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A major societal challenge is to improve quality of life and prevent or reduce disability and dependency in an ageing population. Increasing age is associated with increasing risk of disability and loss of independence, due to functional impairments such as loss of mobility, hearing and vision; a major issue must be how far disability can be prevented. Ageing is associated with loss of bone tissue, reduction in muscle mass, reduced respiratory function, decline in cognitive function, rise in blood pressure and macular degeneration which predispose to disabling conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia and blindness. However, there are considerable variations in different communities in terms of the rate of age-related decline. Large geographic and secular variations in the age-adjusted incidence of major chronic diseases such as stroke, hip fracture, coronary heart disease, cancer, visual loss from cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration suggest strong environmental determinants in diet, physical activity and smoking habit. The evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of chronic disabling conditions associated with ageing are preventable, or at least postponable and not an inevitable accompaniment of growing old. Postponement or prevention of these conditions may not only increase longevity, but, more importantly, reduce the period of illnesses such that the majority of older persons may live high-quality lives, free of disability, until very shortly before death. We need to understand better the factors influencing the onset of age-related disability in the population, so that we have appropriate strategies to maintain optimal health in an ageing population.  相似文献   

On April 18, 2007 an international meeting on Pathophysiology of Ageing, Longevity and Age-Related Diseases was held in Palermo, Italy. Several interesting topics on Cancer, Immunosenescence, Age-related inflammatory diseases and longevity were discussed. In this report we summarize the most important issues. However, ageing must be considered an unavoidable end point of the life history of each individual, nevertheless the increasing knowledge on ageing mechanisms, allows envisaging many different strategies to cope with, and delay it. So, a better understanding of pathophysiology of ageing and age-related disease is essential for giving everybody a reasonable chance for living a long and enjoyable final part of the life.  相似文献   

The relevance of zinc for proper functioning of the entire immune system is already well documented. However, the identification of individuals who really need zinc supplementation is still debated in view of the fact that excessive zinc may also be toxic. The risk of developing zinc deficiency in people from industrialized countries is relatively low, except for elderly subjects where zinc intake may be suboptimal and inflammation is chronic. Thus, the role of zinc on the immune system and on the health of European elderly people is becoming of paramount importance, considering also that the elderly population is rapidly increasing. In particular, the factors contributing to and the biochemical markers of zinc deficiency in the elderly are still remain to be established. Epidemiological, functional, and genetic studies aimed at formulating a rationale for the promotion of healthy ageing through zinc supplementation was the subject of an International Conference held in Madrid from 11–13 February 2006 (3rd ZincAge Meeting) at the CNIO Institute (local organizer: Maria Blasco, partner of ZincAge)  相似文献   

Ageing is intrinsically complex, being driven by multiple causal mechanisms. Each mechanism tends to be partially supported by data indicating that it has a role in the overall cellular and molecular pathways underlying the ageing process. However, the magnitude of this role is usually modest. The systems biology approach combines (i) data-driven modelling, often using the large volumes of data generated by functional genomics technologies, and (ii) hypothesis-driven experimental studies to investigate causal pathways and identify their parameter values in an unusually quantitative manner, which enables the contributions of individual mechanisms and their interactions to be better understood, and allows for the design of experiments explicitly to test the complex predictions arising from such models. A clear example of the success of the systems biology approach in unravelling the complexity of ageing can be seen in recent studies on cell replicative senescence, revealing interactions between mitochondrial dysfunction, telomere erosion and DNA damage. An important challenge also exists in connecting the network of (random) damage-driven proximate mechanisms of ageing with the higher level (genetically specified) signalling pathways that influence longevity. This connection is informed by actions of natural selection on the determinants of ageing and longevity.  相似文献   

The evolution of ageing and longevity.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ageing is not adaptive since it reduces reproductive potential, and the argument that it evolved to provide offspring with living space is hard to sustain for most species. An alternative theory is based on the recognition that the force of natural selection declines with age, since in most environments individuals die from predation, disease or starvation. Ageing could therefore be the combined result of late-expressed deleterious genes which are beyond the reach of effective negative selection. However, this argument is circular, since the concept of 'late expression' itself implies the prior existence of adult age-related physiological processes. Organisms that do not age are essentially in a steady state in which chronologically young and old individuals are physiologically the same. In this situation the synthesis of macromolecules must be sufficiently accurate to prevent error feedback and the development of lethal 'error catastrophes'. This involves the expenditure of energy, which is required for both kinetic proof-reading and other accuracy promoting devices. It may be selectively advantageous for higher organisms to adopt an energy saving strategy of reduced accuracy in somatic cells to accelerate development and reproduction, but the consequence will be eventual deterioration and death. This 'disposable soma' theory of the evolution of ageing also proposes that a high level of accuracy is maintained in immortal germ line cells, or alternatively, that any defective germ cells are eliminated. The evolution of an increase in longevity in mammals may be due to a concomitant reduction in the rates of growth and reproduction and an increase in the accuracy of synthesis of macromolecules. The theory can be tested by measuring accuracy in germ line and somatic cells and also by comparing somatic cells from mammals with different longevities.  相似文献   

It has been noted for quite some time that DNA methylation levels decline with age. The significance of this change remained unknown until it became possible to measure methylation status of specific sites on the DNA. It was observed that while the methylation of some sites does indeed decrease with age, that of others increase or remain unchanged. The application of machine learning methods to these quantitative changes in multiple sites, allowed the generation of a highly accurate estimator of age, called the epigenetic clock. The application of this clock on large human epidemiological data sets revealed that discordance between the predicted (epigenetic age) and chronological age is associated with many age-related pathologies, particularly when the former is greater than the latter. The epigenetic clock clearly captures to some degree, biological features that accompany the ageing process. Despite the ever-increasing scope of pathologies that are found to be associated with accelerated epigenetic ageing, the basic principles that underlie the ticking of the clock remain elusive. Here, we describe the known molecular and cellular attributes of the clock and consider their properties, and proffer opinions as to how they may be connected and what might be the underlying mechanism. Emerging from these considerations is the inescapable view that epigenetic ageing begins from very early moments after the embryonic stem cell stage and continues un-interrupted through the entire life-course. This appears to be a consequence of processes that are necessary for the development of the organism from conception and to maintain it thereafter through homeostasis. Hence, while the speed of ageing can, and is affected by external factors, the essence of the ageing process itself is an integral part of, and the consequence of the development of life.Impact statementThe field of epigenetic ageing is relatively new, and the speed of its expansion presents a challenge in keeping abreast with new discoveries and their implications. Several reviews have already addressed the great number of pathologies, health conditions, life-style, and external stressors that are associated with changes to the rate of epigenetic ageing. While these associations highlight and affirm the ability of epigenetic clock to capture biologically meaningful changes associated with age, they do not inform us about the underlying mechanisms. In this very early period since the development of the clock, there have been rather limited experimental research that are aimed at uncovering the mechanism. Hence, the perspective that we proffer is derived from available but nevertheless limited lines of evidence that together provide a seemingly coherent narrative that can be tested. This, we believe would be helpful towards uncovering the workings of the epigenetic clock.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the currently available information on naturally occurring Mendelian diseases in man; it is aimed at providing a background and framework for discussion of experimental data on radiation-induced mutations (papers II and III) and for the estimation of the risk of Mendelian disease in human populations exposed to ionizing radiation (paper IV). Current consensus estimates indicate that a total of about 125 per 10(4) livebirths are directly affected by one or another naturally occurring Mendelian disease (autosomal dominants, 95/10(4); X-linked ones, 5/10(4); and autosomal recessives, 25/10(4). These estimates are conservative and take into account conditions which are very rare and for which prevalence estimates are unavailable. Most, although not all, of the recognized "common" dominants have onset in adult ages while most sex-linked and autosomal recessives have onset at birth or in childhood. Autosomal dominant and X-linked diseases (i.e., the responsible mutant alleles) presumed to be maintained in the population due to a balance between mutation and selection are the ones which may be expected to increase in frequency as a result of radiation exposures. Viewed from this standpoint, the above assumption seems safe only for a small proportion of such diseases; for the remainder, there is no easy way to discriminate between different mechanisms that may be responsible or to rigorously exclude some in favor of some others. Mutations in genes that code for enzymic proteins are more often recessive in contrast to those that code for non-enzymic proteins, which are more often dominant. At the molecular level, with recessives, a wide variety of changes is possible and these include specific types of point mutations, small and large intragenic deletions, multilocus deletions and rearrangements. In the case of dominants, however, the kinds of recoverable point mutations and deletion-type changes are less extensive because of functional constraints. The mutational potential of genes varies, depending on the gene, its size, sequence content and arrangement, location and its normal functions, and can be grouped into three groups: those in which only point mutations have been found to occur, those in which only deletions or other gross changes have been recovered and those in which both kinds of changes are known. Molecular data are available for about 75 Mendelian conditions and these suggest that in approximately 50% of them, the changes categorized to date are point mutations and in the remainder, intragenic deletions or other gross changes; there does not seem to be any fundamental difference between dominants and recessives with respect to the underlying molecular defect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Many epidemiological data indicate the presence of a strong familial component of longevity that is largely determined by genetics, and a number of possible associations between longevity and allelic variants of genes have been described. A breakthrough strategy to get insight into the genetics of longevity is the study of centenarians, the best example of successful ageing. We review the main results regarding nuclear genes as well as the mitochondrial genome, focusing on the investigations performed on Italian centenarians, compared to those from other countries. These studies produced interesting results on many putative “longevity genes”. Nevertheless, many discrepancies are reported, likely due to the population-specific interactions between gene pools and environment. New approaches, including large-scale studies using high-throughput techniques, are urgently needed to overcome the limits of traditional association studies performed on a limited number of polymorphisms in order to make substantial progress to disentangle the genetics of a trait as complex as human longevity.  相似文献   

Many epidemiological data indicate the presence of a strong familial component of longevity that is largely determined by genetics, and a number of possible associations between longevity and allelic variants of genes have been described. A breakthrough strategy to get insight into the genetics of longevity is the study of centenarians, the best example of successful ageing. We review the main results regarding nuclear genes as well as the mitochondrial genome, focusing on the investigations performed on Italian centenarians, compared to those from other countries. These studies produced interesting results on many putative “longevity genes”. Nevertheless, many discrepancies are reported, likely due to the population-specific interactions between gene pools and environment. New approaches, including large-scale studies using high-throughput techniques, are urgently needed to overcome the limits of traditional association studies performed on a limited number of polymorphisms in order to make substantial progress to disentangle the genetics of a trait as complex as human longevity.  相似文献   

Transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic characteristics in plants has been reported, whereas nongenetic persistence of complex phenotypes in animals is controversial. A recent report by Anne Brunet and colleagues describes a fascinating example of persistence across generations of extended life span in worm and explores whether epigenetic mechanisms account for the longevity.  相似文献   

Longevity and healthy aging are among the most complex phenotypes studied to date. The heritability of age at death in adulthood is approximately 25 %. Studies of exceptionally long-lived individuals show that heritability is greatest at the oldest ages. Linkage studies of exceptionally long-lived families now support a longevity locus on chromosome 3; other putative longevity loci differ between studies. Candidate gene studies have identified variants at APOE and FOXO3A associated with longevity; other genes show inconsistent results. Genome-wide association scans (GWAS) of centenarians vs. younger controls reveal only APOE as achieving genome-wide significance (GWS); however, analyses of combinations of SNPs or genes represented among associations that do not reach GWS have identified pathways and signatures that converge upon genes and biological processes related to aging. The impact of these SNPs, which may exert joint effects, may be obscured by gene-environment interactions or inter-ethnic differences. GWAS and whole genome sequencing data both show that the risk alleles defined by GWAS of common complex diseases are, perhaps surprisingly, found in long-lived individuals, who may tolerate them by means of protective genetic factors. Such protective factors may ‘buffer’ the effects of specific risk alleles. Rare alleles are also likely to contribute to healthy aging and longevity. Epigenetics is quickly emerging as a critical aspect of aging and longevity. Centenarians delay age-related methylation changes, and they can pass this methylation preservation ability on to their offspring. Non-genetic factors, particularly lifestyle, clearly affect the development of age-related diseases and affect health and lifespan in the general population. To fully understand the desirable phenotypes of healthy aging and longevity, it will be necessary to examine whole genome data from large numbers of healthy long-lived individuals to look simultaneously at both common and rare alleles, with impeccable control for population stratification and consideration of non-genetic factors such as environment.  相似文献   

Analysis of relationships between the ageing cell phenotype and the age of cell donors is one of the ways towards understanding the link between cellular and organismal ageing. Cytogenetically, ageing is associated with a number of gross cellular changes, including altered size and morphology, genomic instability, and changes in expression and proliferation. Genomic instability can be easily assessed by analyzing the level of cytogenetic aberrations. In this review, we focus on the differences in the level and profile of cytogenetic aberrations observed in donors of different age and gender. Centenarians are a small fraction of the population at the extreme of human longevity. Their inclusion in such studies may shed light on one of the basic questions: whether genome stability is better maintained in successfully aged individuals compared to the rest of the population. At the same time, comparing the profile of age-related amount of chromosomal aberrations in men and women may help explaining the commonly observed gender differences in longevity.  相似文献   

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