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New Zealand’s peculiar biota has fueled more than a century of biogeographic interest. During this time a number of workers have offered classifications synthesising biotic and geographical relationships. More recently, Fleming (1963, 1979) has recognised that these systems have much in common and tried to reconcile them into a more general scheme. He distinguished seven elements emphasising relationships with Australia and the southern ocean with less important “Holarctic” and tropical “Malayo-Pacific” components and a “New Zealand Element” in the Pacific. The remainder are “Endemic” with no close relatives to indicate their “place of origin” and “Cosmopolitan” for those “embarrassing organisms” too widely distributed to be included elsewhere. Only the ratites, tuatara, and frog were considered old enough to have used terrestrial links, the remainder having crossed over water from the terminals of dispersal pathways recognised in the classification. The colonisation of New Zealand by Australian birds in historic times were regarded as examples of this mechanism in action (Falla 1953; Fleming 1962). This view of biogeographic relationship necessarily plays down the wider perspectives used by such workers as Hutton (1872, 1904) and Croizat (1958).  相似文献   



This study investigates how burrow-nesting, colonial seabirds structure the spatial patterns of soil and plant properties (including soil and leaf N) and tests whether burrow density drives these spatial patterns within each of six individual islands that vary greatly in burrow density.


Within individual islands, we compared semivariograms (SVs) with and without burrows as a spatial trend. We also used SVs to describe and compare the spatial patterns among islands for each of 16 soil and plant variables.


Burrow density within a single island was only important in determining spatial structuring in one-fifth of the island-variable combinations tested. Among islands, some variables (i.e., soil pH, δ15N, and compaction; microbial biomass and activity) achieved peak spatial variance on intermediate-density islands, while others (i.e., net ammonification, net nitrification, NH4 +, NO3 -) became increasingly variable on densely burrowed islands.


Burrow density at the within-island scale was far less important than expected. Seabirds and other ecosystem engineers whose activities (e.g., nutrient subsidies, soil disturbance) influence multiple spatial scales can increase spatial heterogeneity even at high densities, inconsistent with a “hump-shaped” relationship between resource availability and heterogeneity.  相似文献   


The following weevil species are known from The Snares islands: Anthribidae — Cacephatus aucklandicus, Lichenobius littoralis; Curculionidae — Exeiratus laqueorum, Pentarthrum spadiceum, Notacalles planidorsis, Lyperobius sp., Hadramphus stilbocarpae, Phrynixus laqueorum, Gromilus laqueorum, Nestrius laqueorum, Catoptes brevicornis australis, Oclandius vestitus. The larvae and pupae are described and figured, and keys for their separation are given.  相似文献   


Gizzards were examined from 334 adult and 62 nestling starlings collected in mixed farmland during 1971–72. The birds ate insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, millipedes, centipedes, seeds, and fruits. Starlings ate fewer subterranean animals (7%) than those usually living partially hidden (45%), on the ground (31%), or on vegetation (18%). About half the invertebrates eaten were 2–5 mm long and about a quarter 6–10 mm long. Nestlings tend to be fed significantly larger items than were eaten by adults. The commonest items in adult starlings were Coleoptera adults, Lepidoptera larvae, Hemiptera, and fruits; in nestlings, Coleoptera adults and Diptera adults and larvae were important. Earthworms were found in all the nestlings. More than 50% of adult gizzards contained earthworm chaetae in wetter months, but fewer in drier months. The diet of starlings, despite considerable overlap with the foods eaten by mynas, rooks, and magpies, included somewhat different components and proportions of the food supply. Fruits were found in adults only; most were probably eaten after harvest. Although predation on two major pasture pests—Costelytra zealandica and Wiseana cervinata larvae—was insubstantial, nearly 40% of the total invertebrates eaten by adult starlings were insect pest species.  相似文献   

We found all developmental stages of the midge Telmatogeton japonicus (Chironomidae) on offshore windmills near the major Swedish seaport Kalmar in the southern Baltic Sea. This might be the first record of an insect species really inhabiting the offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. A thorough analysis of previous findings of the species, its history in Europe and its ecology indicates that T. japonicus quite likely is an alien species in Europe introduced from the Pacific Ocean. Shipping is probably the vector, as all records in the Baltic Sea and several from the Eastern Atlantic Sea are near major seaports. Our analysis further suggests that T. japonicus might be both advantageous and disadvantageous to native species in the Baltic Sea. T. japonicus should be kept under observation within monitoring programmes as it might expand its distribution as a result of the construction of new windmills in the Baltic Sea and elsewhere in European marine and brackish water habitats.  相似文献   

Dogs accompanied people in their migrations across the Pacific Ocean and ultimately reached New Zealand, which is the southern-most point of their oceanic distribution, around the beginning of the fourteenth century AD. Previous ancient DNA analyses of mitochondrial control region sequences indicated the New Zealand dog population included two lineages. We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes of fourteen dogs from the colonisation era archaeological site of Wairau Bar and found five closely-related haplotypes. The limited number of mitochondrial lineages present at Wairau Bar suggests that the founding population may have comprised only a few dogs; or that the arriving dogs were closely related. For populations such as that at Wairau Bar, which stemmed from relatively recent migration events, control region sequences have insufficient power to address questions about population structure and founding events. Sequencing mitogenomes provided the opportunity to observe sufficient diversity to discriminate between individuals that would otherwise be assigned the same haplotype and to clarify their relationships with each other. Our results also support the proposition that at least one dispersal of dogs into the Pacific was via a south-western route through Indonesia.  相似文献   

We perform the first multidisciplinary study of parasites from an extinct megafaunal clade using coprolites from the New Zealand moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes). Ancient DNA and microscopic analyses of 84 coprolites deposited by four moa species (South Island giant moa, Dinornis robustus; little bush moa, Anomalopteryx didiformis; heavy-footed moa, Pachyornis elephantopus; and upland moa, Megalapteryx didinus) reveal an array of gastrointestinal parasites including coccidians (Cryptosporidium and members of the suborder Eimeriorina), nematodes (Heterakoidea, Trichostrongylidae, Trichinellidae) and a trematode (Echinostomida). Parasite eggs were most prevalent and diverse in coprolites from lowland sites, where multiple sympatric moa species occurred and host density was therefore probably higher. Morphological and phylogenetic evidence supports a possible vicariant Gondwanan origin for some of the moa parasites. The discovery of apparently host-specific parasite taxa suggests paleoparasitological studies of megafauna coprolites may provide useful case-studies of coextinction.  相似文献   

Two new species of Culicoides Latreille of the Neotropical subgenus Mataemyia Vargas are described and illustrated based on female specimens from Juruti, Pará, Brazil and compared with their similar congeners. This paper also presents a diagnosis of the subgenus Mataemyia and a systematic key for the identification of the 19 species of the subgenus.  相似文献   

Gene flow among small fragmented populations is critical for maintaining genetic diversity, and therefore the evolutionary potential of a species. Concern for two New Zealand endemic subspecies, the Hector’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) and Maui’s (C. h. maui) dolphins, arises from their low abundance, slow rate of reproduction, and susceptibility to fisheries-related mortality. Our work examined genetic differentiation and migration between the subspecies and among regional and local Hector’s dolphin populations using mitochondrial (mt) DNA and microsatellite genotypes from 438 samples. Results confirmed earlier reports of a single unique mtDNA control region haplotype fixed in the Maui’s dolphin, and provided new evidence of reproductive isolation from Hector’s dolphins (9-locus microsatellite F ST?=?0.167, P?<?0.001). Independent evolutionary trajectories were also supported for Hector’s dolphin populations of the East Coast, West Coast, Te Waewae Bay and Toetoe Bay. Low asymmetrical migration rates were found among several Hector’s dolphin populations and assignment tests identified five Hector’s dolphins likely to have a migrant father from another regional population. There appears to be sufficient step-wise gene flow to maintain genetic diversity within the East and West Coasts; however, the two local South Coast populations exhibited a high degree of differentiation given their close proximity (~100?km). To maintain the evolutionary potential and long-term survival of both subspecies, genetic monitoring and conservation management must focus on maintaining corridors to preserve gene flow and prevent further population fragmentation and loss of genetic diversity, in addition to maintaining local population abundances.  相似文献   

1. Lasiohelea aeschrodenta, sp. nov Female Head with eyes bare, AR 2.09;maxillary palp with a sensory pore on segment 3. Buccal armature has about 10 teeth which separated irregulary in the cibarium;clypeus with about 16 setae. Wing about 0.86 mm. long, with bare areas along veins. TR 1.74 in hind leg, with narrow scales on each tarsus. Spermatheca round and small, with abroad basical pore. Holotype:♀ Dukou, Sichuan, 1979 X. 10-11; Paratypes: 2♀♀Sichuan,Xichang, 1979 X. 5.  相似文献   


Mystacinobia zelandica n.sp. is described. It is the sole member of Mystacinobia new genus and of Mystacinobiidae new family, and belongs to the superfamily Drosophiloidea. The species lives in large communities in roosts of the New Zealand short‐tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculata, and requires temperatures around 30°c for development and survival. Adults are physogastric, apterous, and have reduced eyes. The claws are adapted for movement over bat fur, but the mouthparts are not modified for blood‐feeding. Adults and larvae feed on guano. Eggs are laid in clusters in roost wood, and have non‐functional respiratory horns. Larvae have elongate anterior spiracles, tubular posterior spiracles, and 5 pairs of anal papillae. The puparium has a reduced operculum. Dispersal to new roosts depends entirely on transport by Mystacina, and as many as 10 phoretic flies have been found embedded in fur of individual bats leaving a roost to feed at night. The species has reached a degree of sociality which includes group oviposition, partial overlapping of generations, clustering of all stages, mutual grooming, male polymorphism, and extension of the males’ life‐span beyond the reproductive phase to form a sound‐producing guard caste which probably prevents the bats from interfering with the bat‐fly community. Mystacinobia zelandica is part of the New Zealand Endemic (Archaic) Element, which also includes Mystacina tuberculata.  相似文献   


Twenty-four species of shallow-water marine non-asellote isopods are described or noted from collections made by University of Canterbury workers at The Snares islands (asterisks denote new records): Gnathia akaroensis* (Gnathiidae); Neastacilla antipadea n.sp., N. tuberculata* (Arcturidae); Crabyzos elongatus*, Euidotea peronii*, Idotea metallica* (ldoteidae); Mesanthura sp. (Anthuridae); Colanthura rima n.sp., Paranthura flagellata* (Paranthuridae); Cirolana rossi*, Cirolana sp. (Cirolanidae); Lironeca raynaudii* (Cymothoidae); Limnoria quadripunctata* (Limnoriidae); Plakarthrium typicum* (Plakarthriidae); Amphoroidea falcifer, A. longipes*, Dynamenella condita, D. huttoni, Scutuloidea maculata, Ciliacaea caniculata, Cymodoce allegra, Exosphaeroma obtusum, Isocladus calcareus, and Pseudosphaeroma campbellensis (Sphaeromatidae). Cymodoce australis has been recorded from The Snares but was not represented in the material examined. The genus Paradynamenopsis from Chile is made a junior synonym of Pseudosphaeroma.  相似文献   

A common issue faced in wildlife management is how to assess the uncertainty of potential impacts on the viability of a species or population. The pup production of New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) has declined 50% in the last 12?years at their main breeding area, the Auckland Islands. The two major known atypical impacts on NZ sea lions are as follows: (1) the direct mortality as bycatch of trawling and (2) bacterial epizootics, which can affect reproduction and mortality. Both of these impacts include high levels of uncertainty, with fisheries data being variable due to percentage observer coverage and the effect of sea lion exclusion devises, while the timing and severity of bacterial epizootics are not predictable. In this paper, an age-structured model of the NZ sea lion population at the Auckland Islands was built to examine the predicted effects of fisheries mortality and catastrophes (bacterial epizootics), both separately and then combined, on population viability over a 100-year period using the VORTEX population viability analysis programme. These models are then compared against 15?years of empirical field data to determine the actual level of impacts being observed. Model results indicate that although naturally occurring epizootics reduce the growth rate of the population, it does not cause a decline in the Auckland Island population. However, sustained fisheries bycatch at current estimated levels, particularly considering its potential impact on adult female survival, could result in a population decline and possible functional extinction over the modelled time period.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews advances in knowledge of the non-lichenised fungi of New Zealand over the past 25 years. Since 1980, the number of species recorded from New Zealand has doubled, and molecular techniques have revolutionised studies on fungal phylogeny and our understanding of fungal distribution, biology and origins. The origins of New Zealand?s fungi are diverse; a few appear to be ancient, whereas many have arrived in geologically more recent times following trans-oceanic dispersal. Some of these more recent arrivals have evolved subsequently to form local endemic species, while others may be part of larger populations maintained through regular, trans-oceanic gene flow. Although questions remain about which fungi truly are indigenous and which are exotic, about one-third of the fungi recorded from New Zealand are likely to have been introduced since human settlement. While most exotic species are confined to human-modified habitats, there are some exceptions. These include species with potential to have significant impacts at the landscape scale. Examples from saprobic, pathogenic, endophytic and ectomycorrhizal fungi are used to discuss the factors driving the distribution and dispersal of New Zealand?s fungi at both global and local scales, the impact that historical changes to New Zealand?s vascular plant and animal biota have had on indigenous fungi, and the broader ecological impact of some of the exotic fungal species that have become naturalised in native habitats. The kinds of fungi present in New Zealand, and the factors driving the distribution and behaviour of those fungi, are constantly changing. These changes have occurred over a wide scale, in both time and space, which means New Zealand?s indigenous fungi evolved in response to ecological pressures very different from those found in New Zealand today.  相似文献   

The New Zealand endemic bat family Mystacinidae comprises just two Recent species referred to a single genus, Mystacina. The family was once more diverse and widespread, with an additional six extinct taxa recorded from Australia and New Zealand. Here, a new mystacinid is described from the early Miocene (19–16 Ma) St Bathans Fauna of Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand. It is the first pre-Pleistocene record of the modern genus and it extends the evolutionary history of Mystacina back at least 16 million years. Extant Mystacina species occupy old-growth rainforest and are semi-terrestrial with an exceptionally broad omnivorous diet. The majority of the plants inhabited, pollinated, dispersed or eaten by modern Mystacina were well-established in southern New Zealand in the early Miocene, based on the fossil record from sites at or near where the bat fossils are found. Similarly, many of the arthropod prey of living Mystacina are recorded as fossils in the same area. Although none of the Miocene plant and arthropod species is extant, most are closely related to modern taxa, demonstrating potentially long-standing ecological associations with Mystacina.  相似文献   

This large iris-like plant yields a hard fiber which has been important in New Zealand’s past export trade. Today the total native annual production of about 5,000 long tons is wholly utilized domestically and provides only 15 percent of New Zealand’s fiber requirements for use in woolpacks, matting, twine and other articles. Imported fibers, such as sisal, jute and hemp, make up the difference.  相似文献   

Studies on the avoidance behavior of aquatic organisms to contaminants have confirmed that such behavior can be relevant in field situations. However, almost all toxicity tests involve the forced exposure of organisms to toxicants. In particular, despite the importance of Chironomus riparius Meigen larvae in sediment toxicity testing, only a few studies on avoidance behavior have been performed. This study investigated the ability of different life stages of C. riparius, including ovipositing females, first-, second-, and fourth-instar larvae, to avoid copper-contaminated environments. Ovipositing females were given a choice between a control and copper solution (1.3 mg Cu l? 1). First-instar larvae were provided with a choice between a control and a copper (2.0 mg Cu l? 1)-spiked sediment. Both second- and fourth-instars were exposed to a copper gradient (0.38–3.4 mg Cu l? 1) in a flow-through system. None of the life stages avoided copper, even though the highest concentrations caused lethal effects on midges. The avoidance behavior of C. riparius is not a sensitive endpoint to assess copper sublethal toxicity.  相似文献   

Introduced rats (Rattus spp.) can affect island vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning, both directly and indirectly (through the reduction of seabird populations). The extent to which structure and function of islands where rats have been eradicated will converge on uninvaded islands remains unclear. We compared three groups of islands in New Zealand: islands never invaded by rats, islands with rats, and islands on which rats have been controlled. Differences between island groups in soil and leaf chemistry and leaf production were largely explained by burrow densities. Community structure of woody seedlings differed by rat history and burrow density. Plots on islands with high seabird densities had the most non-native plant species. Since most impacts of rats were mediated through seabird density, the removal of rats without seabird recolonization is unlikely to result in a reversal of these processes. Even if seabirds return, a novel plant community may emerge.  相似文献   

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