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Introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) are controlled over large parts of New Zealand to protect canopy trees. The condition of canopy trees is one of the cues used to trigger possum control, but selecting an indicator of canopy tree condition is difficult because many factors unrelated to possum browsing can affect canopy condition, and indices based on canopy scoring may not always quickly detect real changes in possum herbivory. We therefore investigated the usefulness of the percentage of fallen mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus) and kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) leaves browsed by possums (‘fallen-leaf browse’ or ‘FLB’) as a trigger for control aimed at protecting these tree species. We collected leaves falling from kamahi and mahoe trees every two months for two years at two study areas in the central North Island, one with initially high possum abundance (Oriuwaka) and the other with low possum abundance (Otupaka). We classified each of 92 384 leaves as either not-browsed, possum-browsed or insect-browsed. There was a strong and similar seasonal pattern in the mean number of fallen leaves per tree for both mahoe and kamahi at both study areas; fewest leaves fell in winter, and the most leaves fell in spring and early summer. Mahoe and kamahi FLB exhibited a similar seasonal pattern at both areas, being lowest in winter and highest in spring and early summer. FLB for both mahoe and kamahi declined following control of possums to low densities at Oriuwaka. The proportion of fallen mahoe and kamahi leaves browsed by possums was small compared with those browsed by insects or not browsed. We show that spring/early summer (i.e. September–December) is the best period for sampling FLB and that the mean FLB can be estimated with a CV of 20% if one trap is randomly placed under the canopy of each of 24 randomly located trees. However, CVs were much larger in other seasons and when possum abundance was low. We consider FLB to be a sensible trigger for initiating possum control when the objective of control is to protect canopy trees, but further work is needed to determine the relationships between possum abundance, FLB, canopy condition, and key tree demographic rates.  相似文献   

Invasive species are often favoured in fragmented, highly-modified, human-dominated landscapes such as urban areas. Because successful invasive urban adapters can occupy habitat that is quite different from that in their original range, effective management programmes for invasive species in urban areas require an understanding of distribution, habitat and resource requirements at a local scale that is tailored to the fine-scale heterogeneity typical of urban landscapes. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of New Zealand’s most destructive invasive pest species. As brushtail possums traditionally occupy forest habitat, control in New Zealand has focussed on rural and forest habitats, and forest fragments in cities. However, as successful urban adapters, possums may be occupying a wider range of habitats. Here we use site occupancy methods to determine the distribution of brushtail possums across five distinguishable urban habitat types during summer, which is when possums have the greatest impacts on breeding birds. We collected data on possum presence/absence and habitat characteristics, including possible sources of supplementary food (fruit trees, vegetable gardens, compost heaps), and the availability of forest fragments from 150 survey locations. Predictive distribution models constructed using the programme PRESENCE revealed that while occupancy rates were highest in forest fragments, possums were still present across a large proportion of residential habitat with occupancy decreasing as housing density increased and green cover decreased. The presence of supplementary food sources was important in predicting possum occupancy, which may reflect the high nutritional value of these food types. Additionally, occupancy decreased as the proportion of forest fragment decreased, indicating the importance of forest fragments in determining possum distribution. Control operations to protect native birds from possum predation in cities should include well-vegetated residential areas; these modified habitats not only support possums but provide a source for reinvasion of fragments.  相似文献   

A biological control strategy relying on a self-disseminating agent may provide the only affordable long-term technique for reducing brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) numbers throughout New Zealand. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and patterns of social interactions in single and mixed-sex groups of possums, in order to identify interactions that may assist in the dissemination of biocontrol agents. Thirty-two sexually mature wild-caught possums (16 female, 16 male) were housed in captive groups (of four) in enclosures during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Groups consisted of either all females, females and males or all males. Four types of social interactions were defined: threats, fights, affiliative and sexual interactions. Interactions only occurred between two animals at one time and were most frequent in the non-breeding season. Within all female groups, possums readily engaged in interactions that had either an agonistic or affiliative nature. Mixed-sex groups interacted less frequently than females, but also engaged in both agonistic and affiliative interactions. In contrast, possums in all male groups rarely interacted, with only a few fights and no affiliative interactions observed. Some mixed-sex dyads appeared to 'associate' during the breeding period. Young were produced by three females that regularly associated with a male and one female that showed little associative behaviour. Given the different interaction patterns observed in each group type, biological control agents that rely on specific interaction patterns for dissemination, are likely to spread at different rates among different possum groups and in different seasons.  相似文献   

Brushtail possums are controlled extensively in New Zealand because they are a livestock disease vector and have an impact on native biodiversity. Reinvasion of controlled areas and subsequent population recovery is a significant management problem but little attention has been paid to what influences the settlement of possums in depopulated areas. To address this gap we trapped possums out of an area of about 24?ha in native podocarp–hardwood forest and studied reinvasion and settlement in the central c. 14?ha over 22 months. Most new possums were young males, but adults were also trapped. Many of the new possums caught on the study site post-depopulation did not settle there, most likely because they continued to disperse, but some may have returned to their ranges nearby or were residents with a very low probability of capture. This finding highlights the need for better information about the origins and settlement of possums in depopulated areas to improve management of population recovery and long-term sustained control of possums.  相似文献   

The transfer of animals from the wild into captivity is an important strategy for the conservation of species that are under threat of extinction. To determine the reproductive capability of animals following transfer from the wild, brushtail possums relocated from Brisbane, Adelaide, and Armidale into captivity in Brisbane were monitored. Seventy five percent of the Brisbane possums (N = 80) gave birth during the months from March to May following transfer from the suburbs of Brisbane and 75% of the young born reached weaning. Thirteen adult females and four adult male brushtail possums were relocated from Adelaide into captivity in Brisbane in June 1994. Four young were born in Brisbane, however none survived to weaning and all the relocated possums had died 2 years after their transfer from Adelaide. Seventeen adult females and seven adult male possums were transferred from Armidale to Brisbane in July 1996. In the first year, 1997, four young were born in Brisbane and none survived to weaning. In the second year, three young were born and survived to weaning. Two years after their transfer, one adult male and three adult females from Armidale and three juvenile possums were housed in the Brisbane enclosures. As the Brisbane, Adelaide, and Armidale possums received the same photoperiod and environmental conditions, some factor must have inhibited breeding activity in the Adelaide possums and to a lesser extent in the Armidale possums. The ability of the Armidale possums to give birth and wean their young after 2 years in Brisbane would suggest that relocated possums require up to 2 years in order to adjust sufficiently to their new environment to reproduce. However, the failure of the Adelaide possums to reproduce successfully after a similar period of time in Brisbane suggests that certain environmental differences inhibit the ability of different populations of possums to adjust to a new environment. J. Exp. Zool. 284:783-788, 1999. Copyright 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Dundas Island and features of its natural history are described, following a visit on 21 January 1978. The island has by far the largest known breeding colony of Hooker's sea lion - 2767 animals were counted ashore, including approximately 1700 pups. The number of breeding females in the world population is now estimated at about 2700, but total population size remains unknown.  相似文献   

Browsing by introduced brushtail possums is linked to major declines in mistletoe abundance in New Zealand, yet in some areas mistletoes persist, apparently unaffected by the presence of possums. To determine the cause of this spatial variation in impact I investigated the abundance and condition (crown dieback and extent of possum browse) of two mistletoes (Alepis flavida, Peraxilla tetrapetala) and abundance and diet of possums in two mountain beech (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) forests in the central-eastern South Island of New Zealand. Mistletoe is common and there are long-established uncontrolled possum populations in both forests. Mistletoes were abundant (216?1359 per hectare) and important in possum diet (41?59% of total diet), but possum density was low (c. 2 per hectare) in both areas. Possum impacts were slight with low browse frequencies and intensities over much of the study sites. However, impacts were significantly greater at a forest margin, where possum abundance was highest, and at a high-altitude site where mistletoe density was lowest. Mistletoe crown dieback was inversely proportional to intensity of possum browsing. These results suggest that the persistence of abundant mistletoe populations at these sites is due to mistletoe productivity matching or exceeding consumption by possums in these forests of low possum-carrying capacity, rather than low possum preference for the local mistletoe populations.  相似文献   

Damage by introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) to Pinus radiata trees was assessed in 41 compartments of a commercial forestry plantation on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. All the trees assessed were less than 3 years old. Possum damage in the compartments was low (median prevalence 3.3%) but highly variable (range 0?30%). Eight of 37 measured habitat factors differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the sites with damaged and undamaged trees. The best predictor of mean damage was stand age, but this explained only 21% of the variation in damage among compartments. Including both stand age and New Zealand bracken (Pteridium esculentum) cover improved the model significantly and explained 36% of variation in damage. Damage was apparently unrelated to compartment size, distance from the compartment boundary, and possum den-site availability. Surprisingly, the relationship between browse damage and a trap-catch index of possum abundance was weakly negative (rS = −0.53, P = 0.05). The dense understorey associated with young pine stands tends to increase possum damage to associated P. radiata trees, but the possums in such stands may be less mobile at ground level and thus less easily trapped. Assessment of stand age and understorey characteristics, together with visual inspection for early signs of damage, is likely to be more cost-effective than possum surveys for identifying forest compartments at risk from possum browse.  相似文献   

To minimize the impacts of introduced pests and to justify and prioritize pest control, managers need to know the relationship between pest density and damage. This relationship can be difficult to quantify because pest impacts can be highly variable. In New Zealand, introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) browse a wide range of native forest species. However, possum browse is extremely patchy making it difficult to quantify the relationship between density and damage, meaning the benefits of reducing possum densities are poorly understood. We quantified patterns of possum browse on kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa), a common canopy tree species, at 21 forest sites that were repeat‐measured over an 8‐year period in the North Island, New Zealand, during which time possum densities fluctuated widely. We fitted a multilevel statistical model in order to quantify the relationship between possum density and browse damage while simultaneously quantifying how browse varied among trees, sites and years. Higher possum densities were associated with greater browse damage, but browse was also patchily distributed among trees at the same site, and among sites and years for a given possum density. This heterogeneity meant there was no simple density damage relationship, with the relationship differing from tree to tree and among sites and years. Our results show that at most sites reductions in possum density would have little benefit in reducing the probability of heavy browse on kamahi trees, but at a few sites there would be substantial benefits. This approach provides insights into the pattern and potential causes of variability in possum impacts, and a quantitative basis for prioritizing sites for possum control.  相似文献   

Melatonin implants were placed in 5 adult female possums during December. Births were observed from 31 March to 12 April in 4 control possums, and on 16 January, 1 and 6 February, 27 March and 27 April in the melatonin-treated animals. Melatonin would appear to have advanced the start of the breeding season in 3 of the 5 animals. Following removal of pouch young a subsequent birth is more likely to occur when young are removed early in the breeding season. These results would suggest that daylength may play a role in the initiation of the breeding season and the stimulus to mate diminishes from March through to September. Nevertheless, if the environmental conditions are favourable a secondary peak of births can occur in the later part of the year.  相似文献   

Runcie MJ 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(5):1001-1008
Monogamy is rare among mammals, including marsupials. I studied the social organization of the little-known rock-haunting possum in Kakadu National Park in Northern Australia. Preliminary field observations revealed that the majority of possums live in cohesive groups consisting of a female-male pair and young, suggesting a monogamous mating system. I used radiotracking to determine home range patterns, and observations to measure the degree of symmetry between the sexes in maintaining the pair bond and initiating changes in group activity. I also measured the extent of maternal and paternal indirect and direct care. Nocturnal observations and radiotelemetric data from 3 years showed that six possum groups maintained nonoverlapping home ranges with long-term consorts and young sharing dens. Males contributed more than females to maintaining the pair bond but they contributed equally to parental care. For the first time, the parental behaviours of bridge formation, embracing, marshalling of young, sentinel behaviour and tail beating are reported in a marsupial. Males participated to a high degree in maintaining relationships with one mate and their offspring. Collectively, these results suggest that the mating system of this wild population of rock-haunting possums is obligate social monogamy. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Impact of the irruptive fluctuation in abundance of brushtail possum populations since their initial colonisation was investigated in the forests of South Westland, New Zealand. Possum abundance, fecundity, and diet, the condition of common possum-palatable tree species, and the abundance of common forest birds were measured at three sites occupied by possums for c. 10, 20, and 30 years. Possum densities were highest at the site where possums had been present for c. 20 years. Possum fecundity was higher at the site they had recently colonised than at the two sites where they had been present for c. 20–30 years. Diet of possums where they had recently colonised was dominated by highly preferred foods (72% of total diet), whereas these same foods contributed just 36% of total diet at the site where possums had been present for more than two decades. Canopy condition of common possum-preferred trees was scored progressively lower in areas with increasing length of possum occupation, especially at the site where the possum population had apparently declined from its maximum density. Native forest bird abundance also declined with increasing length of possum occupation. The implications of these results for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The parma wallaby, Macropus parma, is one of four species of wallaby introduced on to Kawau Island, New Zealand, in ahout 1870. A sample of sixty-four parmas was shot on the island in February 1973 to provide information on breeding activity and age structure of the population. Incidental data were also collected from the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, which is the other common species on the island. Neither the sex ratio of the shot sample of parmas (thirty-seven males to twenty-seven females) nor that of the tammars (eleven males to eleven females) differed significantly from parity. Onset of sexual maturity of female parmas on Kawau I. was delayed when compared with that of captive females. One female was estimated to have bred at 19 months old but most females in the sample were not mature until 2 years old and a few not until 3 years old. In contrast, female tammars became sexually mature at about 12 months. There did not appear to be any delay in the onset of sexual maturity of male parma wallabies. In the shot sample, none of sixteen female parmas capable of having a young were carrying a pouch young whereas nine of ten female tammars had a pouch young. The mean date of birth of these latter young was 30 January (range 18 January - 11 February) which is consistent with the breeding season of tammars in Australia. Among the mature female parmas two had recently mated, six were in pro-oestrus and six were in anoestrus, indicating that the breeding season in 1973 had just commenced. Estimated months of birth for all parmas under 3 years of age suggested that breeding was continuous in 1970–71 but that there had been a defined breeding season in 1972 with births occurring between March and July. There was an excess of 1– and 2–year-old parmas in the sample. This was the result of continuous breeding in 1970–71, presumably due to the provision of pasture on farmland being developed on the island. A sample of thirty-three tammar skulls resulting from a shoot in November 1972 did not show a nmilar excess of 1– and 2–year-old animals as this species has a rigidly defined breeding pattern and the females can produce only one young a year.  相似文献   



Buruli ulcer (BU) is a skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, with endemicity predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa and south-eastern Australia. The mode of transmission and the environmental reservoir(s) of the bacterium and remain elusive. Real-time PCR investigations have detected M. ulcerans DNA in a variety of Australian environmental samples, including the faeces of native possums with and without clinical evidence of infection. This report seeks to expand on previously published findings by the authors'' investigative group with regards to clinical and subclinical disease in selected wild possum species in BU-endemic areas of Victoria, Australia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Twenty-seven clinical cases of M. ulcerans infection in free-ranging possums from southeastern Australia were identified retrospectively and prospectively between 1998–2011. Common ringtail possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), a common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and a mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus cunninghami) were included in the clinically affected cohort. Most clinically apparent cases were adults with solitary or multiple ulcerative cutaneous lesions, generally confined to the face, limbs and/or tail. The disease was minor and self-limiting in the case of both Trichosurus spp. possums. In contrast, many of the common ringtail possums had cutaneous disease involving disparate anatomical sites, and in four cases there was evidence of systemic disease at post mortem examination. Where tested using real-time PCR targeted at IS2404, animals typically had significant levels of M. ulcerans DNA throughout the gut and/or faeces. A further 12 possums without cutaneous lesions were found to have PCR-positive gut contents and/or faeces (subclinical cases), and in one of these the organism was cultured from liver tissue. Comparisons were made between clinically and subclinically affected possums, and 61 PCR-negative, non-affected individuals, with regards to disease category and the categorical variables of species (common ringtail possums v others) and sex. Animals with clinical lesions were significantly more likely to be male common ringtail possums.


There is significant disease burden in common ringtail possums (especially males) in some areas of Victoria endemic for M. ulcerans disease. The natural history of the disease generally remains unknown, however it appears that some mildly affected common brushtail and mountain brushtail possums can spontaneously overcome the infection, whereas some severely affected animals, especially common ringtail possums, may become systemically, and potentially fatally affected. Subclinical gut carriage of M. ulcerans DNA in possums is quite common and in some common brushtail and mountain brushtail possums this is transient. Further work is required to determine whether M. ulcerans infection poses a potential threat to possum populations, and whether these animals are acting as environmental reservoirs in certain geographical areas.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fertility control is currently under development for the control of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), one of New Zealand's most serious vertebrate pests. Despite intensive research into various methods for achieving infertility, including immunocon-traception and disrupting endocrine control of reproduction, researchers know little about the potential effects of these methods on the behavior of wild possums. We assessed the effects of surgically imposed sterility, either to block fertilization (tubal ligation) or to disrupt endocrine control of fertility (gonadectomy), by using radiotelemetry on the movement patterns and site fidelity of wild brushtail possums. In addition, we assessed the effect of gonadectomy on the transmission rate of a commonly occurring, directly transmitted pathogen in possums, Leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica (hereafter L. balcanica), to determine the effect of any behavioral changes on possum contact rates. Both tubal ligation and gonadectomy of females did not appear to have any appreciable effect on behavior, with sterilized females having space-use patterns and fidelity to seasonal breeding ranges similar to those of fertile females. However, gonadectomy of male possums resulted in a significant reduction of 42% and 47% in the 95% and 70% isopleth seasonal breeding ranges, respectively. Furthermore, the transmission rate of L. balcanica in gonadectomized male and female possums was reduced by 88% and 63%, respectively, compared with that in fertile male and female possums. Overall, these results suggest that fertility control, either by blocking fertilization (e.g., immunocontraception) or by disrupting endocrine control of reproduction (e.g., gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccines), is unlikely to have an impact on social organization and behavior of brushtail possums in ways that may compromise the efficacy of fertility control for reducing population density. However, the reduction in the transmission rate of L. balcanica indicates that fertility control that interferes with endocrine control of reproduction is likely to reduce the contact rate between possums. This could have implications for the control of other wildlife diseases requiring direct contact for transmission.  相似文献   

In Queensland, possums in the wild and in captivity first give birth during March and continue to give birth throughout the year until November. In this study the effect of short daylengths on the initiation of breeding activity was examined. One male and 4 female possums were transferred from an outside enclosure into a light control room (10 h light, 14 h dark) on 22 November. A control group of possums was housed in outside enclosures. The possums held in the light room gave birth 81.2 +/- 14.7 days (s.e.m.) after being placed in the short-day photoperiod. The control group gave birth 133.8 +/- 9.8 days after 22 November. This result suggests that photoperiod plays a role in the initiation of the breeding season of the brushtail possum.  相似文献   

The importance of possums as competitors with livestock for pasture is sometimes used as justification for possum control. Unfortunately a confusion of wet and dry weight values of pasture and daily consumption by possums appears to have resulted in a significant overestimate of the economic costs of possums as pasture pests. A correctly estimated daily dry matter intake of pasture by possums is 0.0144 kg pasture dry matter per possum per day. For a possum density of 1 ha-1, this amounts to a reduction of about 1% of a stock unit ha-1 year-1. At higher possum densities, which often occur on farms adjacent to forest or scrub, losses would be correspondingly higher. A more direct way to measure possum impact on pasture production would be to use exclosures.  相似文献   

Food of the North Island kaka (Nestor meridionalis septentrionalis) on Kapiti Island was identified while quantifying the foraging activity of nine radio-tagged birds from March 1991 to January 1992. Additional food types were identified by opportunistic observation of feeding birds and qualitative examination of nestling faeces. A diverse range of food was taken, including wood-boring invertebrates, scale insects, seeds, nectar or pollen, fruits, and sap. Radio-tagged birds foraged predominantly for invertebrates over most of the year, but hinau (Elaeocarpus dentatus) seed, five-finger (Pseudopanax arboreus) nectar or pollen and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa) seed were seasonally important food types. Most of the plant food taken by kaka on Kapiti is known to be eaten, or otherwise reduced in abundance, by Australian brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), a widespread potential competitor that has been eradicated from Kapiti. Annual variation in the abundance of important plant food types may explain variation in the breeding intensity of kaka on Kapiti Island.  相似文献   


On Tiritiri, a small predator-free island in northern New Zealand, kiore (Rattus exulans) were live and snap trapped in grassland and forest. In both habitats, kiore abundance peaked in late summer/autumn. The increase followed a 3 month breeding season during which females produced two to three litters, each averaging 7 young. During the population decline in autumn and winter, animals lost weight. Few bred in the breeding season of their birth and none lived to breed in a second breeding season, so the population consisted of distinct age cohorts. These patterns may relate to a highly seasonal food supply.

Kiore elsewhere in New Zealand show seasonal breeding, but the length of breeding, sexual maturation, and litter size vary. Other studies of kiore in the Pacific show less marked seasonal fluctuations, longer breeding seasons, and smaller litters. We propose a model to explain the variation in rodent demography in New Zealand. The model is based on the seasonal availability of food, along with the modifying influences of predation and dispersal.  相似文献   

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