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German wasps (Vespula germanica F.) and common wasps (V. vulgaris L.) both show variations in colour markings in New Zealand. Overlap in the ranges of markings of the head and thorax is limited enough for ready distinction of queens and workers of the two species. Abdominal markings overlap considerably between the species. Colour markings of males were too similar to identify the species, which were completely separated by the shape of their genitalia. The frequency of occurrence of “intermediate” markings in V. germanica populations did not increase in areas where the two species overlap. This suggests there is little or no genetic exchange between the two species.  相似文献   


Nests of both common (Vespula vulgaris) and German wasps (V. germanica) sometimes overwinter in New Zealand. Three overwintering common wasp colonies were found in low-altitude honeydew beech forest; about 2% of the colonies initiated there in 1988 survived the winter. Wasp traffic rates from nests in Nelson city and a nation wide survey of wasp abundance, showed that more German wasp than common wasp workers were on the wing in winter and spring. German wasp colonies in Nelson city were more likely to overwinter than were common wasp colonies. Of the active German wasp colonies recorded in Nelson in January and February 1989, only two (4%) had previously overwintered, but these two nests accounted for 38% of all German wasp workers estimated to leave nests in the area. Had other overwintering colonies not been poisoned, overwintering colonies might have accounted for up to 11 % of nests and produced up to 64% of German wasp workers on the wing in January and February 1989.

Overwintering common wasp colonies did not produce queens or drones in their first year or second spring, but all 10 overwintering German wasp colonies examined produced sexuals at both times. German wasp queens produced in winter and spring may influence the number of colonies successfully initiated and affect the population dynamics of German wasps in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The wasp Vespula germanica is a highly successful invasive pest. This study examined the population genetic structure of V. germanica in its introduced range in Australia. We sampled 1320 workers and 376 males from 141 nests obtained from three widely separated geographical areas on the Australian mainland and one on the island of Tasmania. The genotypes of all wasps were assayed at three polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers. Our analyses uncovered significant allelic differentiation among all four V. germanica populations. Pairwise estimates of genetic divergence between populations agreed with the results of a model-based clustering algorithm which indicated that the Tasmanian population was particularly distinct from the other populations. Within-population analyses revealed that genetic similarity declined with spatial distance, indicating that wasps from nests separated by more than approximately 25 km belonged to separate mating pools. We suggest that the observed genetic patterns resulted from frequent bottlenecks experienced by the V. germanica populations during their colonization of Australia.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution and spread of the invasive social wasp Vespula germanica in Argentina, focusing on the contribution of queen dispersal to territorial expansion. Vespula germanica is native to Eurasia and has invaded several regions of the world, including Southern Argentina. Flight potential of field‐collected queens was measured using flight mills. Also, by means of an extensive survey we estimated the rate of spread by analysing the relationship between years since arrival and distance from the introduction locality. The mean distance flown by wasp queens in flight mills was 404.7 ± 140.8 m (mean ± SE, n = 59), while the rate of spread of V. germanica was estimated at 37.2 ± 2.1 km year?1 (mean ± SE, n = 67), although faster towards the south. The observed spread rate of V. germanica wasps in Argentina confirms the invasive potential shown by several Hymenoptera species worldwide. Still, a stratified geographical expansion pattern does not match observed queen dispersal abilities, suggesting that human‐aided transport of hibernating queens is the central driver of the current distribution of these wasps. We suggest that despite several life‐history traits known for social insects that contribute to successful invasion, wasp spread must still rely strongly on human mediated pathways. This observation sheds light on those factors that are crucial for managing invasions of this and related pestiferous wasps.  相似文献   


Carbohydrates are both a source of food and a potential bait for control of common and German wasps. Carbohydrate preferences of wasps were determined in a series of paired trials by counting the number of wasps caught in traps baited with carbohydrate‐based baits versus a standard protein‐based bait. Factors influencing wasp attraction to carbohydrate‐based baits included bait type, season, weather, and location. A 30% sucrose solution was more attractive than honey, jams, gels, or dry (solid) sugars. The sucrose solution was more attractive in spring and autumn than in summer, probably because rainfall washed away natural carbohydrate supplies. There was a significant relationship between rainfall in the previous week and the proportion of wasps caught in traps baited with sucrose solution versus sardine cat‐food. A higher proportion of German wasps than common wasps was caught in sucrose‐baited traps. This may have been related to seasonal differences in abundance and/or behavioural differences between the two species. In some locations, more wasps were caught in traps baited with sucrose solution than in those baited with sardine cat‐food. The proportion of wasps caught in sucrose‐baited traps was higher in locations without beech scale honeydew than with beech scale honey‐dew. Proportionally more non‐target species (mainly honey bees) and fewer wasps were caught in traps baited with sucrose solution than in those baited with sardine cat‐food. All five bee repellents tested also repelled wasps. These results indicate the importance of determining the bait preferences of wasps (carbohydrate or protein) and the presence of non‐target species before attempting a poison‐baiting operation. They also emphasise the need for a wasp‐specific carbohydrate‐based bait.  相似文献   


After occurring sporadically in New Zealand since 1921, the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris (L.), was found in March and April 1983 to be established in Dunedin, where 6 nests were discovered. Subsequent examination of museum specimens showed that queens had been collected in Wellington in 1978, and nests by January 1982. Christchurch was invaded in early 1984, several workers were collected near Auckland in March and April 1984, and workers were reported at Nelson in March and May 1984. The Dunedin nests were up to 6 times the size of nests recorded from the Northern Hemisphere, and produced up to 23 times as many new queens. Workers, nest size, and nest productivity were sufficiently different from those reported in western North America to suggest that the New Zealand population originated elsewhere. Colour patterning of the head and pronotum readily separate New Zealand V. vulgaris from New Zealand V. germanica. The nest carton of V. vulgaris is brown; that of V. germanica is grey. Conditions in New Zealand appear to be favourable for V. vulgaris; it can be expected to spread and it may at times reach the high population levels experienced in Europe and the western United States.  相似文献   


From July 1987 to June 1989, 141 nests and 365 nests, respectively, of the adventive social vespines the German wasp, Vespula germanica (F.), and the common wasp V. vulgaris (L.), from the City of Christchurch, New Zealand, were evaluated for seven major characteristics.

There were few, if any, differences in nest sites, and from spring to early summer in nest traffic, nest size, and numbers of combs. However, Getman wasps showed no preference for direction of nest entrances, while common wasp nests were more numerous in areas most exposed to the morning sun. Some Getman wasp nests survived the winter and began producing new worker cells by late June, but all common wasp nests died by June. Because common wasp nests have been reported surviving the winter in beech forest, which produces honey dew, and honey dew is not available in Christchurch City, common wasp nest survival over winter may be more dependent upon carbohydrates and/or prey dependent upon carbohydrates than the survival of German wasp nests. The presence of large, expanding wasp nests from early spring must impose localised predation pressures virtually unknown in the Northern Hemisphere where overwintering nests are rare. Wasp population dynamics, and impacts of wasps on fauna, are likely to vary between different geographical areas of New Zealand, but as targets for biological control, the two wasp species can generally be considered to be quite similar.  相似文献   

In some ants, bees, and wasps, workers kill or "police" maleeggs laid by other workers in order to maintain the reproductiveprimacy of the queen. Kin selection theory predicts that multiplemating by the queen is one factor that can selectively favorworker policing. This is because when the queen is mated tomultiple males, workers are more closely related to the queen'ssons than to the sons of other workers. Earlier work has suggestedthat reproductive patterns in the German wasp Vespula germanicamay contradict this theory, because in some colonies a largefraction of the adult males were inferred to be the workers'sons, despite the effective queen mating frequency being greaterthan 2 (2.4). In the present study, we reexamine the V. germanicacase and show that it does support the theory. First, geneticanalysis confirms that the effective queen mating frequencyis high, 2.9, resulting in workers being more related to thequeen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, behavioralassays show that worker-laid eggs are effectively killed byother workers, despite worker-laid eggs having the same intrinsicviability as queen-laid ones. Finally, we estimate that approximately58.4% of the male eggs but only 0.44% of the adult males areworker derived in queenright colonies, consistent with workerreproduction being effectively policed.  相似文献   

Social insects display extreme cooperative and helping behaviours. However, social insect colonies are also arenas of intense competitive interactions. One particularly important matter over which colony members may compete centres on the development of sexual offspring. Specifically, colony members may engage in selfish behaviours leading to reproductive competition, whereby individuals either strive to develop as sexuals or assist kin so that close relatives emerge as new reproductives. We investigated whether reproductive competition occurred in the polyandrous social wasp Vespula maculifrons. We genotyped V. maculifrons workers and new queens at eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine if larvae of particular genotypes were reared as gynes more frequently than expected by chance. However, we found no significant evidence of reproductive competition in this species. The proportional contributions of males to workers and new queens did not vary within colonies. Moreover, male reproductive skew did not differ between workers and new queens. Finally, novel statistical techniques uncovered no evidence of patriline reversal, the phenomenon whereby males that contribute little to worker production contribute substantially to new queen production. Consequently, we conclude that individual level selection operating to increase the frequency of selfish behaviours that would lead to reproductive competition has been nullified by colony-level selection acting to maintain colony efficiency and cooperation.  相似文献   

  • 1 New Zealand was colonized by the German wasp, Vespula germanica (F.), in the 1940s and it subsequently became established throughout the country. The common wasp, V.vulgaris (L), colonized in the late 1970s and is still spreading.
  • 2 The common wasp has replaced the German wasp in some habitats in New Zealand. Samples from a nationwide postal survey indicate that the common wasp is now the more abundant species in honeydew beech forests (Nothofagus spp.), and to a lesser extent in other native forests. The German wasp is still the more abundant wasp in rural areas (excluding forest). The two species are at present co-dominant in urban areas, although this may be a transient phase.
  • 3 In honeydew beech forest the two species show different foraging patterns that provide the potential for local coexistence. Although both species are generalist feeders, the German wasp is more commonly found foraging for protein amongst the forest litter, whereas the common wasp forages more on shrubs and tree saplings. Despite this difference, the common wasp can still replace the German wasp in honeydew beech forest within a few years of invasion.
  • 4 In honeydew beech forests in which the German wasp is the more abundant species it dominates honeydew trunks (sugar resource), whereas the common wasp dominates honeydew trunks in areas where it is the more abundant species. The change from German to common wasp domination of honeydew trunks is more rapid than the change in dominance in other microhabitats. Aggressive interactions may be taking place on this high quality, potentially defensible sugar resource.

In order to increase the probability of reproduction, social insects can adopt various mate‐finding strategies, such as increasing densities of males at specific locations, and/or visual and chemical cues that attract the opposite sex. In field and laboratory studies we investigated strategies used by the invasive eusocial wasp Vespula germanica (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). In tethered flight assays, we established contrasting flight patterns in females and males that may partly explain how related individuals distribute spatially during the mating period. We also determined experimentally, in the field and in the laboratory via olfactometer assays, that gynes produce airborne pheromonal cues that attract drones and are important during mate location. Our field trials also suggest that visual cues play a role in mate location. We conclude that in addition to aspects of the social biology of the species, an efficient mate‐location strategy can partly explain the invasion success of the species. Tools to mitigate the damage caused by yellowjackets may be developed by focusing on reproductive castes, in addition to workers.  相似文献   

The significance of multiple mating in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of the complex societies displayed by social insects depended partly on high relatedness among interacting group members. Therefore, behaviors that depress group relatedness, such as multiple mating by reproductive females (polyandry), are unexpected in social insects. Nevertheless, the queens of several social insect species mate multiply, suggesting that polyandry provides some benefits that counteract the costs. However, few studies have obtained evidence for links between rates of polyandry and fitness in naturally occurring social insect populations. We investigated if polyandry was beneficial in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. We used genetic markers to estimate queen mate number in V. maculifrons colonies and assessed colony fitness by counting the number of cells that colonies produced. Our results indicated that queen mate number was directly, strongly, and significantly correlated with the number of queen cells produced by colonies. Because V. maculifrons queens are necessarily reared in queen cells, our results demonstrate that high levels of polyandry are associated with colonies capable of producing many new queens. These data are consistent with the explanation that polyandry is adaptive in V. maculifrons because it provides a fitness advantage to queens. Our research may provide a rare example of an association between polyandry and fitness in a natural social insect population and help explain why queens in this taxon mate multiply.  相似文献   


Density‐related variation in queen quality has been proposed as a possible mechanism regulating population fluctuations in Vespula species. We investigated annual variation in the quality (size, weight, and fat content) of adult V. vulgaris queens representing four stages of their life cycle (spring, founding, developing, and emerged) taken from six sites in beech forest, South Island, New Zealand. For each queen the dry weight, head width, and thorax length was measured. For a subsample of queens, the fat content was determined by ether extraction. The size of queen cells was measured from a subsample of nests. Size, weight, and fat content of queens varied between wasp colonies and sites. The smallest juvenile queens were under‐represented in the reproductive population. There was no direct link between body size and food supply. Size and weight of developing queens increased as the number of cells in the nest increased. The size of the queen cells varied significantly among layers in a nest and among nests. The under‐representation of small queens in the reproductive population suggests that queen quality may affect survival and/or competitive ability by increasing winter fat storage, nest building activity, and/or success in usurpation disputes.  相似文献   

We tested 14 pairs of microsatellite primers that had been developed for the genus Polistes to assess their applicability for determining genetic structure in a colony of the genus Parapolybia. At least one of the 14 Polistes primer sets was useful for Parapolybia indica, and the locus identified by this primer set was highly polymorphic. Using this primer set, we estimated the average relatedness among female nestmates of Parapolybia indica to be 0.82 ± 0.05 (mean ± SE), indicating that in this species single mating is normal, although some cases of multiple mating was found.  相似文献   

Highly social insects dominate terrestrial ecosystems because society members belong to discrete castes that undertake distinct tasks. The distinct functional roles of members of different castes may lead to divergent selective regimes, which may ultimately lead to morphological specialization and differentiation of the castes. This study used morphological and genetic analyses to identify traits that experienced caste‐specific selection in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons (Buysson, 1905). Traits putatively under selection were identified based on their degree of caste dimorphism, levels of variability, strength of correlations with other traits, and patterns of allometric scaling. Analyses of trait characteristics suggested that queen thorax length, thorax width, and possibly mass, have experienced queen‐specific selection. Additionally, trait dimorphism and intercaste phenotypic correlation values were negatively correlated, as expected if some morphological traits were subject to selection, leading to alternate phenotypic optima in the two castes. Overall, our analyses demonstrate how techniques used to identify selection between dimorphic groups can be applied to social species with distinct castes. In addition, our analyses suggest the operation of selection may be stronger in reproductive than in non‐reproductive castes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 93–102.  相似文献   

Abstract European wasps, Vespula germanica , are common across southern and south-eastern Australia and have a negative impact upon urban areas, primary industries, and natural ecosystems. Aspects of colony structure and nest characteristics are examined for nests located in the ground and collected from urban and rural sites in Victoria during two summer−autumn field seasons (1996 and 2001). On average, nests were located 28 cm beneath the surface (range 5−58 cm). The average number of combs in the nest and the total area of the nests increased from early February to late May. In addition, the proportion of cells used to produce workers and different life stages (larvae, pupae) also varied throughout the season; being consistent with studies from New Zealand. No differences in colony structure or nest character­istics were detected between urban and rural nests.  相似文献   

云南贡山黄胡蜂属一新种(膜翅目:胡蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道云南贡山黄胡蜂属Vespula 1新种,即贡山黄胡蜂Vespula gongshanensis,sp nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

In spite of the abundance and broad distribution of social wasps, little information exists concerning thermoregulation by individuals. We measured body temperatures of the yellowjackets Vespula germanica and V. maculifrons and examined their thermoregulatory mechanisms. V. germanica demonstrated thermoregulation via a decreasing gradient between thorax temperature and ambient temperature as ambient temperature increased. V. maculifrons exhibited a constant gradient at lower ambient temperatures but thorax temperature was constant at high ambient temperatures. Head temperature exhibited similar patterns in both species. In spite of low thermal conductances, a simple heat budget model predicts substantial heat loads in warm conditions in the absence of thermoregulation. Both species regurgitated when heated on the head. A smaller volume of regurgitant was produced at lower head temperatures and a larger volume at higher head temperatures. Small regurgitations resulted in stabilization of head temperature, while large ones resulted in 4°C decreases in head temperature. Regurgitation was rare when wasps were heated upon the thorax. Abdomen temperature was 3–4°C above ambient temperature, and approached ambient temperature under the hottest conditions. No evidence was found for shunting of hot hemolymph from thorax to abdomen as a cooling mechanism. The frequency of regurgitation in workers returning to the nest increased with ambient temperature. Regurgitation may be an important thermoregulatory strategy during heat stress, but is probably not the only mechanism used in yellowjackets.Abbreviations M b body mass - M th thorax mass - T a ambient temperature - T ab abdomen temperature - T b body temperature - T h head temperature - T th thorax temperature - C t thermal conductance  相似文献   


More than 50 000 social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) were collected between March and August 1987 from throughout New Zealand. The most widespread species is the German wasp (Vespula germanica). The common wasp (V. vulgaris) has colonised about half the country and appears to be still spreading. It tends to appear in urban areas first, presumably because it is transported there with people and/or their belongings. The Asian paper wasp (Polistes chinensis) and Australian paper wasp (P. humilis), are confined to the northern half of the North Island, but the former species is spreading south.  相似文献   

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