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1. 1. The thermal characteristics of Petrodromus tetradactylus, Elephantulus intufi and E. brachyrhynchus were investigated and compared with other elephant-shrews that occur in the southern African subregion.
2. 2. E. intufi and E. brachyrhynchus appear to have lower than expected basal metabolic rates (1.1185 ± 0.1623 and 0.9649 ± 0.1638 ml O2 g−1 h−1, respectively) and high, narrow thermoneutral zones, similar to other elephant-shrews investigated previously. In contrast P. tetradactylus has a basal metabolic rate (0.871 ± 0.027 ml O2 g−1 h−1) close to expected for body mass, and a broad, low thermoneutral zone.
3. 3. The thermal biology of macroscelids is discussed in terms of their distribution, microhabitat and body size.

The round-eared sengis or elephant-shrews (genus Macroscelides) exhibit striking pelage variation throughout their ranges. Over ten taxonomic names have been proposed to describe this variation, but currently only two taxa are recognized (M. proboscideus proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus). Here, we review the taxonomic history of Macroscelides, and we use data on the geographic distribution, morphology, and mitochondrial DNA sequence to evaluate the current taxonomy. Our data support only two taxa that correspond to the currently recognized subspecies M. p. proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus. Mitochondrial haplotypes of these two taxa are reciprocally monophyletic with over 13% uncorrected sequence divergence between them. PCA analysis of 14 morphological characters (mostly cranial) grouped the two taxa into non-overlapping clusters, and body mass alone is a relatively reliable distinguishing character throughout much of Macroscelides range. Although fieldworkers were unable to find sympatric populations, the two taxa were found within 50 km of each other, and genetic analysis showed no evidence of gene flow. Based upon corroborating genetic data, morphological data, near sympatry with no evidence of gene flow, and differences in habitat use, we elevate these two forms to full species.  相似文献   

Comparative aspects of propionate metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The catabolism of propionate has been studied extensively in vertebrates and the major pathway has been shown to be its derivatization to propionyl-CoA, carboxylation to D-methylmalonyl-CoA, isomerization to L-methylmalonyl-CoA and then conversion to succinyl-CoA via a vitamin B12 dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. 2. By contrast, in all insect species studied to date, many of which do not contain detectable levels of vitamin B12, the major metabolic pathway of propionate is its conversion to 3-hydroxypropionate and then to acetate. Carbon-3 of propionate becomes the carboxyl carbon of acetate and carbon-2 of propionate becomes the methyl carbon of acetate. 3. A number of species of non-insect arthropods and other invertebrates contain relatively high levels of vitamin B12 and catabolize propionate by the same pathway as that of vertebrates. Under anoxic conditions, some invertebrates, including bivalves, convert succinate to propionate. 4. In plants, evidence has been presented for the metabolism of propionate to both acetate and succinate. Micro-organisms possess a myriad of pathways by which they produce and catabolize propionate.  相似文献   

This study was carried out at the Parque Municipal das Araucárias, in the municipality of Guarapuava, state of Paraná, southern Brazil, from December 2001 to December 2004. Sixty nests belonging to five Auplopus species were collected using trap-nests. The nest cells of all species were built with mud and shaped like a barrel or cylinder, mostly in linear arrangement. Differences between species lie in the colour of the mud and the way in which they organize the mud pellets during the construction of the cells. Few vestibular and intercalary cells were built. The number of cells varied according to the species, never surpassing six cells per nest. We observed a great variation between the five species related to sex ratio and the number of generations per year. Some species presented a delayed life cycle with juveniles entering diapause, others presented an additional short life cycle with no diapause.  相似文献   

The influence of different temperatures 10, 15, 20, and 25°C on the food consumption, growth, moulting rate, and respiration of Palaemon pacificus (Stimpson) from Langebaan Lagoon, west coast of South Africa, was studied under laboratory conditions. At 10°C mortality was high so that food consumption and moulting rate could not be determined as these were very low. At higher temperatures, food consumption was found to be temperature dependent, the rate at 25°C being twice that at 15°C. Growth rate was most favourable at 25°C. At 28°C growth rate was lower than at 20°C but higher than at 15°C. The intermoult period was 17 days at 15°C, and 11 and 10 days at 20, and 25°C, respectively. It seems that from an energetic point of view, 25°C is the most favourable temperature for P. pacificus. Several indices of growth efficiency at different temperatures are presented. The appearance of this prawn in South African west coast localities such as Langebaan during the summer and its disappearance during winter, can be explained by its temperature preferences. The possibility that thermal pollution from a nuclear power station may be beneficial to this prawn, is discussed.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology and population dynamics of the chalcid Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) are described.The reproduction capacity and the influence of size and age of the females have been studied, using Calliphora erythrocephala Meig. as the host. The females lay a maximum number of about 30 eggs into one host puparium. Fully parasitized puparia are recognized by females as such. This seems to be the major factor in the determination of the area searched for hosts.Changes in sex ratio of the offspring, in relation to the age and the density of the females are described. Also an influence of the age of the females on the number of offspring entering diapause is reported.
Zusammenfassung Die beschriebenen Experimente zeigen, dass die Eiproduktion von Nasonia vitripennis in grossem Ausmasse durch das Alter des Muttertieres bedingt ist. Insbesondere während der ersten 4 Tage nach dem Schlüpfen steigt die Produktion schnell von sehr wenig bis zu etwa 100 Eiern pro Tag an (Wirt: Calliphora erythrocephala Meig.). Diese Produktion bleibt einige Tage konstant und nimmt dann langsam ab. Obwohl die individuelle Produktion sehr variabel ist, konnte eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Grösse des Tieres und der Anzahl seiner Nachkommen nachgewiesen werden.Wenn ein Teil der vorhandenen Wirte durch Austrocknen unbrauchbar geworden ist, tritt eine Reduktion der Eiablage auf. Diese Reduktion ist nicht eine Folge von Zeitmangel (verursacht durch das Inspizieren unbrauchbare Wirte), sondern entsteht durch die beschränkte Eiablage-Möglichkeit in einen Wirt. Die Weibchen passen ihre Eiablage der Anzahl der verfügbaren Wirte an. Im Mittel werden die wirte mit nicht mehr als rund 30 Eiern belegt. Eine Reduktion der Nachkommenschaft durch Futterkonkurrenz zwischen den Larven findet nicht statt.Ein Einfluss des Alters der Weibchen auf das Verhältnis der Geschlechter ihrer Nachkommen wird nachgewiesen. Das gefundene Verhältnis (10–15% Männchen) entspricht nicht dem Mechanismus, der von King (1961) für die Berfruchtung vorgeschlagen wird.Durch Mangel an Wirten wird die Anzahl abzulegender Eier reduziert. Eiresorption und damit Steigerung des Anteils der Männchen in der Nachkommenschaft ist die Folge; die ersten Resorptionsstadien werden bei der Eiablage nicht befruchtet, wodurch Männchen entstehen. Die Dichte der Wirte hat also einen Einfluss auf das Geschlechtsverhältnis.Ein dritter Einfluss des Alters der Weibchen besteht in einer Zunahme des Prozentsatzes von Diapauselarven. Bei älteren Weibchen wird eine rasche Änderung von normaler Nachkommenschaft in eine fast nur Diapauselarven umfassende nachgewiesen. Diese Änderung ist nicht die Folge von Futtermangel oder Abkühlung.Die Suchaktivität des Parasiten wird zum grössten Teil durch die Wirtsdichte bedingt. Nasonia-Weibchen bleiben in der Nähe eines Wirtes, bis dieser fast vollständig ausgenutzt ist. Die Weibchen können parasitierte und nichtparasitierte Wirte voneinander unterscheiden und nehmen bei ihrer Suche den ersten freien Wirt an, den sie finden. Dadurch wird die Grösse ihres Wandergebietes durch die Populationsdichte des Wirtes bedingt. Eine zwangsläufige Regulation der Dichte von Wirt und Parasit ist damit aber nicht ausgeschlossen.


1. 1. The response of oxygen consumption (VO2), thermal conductance (Cd and Cmin, body temperature (Tb), and evaporative water loss (EWL) of Tatera leucogaster and Desmodillus auricularis were measured over the range of ambient temperatures (Ta) from 5–35°C.

2. 2. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) of T. leucogaster was 0.841 ± 0.049 ml O2 g−1 h−1 and lower than predicted, while that of D. auricularis was similar to the expected value (1.220 ± 0.058 ml O2 g−1 h−1). D. auricularis had a high, narrow thermoneutral zone (TNZ) typical of nocturnal, xerophilic, burrowing rodents.

3. 3. D. auricularis and T. leucogaster regulated Tb over the range Ta = 5–35°C and kept EWL and dry thermal conductance at a minimum below the TNZ. However, the EWL of T. leucogaster increased rapidly above Ta = 30°C.

4. 4. After comparison with data from other species, it was concluded that there is an optimum size for xeric, nocturnal, burrowing rodents.

Author Keywords: thermoregulation; BMR; gerbil  相似文献   

1. The amounts of tissue lipids were higher in S. etruscus than in C. russula. 2. The level of liver phospholipids was specially low in C. russula, 2650 mg/100 g as opposed to 3725 g in S. etruscus. 3. This is in good agreement with a reduced rate of the labelled acetate incorporation into the lipids of C. russula. 4. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids was greater in the liver of S. etruscus; however, the percentage of arachidonic acid was higher in C. russula--15% as opposed to 8%.  相似文献   

C.P. Vance 《Phytochemistry》1978,17(11):1889-1891
l-phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), indoleacetic acid oxidase (IAA oxidase), O-methyltransferase, peroxidase, total phenolics and total indoles were compared in roots and root nodules of alfalfa. PAL, O-methyl-transferase, total phenolics and total indoles were higher in nodules than in roots. Isolated bacteroids were assayed for O-methyltransferase, PAL, peroxidase and total phenolics, but their levels were either low or not detectable. Nodule leghemoglobin was separated by disc gel electrophoresis and found to have IAA oxidase activity. Phenolics, IAA oxidase and leghemoglobin appear to be interrelated in regulating indole levels in the nodule.  相似文献   

(1) Two groups of individually cultured Isotoma viridis were studied. They were given a diet of Tetramin fishfood and Pleurococcus algae respectively, in order to monitor individual changes in oxygen uptake during culture. (2) Growth rate, moulting frequency and the maximal live weight reached were higher when fed on Tetramin. (3) Egg production in the culture fed Pleurococcus was twice that fed on Tetramin, due to the more fertile intermoult periods without oviposition in animals fed Tetramin. The egg quality seemed to be lowered in the algae-fed animals rather less than in those fed with fishfood. (4) In both cultures, an increase of 35–40% of the metabolic rate at the start of the experiment was observed. This increase was maintained with a Tetramin diet, whilst it disappeared in cultures fed Pleurococcus. The F1 generation of both groups showed an increased metabolic rate, that from Tetramin-fed being significantly higher than that from Pleurococcus-fed animals. (5) It is suggested that the initial increase in metabolism is a result of excess food, and the increased level of oxygen uptake in animals on a Tetramin diet the result of inadequacy of the composition of the fishfood for egg production, thus channelling the energy uptake mainly into growth and metabolism. (6) Neither Tetramin nor Pleurococcus are considered to provide an adequate diet for I. viridis, as reproductive success differed considerably from field conditions.  相似文献   

Kulkarni  G. K.  Hanumante  M. M.  Nagabhushanam  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1977,56(2):103-108
Ability of the freshwater leech, Poecilobdella viridis to withstand osmotic changes was investigated by following the fluctuations of the body weight in tap-water and in different salt concentrations. The salinity tolerance limit (lethal salt concentration) of this leech was found to be 1.54% NaCl which equilibrates approximately 51.359% sea-water. There was a significant weight loss in P. viridis when kept in both, hypo- and hypertonic media. It is concluded that volume regulation (through weight changes) was slight in hypotonic media whereas in hypertonic media there was an incessant decline in body weight. Adaptive significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the seasonal development of the gonads in Acanthopagrus latus and A. cuvieri over an annual reproductive cycle are described. There is one major spawning period from January to March. Hermaphrodite A. latus and A. cuvieri constituted 5.8% and 5.7% of the total sample respectively. The histological changes in the ovary, testis and ovo-testis in both species are described. Fecundity estimates for A. latus , 27.5–31.8 cm, ranged from 1 362 137 to 2 152 993, and estimates for A. cuvieri , 47.1–63.5 cm, ranged from 308 273 to 1 693 365.  相似文献   

The fact that palmitoyl-l-carnitine is oxidized by avocado mitochondria at a rate comparable with that of succinate oxidation suggests that there are at least two systems for β-oxidation in higher plants. The carnitine-associated system is located in a mitochondrial fraction, whereas the glyoxylate-cycle-associated system is located in the glyoxysomes.  相似文献   

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