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When animals compete over resources such as breeding territories, they often use signals to communicate their aggressive intentions. By studying which signals are associated with aggressive interactions, we gain a deeper appreciation of animal behaviour. We studied aggressive signalling in male Savannah Sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis, focusing on signals that precede physical attack against territorial intruders. We simulated intruders using song playback and taxidermic models, and we determined which behaviours were associated with physical attack. Previous studies that have used this approach suggest that many species produce songs of dramatically lower amplitude, or “soft songs,” as signals of aggressive intention. Savannah Sparrows, however, are not known to produce soft songs, and therefore, they provided an interesting system for testing signals that predict attack. Of 93 playback subjects, 23 males attacked the simulated intruder and 70 did not. To our surprise, Savannah Sparrows produced soft songs, and the number of soft songs was a significant predictor of attack on the simulated intruder. Birds also showed a nonsignificant tendency to produce more “chip” calls prior to attack on the simulated intruder, whereas three other measured behaviours (aggressive calls, wing waving and passes over the model) did not predict attack. Our study contributes to the growing body of research on aggressive territorial signals and reveals that soft song is an even more widespread signal of aggression in songbirds than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Many bird species produce low‐amplitude acoustic signals that have been poorly studied in comparison with loud, broadcast songs used for mate attraction and repelling rivals. In some birds, these soft signals were found to be emitted in an antagonistic context and were the most reliable predictor of a subsequent physical attack. The function of this signal is poorly understood, and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms and possible functions of such low‐amplitude signals. The subject of this study is the ortolan bunting, a small passerine species that produces soft songs during territorial defence. In this study, we aim to study whether the soft songs of the ortolan bunting are a signal of increased aggressiveness by testing if they meet the context, prediction and response criteria of aggressive signals. We simulated stranger male intrusion into a focal male territory with three different playback experiments. We found no significant differences in the male responses to the taxidermic model regardless of whether they were or were not producing soft songs in response. The males responded more strongly to loud songs than to soft songs during the simulated intrusions, and the males did not treat soft songs as a predictor of conflict escalation. Although soft songs clearly appeared during territorial encounters and were not present during spontaneous singing before the intrusions, our results did not support the hypothesis that soft songs indicate aggressive character. We suggest that soft songs in the ortolan bunting are intentionally used by birds to modify their intentions or target‐specific individuals within a close range.  相似文献   

Summary Most temperate zone passerines defend territories during the breeding season. Commonly the size of these territories is estimated by plotting the singing locations of the males. However, an individual's activities need not be restricted to the area used for singing. So far, only little quantitative information has been available to determine how the singing territory relates to the activity range of male songbirds. Here, we present a study in which we used radio-tracking techniques to collect quantitative data on the spatial behaviour of 11 male territorial Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). The results show that the singing territories made up only about 50% of the activity ranges. Nevertheless, males spent over 90% of the time within the singing territory. Singing territories almost never overlapped but activity ranges overlapped in all cases with the activity range of at least one neighbour. Males intruded into neighbouring territories throughout the season but the longest excursions were made before and during the female fertile period. The time spent for forays correlated significantly with song rate and territories of males with higher song rates in turn were less frequently the object of forays by other males. Song rate can be indicative of male quality, so that our findings strongly suggest that foray behaviour is related to male quality in nightingales.
Das Raum- und Gesangsverhalten von männlichen Nachtigallen in der Brutsaison: radiotelemetrische Untersuchungen
Zusammenfassung Männliche Singvögel markieren mit ihrem Gesang ein Revier. Empirische Studien zeigen allerdings, dass Männchen und Weibchen das Revier verlassen und in Reviere von Nachbarn eindringen. Solche Ausflüge sind vor allem in dichteren Habitaten schwierig zu beobachten, so dass für die meisten Vogelarten kaum Datenmaterial für die Raumnutzung außerhalb der Gesangsreviere vorliegt. In dieser Studie haben wir über den Verlauf der Brutsaison 11 männliche territoriale Nachtigallen telemetriert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Aktionstradien im Mittel doppelt so groß waren, wie die Gesangsreviere und dass die Männchen ca. 8% der Zeit außerhalb der Gesangsreviere verbracht haben. Dabei überlappten die Aktionsräume benachbarter Männchen deutlich. Die Männchen drangen vor allem vor und während der fertilen Phasen der Weibchen in Nachbarreviere vor. Darüber hinaus drangen Männchen mit höherer Gesangsaktivität signifikant länger in Nachbarreviere ein, als Männchen mit geringerer Gesangsaktivität. Reviere von Männchen mit höherer Gesangsaktivität wurden dabei auch signifikant seltener von anderen Männchen besucht. Da die Gesangsaktivität mit der Qualität eines Männchens zusammenhängen kann, weisen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass qualitativ bessere Männchen mehr in Nachbarreviere eindringen als qualitativ schlechtere Männchen und die Reviere der qualitativ besseren Männchen auch weniger häufig von Rivalen besucht werden. Dass solche Ausflüge von Männchen für Versuche zu außerpaarlichen Kopulationen genutzt werden, ist anzunehmen, muss aber noch geklärt werden. Die räumlichen Beziehungen territorialer Männchen reflektieren darüber hinaus vermutlich Aspekte der sozialen Beziehungen.

Many bird species participate in dawn singing, a behaviour categorized by intensive singing at dawn; however, many of these species deliver only one song type at dawn. While there are many proximate and ultimate hypotheses for why birds sing at dawn, little is known about whether males are able to vary one simple song to convey different information. We used autonomous acoustic recorders to record dawn songs of field sparrows and quantified three parameters of singing performance: 1) bout length, 2) song rate, and 3) song complexity. We found that males sang the longest dawn bouts during their mate's fertile period, the highest song rates during the post-fertile period, and the most complex songs during the pre-fertile period. The change in dawn singing behaviour with their mate's breeding stage suggest the purpose of dawn song may be context dependent. Our results demonstrate that male field sparrows, while only having a single song type sung at dawn, may convey information for both intra- and intersexual purposes. While it is generally assumed that dawn song has a specific function, the variability in the duration, rate, and complexity of dawn song in field sparrows suggests that they are conveying different information and that dawn song likely has multiple functions.  相似文献   

Rival conspecifics often produce stereotyped sequences of signals as agonistic interactions escalate. Successive signals in sequence are thought to convey increasingly pronounced levels of aggressive motivation. Here, we propose and test a model of aggressive escalation in black-throated blue warblers, presenting subjects with two sequential and increasingly elevated levels of threat. From a speaker outside the territorial boundary, we initiated an interaction (low-threat level), and from a second speaker inside the territory, accompanied by a taxidermic mount, we subsequently simulated a territorial intrusion (escalated threat level). Our two main predictions were that signalling behaviours in response to low-threat boundary playback would predict signalling responses to the escalated within-territory threat, and that these latter signalling behaviours would in turn reliably predict attack. We find clear support for both predictions: (i) specific song types (type II songs) produced early in the simulated interaction, in response to boundary playback, predicted later use of low-amplitude ‘soft’ song, in response to within-territory playback; and (ii) soft song, in turn, predicted attack of the mount. Unexpectedly, use of the early-stage signal (type II song) itself did not predict attack, despite its apparent role in aggressive escalation. This raises the intriguing question of whether type II song can actually be considered a reliable aggressive signal. Overall, our results provide new empirical insights into how songbirds may use progressive vocal signalling to convey increasing levels of threat.  相似文献   

Plasticity is often thought to accelerate trait evolution and speciation. For example, plasticity in birdsong may partially explain why clades of song learners are more diverse than related clades with innate song. This “song learning” hypothesis predicts that (1) differences in song traits evolve faster in song learners, and (2) behavioral discrimination against allopatric song (a proxy for premating reproductive isolation) evolves faster in song learners. We tested these predictions by analyzing acoustic traits and conducting playback experiments in allopatric Central American sister pairs of song learning oscines (N = 42) and nonlearning suboscines (N = 27). We found that nonlearners evolved mean acoustic differences slightly faster than did leaners, and that the mean evolutionary rate of song discrimination was 4.3 times faster in nonlearners than in learners. These unexpected results may be a consequence of significantly greater variability in song traits in song learners (by 54–79%) that requires song‐learning oscines to evolve greater absolute differences in song before achieving the same level of behavioral song discrimination as nonlearning suboscines. This points to “a downside of learning” for the evolution of species discrimination, and represents an important example of plasticity reducing the rate of evolution and diversification by increasing variability.  相似文献   

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