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The Argentine stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis) was an economically important pest in New Zealand pastures until the release of the parasitoid Microctonus hyperodae. This contribution uses historical data to investigate the regulation of the pest populations prior to, and somewhat during, the establishment of this parasitoid in dryland Canterbury, New Zealand. Thus, a significant goal of this study is to provide an L. bonariensis population dynamics baseline for any future work that aims to analyse the full effects of M. hyperodae on the weevil, now that equilibrium with the weevil host has been reached.The population dynamics of L. bonariensis, based on a life-table approach, were investigated using data collected regularly for eight years from populations in Canterbury, New Zealand. The key factor affecting end-of-season L. bonariensis density was found to be variation in second generation fourth instar prepupal and pupal mortality. This may have been caused by arrested development and ongoing mortality resulting from the onset of cooler autumnal conditions.A compensatory response was found in recruitment to the second summer weevil generation, whereby the realised fecundity of the emergent first summer generation of weevils was found to be negatively related to the density of adult weevils per ryegrass tiller. This is the first time that this has been found via long-term population analysis of L. bonariensis, although indications of this have been found elsewhere in caging, pot and small plot experiments.In this study, the effect of the parasitoid biocontrol agent Microctonus hyperodae on L. bonariensis population dynamics was unclear, as the analysis covered a period when the parasitoid Microctonus hyperodae was introduced and still establishing. It does, however, raise important questions for future analysis in terms of the interaction between parasitism and unrealised fecundity.The results in this contribution also highlighted regional differences. Overwintering mortality of adult weevils in Canterbury was constant between years, whilst earlier studies in the North Island Waikato region indicated this mortality was density dependent. In addition, the availability of tillers in endophyte-free ryegrass pastures in Canterbury had no influence on egg and early-instar larval survival, which contrasts with the finding from endophytic Waikato pastures.  相似文献   

Current methods to identify unknown insect (class Insecta) cytochrome c oxidase (COI barcode) sequences often rely on thresholds of distances that can be difficult to define, sequence similarity cut‐offs, or monophyly. Some of the most commonly used metagenomic classification methods do not provide a measure of confidence for the taxonomic assignments they provide. The aim of this study was to use a naïve Bayesian classifier (Wang et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2007; 73: 5261) to automate taxonomic assignments for large batches of insect COI sequences such as data obtained from high‐throughput environmental sequencing. This method provides rank‐flexible taxonomic assignments with an associated bootstrap support value, and it is faster than the blast ‐based methods commonly used in environmental sequence surveys. We have developed and rigorously tested the performance of three different training sets using leave‐one‐out cross‐validation, two field data sets, and targeted testing of Lepidoptera, Diptera and Mantodea sequences obtained from the Barcode of Life Data system. We found that type I error rates, incorrect taxonomic assignments with a high bootstrap support, were already relatively low but could be lowered further by ensuring that all query taxa are actually present in the reference database. Choosing bootstrap support cut‐offs according to query length and summarizing taxonomic assignments to more inclusive ranks can also help to reduce error while retaining the maximum number of assignments. Additionally, we highlight gaps in the taxonomic and geographic representation of insects in public sequence databases that will require further work by taxonomists to improve the quality of assignments generated using any method.  相似文献   

Longidorid nematodes comprise more than 500 species, and Longidorus and Xiphinema are the most diversified, prevalent, and cosmopolitan genera within plant-parasitic nematodes. This increases the risk of species misidentification. We conducted an integrative morphometric and genetic study on two longidorid species to elucidate the existence of new cases of cryptic speciation within the genera Longidorus and Xiphinema. Detailed morphological, morphometrical, multivariate, and genetic studies were carried out, and mitochondrial and nuclear haploweb analyses were used to differentiate species within the L. iliturgiensis and X. hispanum complexes. Species delimitation using multivariate and haplonet tools of L. iliturgiensis species complex clearly separated L. tabernensis sp. nov. from L. iliturgiensis and L. indalus, and X. subbaetense sp. nov. from X. hispanum and X. adenohystherum. D2-D3, partial 18S, and partial coxI regions were used for inferring their phylogenetic relationships with other species in each genus. The present study provides new insights into the diversity of Longidorus and Xiphinema species detected in southern Spain, and new evidence of cryptic speciation in both genera. These results support our hypothesis that the biodiversity of Longidoridae in southern Europe is higher than previously supposed and is still not fully clarified.  相似文献   

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