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Mitochondrial DNA plays a crucial role in cellular homeostasis; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial DNA inheritance and propagation are only beginning to be understood. To ensure the distribution and propagation of the mitochondrial genome, mitochondrial DNA is packaged into macromolecular assemblies called nucleoids, composed of one or more copies of mitochondrial DNA and associated proteins. We review current research on the mitochondrial nucleoid, including nucleoid-associated proteins, nucleoid dynamics within the cell, potential mechanisms to ensure proper distribution of nucleoids, and the impact of nucleoid organization on mitochondrial dysfunction. The nucleoid is the molecular organizing unit of mitochondrial genetics, and is the site of interactions that ultimately determine the bioenergetic state of the cell as a whole. Current and future research will provide essential insights into the molecular and cellular interactions that cause bioenergetic crisis, and yield clues for therapeutic rescue of mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the role of individual amino acid residues in determining the substrate specificity of the yeast mitochondrial citrate transport protein (CTP). Previously, we showed that the CTP contains at least two substrate-binding sites. In this study, utilizing the overexpressed, single-Cys CTP-binding site variants that were functionally reconstituted in liposomes, we examined CTP specificity from both its external and internal surfaces. Upon mutation of residues comprising the more external site, the CTP becomes less selective for citrate with numerous external anions able to effectively inhibit [14C]citrate/citrate exchange. Thus, the site 1 variants assume the binding characteristics of a nonspecific anion carrier. Comparison of [14C]citrate uptake in the presence of various internal anions versus water revealed that, with the exception of the R189C mutant, the other site 1 variants showed substantial uniport activity relative to exchange. Upon mutation of residues comprising site 2, we observed two types of effects. The K37C mutant displayed a markedly enhanced selectivity for external citrate. In contrast, the other site 2 mutants displayed varying degrees of relaxed selectivity for external citrate. Examination of internal substrates revealed that, in contrast to the control transporter, the R181C variant exclusively functioned as a uniporter. This study provides the first functional information on the role of specific binding site residues in determining mitochondrial transporter substrate selectivity. We interpret our findings in the context of our homology-modeled CTP as it cycles between the outward-facing, occluded, and inward-facing states.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane potential loss has severe bioenergetic consequences and contributes to many human diseases including myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer, and neurodegeneration. However, despite its prominence and importance in cellular energy production, the basic mechanism whereby the mitochondrial membrane potential is established remains unclear. Our studies elucidate that complex II-driven electron flow is the primary means by which the mitochondrial membrane is polarized under hypoxic conditions and that lack of the complex II substrate succinate resulted in reversible membrane potential loss that could be restored rapidly by succinate supplementation. Inhibition of mitochondrial complex I and F0F1-ATP synthase induced mitochondrial depolarization that was independent of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma 2) family proteins, or high amplitude swelling and could not be reversed by succinate. Importantly, succinate metabolism under hypoxic conditions restores membrane potential and ATP levels. Furthermore, a reliance on complex II-mediated electron flow allows cells from mitochondrial disease patients devoid of a functional complex I to maintain a mitochondrial membrane potential that conveys both a mitochondrial structure and the ability to sequester agonist-induced calcium similar to that of normal cells. This finding is important as it sets the stage for complex II functional preservation as an attractive therapy to maintain mitochondrial function during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Obesity is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and has quickly become a worldwide pandemic with few tangible and safe treatment options. Although it is generally accepted that the primary cause of obesity is energy imbalance, i.e., the calories consumed are greater than are utilized, understanding how caloric balance is regulated has proven a challenge. Many “distal” causes of obesity, such as the structural environment, occupation, and social influences, are exceedingly difficult to change or manipulate. Hence, molecular processes and pathways more proximal to the origins of obesity—those that directly regulate energy metabolism or caloric intake—seem to be more feasible targets for therapy. In particular, nitric oxide (NO) is emerging as a central regulator of energy metabolism and body composition. NO bioavailability is decreased in animal models of diet-induced obesity and in obese and insulin-resistant patients, and increasing NO output has remarkable effects on obesity and insulin resistance. This review discusses the role of NO in regulating adiposity and insulin sensitivity and places its modes of action into context with the known causes and consequences of metabolic disease.  相似文献   

It is well established that mitochondria are the main source of ATP production within cells. However, mitochondria have other remarkable functions, serving as important modulators of cellular Ca2+ signaling, and it is now generally recognized that control over Ca2+ homeostasis is intrinsically interwoven with mitochondrial abilities to adjust and tune ATP production. In this review, we describe the mechanisms that mitochondria use to balance Ca2+ homeostasis maintenance and cell energy metabolism. In recent years, the knowledge on the molecular machinery mediating Ca2+ influx/efflux has been improved and, albeit still open to further investigations, several lines of evidence converge on the hypothesis that plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) isoforms are also expressed at the mitochondrial level, where they contribute to the Ca2+ and Na+ homeostasis maintenance. In particular, the connection between mitochondrial NCX activity and metabolic substrates utilization is further discussed here. We also briefly focus on the alterations of both mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and cellular bioenergetics in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Herrnstadt C  Howell N 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):791-798
More than 75 human diseases have been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, and many of these are directly caused by overtly pathogenic mutations in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). In addition, there have been a number of reports that posit a different, subtler role for mtDNA substitutions in the disease process. As we review here, mtDNA evolution has resulted in the distribution of sequences into continent-specific haplogroups, which are defined by a relatively small number of polymorphisms. Thus, mtDNA sequences can be assigned to European, African, or Asian/Native American haplogroups. There are numerous reports that various diseases are haplogroup-associated, and it has been suggested that some of these haplogroup-associated polymorphisms act as risk factors in these disorders. It has also been suggested that there are haplogroup-associations for aging. As we note here, however, such associations have usually been observed only in single studies and it is difficult to draw broad conclusions on the basis of the available evidence. At a minimum, we suggest that, a haplogroup-group association must be detected in multiple subpopulations or in a large, carefully controlled population survey.  相似文献   

Mgm101 is a Rad52-type recombination protein of bacteriophage origin required for the repair and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It forms large oligomeric rings of ∼14-fold symmetry that catalyze the annealing of single-stranded DNAs in vitro. In this study, we investigated the structural elements that contribute to this distinctive higher order structural organization and examined its functional implications. A pair of vicinal cysteines, Cys-216 and Cys-217, was found to be essential for mtDNA maintenance. Mutations to the polar serine, the negatively charged aspartic and glutamic acids, and the hydrophobic amino acid alanine all destabilize mtDNA in vivo. The alanine mutants have an increased propensity of forming macroscopic filaments. In contrast, mutations to aspartic acid drastically destabilize the protein and result in unstructured aggregates with severely reduced DNA binding activity. Interestingly, the serine mutants partially disassemble the Mgm101 rings into smaller oligomers. In the case of the C216S mutant, a moderate increase in DNA binding activity was observed. By using small angle x-ray scattering analysis, we found that Mgm101 forms rings of ∼200 Å diameter in solution, consistent with the structure previously established by transmission electron microscopy. We also found that the C216A/C217A double mutant tends to form broken rings, which likely provide free ends for seeding the growth of the super-stable but functionally defective filaments. Taken together, our data underscore the importance of a delicately maintained ring structure critical for Mgm101 activity. We discuss a potential role of Cys-216 and Cys-217 in regulating Mgm101 function and the repair of damaged mtDNA under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is a potent modulator of mitochondrial respiration, ATP synthesis, and KATP channel activity. Recent studies show the presence of a potentionally new isoform of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme in mitochondria, although doubts have emerged regarding the physiological relevance of mitochondrial NOS (mtNOS). The aim of the present study were to: (i) examine the existence and distribution of mtNOS in mouse tissues using three independent methods, (ii) characterize the cross-reaction of mtNOS with antibodies against the known isoforms of NOS, and (iii) investigate the effect of hypoxia on mtNOS activity. Nitric oxide synthase activity was measured in isolated brain and liver mitochondria using the arginine to citrulline conversion assay. Mitochondrial NOS activity in the brain was significantly higher than in the liver. The calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium completely inhibited mtNOS activity. In animals previously subjected to hypoxia, mtNOS activity was significantly higher than in the normoxic controls. Antibodies against the endothelial (eNOS), but not the neuronal or inducible isoform of NOS, showed positive immunoblotting. Immunogold labeling of eNOS located the enzyme in the matrix and the inner membrane using electron microscopy. We conclude that mtNOS is a constitutively active eNOS-like isoform and is involved in altered mitochondrial regulation during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as a contributing factor in diverse acute and chronic neurological disorders. However, its role in the epilepsies has only recently emerged. Animal studies show that epileptic seizures result in free radical production and oxidative damage to cellular proteins, lipids, and DNA. Mitochondria contribute to the majority of seizure-induced free radical production. Seizure-induced mitochondrial superoxide production, consequent inactivation of susceptible iron–sulfur enzymes, e.g., aconitase, and resultant iron-mediated toxicity may mediate seizure-induced neuronal death. Epileptic seizures are a common feature of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with mitochondrial encephalopathies. Recent work suggests that chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress and resultant dysfunction can render the brain more susceptible to epileptic seizures. This review focuses on the emerging role of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction both as a consequence and as a cause of epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

Long bouts of ischemia are associated with electron transport chain deficits and increases in free radical production. In contrast, little is known regarding the effect of brief ischemia on mitochondrial function and free radical production. This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between the duration of ischemia, effects upon electron transport chain activities, and the mitochondrial production of free radicals. Rat hearts were subjected to increasing ischemic durations, mitochondria were isolated, and superoxide production and electron transport chain activities were measured. Results indicate that even brief ischemic durations induced a significant increase in superoxide production. This rate was maintained with ischemic durations less than 15 min, and then increased further with longer ischemic times. Mechanistically, brief ischemia was accompanied by an increase in NADH oxidase activity, reflected by a specific increase in complex IV activity. In contrast, longer ischemic durations were accompanied by a decrease in NADH oxidase activity, reflected by deficits in complexes I and IV activities.  相似文献   

Although the literature contains many studies on the function of UCP3, its role is still being debated. It has been hypothesized that UCP3 may mediate lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) translocation across the mitochondrial inner membrane (MIM), thus protecting the mitochondrial matrix from this very aggressive molecule. However, no experiments on mitochondria have provided evidence in support of this hypothesis. Here, using mitochondria isolated from UCP3-null mice and their wild-type littermates, we demonstrate the following. (i) In the absence of free fatty acids, proton conductance did not differ between wild-type and UCP3-null mitochondria. Addition of arachidonic acid (AA) to such mitochondria induced an increase in proton conductance, with wild-type mitochondria showing greater enhancement. In wild-type mitochondria, the uncoupling effect of AA was significantly reduced both when the release of O2˙̄ in the matrix was inhibited and when the formation of LOOH was inhibited. In UCP3-null mitochondria, however, the uncoupling effect of AA was independent of the above mechanisms. (ii) In the presence of AA, wild-type mitochondria released significantly more LOOH compared with UCP3-null mitochondria. This difference was abolished both when UCP3 was inhibited by GDP and under a condition in which there was reduced LOOH formation on the matrix side of the MIM. These data demonstrate that UCP3 is involved both in mediating the translocation of LOOH across the MIM and in LOOH-dependent mitochondrial uncoupling.  相似文献   

Crystals of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) in the renal tubule form the basis of most kidney stones. Tubular dysfunction resulting from COM-cell interactions occurs by mechanism(s) that are incompletely understood. We examined the production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) by proximal (LLC-PK1) and distal (MDCK) tubular epithelial cells after treatment with COM (25–250 μg/ml) to determine whether ROI, specifically superoxide (O2•−), production was activated, and whether it was sufficient to induce oxidative stress. Employing inhibitors of cytosolic and mitochondrial systems, the source of ROI production was investigated. In addition, intracellular glutathione (total and oxidized), energy status (ATP), and NADH were measured. COM treatment for 1–24 h increased O2•− production 3–6-fold as measured by both lucigenin chemiluminescence in permeabilized cells and dihydrorhodamine fluorescence in intact cells. Using selective inhibitors we found no evidence of cytosolic production. The use of mitochondrial probes, substrates, and inhibitors indicated that increased O2•− production originated from mitochondria. Treatment with COM decreased glutathione (total and redox state), indicating a sustained oxidative insult. An increase in NADH in COM-treated cells suggested this cofactor could be responsible for elevating O2•− generation. In conclusion, COM increased mitochondrial O2•− production by epithelial cells, with a subsequent depletion of antioxidant status. These changes may contribute to the reported cellular transformations during the development of renal calculi.  相似文献   

Despite the fundamental importance of the redox metabolism of mitochondria under normal and pathological conditions, our knowledge regarding the transport of vitamin C across mitochondrial membranes remains far from complete. We report here that human HEK-293 cells express a mitochondrial low-affinity ascorbic acid transporter that molecularly corresponds to SVCT2, a member of the sodium-coupled ascorbic acid transporter family 2. The transporter SVCT1 is absent from HEK-293 cells. Confocal colocalization experiments with anti-SVCT2 and anti-organelle protein markers revealed that most of the SVCT2 immunoreactivity was associated with mitochondria, with minor colocalization at the endoplasmic reticulum and very low immunoreactivity at the plasma membrane. Immunoblotting of proteins extracted from highly purified mitochondrial fractions confirmed that SVCT2 protein was associated with mitochondria, and transport analysis revealed a sigmoidal ascorbic acid concentration curve with an apparent ascorbic acid transport Km of 0.6 mM. Use of SVCT2 siRNA for silencing SVCT2 expression produced a major decrease in mitochondrial SVCT2 immunoreactivity, and immunoblotting revealed decreased SVCT2 protein expression by approximately 75%. Most importantly, the decreased protein expression was accompanied by a concomitant decrease in the mitochondrial ascorbic acid transport rate. Further studies using HEK-293 cells overexpressing SVCT2 at the plasma membrane revealed that the altered kinetic properties of mitochondrial SVCT2 are due to the ionic intracellular microenvironment (low in sodium and high in potassium), with potassium acting as a concentration-dependent inhibitor of SVCT2. We discarded the participation of two glucose transporters previously described as mitochondrial dehydroascorbic acid transporters; GLUT1 is absent from mitochondria and GLUT10 is not expressed in HEK-293 cells. Overall, our data indicate that intracellular SVCT2 is localized in mitochondria, is sensitive to an intracellular microenvironment low in sodium and high in potassium, and functions as a low-affinity ascorbic acid transporter. We propose that the mitochondrial localization of SVCT2 is a property shared across cells, tissues, and species.  相似文献   

To explore the mitochondrial genes of the Cruciferae family, the mitochondrial genome of Raphanus sativus (sat) was sequenced and annotated. The circular mitochondrial genome of sat is 239,723 bp and includes 33 protein-coding genes, three rRNA genes and 17 tRNA genes. The mitochondrial genome also contains a pair of large repeat sequences 5.9 kb in length, which may mediate genome reorga-nization into two sub-genomic circles, with predicted sizes of 124.8 kb and 115.0 kb, respectively. Furthermore, gene evolution of mitochondrial genomes within the Cruciferae family was analyzed using sat mitochondrial type (mitotype), together with six other re-ported mitotypes. The cruciferous mitochondrial genomes have maintained almost the same set of functional genes. Compared with Cycas taitungensis (a representative gymnosperm), the mitochondrial genomes of the Cruciferae have lost nine protein-coding genes and seven mitochondrial-like tRNA genes, but acquired six chloroplast-like tRNAs. Among the Cruciferae, to maintain the same set of genes that are necessary for mitochondrial function, the exons of the genes have changed at the lowest rates, as indicated by the numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown function in the cruciferous genomes are not conserved. Evolutionary events, such as mutations, genome reorganizations and sequence insertions or deletions (indels), have resulted in the non- conserved ORFs in the cruciferous mitochondrial genomes, which is becoming significantly different among mitotypes. This work represents the first phylogenic explanation of the evolution of genes of known function in the Cruciferae family. It revealed significant variation in ORFs and the causes of such variation.  相似文献   

One of the main functions of mitochondria is production of ATP for cellular energy needs, however, it becomes more recognized that mitochondria are involved in differentiation and activation processes of immune cells. Upon activation, immune cells have a high need for energy. Immune cells have different strategies to generate this energy. In pro-inflammatory cells, such as activated monocytes and activated T and B cells, the energy is generated by increasing glycolysis, while in regulatory cells, such as regulatory T cells or M2 macrophages, energy is generated by increasing mitochondrial function and beta-oxidation.Except for being important for energy supply during activation, mitochondria also induce immune responses. During an infection, they release mitochondrial danger associated molecules (DAMPs) that resemble structures of bacterial derived pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Such mitochondrial DAMPS are for instance mitochondrial DNA with hypomethylated CpG motifs or a specific lipid that is only present in prokaryotic bacteria and mitochondria, i.e. cardiolipin. Via release of such DAMPs, mitochondria guide the immune response towards an inflammatory response against pathogens. This is an important mechanism in early detection of an infection and in stimulating and sustaining immune responses to fight infections. However, mitochondrial DAMPs may also have a negative impact. If mitochondrial DAMPs are released by damaged cells, without the presence of an infection, such as after a trauma, mitochondrial DAMPs may induce an undesired inflammatory response, resulting in tissue damage and organ dysfunction. Thus, immune cells have developed mechanisms to prevent such undesired immune activation by mitochondrial components.In the present narrative review, we will describe the current view of mitochondria in regulation of immune responses. We will also discuss the current knowledge on disturbed mitochondrial function in immune cells in various immunological diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The protooncogene bcl-2 rescues cells from a wide variety of insults. Recent evidence suggests that the mechanism of action of Bcl-2 involves antioxidant activity. The involvement of free radicals in ischemia/reperfusion injury to neural cells has led us to investigate the effect of Bcl-2 in a model of delayed neural cell death. We have examined the survival of control and bcl-2 transfectants of a hypothalamic tumor cell line, GT1-7, exposed to potassium cyanide in the absence of glucose (chemical hypoxia/aglycemia). After 30 min of treatment, no loss of viability was evident in control or bcl-2 transfectants; however, Bcl-2-expressing cells were protected from delayed cell death measured following 24–72 h of reoxygenation. Under these conditions, the rate and extent of ATP depletion in response to treatment with cyanide in the absence of glucose and the rate of recovery of ATP during reenergization were similar in control and Bcl-2-expressing cells. Bcl-2-expressing cells were protected from oxidative damage resulting from this treatment, as indicated by significantly lower levels of oxidized lipids. Mitochondrial respiration in control but not Bcl-2-expressing cells was compromised immediately following hypoxic treatment. These results indicate that Bcl-2 can protect neural cells from delayed death resulting from chemical hypoxia and reenergization, and may do so by an antioxidant mechanism. The results thereby provide evidence that Bcl-2 or a Bcl-2 mimetic has potential therapeutic application in the treatment of neuropathologies involving oxidative stress, including focal and global cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

活性氧、线粒体通透性转换与细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线粒体是真核细胞中非常重要的细胞器,细胞中的活性氧等自由基主要来源于此,线粒体膜的通透性转换(mitochondrial permeability transition,MPT)及其孔道(mitochondrialpermeability transition pore,MPTP)更是在内源性细胞凋亡中发挥了关键作用。持续性的线粒体膜通透性转换在凋亡的效应阶段起决定性作用,可介导细胞色素c等促凋亡因子从线粒体释放到胞浆中,进一步激活下游的信号通路,导致细胞不可逆地走向凋亡。瞬时性的线粒体膜通透性转换及其偶联的线粒体局部的活性氧爆发同样具有促凋亡的作用。线粒体通透性孔道的开放释放出大量活性氧,这些活性氧又能够进一步激活该孔道,以正反馈的形式进一步加剧孔道的打开,放大凋亡信号。活性氧、线粒体通透性转换与细胞凋亡之间具有密不可分的联系,本文根据已知的研究结果集中讨论了这三者的关系,并着重论述了该领域中的最新发现和成果。  相似文献   

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