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Background and Aims

The evolution of selfing from outcrossing is characterized by a series of morphological changes to flowers culminating in the selfing syndrome. However, which morphological traits initiate increased self-pollination and which are accumulated after self-fertilization establishes is poorly understood. Because the expression of floral traits may depend on the conditions experienced by an individual during flower development, investigation of changes in mating system should also account for environmental and developmental factors. Here, early stages in the evolution of self-pollination are investigated by comparing floral traits among Brazilian populations of Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae), an annual aquatic that displays variation in selfing rates associated with the breakdown of tristyly to semi-homostyly.


Thirty-one Brazilian populations under uniform glasshouse conditions were compared to investigate genetic and environmental influences on flower size and stigma–anther separation (herkogamy), two traits that commonly vary in association with transitions to selfing. Within-plant variation in herkogamy was also examined and plants grown under contrasting environmental conditions were compared to examine to what extent this trait exhibits phenotypic plasticity.

Key Results

In E. paniculata a reduction in herkogamy is the principal modification initiating the evolution of selfing. Significantly, reduced herkogamy was restricted to the mid-styled morph and occurred independently of flower size. Significant genetic variation for herkogamy was detected among populations and families, including genotypes exhibiting developmental instability of stamen position with bimodal distributions of herkogamy values. Cloned genets exposed to contrasting growth conditions demonstrated environmental control of herkogamy and genotypic differences in plasticity of this trait.


The ability to modify herkogamy independently of other floral traits, genetic variation in the environmental sensitivity of herkogamy, and the production of modified and unmodified flowers within some individuals, reveal the potential for dynamic control of the mating system in a species that commonly confronts heterogeneous aquatic environments.Key words: Eichhornia paniculata, expressivity, flower morphology, herkogamy, phenotypic plasticity, pleiotropy, population variation, self-fertilization, stigma–anther separation, outcrossing, tristyly  相似文献   

Molecular self-organization and the early stages of evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The conquest of land was arguably one of the most fundamental ecological transitions in vertebrates and entailed significant changes in skin structure and appendages to cope with the new environment. In extant tetrapods, the rigidity of the integument is largely created by type I and type II keratins, which are structural proteins essential in forming a strong cytoplasmic network. It is expected that such proteins have undergone fundamental changes in both stem and crown tetrapods. Here, we integrate genomic, phylogenetic, and expression data in a comprehensive study on the early evolution and functional diversification of tetrapod keratins. Our analyses reveal that all type I and type II tetrapod keratins evolved from only two genes that were present in the ancestor of extant vertebrates. Subsequently, the water-to-land transition in the stem lineage of tetrapods was associated with a major radiation and functional diversification of keratin genes. These duplications acquired functions that serve rigidity in integumental hard structures and were the prime for subsequent independent keratin diversification in tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle regeneration implies the coordination of myogenesis with the recruitment of myeloid cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling. Currently, there are no specific biomarkers to diagnose the severity and prognosis of muscle lesions. In order to investigate the gene expression profile of extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules, as premises of homo‐ or heterocellular cooperation and milestones for skeletal muscle regeneration, we performed a gene expression analysis for genes involved in cellular cooperation, migration and ECM remodelling in a mouse model of acute crush injury. The results obtained at two early time‐points post‐injury were compared to a GSE5413 data set from two other trauma models. Third day post‐injury, when inflammatory cells invaded, genes associated with cell‐matrix interactions and migration were up‐regulated. After day 5, as myoblast migration and differentiation started, genes for basement membrane constituents were found down‐regulated, whereas genes for ECM molecules, macrophage, myoblast adhesion, and migration receptors were up‐regulated. However, the profile and the induction time varied according to the experimental model, with only few genes being constantly up‐regulated. Gene up‐regulation was higher, delayed and more diverse following more severe trauma. Moreover, one of the most up‐regulated genes was periostin, suggestive for severe muscle damage and unfavourable architecture restoration.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for the existence of nucleic-protein life are as follows: the presence of liquid water, an atmosphere, and a magnetic field (all of which protect from meteorites, abrupt changes in temperature, and a flow of charged particles from space) and the availability of nutrients (macro-and microelements in the form of dissolved compounds). In the evolution of the geosphere, complex interference of irreversible processes (general cooling, gravitational differentiation of the Earth’s interior, dissipation of hydrogen, etc.) with cyclic processes of varying natures and periodicities (from the endogenic cycles “from Pangea to Pangea” to Milankovitch cycles), these conditions have repeatedly changed; hence, in the coevolution of the geosphere and biosphere, the vector of irreversible evolution was determined by the geosphere. Only with the appearance of the ocean as a global system of homeostasis, which provided the maintenance and leveling of nutrient concentrations in the hydrosphere, and the conveyor of nutrients from the mantle, “the film of life” could begin its expansion from the source of the nutrients. Life itself is a system of homeostasis, but not due to the global size and a vast buffer capacity, but because of the high rate of reactions and presence of a program (genome) that allowed its development (ontogeny) independent from the outside environment. The early stages of the origin and evolution of the biosphere (from the RNA-world to the development of the prokaryotic ecosystems) were characterized by the domination of chemotrophic ecosystems. The geographical ranges of these ecosystems were directly or indirectly (through the atmosphere and hydrosphere) tied to the sources of nutrients in the geosphere, which were in turn connected to various sources of volcanic and geotectonic activity (geothermal waters, “black smokers” along the rift zones, etc.). This gave the biosphere consisting of chemotrophic ecosystems a mosaic appearance composed of separate local oases of life. The decrease of methane and accumulation of O2 in the atmosphere in the geological evolution of the Earth caused the extinction of chemotrophic ecosystems and directed evolution of the biosphere toward autotrophy. Autotrophic photosynthesis gave the biosphere an energy source that was not connected to the geosphere, and for the first time allowed its liberation from the geosphere by developing its own vector of evolution. This vector resulted in the biosphere forming a continuous film of life on the planet by capturing the continents and occupying pelagic and abyssal zones, and the appearance of eukaryotes. The geosphere formed biogeochemical cycles in parallel to the geochemical ones, and comparable in the annual balances of participating matter.  相似文献   

D Bray  S Lay 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(4):972-977
We have trained a computer model of a simple cell-signaling pathway to give specified responses to a pulse of an extracellular ligand. The pathway consists of two initially identical membrane receptors, each of which relays the concentration of the ligand to the level of phosphorylation of an intracellular molecule. Application of random "mutational" changes to the rate constants of the pathway, followed by selection in favor of certain outputs, generates a variety of wave forms and dose-response curves. The phenotypic effect of mutations and the frequency of selection both affect the efficiency with which the pathway achieves its target. When the pathway is trained to give a maximal response at a specific concentration of the stimulating ligand, it gives a consistent pattern of changes in which the two receptors diverge, producing a high-affinity form with excitatory output and a low-affinity form with inhibitory output. We suggest that some high- and low-affinity forms of receptors found in present-day cells might have originated by a similar process.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in mammals are about 300 million years old and typically have a highly degenerated Y chromosome. The sex chromosomes in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia in contrast, represent an early stage of evolution in which functional X–Y gene pairs are still frequent. In this study, we characterize a novel tandem repeat called TRAYC, which has accumulated on the Y chromosome in S. latifolia. Its presence demonstrates that processes of satellite accumulation are at work even in this early stage of sex chromosome evolution. The presence of TRAYC in other species of the Elisanthe section suggests that this repeat had spread after the sex chromosomes evolved but before speciation within this section. TRAYC possesses a palindromic character and a strong potential to form secondary structures, which could play a role in satellite evolution. TRAYC accumulation is most prominent near the centromere of the Y chromosome. We propose a role for the centromere as a starting point for the cessation of recombination between the X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

The behavior of Na/K pump currents when exposed to an oscillating electric field is studied by computer simulation. The pump current from a single pump molecule was sketched based on previous experimental results. The oscillating electric field is designed as a symmetric, dichotomous waveform varying the membrane potential from −30 to −150 mV around the membrane resting potential of −90 mV. Based on experimental results from skeletal muscle fibers, the energy needed to overcome the electrochemical potentials for the Na and K-transports are calculated in response to the field’s two half-cycles. We found that a specially designed oscillating electric field can eventually synchronize the pump molecules so that all the individual pumps run at the same pumping rate and phase as the field oscillation. They extrude Na ions during the positive half-cycle and pump in K ions during the negative half-cycle. The field can force the two ion-transports into the corresponding half-cycles, respectively, but cannot determine their detailed positions. In other words, the oscillating electric field can synchronize pumps in terms of their pumping loops but not at a specific step in the loop. These results are consistent with our experimental results in measurement of the pump currents.  相似文献   

The role of the Ia molecule in the early phase of B cell development remains controversial. In contrast to previous studies, we have detected minute amounts of Ia (I-A) molecule on early B lineage (B220+IgM-) cells from normal bone marrow, using ELISA. The presence of the I-A molecule even on pro-B cells was deduced from experiments in which a monoclonal anti-I-A antibody completely blocked the generation of pre-B cells from B progenitor (B220-) cells in stromal cell-dependent B cell culture. Inasmuch as this antibody did not inhibit the maturation of pre-B cells to IgM+ B cells in culture, the I-A molecule on early B lineage cells probably plays a role in their maturation. We also examined the role of the I-A molecule in early B cell development, using transgenic mice harboring the antisense DNA to I-A beta-chain gene. The amount of I-A molecule on splenic B cells from the young transgenic mice decreased in the presence of abundant amounts of the antisense RNA. B cell development was perturbed in spleen from the transgenic mice. Stromal cell-dependent B cell cultures from these mice clearly showed that the maturation of B lineage cells was delayed at a very early stage of development (B220- to B220+). We propose that the I-A molecule on early B lineage cells may play an essential role in their maturation.  相似文献   

This article analyzes heart rate variability (HRV), the glucocorticoid function of adrenal glands, and brain electrical activity (EA) in children aged 9 to 12 years to study their functional state during early stages of puberty. The cognitive load (mental arithmetic) caused low-frequency waves in the heart rate spectrum in all subjects, regardless of the puberty stage and gender. With respect to the age range under study, the hormonal response to the arithmetic test, expressed in a decrease in the level of cortisol, was observed in boys only at the third stage of puberty. The visual analysis of the background electrical encephalogram showed frequent generalized bilateral and synchronous changes in the electrical activity (EA) in the form of diencephalic signs in children. The features of the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal system have been revealed in children aged 9 to 12 years during cognitive load. The closest correlations between HRV indices and cortisol levels have been found in girls at the first stage and boys at the third stage of puberty.  相似文献   

The early life‐history of Chinese rock carp Procypris rabaudi was investigated during a 56‐day rearing period: 318 artificially propagated P. rabaudi larvae were reared throughout metamorphosis in a small‐scale recirculation system (345 L water volume, 10 × 18 L rearing tanks, 150 L storage and filter compartment with bioballs, 20–30 larvae L?1) at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The newly hatched larvae had an initial total length of 8.93 ± 0.35 mm SD (n = 10) at 3 days post‐hatch and reached an average total length of 33.29 mm (±1.88 mm SD, n = 10) 56 days after hatching. Length increment averaged 0.45 mm day?1, resulting in a mean growth of 24.4 mm within the 56‐day period. High mortality rates of up to 92% derived from an introduced fungus infection and subsequent treatment stress with malachite green. Our results indicate that Chinese rock carp can be raised successfully from artificially fertilized eggs. We therefore assume this species to be a candidate for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

At early stages of biochemical evolution, the complexity of replicating molecules was limited by unavoidably high mutation rates. In an RNA world, prior to the appearance of cellular life, an increase in molecular length, and thus in functional complexity, could have been mediated by modular evolution. We describe here a scenario in which short, replicating RNA sequences are selected to perform a simple function. Molecular function is represented through the secondary structure corresponding to each sequence, and a given target secondary structure yields the optimal function in the environment where the population evolves. The combination of independently evolved populations may have facilitated the emergence of larger molecules able to perform more complex functions (including RNA replication) that could arise as a combination of simpler ones. We quantitatively show that modular evolution has relevant advantages with respect to the direct evolution of large functional molecules, among them the allowance of higher mutation rates, the shortening of evolutionary times, and the very possibility of finding complex structures that could not be otherwise directly selected.  相似文献   

Sea urchin primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) ingress into the blastocoel during an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), migrate along the blastocoelar wall for a period of time, and then settle into a subequatorial ring to form the larval skeleton. Fluorescent-marked blastomeres alone, or in combination with blastomere recombination, were used to track the position of PMCs during the early phases of this movement. Micromeres expressing Golgi-tethered GFP (galtase-GFP) were transplanted onto TRITC-stained hosts (in place of the endogenous micromere) to observe the progeny of a single micromere. Galtase-GFP as a Golgi marker is not transferred between PMCs when the syncytium forms. Thus, the position of cells can be followed relative to beginning position for longer periods than previously reported. The PMC progeny of a single micromere do not disperse upon ingression, but instead remain in a closely associated cluster. Generally, progeny of a single micromere remain in the quadrant of origin. In total, greater than approximately 94% of labeled PMCs remain within the local region of ingression. By contrast, when a transplanted micromere is placed at the vegetal plate after removing all 4 host micromeres, the resultant PMCs ingress and migrate into all 4 quadrants. Similarly, if 1 blastomere is injected at the 2-cell stage, and later the 2 unlabeled micromeres are removed at the 16-cell stage, the remaining PMCs ingress into all 4 quadrants of the vegetal plate. We conclude that the normal restriction of PMCs to a quadrant is due to mechanical constraint from other micromere-PMCs. If a labeled micromere is placed ectopically at the macromere/mesomere boundary, the PMC progeny ingress ectopically and migrate longitudinally along the animal-vegetal axis only. Injection of galtase-GFP into one blastomere at the 4-cell stage shows a 2-step pattern of localization. At late mesenchyme blastula and early gastrula stages, greater than 90% of GFP-expressing PMCs remain in the injected quadrant, while at mid- to late-gastrula stage and beyond, more PMCs are found outside the injected quadrant. The migration that sets up the asymmetry of the larval skeleton first occurs around mid- to late-gastrula stages, when some PMCs from an aboral quadrant migrate to the adjacent oral quadrant. In all, these data combined with previous data suggest that freshly ingressed PMCs migrate along a longitudinal path toward the animal pole and back toward the vegetal pole. Beginning at mid- to late-gastrula stage, PMCs utilize oral-aboral cues from the ectoderm for the first time. At this time, some aboral PMCs migrate into the adjacent oral quadrant to assist in the formation of the ventrolateral cluster.  相似文献   

Darwin recognized that natural selection could not favor a trait in one species solely for the benefit of another species. The modern, selfish-gene view of the world suggests that cooperation between individuals, whether of the same species or different species, should be especially vulnerable to the evolution of noncooperators. Yet, cooperation is prevalent in nature both within and between species. What special circumstances or mechanisms thus favor cooperation? Currently, evolutionary biology offers a set of disparate explanations, and a general framework for this breadth of models has not emerged. Here, we offer a tripartite structure that links previously disconnected views of cooperation. We distinguish three general models by which cooperation can evolve and be maintained: (i) directed reciprocation--cooperation with individuals who give in return; (ii) shared genes--cooperation with relatives (e.g., kin selection); and (iii) byproduct benefits--cooperation as an incidental consequence of selfish action. Each general model is further subdivided. Several renowned examples of cooperation that have lacked explanation until recently--plant-rhizobium symbioses and bacteria-squid light organs--fit squarely within this framework. Natural systems of cooperation often involve more than one model, and a fruitful direction for future research is to understand how these models interact to maintain cooperation in the long term.  相似文献   

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