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The harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Svalbard are the northernmost population of this species. The population size is thought to be less than 1,000 individuals; these animals reside principally within a national park on Prins Karls Forland on the west coast of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, at about 78°20N. The material presented in this study was collected from 367 live-captured animals, aged based on growth layers read from stained, decalcified incisor sections (except for pups of the year). Standard length (F1,246=45.70, P<0.0001) and body mass (F1,258=25.28; P<0.0001) were both significantly influenced by sex when age was taken into account. Adult males are both longer [152.9±4.8 (SE) vs 140.1±2.0 cm, standard length] and heavier (104.0±5.0 vs 83.2±2.7 kg, body mass) than adult females in this population. Age at sexual maturity was assessed based on analyses of sex hormones. Testosterone levels in males showed an abrupt increase at 6 years of age, while estradiol levels in females increased from age 4. The reproductive rate of adult females was 0.93. The longevity of Svalbard harbour seals was short compared to harbour-seal populations from other areas. However, these seals are not exposed to terrestrial predation; there is no known mortality due to fisheries or hunting and their pollution burdens are low. Extreme seasonality and perhaps other harsh environmental conditions at the northern edge of this species distribution may exert long-term low levels of stress that result in short life span, or there are currently unknown acute sources of mortality in this population. To our knowledge, this is the first study of population parameters on a pinniped species using cross-sectional, non-terminal sampling.  相似文献   

Ian Stirling 《Polar Biology》2005,28(5):381-387
Reproductive parameters were determined from a sample of ringed seals collected by Inuit hunters during their annual open water harvest in autumn at Arviat, Nunavut, on the western coast of Hudson Bay, Canada, in 1991–1992 and 1998–2000. Ovulation rates of adult females were high and similar to rates recorded from studies of ringed seals in other geographic areas. However, pregnancy rates averaged only 55% and were significantly lower than in other studies, and the proportions of young-of-the-year were only 4.8, 4.2, 7.5, 4.1, and 23% for the mentioned years, respectively, instead of being >30% as expected. These results appear to indicate that reproductive parameters of ringed seals and survival of their young are exhibiting long-term shifts rather than short-term fluctuations, and that the trend is downward. Furthermore, these downward trends in reproduction, in conjunction with changes in the proportions of different seal species in the diet of polar bears, climatic warming in western Hudson Bay, and progressively earlier breakup of sea ice over the last 25 years, suggest that major changes are occurring in the marine ecosystem of Hudson Bay. The pathways involved are poorly understood and merit further study.  相似文献   

Boldness, a measure of an individual's propensity for taking risks, is an important determinant of fitness but is not necessarily a fixed trait. Dependent upon an individual's state, and given certain contexts or challenges, individuals may be able to alter their inclination to be bold or shy in response. Furthermore, the degree to which individuals can modulate their behaviour has been linked with physiological responses to stress. Here we attempted to determine whether bold and shy rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, can exhibit behavioural plasticity in response to changes in state (nutritional availability) and context (predation threat). Individual trout were initially assessed for boldness using a standard novel object paradigm; subsequently, each day for one week fish experienced either predictable, unpredictable, or no simulated predator threat in combination with a high (2% body weight) or low (0.15%) food ration, before being reassessed for boldness. Bold trout were generally more plastic, altering levels of neophobia and activity relevant to the challenge, whereas shy trout were more fixed and remained shy. Increased predation risk generally resulted in an increase in the expression of three candidate genes linked to boldness, appetite regulation and physiological stress responses - ependymin, corticotrophin releasing factor and GABA(A) - but did not produce a significant increase in plasma cortisol. The results suggest a divergence in the ability of bold and shy trout to alter their behavioural profiles in response to internal and exogenous factors, and have important implications for our understanding of the maintenance of different behavioural phenotypes in natural populations.  相似文献   

ωB97XD/6-311++G(d,p) calculations were carried out to investigate the hydrogen-bonding interactions between adrenaline (Ad) and water. Six Ad-H(2)O complexes possessing various types of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) were characterized in terms of their geometries, energies, vibrational frequencies, and electron-density topology. Natural bond orbital (NBO) and quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) analyses were performed to elucidate the nature of the hydrogen-bonding interactions in these complexes. The intramolecular H-bond between the amino and carboxyl oxygen atom of Ad was retained in most of the complexes, and cooperativity between the intra- and intermolecular H-bonds was present in some of the complexes. H-bonds in which hydroxyls of Ad/water acted as proton donors were stronger than other H-bonds. Both hydrogen-bonding interactions and structural deformation play important roles in the relative stabilities of the complexes. The intramolecular H-bond was broken during the formation of the most stable complex, which indicates that Ad tends to break the intramolecular H-bond and form two new intermolecular H-bonds with the first water molecule.  相似文献   

The social organization of a population is the consequence of the decisions made by individuals to maximize their fitness, so differences in social systems may arise from differences in ecological conditions. Here, we show how a long-lived species that used to breed monogamously, and at low densities, can change its mating system in response to habitat saturation. We found that a significant proportion of unpaired birds become potential breeders by entering high-quality territories, or by forming polyandrous trios as a strategy to increase their individual performance. However, productivity of territories was reduced when those occupied by breeding pairs changed to trios, suggesting that the third individual was costly. The decision of some individuals to enter into breeding trios as subordinates also had clear negative consequences to population demography. This unusual mating behaviour is thus compromising the conservation effort directed to this endangered species; management to encourage floaters to settle in other suitable but unoccupied areas may be beneficial.  相似文献   

This paper is an ethnographic exploration of how attachment theory underpins therapeutic practices in an Australian institutional context where mothers of infants have been diagnosed and are undergoing treatment for mental illness. We argue that attachment theory in this particular context rests on a series of principles or assumptions: that attachment theory is universally applicable; that attachment is dyadic and gendered; that there is an attachment template formed which can be transferred across generations and shapes future social interactions; that there is understood to be a mental health risk to the infant when attachment is characterised as problematic; and that this risk can be mitigated through the therapeutic practices advocated by the institution. Through an in-depth case study, this paper demonstrates how these assumptions cohere in practice and are used to assess mothering as deficient, to choose therapeutic options, to shape women’s behaviour, and to formulate decisions about child placement.  相似文献   

Understanding the cause–effect response of aquatic biota to hydrological variability is fundamental to the restoration of regulated rivers. Spatio-temporal variation in fish assemblage structure, microhabitat cover and fish–habitat associations were investigated in the main channel of the regulated lower River Murray, Australia, during a prolonged period of low within-channel flows and following a high flow event and flood. Several small-bodied species (e.g. carp gudgeon, Hypseleotris spp.), were abundant and significantly associated with submerged macrophytes during low flows, but were absent or significantly less abundant following flooding, and the loss of these microhabitats. Large-bodied riverine species that spawn in response to increases in flow (e.g. golden perch, Macquaria ambigua ambigua) or spawn and recruit in inundated floodplain habitats (e.g. common carp, Cyprinus carpio), exhibited flexible microhabitat use and were significantly more abundant following flooding. In the lower River Murray, high flow events appear integral in structuring fish assemblages, indirectly influencing the abundance of small-bodied fish by re-structuring macrophyte cover and directly influencing the abundance of large-bodied species by facilitating critical life history processes (e.g. recruitment). These results highlight species-specific differences in cause–effect responses to flow variability and have implications for managing flow in regulated rivers.  相似文献   

The properties and geometry of bone in the mandible play a key role in mandible behaviour during a person’s lifetime, and attention needs to be paid to the influence of bone properties. We analysed the effect of bone geometry, size and bone properties in mandible behaviour, experimenting on cadaveric mandibles and FE models. The study was developed using the geometry of a cadaveric mandible without teeth. Three models of cadaveric condyles were experimentally tested with instrumented with four rosettes, and a condyle reaction of 300 N. Four finite element models were considered to validate the experiments and analyse mandible behaviour. One numeric model was simulated with 10 muscles in a quasi-static condition. The experimental results present different condyle stiffness’s, of 448, 215 and 254 N/mm. The values presented in the rosettes are influenced by bone geometry and bone thickness; maximum value was ?600 με in rosette #4, and the maximum strain difference between mandibles was 111%. The numerical results show that bone density decreases and strain distribution increases in the thinner mandible regions. Nevertheless, the global behaviour of the structure remains similar, but presents different strain magnitudes. The study shows the need to take into account bone characteristics and their evolutions in order to improve implant design and fixation throughout the patient life. The change in bone stiffness promotes a change in maximum strain distribution with same global behaviour.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have uncovered a variety of microRNA (miRNA)–target duplex structures that include perfect, imperfect and seedless duplexes. However, non-canonical binding modes from imperfect/seedless duplexes are not well predicted by computational approaches, which rely primarily on sequence and secondary structural features, nor have their tertiary structures been characterized because solved structures to date are limited to near perfect, straight duplexes in Argonautes (Agos). Here, we use structural modeling to examine the role of Ago dynamics in assembling viable eukaryotic miRNA-induced silencing complexes (miRISCs). We show that combinations of low-frequency, global modes of motion of Ago domains are required to accommodate RNA duplexes in model human and C. elegans Ago structures. Models of viable miRISCs imply that Ago adopts variable conformations at distinct target sites that generate distorted, imperfect miRNA-target duplexes. Ago''s ability to accommodate a duplex is dependent on the region where structural distortions occur: distortions in solvent-exposed seed and 3′-end regions are less likely to produce steric clashes than those in the central duplex region. Energetic analyses of assembled miRISCs indicate that target recognition is also driven by favorable Ago-duplex interactions. Such structural insights into Ago loading and target recognition mechanisms may provide a more accurate assessment of miRNA function.  相似文献   

Deane  Renouf 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(3):351-363
The play of a breeding colony of captive harbour seals ( Phoca vitulina) was documented over a four-year period to identify changes associated with seasonal variations in energy use, and to corroborate previous field studies which were restricted to observations at the hauling grounds during breeding and moulting. Outside the breeding/moulting period, play was more frequent and in some animals average daily food intake was higher. Thyroid hormones did not vary seasonally in any clear manner. The adults increased their daily activity markedly during the breeding/moulting period. It is argued that these changes in play rate were a reflection of constraints on time rather than energy, since the animals played most when mass and fat were being accumulated for the winter. Field observations were confirmed in the laboratory, showing most play to be solitary, with significant amounts of adult play which was more stereotyped than that of younger seals. Behaviour in captivity was less ebullient and sometimes truncated in comparison to that seen in the wild; however, nine new types of play and a more elaborate repertoire of object play were seen in the laboratory, where seals could be observed throughout the year and underwater.  相似文献   

CapsuleA second full survey in which we estimate the population at 1073 birds (95% CL 549–2041).

Aims To provide an up-to-date estimate of the population size of Capercaillie in Britain and to identify habitat use by Capercaillie in winter.

Methods Using the census technique of distance sampling, flushed birds were counted along line transects walked in stratified random blocks of forest within the species' range. The same transects were surveyed as used in the 1992–94 survey, enabling direct comparison of the results. Densities were estimated using the DISTANCE program, combining these data with those from a similar survey of Capercaillie in 1992–94 to allow a more robust estimate of the detection function.

Results The Capercaillie population was estimated to be 1073 birds (95% CL 549–2041). This represents a decline of 51% between the two surveys, at a rate of 13% per annum. Females declined at a faster rate than males resulting in a marked change in the sex-ratio, which was close to 1:1 for the entire population. Bird densities declined by a similar magnitude in both native pinewoods and other woodlands in comparison to 1992–94. Even so, densities were significantly higher in native pinewoods (1.63 km-2) than in other woodlands (0.43 km-2), which comprised largely planted Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris, larch Larix spp., Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta and Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis. Overall, Capercaillie tended to use forest stands with a high proportion of Scots Pine and Blaeberry Vaccinium myrtilus; features that are typical of native pinewoods and old pine plantations.

Conclusions The Capercaillie population has undergone a dramatic decline during the last five years. The decline has been greater for females and has occurred across habitats. This information is helping to focus efforts in securing the future for Capercaillie in Scotland, which has now become a major conservation challenge.  相似文献   

The avian egg contains maternal hormones that affect behavior, growth, morphology, and offspring survival. Evidence to date suggests that patterns of yolk androgen deposition could provide females with a means to manipulate sibling competition and, thereby, increase their fitness. We examined yolk testosterone (T) concentrations in eggs of the smooth-billed ani (Crotophaga ani) to understand patterns of androgen deposition in eggs of this plural-breeding joint-nesting cooperatively breeding species. We tested the hatching asynchrony adjustment hypothesis, which states that increases in yolk androgen levels over the laying sequence function to mitigate the disadvantage of being a later-hatched chick in species without adaptive brood reduction. We also investigated the effect of group size on yolk T deposition to test the hypothesis that females in multi-female groups could give a competitive edge to their own chicks by depositing higher T levels in their eggs. Predictions of the hatching asynchrony adjustment hypothesis were supported in both single- and multi-female groups as yolk testosterone levels increased from early- to late-laid eggs. This suggests that ani females can influence nestling competition and chick survival by within-clutch differential T allocation. Unexpectedly, we did not observe an effect of group size on yolk T deposition. Yolk testosterone concentrations may not be a mere reflection of a female's hormonal status as female plasma circulating levels of T did not vary in the same direction as yolk T levels. Results of this study therefore support the idea that females may adaptively manipulate chick behavior through hormonal deposition in eggs.  相似文献   

We examined coral reef communities at 11 sites within Mafia Island Marine Park using a point count method for substrate and visually censused belt transects for fish populations. Multivariate ordinations showed that the benthic habitat differed among reefs. The patterns were mainly attributed to variations in depth, hydrodynamics and benthic composition. In total, the substratum was dominated by dead coral (49%) and algae (25%), with a live coral cover of only 14%. Three hundred and ninety-four fish species belonging to 56 families were recorded. According to MDS-ordinations and RELATE procedures, fish assemblage composition varied among sites in concordance with the habitats provided. Sites with highest proportion of dead coral exhibited highest degree of dispersion in the multivariate ordinations of fish assemblages. Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the proportion of variance among sites which could be explained by depth, exposure, rugosity, substrate diversity, branching substrate, live coral cover, dead coral cover and different types of algae. The results showed that habitat variables explained up to 92% of the variation in species numbers and in total, and taxon-specific, abundance. Live coral cover was the foremost predictor of both numerical and species abundance, as well as of corallivores, invertivores, planktivores and of the families Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae and Pomacanthidae. Our results suggest that habitat characteristics play a dominant role in determining fish assemblage composition on coral reefs.  相似文献   

We studied the winter foraging niches of tits and related species in deciduous forest fragments varying in size between 1 and 30 ha (plus one forest of 200 ha) in order to investigate the influence of forest fragmentation on foraging niches Very few correlations between niche structure (foraging niche, width and overlap) and forest size or isolation turned out to be significant This implies that either the species that disappear in small fragments are those that suffer most from competition (making the effect unmeasurable), or that competition is relatively unimportant for niche structure In any case we find no evidence that foraging niches are strongly affected by the changes (in habitat and/or community structure) associated with fragmentation  相似文献   

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