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Four recently collected mammal specimens from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian–?Campanian) Bostobe Formation in the northeastern Aral Sea Region, Kazakhstan are attributed to Asioryctitheria indet. (an edentulous dentary fragment) and the zhelestid Parazhelestes sp. cf. P. mynbulakensis (a maxillary fragment with a double-rooted canine, an M1, and a dentary fragment including m3). These new records double the known mammal fauna from this formation, which previously included the zhelestid Zhalmouzia bazhanovi and Zhelestidae indet. The taxonomic and ecological structure of the mammal assemblage from the Bostobe Formation can, on present evidence, be considered close to the other eutherian dominated Late Cretaceous mammal assemblages of Central Asia. This region is important in particular in the search for Late Cretaceous ancestors of crown-group eutherian mammal clades (Placentalia).  相似文献   

Iphisa elegans Gray, 1851 is a ground‐dwelling lizard widespread over Amazonia that displays a broadly conserved external morphology over its range. This wide geographical distribution and conservation of body form contrasts with the expected poor dispersal ability of the species, the tumultuous past of Amazonia, and the previously documented prevalence of cryptic species in widespread terrestrial organisms in this region. Here we investigate this homogeneity by examining hemipenial morphology and conducting phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (CYTB) and nuclear (C‐MOS) DNA sequence data from 49 individuals sampled across Amazonia. We detected remarkable variation in hemipenial morphology within this species, with multiple cases of sympatric occurrence of distinct hemipenial morphotypes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed highly divergent lineages corroborating the patterns suggested by the hemipenial morphotypes, including co‐occurrence of different lineages. The degrees of genetic and morphological distinctness, as well as instances of sympatry among mtDNA lineages/morphotypes without nuDNA allele sharing, suggest that I. elegans is a complex of cryptic species. An extensive and integrative taxonomic revision of the I. elegans complex throughout its wide geographical range is needed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 361–376.  相似文献   

The isolated adult teeth of titanosaurian sauropods from the Upper Cretaceous Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, differ little in overall structure but show considerable variation in enamel sculpturing and wear patterns. The crown shape of unworn juvenile teeth ranges from lanceolate to conical. Most specimens have enamel texture resembling crumpled paper or completely smooth enamel. Longitudinal grooves along the mesial and distal edges are present on only a few tooth crowns and might be developed on both the labial and lingual sides. Among 252 worn tooth crowns there are eight variants of wear patterns, all possible combinations of 0–2 apical and 0–2 lateral wear facets. The most common is wear pattern A1L0 (one apical facet, no lateral facets; 62.7%). The next most common variant has two apical and no lateral facets (A2L0, 12.3%). These apical wear facets include the primary wear facets, which are produced by an opposing functional tooth, and secondary wear facets, which are produced by a replacing upper tooth coming into contact with the functional lower tooth at a late wear stage. The relative abundance of tooth crowns with two apical wear facets possibly suggests incipient development of a tooth battery in the Bissekty titanosaur.  相似文献   

A partial right humerus has been recovered from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Eumeralla Formation at Dinosaur Cove in south-eastern Australia. General morphology, size and the presence of a single epicondylar foramen (the entepicondylar) suggest that the bone is from a mammal or an advanced therapsid reptile. The humerus is similar in size, shape and torsion to the equivalent bone of extant and late Neogene echidnas (Tachyglossidae) but, contrary to the situation in extant monotremes, in which the ulna and radius articulate with a single, largely bulbous condyle, it bears a shallow, pulley-shaped (i.e. trochlear-form) ulnar articulation that is confluent ventro-laterally with the bulbous radial condyle. This form of ulnar articulation distinguishes this bone from the humeri of most advanced therapsids and members of several major groups of Mesozoic mammals, which have a condylar ulnar articulation, but parallels the situation found in therian mammals and in some other lineages of Mesozoic mammals. As in extant monotremes the distal humerus is greatly expanded transversely and humeral torsion is strong. Transverse expansion of the distal humerus is evident in the humeri of the fossorial docodont Haldanodon, highly-fossorial talpids and some clearly fossorial dicynodont therapsids, but the fossil shows greatest overall similarity to extant monotremes and it is possible that the peculiar elbow joint of extant monotremes evolved from a condition approximating that of the fossil. On the basis of comparisons with Mesozoic and Cainozoic mammalian taxa in which humeral morphology is known, the Dinosaur Cove humerus is tentatively attributed to a monotreme. However, several apparently primitive features of the bone exclude the animal concerned from the extant families Tachyglossidae and Ornithorhynchidae and suggest that, if it is a monotreme, it is a stem-group monotreme. Whatever, the animal's true affinity, the gross morphology of its humerus indicates considerable capacity for rotation-thrust digging.  相似文献   

The Abelisauridae are a family of mainly Cretaceous theropod dinosaurs with a wide distribution across the Gondwanan land masses. Although their presence in Europe was reported twenty-five years ago, it has often been considered as controversial largely because of the incompleteness of the available specimens. We report here the discovery of well-preserved abelisaurid material, including a highly diagnostic braincase, at a Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) locality in the Aix-en-Provence Basin, near the eponym city in south-eastern France. A new abelisaurid taxon is erected, Arcovenator escotae gen. nov., sp. nov., on the basis of cranial and postcranial material. A phylogenetic analysis reveals that the new Abelisauridae from Provence is more closely related to taxa from India and Madagascar than to South American forms. Moreover, Genusaurus, Tarascosaurus and the previous Late Cretaceous discoveries are identified as basal abelisaurids. Contrary to previously proposed palaeobiogeographical models of abelisaurid evolution, the presence of the new taxon in Europe suggests that Europe and Africa may have played a major role in abelisaurid dispersal, which apparently involved crossing marine barriers.  相似文献   

Mammalian Faunal Succession in the Cretaceous of the Kyzylkum Desert   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both metatherians and eutherians are known from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian, 125 mya; million years ago) of China, while eutherian-dominated mammalian faunas appeared in Asia at least by the earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian, 95 mya). The approximately 99–93 my old (Cenomanian) Sheikhdzheili l.f. from western Uzbekistan is a small sample of only eutherians, including three zhelestids and a possible zalambdalestoid. The much better-known 90 my old (Turonian) Bissekty l.f. at Dzharakuduk in the central Uzbekistan includes 15 named and unnamed species, based on ongoing analyses. Of these, 12 are eutherians represented by at least the three groups—asioryctitheres, zalambdalestids, and zhelestids—plus an eutherian of uncertain position—Paranyctoides. Zalambdalestids and zhelestids have been argued to be related to the origin of the placental gliriforms (Euarchontoglires) and ferungulates (Laurasiatheria), respectively. Although there are four previously recognized metatherians, we believe three are referable to the deltatheroid Sulestes karakshi and the fourth, Sailestes quadrans, may belong to Paranyctoides. There is one multituberculate and one symmetrodont in the Bissekty l.f. While comparably aged (Turonian) localities in North America have somewhat similar non-therians, they have more metatherians and no eutherians. The next younger localities (early Campanian, ∼80 mya) in North America have both a zhelestid and Paranyctoides, suggesting dispersal of eutherians from Asia. At Dzharakuduk, the approximately 85 my old (late Turonian/Coniacian) Aitym l.f. is much less well known than the Bissekty l.f., but yields nearly identical taxa, with two non-therians, one metatherian, and six eutherians.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling of several Barremian and Albian–Cenomanian levels across the Aguilón, Oliete and Aliaga subbasins of the Iberian Basin, north‐east Spain, yielded abundant material of new or so far poorly known neoselachians. The faunas consist of 16 different species, five of which represent new species and two new genera: Cantioscyllium brachyplicatum sp. nov. , Platypterix venustulus gen. et sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon pustulata sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon striata sp. nov. and Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. In addition, teeth of Heterodontus cf. H. carerens, Lamniformes indet., Pteroscyllium sp., Scyliorhinidae indet., Rhinobatos sp., Spathobatis sp., Belemnobatis sp., Ptychotrygon geyeri, Ptychotrygon sp. and Celtipristis herreroi are described. The new family Ptychotrygonidae is defined. The localities comprise palaeoenvironments ranging from lacustrine and shallow lake to open marine settings. Neoselachians are almost completely absent from continental settings in the Barremian, as a result of prevailing freshwater conditions, but became more abundant in marine strata. The Albian–Cenomanian selachian assemblage is the most profuse and diverse of the three assemblages studied. It is dominated by small, benthic and near‐coastal taxa, for instance Cantioscyllium and Ptychotrygon, and contains several new species, including an endemic batoid, Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 316–347.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of the Stromboidea (Gastropoda) from the Late Cretaceous are described in this study. One species belongs to the Strombidae, the others to eight genera and subgenera of the Aporrhaidae. Eight species are new. They have been found in the Cenomanian of Kassenberg in western Germany, the Coniacian of the Mungo River in Cameroon, the Santonian of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, the Santonian/Campanian of the Ariyalur area in southern India, the Campanian of northern Spain, and the Maastrichtian of the Western Desert in Egypt. Two species ofDrepanocheilus from South Africa are considered stem-group representatives of the aporrhaids which inhabited the Weddellian Province in the early Tertiary. One new species of the strombid genusHippocrenes is regarded as an early species of the evolutionary lineage leading to the Seraphsidae. The new species areLatiala? ponsi, Drepanocheilus herberti, Drepanocheilus triliratus, Drepanocheilus (Tulochilus) jouberti, Graciliala quaasi, Kaunhowenia catalanica, Kaunhowenia punctata andHippocrenes kussi.  相似文献   

The fossil record of dinosaur eggs and eggshells from the uppermost Cretaceous strata of south-western Europe is composed of both worldwide-distributed and endemic egg types. In this study, we are reviewing the enigmatic European oogenus Cairanoolithus, which after analysing abundant material from classic and new localities it is reassigned to a new oofamily (Cairanoolithidae oofam. nov.) in the light of the unique combination of structural characters. The new oofamily includes one oogenus and two oospecies. Cairanoolithid eggs share several features with other ornithopod egg types indeed. Furthermore, our phylogenetic analysis places Cairanoolithus as the sister ootaxon of the ornithopod ootaxa, being considered the most basal ornithischian egg type known so far. Although neither embryonic nor bones remains are known in association with cairanoolithid eggs so far, several taxonomic attributions have been proposed for this egg type over time. On the basis of microstructural features, phylogenetic results and anatomical constrains, we discuss in this paper previous taxonomic attributions and provide new evidence for suggesting a plausible nodosaurid affinity.  相似文献   

Aim  To analyse the worldwide distribution patterns of Turonian marine biotas using a panbiogeographical approach.
Location  Turonian localities of southern and north-eastern Brazil, Mexico, Canada, central Europe, England and Morocco.
Method  Panbiogeographical track analysis.
Results  Nine generalized tracks and six nodes were found. The generalized tracks comprise two vicariant track patterns (one northern and one mid-southern) across the Atlantic.
Main conclusions  The generalized tracks show clearly two separate marine biotas, which were associated with the proto-South Atlantic and the proto-North Atlantic oceans. These generalized tracks, as well as the two vicariant track clusters between the north and south Atlantic, are identified by vicariant relationships shared by most of the taxa analysed, and illustrate the final break up of the Gondwana and Laurasia supercontinents and the consequences of vicariant events for the biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

A general characterization of the Campanian flora of the Amur Region is provided based on a floristic assemblage from the upper member of the Kundur Formation (Amur Region) and its stratigraphic analogue, the Taipinglinchang Formation (northern China). New species of Trochodendroides and Celastrinites are described; and a new combination, Arthollia tschernyschewii, is proposed.  相似文献   

Comptoniaster adamsi nov. sp. (Asteroidea, Valvatida, Goniasteridae) is described from the middle Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) Britton Formation of northcentral Texas, USA. The new species provides the focus for an exploratory cladistic analysis of Mesozoic asteroids of the Comptoniaster-Tylasteria Group sensu G. Breton. The systematics of Mesozoic goniasterids has relied heavily on the morphology of marginal ossicles, which generally are the best-preserved elements of the skeleton. Unfortunately, marginal ossicular data are scanty for most species because ossicles tend to be morphologically simple yet varied even within individuals, and few even partially articulated specimens are available to provide more comprehensive information. Further, both plesiomorphy and homeomorphy have been important. Because of limited available data, phylogenetic reconstruction here is preliminary. Nevertheless, a number of taxon groupings recognized in the literature are recovered, and stratigraphic distribution provides some support for results. Data unfortunately are particularly incomplete for species of Comptoniaster, the focus of the study. Comptoniaster adamsi nov. sp. clustered with three other species assigned to the genus, including the type, all Cretaceous in age. Jurassic species of Comptoniaster are more widely distributed in the analysis, perhaps reflecting an early stage in diversification or perhaps suggesting the need for species assignment reassessment, but also reflecting the limited available data.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous was a time of tremendous global change, as the final stages of the Age of Dinosaurs were shaped by climate and sea level fluctuations and witness to marked paleogeographic and faunal changes, before the end-Cretaceous bolide impact. The terrestrial fossil record of Late Cretaceous Europe is becoming increasingly better understood, based largely on intensive fieldwork over the past two decades, promising new insights into latest Cretaceous faunal evolution. We review the terrestrial Late Cretaceous record from Europe and discuss its importance for understanding the paleogeography, ecology, evolution, and extinction of land-dwelling vertebrates. We review the major Late Cretaceous faunas from Austria, Hungary, France, Spain, Portugal, and Romania, as well as more fragmentary records from elsewhere in Europe. We discuss the paleogeographic background and history of assembly of these faunas, and argue that they are comprised of an endemic ‘core’ supplemented with various immigration waves. These faunas lived on an island archipelago, and we describe how this insular setting led to ecological peculiarities such as low diversity, a preponderance of primitive taxa, and marked changes in morphology (particularly body size dwarfing). We conclude by discussing the importance of the European record in understanding the end-Cretaceous extinction and show that there is no clear evidence that dinosaurs or other groups were undergoing long-term declines in Europe prior to the bolide impact.  相似文献   

本文描述了发现于中国黑龙江省嘉荫县晚白垩世(土仑期至赛诺期)的酢酱草科酢酱草属新种 Oxalis jiayinensis Feng,Liu,Song et Ma;炭化种子长约1 mm,宽不足1mm;新月形,两端钝;表面具9 ~10条横脊;种皮石细胞等轴、细胞壁明显加厚。该化石种是酢酱草科在地质时期迄今最早的代表。  相似文献   

Oxalis jiayinensis, sp. nov., is described from the Late Cretaceous (TuronianSenonian) in Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, northeastern China. The seed is about 1 mm long, less than 1 mm in diameter, crescentic with obtuse apices and 9~10 transverse ribs. The seed wall is composed of equiaxial, strongly thickened sclereids. The fossil repre-sents the oldest occurrence of the family Oxalidaceae in the world.  相似文献   

We review the evolution of dental zalambdodonty across therian mammals. Among zalambdodonts, there is little or no occlusion between the protocone and talonid basin and one of the central cusps of the upper molars (metacone or paracone) and the talonid basin of the lower molars are lost or reduced. Over two dozen genera of therian mammals show zalambdodont molars, including tenrecids, chrysochlorids, Solenodon, the marsupial mole Notoryctes, the extinct placentals Apternodus, Oligoryctes, Parapternodus, and Koniaryctes, and the extinct marsupials Necrolestes and Yalkaparidon. The chiropteran Harpiocephalus is nearly zalambdodont. Transformation series provided by paleontological or ontogenetic data, plus occlusal relationships, can be used to determine the homology of molar cusps in zalambdodont taxa. Zalambdodont dental specialization does not appear to have led to ecological specialization. With the important exception of golden moles and tenrecs, dentally zalambdodont taxa are less speciose than their nonzalambdodont sister taxa.  相似文献   

孙启高 《生态学报》2001,21(4):653-659
陆地植物的起源和演化与全球气候环境存在着密不可分的关系,而且地质历史时期全球气候环境和植被均呈动态变化,被子植物在白垩纪开始出现,并发生强烈分化,成为植物界的主宰,对这全球陆地生态系统的演化格局和过程产生重要影响,大量保存在地层中具有叶相特征的被子植物叶化石对认识这一过程提供了极为重要的生物学信息,简述了利用被子植物的叶相对古气候,古地理等进行定量分析的研究历史,“气候与叶片多变量分析程序”(Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program CLAMP)颇具特色,运用CLAMP在定量解释古气候等方面可以得到准确而精确的结果,这对定量重建晚白垩世以来全球陆地气候环境变化的格局与过程具有十分重要的意义,并对今后的深入研究作了展望。  相似文献   

A coral-rudist biostrome exposed in Campanian limestones near the village of Tabernas de Valldigna in south-east Spain was analysed with respect to its palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoecology. Special attention was given to possible evidence for synecological interactions between corals and rudists. Changes in the rudist shell accretion process are evident in some polished slabs and thin sections and resulted from in vivo contact with coral-colonies. These unusual balcony-like shell protuberances exist where the rudist’s commissure was in contact with corals. They likely represent defence-reactions of rudists against the coral cnidia. Nevertheless, the fossil record of these biotic interactions is rare. This may be due to different growth-rates of rudists and corals, differing shape and size of interacting areas, or different life-spans. In consequence, the discrete ‘window’ of intergroup biotic interaction was small. Sedimentation and resuspension rates were high in the biostrome and corals only established pioneer associations under these unfavourable conditions. A higher diversity of corals is reached, however, when rudists are present. This increase in diversity resulted from the availability of additional ecological niches such as rudist-shell hard substrates and elevation above mobile sediment surface. Rudists on the other hand, received support from stabilisation of their shells through coral encrustation and framework building. In consequence, both groups benefited from their co-existence.  相似文献   

记述了山西天镇晚白垩世灰泉堡组发现的一鸭嘴龙超科恐龙新属种:天镇大同龙Datonglong tianzhenensis gen.et sp.nov.。标本为一保存较完好的右侧齿骨并带牙齿。与其他鸭嘴龙超科恐龙不同,大同龙每个齿槽有两个功能齿,而且舌面齿冠上嵴的发育也具有独特的特征组合(主嵴向远中方向偏移;次嵴发育;无其他附嵴;主嵴上半段略后弯)。对比研究发现,在较进步的非鸭嘴龙科鸭嘴龙超科类群中齿骨和牙齿的演化过程复杂,许多鸭嘴龙科的特征在这些类群中时而出现,如:巴克龙Bactrosaurus齿冠具有较大的高/宽比;吉尔摩龙Gilmoreosaurus齿冠上只有一个主嵴和纤弱的附嵴;张衡龙Zhanghenglong齿冠上主嵴中置;南宁龙Nanningosaurus下颌冠状突前倾;大同龙Datonglong每个齿槽有两个功能齿。这表明为了获得更有效的牙齿咀嚼方式,在鸭嘴龙科起源前它的姐妹群们曾进行过多种尝试;这也告诫我们,受大量趋同演化的影响,要厘清这些类群间的关系并非易事。  相似文献   

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