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Seasonal pattern of acetylene reduction (AR) and shoot nitrogen accumulation was studied in nine groundnut cultivars. Shoot N accumulation by all the cultivars was maintained until shortly before maturity and it occurred faster over the reproductíve growth phase than over the earlier phases. In all cultivars plant AR (PAR) did not reflect this pattern of N accumulation, being greater over the vegetative and pod initiation phases. This suggests that the commonly observed low PAR values for groundnut over the reproductive growth phase may be the result of factors other than sink competition. There were significant interactions of cultivar with stage of crop growth for PAR, nodule mass, and specific nitrogenase activity (SNA). Virginia types generally showed better nodulation, higher N2-fixing capacity (both PAR and SNA) than valencias, and significant differences were observed between cultivars within a botanical type.  相似文献   

The role of nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen cycle of the North Atlantic basin was re-evaluated because recent estimates had indicated a far higher rate than previous reports. Examination of the available data on nitrogen fixation rates and abundance ofTrichodesmium, the major nitrogen fixing organism, leads to the conclusion that rates might be as high as 1.09 × 1012 mol N yr–1. Several geochemical arguments are reviewed that each require a large nitrogen source that is consistent with nitrogen fixation, but the current data, although limited, do not support a sufficiently high rate. However, recent measurements of the fixation rates per colony are higher than the historical average, suggesting that improved methodology may require a re-evaluation through further measurements. The paucity of temporally resolved data on both rates and abundance for the major areal extent of the tropical Atlantic, where aeolian inputs of iron may foster high fixation rates, represents another major gap.  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对土壤氮循环和氮有效性的影响是入侵成功或进一步加剧的重要原因。通过对比相同研究地点入侵区域和无入侵区域的土壤原位氮状态差异, 探讨了外来植物入侵对土壤氮有效性的影响程度和生理生态学机制。基于107篇相关研究文献数据的整合, 发现植物入侵区域相对于无入侵区域土壤总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、无机氮、微生物生物量氮含量显著增加, 增幅分别为(50 ± 14)%、(60 ± 24)%、(470 ± 115)%、(69 ± 25)%、(54 ± 20)%。土壤硝态氮含量增幅较大反映硝化作用增强, 这可能增加入侵植物硝态氮利用以及喜硝植物的共存。温带地区植物入侵后土壤的硝态氮含量增幅显著高于亚热带地区。固氮植物入侵后土壤的总氮和无机氮含量增幅均显著高于非固氮植物入侵。木本和常绿植物入侵后土壤的总氮含量增幅分别高于草本和落叶植物入侵; 而土壤铵态氮含量的增幅没有显著差异且与固氮入侵植物占比无明显关系; 然而硝态氮含量的增幅普遍较高且与固氮入侵植物占比显著正相关。外来入侵植物固氮功能以及凋落物质量和数量是影响土壤氮矿化和硝化过程的关键因素。该研究为理解外来植物入侵成功和加剧的机制以及入侵植物功能性状与土壤氮动态之间的关系提供了新的见解。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵对土壤氮循环和氮有效性的影响是入侵成功或进一步加剧的重要原因。通过对比相同研究地点入侵区域和无入侵区域的土壤原位氮状态差异, 探讨了外来植物入侵对土壤氮有效性的影响程度和生理生态学机制。基于107篇相关研究文献数据的整合, 发现植物入侵区域相对于无入侵区域土壤总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、无机氮、微生物生物量氮含量显著增加, 增幅分别为(50 ± 14)%、(60 ± 24)%、(470 ± 115)%、(69 ± 25)%、(54 ± 20)%。土壤硝态氮含量增幅较大反映硝化作用增强, 这可能增加入侵植物硝态氮利用以及喜硝植物的共存。温带地区植物入侵后土壤的硝态氮含量增幅显著高于亚热带地区。固氮植物入侵后土壤的总氮和无机氮含量增幅均显著高于非固氮植物入侵。木本和常绿植物入侵后土壤的总氮含量增幅分别高于草本和落叶植物入侵; 而土壤铵态氮含量的增幅没有显著差异且与固氮入侵植物占比无明显关系; 然而硝态氮含量的增幅普遍较高且与固氮入侵植物占比显著正相关。外来入侵植物固氮功能以及凋落物质量和数量是影响土壤氮矿化和硝化过程的关键因素。该研究为理解外来植物入侵成功和加剧的机制以及入侵植物功能性状与土壤氮动态之间的关系提供了新的见解。  相似文献   

The occurrence of nitrogen isotope discrimination with absorption and assimilation of nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) was investigated using two genotypes of barley, Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Steptoe and Az12 : Az70, the latter of which lacks the characterized nitrate reductase isozymes. Plants were grown under two situations: a closed system with limited nitrogen or an open system with unlimited nitrogen, to elucidate the conditions and processes that influence discrimination. There was no discrimination observed for Az12 : Az70 when supplied with limited nitrogen. Discrimination was observed for Steptoe seedlings at high external NO3 concentrations, but not with low NO3 when assimilation is probably rapid and complete. The same pattern was observed for Steptoe when NH4+ was supplied; indicating that for both nitrogen forms discrimination is dependent upon the presence of the assimilatory enzyme and the external concentration. The implications of this study are that both internal (assimilatory enzyme distribution) and external (source concentration) factors may have a larger impact on tissue δ 15N than the form of nitrogen utilized. This suggests that tissue δ 15N may not always be a reliable indicator of a plant's integrated nitrogen nutrition.  相似文献   

过量施用氮肥造成的环境问题日益严重,氮肥合理使用已成为人们研究的热点.本文研究了西南玉米两种主要套作模式下氮肥运筹对玉米氮素利用和土壤硝态氮残留的影响.结果表明:连续分带轮作种植玉/豆模式后,玉米收获期植株中的氮素积累较玉/薯模式平均提高了6.1%,氮收获指数增加了5.4%,最终使氮肥利用效率提高4.3%,氮素同化量提高了15.1%,氮肥偏生产力提高了22.6%;玉米收获后硝态氮淋溶损失减少,60~120 cm土层中硝态氮残留玉/豆模式较玉/薯模式降低了10.3%,而0~60 cm土层中平均提高了12.9%,有利于培肥地力,两年产量平均较玉/薯模式高1249 kg·hm-2,增产22%;增加施氮量提高了植株氮素积累,降低了氮肥利用率,显著提高了表层土壤中硝态氮的累积,60~100 cm土层中硝态氮的累积量在0~270 kg·hm-2处理间差异不显著,继续增加施氮量会显著增加土壤硝态氮的淋溶;氮肥后移显著提高了土壤0~60 cm土层硝态氮的积累.两种模式下施氮量和底追比对玉米氮素吸收和硝态氮残留的影响结果不一致,玉/豆模式以施氮180~270 kg·hm-2、按底肥∶拔节肥∶穗肥=3∶2∶5的施肥方式有利于提高玉米植株后期氮素积累、氮收获指数和氮肥利用效率,减少了氮肥损失,两年最高产量平均可达7757 kg·hm-2;而玉/薯模式在180 kg·hm-2、按底肥∶穗肥=5∶5的施肥方式下,氮素积累利用及产量均优于其他处理,两年平均产量为6572 kg·hm-2,可实现两种模式下玉米高产、高效、安全的氮肥管理体系.

Warren  G. P.  Whitehead  D. C. 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):155-165
The available N of 27 soils from England and Wales was assessed from the amounts of N taken up over a 6-month period by perennial ryegrass grown in pots under uniform environmental conditions. Relationships between availability and the distribution of soil N amongst various fractions were then examined using multiple regression. The relationship: available soil N (mg kg–1 dry soil)=(Nmin×0.672)+(Ninc×0.840)+(Nmom×0.227)–5.12 was found to account for 91% of the variance in available soil N, where Nmin=mineral N, Ninc=N mineralized on incubation and Nmom=N in macro-organic matter. The N mineralized on incubation appeared to be derived largely from sources other than the macro-organic matter because these two fractions were poorly correlated. When availability was expressed in terms of available organic N as % of soil organic N (Nao) the closest relationship with other soil characteristics was: Nao=[Ninc×(1.395–0.0347×CNmom]+[Nmom×0.1416], where CNmom=CN ratio of the macro-organic matter. This relationship accounted for 81% of the variance in the availability of the soil organic N.The conclusion that the macro-organic matter may contribute substantially to the available N was confirmed by a subsidiary experiment in which the macro-organic fraction was separated from about 20 kg of a grassland soil. The uptake of N by ryegrass was then assessed on two subsamples of this soil, one without the macro-organic matter and the other with this fraction returned: uptake was appreciably increased by the macro-organic matter.  相似文献   

施氮量对夏季玉米产量及土壤水氮动态的影响   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
在黄土高原南部旱地有大量氮素残留背景的田块上,研究了不同氮肥用量对夏玉米生长及对土壤水分、硝态氮、铵态氮累积及其剖面分布的影响。结果表明:适量施氮可以提高作物产量;过量施氮没有表现出增产效果,其氮肥利用率只有3.9%,残留率则高达87.2%。施氮240kghm^-2时,0~200cm土层土壤水分达到593mm,且可以下渗到200cm土层;不施氮和施氮120kghm^-2以小区土壤的蓄水量分别为561和553mm,可下渗到180cm。对矿质态氮而言,施氮量可以显著影响土壤中硝态氮的累积和分布,但对铵态氮的影响较小;施氮0,120,240kghm^-2时.收获期土壤硝态氮累积量分别为78,148,290kghm^-2,硝态氮的下移前沿分别到达60,60,140cm。可见,适量施氮会促进作物对土壤水氮的利用。提高作物生物量和产量;过量施氮导致硝态氮在土壤中大量累积,提高硝态氮随水分淋溶危险;但硝态氮向下层土壤的移动显著滞后于水分。  相似文献   

Four cultivars of groundnut were grown in upland soil in Northeast Thailand to study the residual benefit of the stover to a subsequent maize crop. An N-balance estimate of the total residual N in the maize supplied by the groundnut was made. In addition three independent estimates were made of the residual benefits to maize when the groundnut stover was returned to the land and incorporated. The first estimate (Estimate 1) was an N-balance estimate. A dual labelling approach was used where 15N-labelled stover was added to unlabelled microplots (Estimate 2) or unlabelled stover was added to 15N-labelled soil microplots (Estimate 3). The nodulating groundnut cultivars fixed between 59–64% of their nitrogen (as estimated by the 15N isotope dilution method using non-nodulating groundnut as a non-fixing reference) producing between 100 and 130 kg N ha-1 in their stover. Although the following maize crop suffered from drought stress, maize grain N and dry weights were up to 80% and 65% greater respectively in the plots where the stover was returned as compared with the plots where the stover was removed. These benefits were comparable with applications of 75 kg N ha-1 nitrogen in the form of urea. The total residual N estimates of the contribution of the nodulated groundnut to the maize ranged from 16.4–27.5 kg N ha-1. Estimates of the residual N supplied by the stover and fallen leaves ranged from 11.9–21.3 kg N ha-1 using the N-balance method (Estimate 1), from 6.3–9.6 kg N ha-1 with the labelled stover method (Estimate 2) and from 0–11.4 kg N ha-1 with the labelled soil method. There was closest agreement between the two 15N based estimates suggesting that apparent added nitrogen interactions in these soils may not be important and that N balance estimates can overestimate the residual N in crops following legumes, even in very poor soils. This work also indicates the considerable ability of local groundnut cultivars to fix atmospheric nitrogen and the potential benefits from returning and incorporating legume residues to the soil in the upland cropping systems of Northeast Thailand. The applicability of the 15N methodology used here and possible reasons for the discrepancies between estimates 1, 2 and 3 are discussed.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at the Coconut Research Institute in Sri Lanka to examine the biological nitrogen fixation potential of three Gliricidia sepium provenances (OFI 14/84, 17/84, 12/86) and a local landrace (designated LL), using the 15N isotope dilution method. There was marked variation in dry matter, total N, nodulation and 15N enrichment among the Gliricidia genotypes (=0.001), and the dry matter yield of Cassia siamea (syn. Senna siamea), the non-N2 fixing reference plant was higher than for G. sepium. In all cases, highest biomass and total N were aboveground, with roots on average accounting for < 20 % of total dry matter or the total N in plants. Atom % 15N excess was highest in C. siamea, and lowest in OFI 14/84. Although atom % 15N excess was lower in Gliricidia leaves than in the other organs (all of which had similar 15N enrichments), values of % N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (% Ndfa) calculated for any individual organ or for the whole plant were similar. This was because the relative distribution of 15N in the different parts of the fixing plant followed the same trend as in the reference plant. There were significant differences (p=0.01) in N2 fixation between the Gliricidia genotypes. The values ranged from 17.8 g N tree-1 (equivalent to 86 kg N ha-1 at 5000 trees ha-1) in OFI 12/86 to 61.7g N tree-1 (equivalent to 309 kg N ha-1) in OFI 14/84. Although most of this variability was due to differences in both % Ndfa and total N in plant, amount of N fixed was more correlated with total N in plant (r=0.935) than with % Ndfa (r=0.707). On average, % Ndfa in all three G. sepium provenances and LL was about 55 % or 34.6 g N tree-1 (equivalent to some 166 kg N ha-1) in the 9 months within which N2 fixation was measured. This represents a substantial contribution of N into the soil-plant system.  相似文献   

施氮时期对玉米土壤硝态氮含量变化及氮盈亏的影响   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
在“郑单 95 8”(9株 / m2 )组成的土 -植系统 ,研究了不施氮、基施氮 10叶展追氮、基施氮 吐丝期追氮和基施氮 乳熟期追氮共 4个处理下 0~ 2 0 0 cm的土壤 NO- 3- N含量在夏玉米生长期间的变化和土壤氮素的表观盈亏量 ,结果表明 :2 0 cm以上的土壤 NO- 3- N含量以大口期为界、2 0 cm以下的土壤 NO- 3- N含量以吐丝期为界前降后升。在 0~ 2 0 cm土层 ,与不施氮相比 ,施氮能增加土壤 NO- 3- N含量 ,而且吐丝期和乳熟至成熟阶段的 NO- 3- N含量在 10叶展期和吐丝期各自追氮后均显著增加。在 2 0~4 0 cm土层 ,乳熟期的 NO- 3- N含量施氮后明显比不施氮高。在 80 cm以下土层 ,施氮后的土壤 NO- 3- N含量明显比不施氮高 ;追氮期相比 ,后一追氮处理在乳熟期和成熟期的 NO- 3- N含量均比前一追氮处理明显增加 ,其中成熟期基施氮 乳熟期追氮处理在 16 0~ 2 0 0 cm土层的 NO- 3- N含量比基施氮 吐丝期追氮处理 (为 2 5 .3m g N/ kg(干土 ) )高 16 %。土壤氮素的表观盈余发生在吐丝期之前且 80 %以上盈余量出现在大口期前 ,表观亏损出现在吐丝期以后且其亏损量在乳熟期前后各占一半。经玉米季后 ,本试验中不施氮处理出现表观盈余 (为 5 6 .3kg N/ hm2 ) ;施氮后表观盈余量增加 ,主要是施氮减少了吐丝以后  相似文献   

Nitrogen catch crops are grown to absorb nitrogen from the rooting zone during autumn and winter. The uptake of N (Nupt) from the soil inorganic N pool (Nmin) to a pool of catch crop nitrogen, will protect the nitrogen against leaching. After incorporation, a fraction (m) of the catch crop nitrogen is mineralized and becomes available again. However, not all available nitrogen present in the soil in the autumn is lost by leaching during winter. A fraction (r) of the nitrogen absorbed by the catch crop would, without a catch crop, have been retained within the rooting zone. The first year nitrogen beneficial effect (Neff) of a catch crop may then be expressed b N eff = m*N upt - r* N upt The soil-plant simulation model DAISY was evaluated for its ability to simulate the effects of catch crops on spring Nmin and Neff. Based on incubation studies, parameter values were assigned to a number of catch crop materials, and these parameter values were then used to simulate spring Nmin. The model was able to predict much of the vairiation in the measured spring Nmin (r2 = 0.48***) and there was good agreement between the measured and the simulated effect of winter precipitation on spring Nmin and Neff.Scenarios including variable soil and climate conditions, and variable root depth of the succeeding crop were simulated. It is illustrated that the effect of catch crops on nitrogen availability for the succeeding crop depends strongly on the rooting depth of the succeeding crop. If the succeeding crop is deep rooted and the leaching intensity is low, there is a high risk that a catch crop will have a negative effect on nitrogen availability. The simulations showed that the strategy for the growing of catch crops should be adapted to the actual situation, especially to the expected leaching intensity and to the rooting depth of the succeeding crop.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions affect grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.) mainly by altering the kernel number per plant (KNP). This number is determined during a critical period of about 2 weeks around silking. The objectives of this study were to assess how the rate and timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications affect biomass partitioning and KNP in two genotypes with different N use efficiency, and to compare kernel set of these genotypes under varying regimes of carbohydrate and N availability during the critical period for kernel set. In the first field experiment, plant density and the rate of N supply per plant were varied independently. In the second field experiment, N availability was controlled via the application of N fertilizer, and carbohydrate availability was controlled by shading or thinning at silking. In both experiments, low rates of N supply reduced KNP more strongly in the non-efficient genotype when compared to the efficient genotype. The genotypic differences in kernel set were neither associated with N uptake into the above-ground biomass at maturity, nor above-ground biomass at silking. In the non-efficient genotype, application of N fertilizer at silking increased KNP. This increase was not associated with an increase in plant growth but with increased partitioning of biomass towards the reproductive organs during the critical period for kernel set. The genotype which had been selected for its high N use efficiency also showed higher kernel set at high plant density and shading during flowering when compared to the non-efficient genotype. Under conditions of restricted resource availability per plant, plant and ear growth rates during the critical period of about 14 days after onset of flowering declined compared with non-limiting conditions. However, these growth rates were less reduced in the efficient genotype. Pooling treatments of different plant density and different available N, each hybrid showed linear responses of KNP to plant growth rate and to ear growth rate. Furthermore, in the efficient genotype KNP was reduced to a lesser extent in response to decreasing growth rates. We conclude that higher kernel set of the efficient genotype compared to the non-efficient genotype under stressful conditions was associated with low sensitivity of plant growth and dry matter distribution towards reproductive organs to low assimilate availability during the critical period of kernel set, and particularly with low sensitivity of kernel set to decreasing plant and ear growth rates.  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下氮沉降对土壤氮矿化的影响及硅添加对土壤氮矿化的促进作用, 该试验设置不同浓度的氮肥单独添加(0、20、40、60 g·m -2, 分别为对照CK、N20、N40、N60)以及与硅肥配施(硅酸4 g·m -2, Si4), 测定不同处理下0-20、20-40、40-60 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、净硝化速率、净氨化速率以及净矿化速率。结果显示: (1)单独添加氮肥, 各土层土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加, 0-20 cm土层N20、N40、N60处理下土壤硝态氮和铵态氮分别较CK增加63.48%、126.04%、247.03%和80.66%、152.52%、244.56%; 随着土层深度增加, 土壤硝态氮、铵态氮含量均有下降, 20-40、40-60 cm土层较0-20 cm土层硝态氮含量分别平均减少53.90%、76.05%, 铵态氮含量分别平均减少48.62%、68.23%。(2)土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率及净矿化速率随着氮肥浓度增加均呈上升趋势。相同氮肥添加浓度下, 土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净矿化速率随着土层深度增加逐渐下降(除CK外)。(3)与单独添加氮肥比较, 氮硅肥配施, 土壤氮含量有显著提高, 在0-20 cm土层硝态氮和铵态氮较CK分别增加98.78%、192.62%、330.16%和99.96%、195.82%、306.32%, 20-40、40-60 cm土层也有类似趋势。同时, 氮硅配施促进了土壤氮矿化行为, 在0-20 cm土层, N60Si4处理下的土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率较单独施氮时分别增加35.88%、27.41%。以上结果表明, 与单独氮肥添加相比, 氮硅配施不但能提高土壤氮含量, 而且能促进土壤氮的矿化作用, 对大气氮沉降有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake, distribution and remobilization in the vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant were studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars Negro Argel and Rio Tibagi inoculated with either Rhizobium strain C05 or 127 K-17. Greenhouse grown plants were supplied with 2.5 mg N (plant)−1 day−1 as KNO3 or K15NO3 and the relative contribution to total plant nitrogen of mineral and symbiotically fixed nitrogen was determined. Control plants included those entirely dependent on fixed nitrogen as well as uninoculated plants supplied with 10 mg N (plant)−1 day−1. No differences were observed between inoculated treatments in total nitrate reductase activity and in the amount of mineral nitrogen absorbed, but there were considerable differences in the contribution of fixed nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation supplied from 58 to 72% of the total nitrogen assimilated during the bean growth cycle and the symbiotic combinations fixed most of their nitrogen (66 to 78% of total nitrogen) after flowering. Maximum uptake of mineral nitrogen was in the 15-day-period between flowering and mid-podfill (47 to 58% of total mineral nitrogen). Nitrogen partitioning varied with Rhizobium strains, and inoculation with strain C05 increased the nitrogen harvest index of both cultivars. Applied mineral nitrogen had a variable effect and in cv. Negro Argel was more beneficial to vegetative growth, resulting in smaller nitrogen harvest indices. Seed yield was not increased by heavy nitrogen fertilization. In contrast, cv. Rio Tibagi always benefited from nitrogen applications. Among the various nitrogen sources supplying the grain, the most important one was the fixed nitrogen translocated directly from nodules or after a rapid transfer through leaves, representing from 60 to 64% of the total nitrogen incorporated into the seeds.  相似文献   

B. J. Atwell 《Plant and Soil》1992,139(2):247-251
Two cultivars of Lupinus angustifolius L. were grown in a glasshouse in solutions containing NO3 -, NH4 + or NH4NO3 with a total nitrogen concentration of 2.8 M m-3 in each treatment. One cultivar chosen (75A-258) was relatively tolerant to alkaline soils whereas the other (Yandee) was intolerant to alkalinity. Controlled experiments were used to assess the impact of cationic vs. anionic forms of nitrogen on the relative performance of these cultivars. Relative growth rates (dry weight basis) were not significantly different between the two cultivars when grown in the presence of NO3 -, NH4 + or NH4NO3. However, when NO3 - was supplied, there was a modest decline in relative growth rates in both cultivars over time. When plants grown on the three sources of nitrogen for 9 days were subsequently supplied with 15NH4NO3 or NH4 15NO3 for 30 h, NH4 + uptake was generally twice as fast as NO3 - uptake, even for plants grown in the presence of NO3 -. Low rates of NO3 - uptake accounted for the decrease in growth rates over time when plants were grown in the presence of NO3 -. It is concluded that the more rapid growth of 75A-258 than Yandee in alkaline conditions was not due to preferential uptake of NH4 + and acidification of the external medium. In support of this view, acidification of the root medium was not significantly different between cultivars when NH4 + was the sole nitrogen source.  相似文献   

环境因子对叶氮、磷含量异速生长关系的属水平差异的影响植物叶片中氮(N)、磷(P)含量的异速生长关系表明了植物对这两种元素的相对投入。而,现有的研究很少关注这一关系在分类单元之间的差异及其成因。本研究基于来自全国1733个样地,属于46个木本被子植物属的2483个叶片样品,利用异速生长方程([N] = α[P]β)分别计算了各属的叶氮、磷含量异速生长指数(βL)。然后利用谱系路径分析检验了这些属的气候和土壤生态位条件如何影响属间的βL的差异。生活在贫磷土壤中的属更可能表现出更高的βL,即相对于氮而言更强的磷积累,这可能表明了植物对磷限制的抵抗倾向。此外,各属的βL与相对应的土壤氮、磷含量异速生长指数(βS)正相关,这可能表明了叶养分的变化受制于作为来源的土壤养分的变化。最后,包括温度和湿度在内的气候因子不会直接影响βL的属间变化,但可能通过调节土壤养分水平发挥间接的作用。谱系关系不会影响各属βL随环境梯度的变化。这些结果揭示了植物对氮、磷摄取的权衡关系可能受属生态位,特别是土壤生态位的影响,表明了βL可以作为一项反映植物养分利用特征如何响应生态位差异的功能属性。  相似文献   

针对不同营养状况的富营养化水体修复而选择吸收养分效率较强的水生植物,采用改进常规耗竭法比较研究了6种不同基因型水生植物凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes Solms)、黄花水龙(Jussiaea stipulacea Ohwi)、再力花(Thalia dealbata Fraser)、美人蕉(Canna glauca L.)、水芹[Oenanthe javanica(Bl).DC]和豆瓣菜(Nasturtium officinaleR.Br.)对铵态氮和硝态氮吸收动力学特性。结果表明,不同基因型水生植物吸收铵态氮和硝态氮的动力学特性可用Michaelis-Menten方程来描述。在低浓度培养下,不同基因型水生植物对NH4+-N和NO3--N吸收的动力学参数Imax和Km差异较大,其吸收NH4+-N和NO3--N的Imax最大是水芹,其次是豆瓣菜;Km值最小的是水芹,其次是豆瓣菜;且水芹对NH4+-N和NO3--N不仅具有较强的亲和力,还具有较高的离子吸收速率。结果还表明,当介质中氮浓度较低时,水芹有优先吸收硝态氮的趋势,而豆瓣菜和再力花有优先吸收铵态氮的趋势。  相似文献   

张骁栋  王金枝  颜亮  李勇  吴海东  康晓明 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7630-7637
高寒湿地中土壤微生物固氮是氮元素进入生态系统的主要途径之一,环境因子变化对土壤固氮功能的影响仍不明晰。在四川若尔盖高寒湿地搭建了由27个生态模拟箱组成的中宇宙实验系统,通过控制水位和模拟氮沉降,研究水位变化和施氮对土壤非共生固氮的影响。实验设计了3水位水平×3施氮水平共9个处理,测定了生态模拟箱中表层土壤的非共生固氮速率,土壤碳、氮含量,以及地上植物生物量和植物氮含量,比较不同水位和施氮处理下非共生固氮速率的变化规律并分析其与土壤和植物碳、氮含量的关系。研究发现:生态模拟箱中土壤非共生固氮速率范围是0.003-7.35 μg N g-1 d-1,从不淹水到淹水的处理土壤非共生固氮速率提高约2倍。施氮处理中固氮速率随土壤含水量升高而增强的敏感性高于施氮对照处理,且施氮处理下的生态模拟箱中土壤有机碳含量显著升高,据此推测施氮可能使淹水的生态模拟箱中的浮游植物提高生产力而释放可利用有机碳,从而间接促进土壤非共生固氮。本研究获得以下结论:(1)若尔盖高寒湿地中土壤水位是限制固氮速率的重要因子;(2)施氮背景下土壤含水量对非共生固氮的促进效应更明显。  相似文献   

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