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Although per-base sequencing costs have decreased during recent years, library preparation for targeted massively parallel sequencing remains constrained by high reagent cost, limited design flexibility, and protocol complexity. To address these limitations, we previously developed Hi-Plex, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) massively parallel sequencing strategy for screening panels of genomic target regions. Here, we demonstrate that Hi-Plex applied with hybrid adapters can generate a library suitable for sequencing with both the Ion Torrent and the TruSeq chemistries and that adjusting primer concentrations improves coverage uniformity. These results expand Hi-Plex capabilities as an accurate, affordable, flexible, and rapid approach for various genetic screening applications.  相似文献   

Discovery stage pharmacokinetics using dried blood spots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early in the discovery stage, the measurement of drug candidates in biological fluids as a function time provides important information used in decision making for lead optimization. The detection methodology primarily used is liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Sample preparation is an important aspect of these experiments and robotic-based automation is commonly used. The often overlooked aspect of these experiments is the sample collection itself. Typically, several hundred microliters of whole blood is collected and the plasma fraction separated for each time-point. The plasma is then transferred to an appropriate vessel for subsequent aliquoting and processing. We describe a method for performing discovery stage pharmacokinetic analysis using whole blood dried onto filter paper. The use of dried blood spots is a well established technique for neo-natal screening, and its application to early screening of drug candidates proves to be robust, reliable and reproducible.  相似文献   



Assembling genes from next-generation sequencing data is not only time consuming but computationally difficult, particularly for taxa without a closely related reference genome. Assembling even a draft genome using de novo approaches can take days, even on a powerful computer, and these assemblies typically require data from a variety of genomic libraries. Here we describe software that will alleviate these issues by rapidly assembling genes from distantly related taxa using a single library of paired-end reads: aTRAM, automated Target Restricted Assembly Method. The aTRAM pipeline uses a reference sequence, BLAST, and an iterative approach to target and locally assemble the genes of interest.


Our results demonstrate that aTRAM rapidly assembles genes across distantly related taxa. In comparative tests with a closely related taxon, aTRAM assembled the same sequence as reference-based and de novo approaches taking on average < 1 min per gene. As a test case with divergent sequences, we assembled >1,000 genes from six taxa ranging from 25 – 110 million years divergent from the reference taxon. The gene recovery was between 97 – 99% from each taxon.


aTRAM can quickly assemble genes across distantly-related taxa, obviating the need for draft genome assembly of all taxa of interest. Because aTRAM uses a targeted approach, loci can be assembled in minutes depending on the size of the target. Our results suggest that this software will be useful in rapidly assembling genes for phylogenomic projects covering a wide taxonomic range, as well as other applications. The software is freely available http://www.github.com/juliema/aTRAM.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0515-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The potential importance of DNA methylation in the etiology of complex diseases has led to interest in the development of methylome-wide association studies (MWAS) aimed at interrogating all methylation sites in the human genome. When using blood as biomaterial for a MWAS the DNA is typically extracted directly from fresh or frozen whole blood that was collected via venous puncture. However, DNA extracted from dry blood spots may also be an alternative starting material. In the present study, we apply a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein enrichment-based technique in combination with next generation sequencing (MBD-seq) to assess the methylation status of the ~27 million CpGs in the human autosomal reference genome. We investigate eight methylomes using DNA from blood spots. This data are compared with 1,500 methylomes previously assayed with the same MBD-seq approach using DNA from whole blood. When investigating the sequence quality and the enrichment profile across biological features, we find that DNA extracted from blood spots gives comparable results with DNA extracted from whole blood. Only if the amount of starting material is ≤ 0.5µg DNA we observe a slight decrease in the assay performance. In conclusion, we show that high quality methylome-wide investigations using MBD-seq can be conducted in DNA extracted from archived dry blood spots without sacrificing quality and without bias in enrichment profile as long as the amount of starting material is sufficient. In general, the amount of DNA extracted from a single blood spot is sufficient for methylome-wide investigations with the MBD-seq approach.  相似文献   

This article describes two procedures for the purification of genomic DNA from small blood volumes of whole blood using DNAzol®BD. In the first procedure, DNA is isolated from 1–20 μL of whole blood using a fast and simple protocol that is appropriate for the simultaneous extraction of a large number of samples. The isolated DNA is suitable for gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the second procedure, cellulose blood cards containing approx 5 μL of dried blood are treated with DNAzol BD in order to retain DNA on the cellulose matrix while removing other cellular components. The blood card with DNA subsequently serves as template in PCR. The blood card processing and amplification procedures are performed in the same PCR tube without any centrifugation steps, making the combined procedures amenable for automated DNA preparation and amplification in a single tube.  相似文献   

Type specimens have high scientific importance because they provide the only certain connection between the application of a Linnean name and a physical specimen. Many other individuals may have been identified as a particular species, but their linkage to the taxon concept is inferential. Because type specimens are often more than a century old and have experienced conditions unfavourable for DNA preservation, success in sequence recovery has been uncertain. This study addresses this challenge by employing next‐generation sequencing (NGS) to recover sequences for the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene from small amounts of template DNA. DNA quality was first screened in more than 1800 century‐old type specimens of Lepidoptera by attempting to recover 164‐bp and 94‐bp reads via Sanger sequencing. This analysis permitted the assignment of each specimen to one of three DNA quality categories – high (164‐bp sequence), medium (94‐bp sequence) or low (no sequence). Ten specimens from each category were subsequently analysed via a PCR‐based NGS protocol requiring very little template DNA. It recovered sequence information from all specimens with average read lengths ranging from 458 bp to 610 bp for the three DNA categories. By sequencing ten specimens in each NGS run, costs were similar to Sanger analysis. Future increases in the number of specimens processed in each run promise substantial reductions in cost, making it possible to anticipate a future where barcode sequences are available from most type specimens.  相似文献   

Bisulfite sequencing is widely used for analysis of DNA methylation status (i.e., 5-methylcytosine [5mC] vs. cytosine [C]) in CpG-rich or other loci in genomic DNA (gDNA). Such methods typically involve reaction of gDNA with bisulfite followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of specific regions of interest that, overall, converts C→T (thymine) and 5mC→C and then capillary sequencing to measure C versus T composition at CpG sites. Massively parallel sequencing by oligonucleotide ligation and detection (SOLiD) has recently enabled relatively low-cost whole genome sequencing, and it would be highly desirable to apply such massively parallel sequencing to bisulfite-converted whole genomes to determine DNA methylation status of an entire genome, which has heretofore not been reported. As an initial step toward achieving this goal, we have extended our ongoing interest in improving bisulfite conversion sample preparation to include a human genome-wide fragment library for SOliD. The current article features novel use of formamide denaturant during bisulfite conversion of a suitably constructed library directly in a band slice from polyacryamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). To validate this new protocol for 5mC-protected fragment library conversion, which we refer to as Bis-PAGE, capillary-based size analysis and Sanger sequencing were carried out for individual amplicons derived from single-molecule PCR (smPCR) of randomly selected library fragments. smPCR/Capillary Sanger sequencing of approximately 200 amplicons unambiguously demonstrated greater than 99% C→T conversion. All of these approximately 200 Sanger sequences were analyzed with a previously published web-accessible bioinformatics tool (methBLAST) for mapping to human chromosomes, the results of which indicated random distribution of analyzed fragments across all chromosomes. Although these particular Bis-PAGE conversion and quality control methods were exemplified in the context of a fragment library for SOLiD, the concepts can be generalized to include other genome-wide library constructions intended for DNA methylation analysis by alternative high-throughput or massively parallelized methods that are currently available.  相似文献   

Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) is an emerging field of cancer research. However, current ctDNA analysis is usually restricted to one or a few mutation sites due to technical limitations. In the case of massively parallel DNA sequencers, the number of false positives caused by a high read error rate is a major problem. In addition, the final sequence reads do not represent the original DNA population due to the global amplification step during the template preparation. We established a high-fidelity target sequencing system of individual molecules identified in plasma cell-free DNA using barcode sequences; this system consists of the following two steps. (i) A novel target sequencing method that adds barcode sequences by adaptor ligation. This method uses linear amplification to eliminate the errors introduced during the early cycles of polymerase chain reaction. (ii) The monitoring and removal of erroneous barcode tags. This process involves the identification of individual molecules that have been sequenced and for which the number of mutations have been absolute quantitated. Using plasma cell-free DNA from patients with gastric or lung cancer, we demonstrated that the system achieved near complete elimination of false positives and enabled de novo detection and absolute quantitation of mutations in plasma cell-free DNA.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are naturally produced, gene encoded molecules with a direct antimicrobial activity against pathogens, often also showing other immune-related properties. Anuran skin secretions are rich in bioactive peptides, including AMPs, and we have reported a novel targeted sequencing approach to identify novel AMPs simultaneously in different frog species, from small quantities of skin tissue. Over a hundred full-length peptides were identified from specimens belonging to five different Ranidae frog species, out of which 29 were novel sequences. Six of these were selected for synthesis and testing against a panel of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. One peptide, identified in Rana arvalis, proved to be a potent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial, active against ATCC bacterial strains and a multi-drug resistant clinical isolate. CD spectroscopy suggests it has a helical conformation, while surface plasmon resonance (SPR) that it may self-aggregate/oligomerize at the membrane surface. It was found to disrupt the bacterial membrane at sub-MIC, MIC and above-MIC concentrations, as observed by flow cytometry and/or visualized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Only a limited toxicity was observed towards peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with a more pronounced effect observed against the MEC-1 cell line.  相似文献   

In case of studies associated with human genetics, genomics, and pharmacogenetics the genomic DNA is extracted from the buccal cells, whole blood etc. Several methods are exploited by the researchers to extract DNA from the whole blood. One of these methods, which utilizes cell lysis and proteolytic properties of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and proteinase K respectively, might also be called SDS-PK method. It does not include any hazardous chemicals such as phenol or chloroform and is inexpensive. However, several researchers report the same method with different formulas and conditions. During our experiments with whole blood DNA extraction we experienced problems such as protein contamination, DNA purity and yield when followed some SDS-PK protocols reported elsewhere. A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios along with PCR amplification give a clear idea about the procedure that was followed to extract the DNA. In an effort to increase the DNA purity from human whole blood, we pointed out some steps of the protocol that play a crucial role in determining the extraction of high quality DNA.  相似文献   

Metabarcoding of vertebrate DNA derived from carrion flies has been proposed as a promising tool for biodiversity monitoring. To evaluate its efficacy, we conducted metabarcoding surveys of carrion flies on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, which has a well‐known mammal community, and compared our results against diurnal transect counts and camera trapping. We collected 1,084 flies in 29 sampling days, conducted metabarcoding with mammal‐specific (16S) and vertebrate‐specific (12S) primers, and sequenced amplicons on Illumina MiSeq. For taxonomic assignment, we compared blast with the new program protax , and we found that protax improved species identifications. We detected 20 mammal, four bird, and one lizard species from carrion fly metabarcoding, all but one of which are known from BCI. Fly metabarcoding detected more mammal species than concurrent transect counts (29 sampling days, 13 species) and concurrent camera trapping (84 sampling days, 17 species), and detected 67% of the number of mammal species documented by 8 years of transect counts and camera trapping combined, although fly metabarcoding missed several abundant species. This study demonstrates that carrion fly metabarcoding is a powerful tool for mammal biodiversity surveys and has the potential to detect a broader range of species than more commonly used methods.  相似文献   

Individual age can be used to design more efficient and suitable management plans in both in situ and ex situ conservation programmes for targeted wildlife species. DNA methylation is a promising marker of epigenetic ageing that can accurately estimate age from small amounts of biological material, which can be collected in a minimally invasive manner. In this study, we sequenced five targeted genetic regions and used 8–23 selected CpG sites to build age estimation models using machine learning methods at only about $3–7 per sample. Blood samples of seven Felidae species were used, ranging from small to big, and domestic to endangered species: domestic cats (Felis catus, 139 samples), Tsushima leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus, 84 samples) and five Panthera species (96 samples). The models achieved satisfactory accuracy, with the mean absolute error of the most accurate models recorded at 1.966, 1.348 and 1.552 years in domestic cats, Tsushima leopard cats and Panthera spp. respectively. We developed the models in domestic cats and Tsushima leopard cats, which were applicable to individuals regardless of health conditions; therefore, these models are applicable to samples collected from individuals with diverse characteristics, which is often the case in conservation. We also showed the possibility of developing universal age estimation models for the five Panthera spp. using only two of the five genetic regions. We do not recommend building a common age estimation model for all the target species using our markers, because of the degraded performance of models that included all species.  相似文献   

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