in the near future.  相似文献   

Radioautography of [3H]GABA accumulation and immunocytochemistry of glutamate decarboxylase have been used to study anatomically and morphologically the GABA system of the rat habenular (Hb) complex. Radioautographic visualisation of GABA specific neurons show a very high innervation of the complex including both stria medullaris (SM), the habenular commissure and the periventricular thalamic fibers (FPVT). A massive labeled fiber system in the SM appears to divide into two branches when it reaches the Hb nuclei: a part of fibers continue their course dorsally to the nuclei up to the habenular commissure; other fibers enter the Hb lateralis or run along the ventral Hb medialis at the level of FPVT. The staining is markedly diminished in the entire complex in response to SM lesions. In the Hb lateralis, the radioautographic-positive reaction is mainly bound to labeled fibers or axonal varicosities. However GAD immunocytochemistry reveals some GAD-positive cell bodies in the ventro-median portion of the nucleus. In the Hb medialis the radioautographic and immunocytochemical staining is observed in the neuropile between the unlabeled large cell bodies. In the subependymal layer bundles of processes are strongly labeled and form a continual strain behind the unlabeled ependymocytes. Three types of reactive terminals have been differentiated based on size and shape of vesicles. Some of them are exclusively characterized by clear round vesicles and probably have their origin in the septum. Others contain clear vesicles and some large dense-cored vesicles and disappear after mesencephalic Raphe lesions or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine treatment. They could correspond to terminals of raphe neurons with a double potentiality GABA and 5HT. The last exhibit mainly a dense population of large dark-cored granules similar to the ones found in neurosecretory nerve endings. However numerous fibers morphologically similar to the reactive fibers are unlabeled.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of structural asymmetry in the avian brain was conducted on the epithalamic medial habenular nucleus of the chicken. Twelve male and ten female two-day-old chickens were used for a morphometric evaluation of asymmetry. The medial habenular nucleus was measured from paraffin-wax-embedded, 8 m-thick sections by use of a semiautomatic image analyser. The volumes of the right and left medial habenula of each animal were statistically analysed (within animal experimental design). The right medial habenula in males showed significant group asymmetry. In contrast, females failed to demonstrate group bias in favour of either hemisphere. However, individual females were lateralised, with either a larger right or left medial habenula. Although individuals of both sexes were lateralised, there was no significant sex difference in volume in either the right or left medial habenula.We propose that sex-linked structural asymmetry may be influenced by steroid hormonal effects in the central nervous system, and that such asymmetry could be more prevalent in the non-mammalian vertebrate brain than previously considered.  相似文献   

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