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Non-breeding common ravens (Corvus corax) live in complex social groups with a high degree of fission–fusion dynamics. They form valuable relationships and alliances with some conspecifics, while taking coordinated action against others. In ravens, affiliates reconcile their conflicts, console each other after conflicts with a third party, and provide each other with social support — all behaviors that presumably reduce corticosterone levels and alleviate stress. However, how well an individual is socially integrated in a (sub)group might vary substantially. This raises the question whether the social integration of a raven affects its stress responses to fission–fusion dynamics. The present study aims to investigate this effect experimentally by separating single ravens (n = 16) individually from their group for four days and subsequently reintroducing them. To determine stress response patterns in the separated individuals we measured the amounts of immunoreactive corticosterone metabolites (CM) in droppings. We compared two enzyme immunoassays, which we validated by conducting an ACTH challenge, and finally decided to apply an 11-oxoetiocholanolone enzyme immunoassay. Additionally, we determined levels of social integration using focal observations. Our findings suggest that a strong social integration is related to low CM levels when the individuals are within the group and high levels during separations, implying that separation leads to stress in these birds. In contrast, poorly socially integrated ravens seem to exhibit the opposite pattern, indicating that to them group living is more stressful than being temporarily separated. We, therefore, conclude that the birds' adrenocortical activity is modulated by their social integration.  相似文献   

Experimental comparisons of the nutritional value of different wheat cultivars commonly use feeds in meal form even though the large-scale broiler producers use steam pelleted feeds. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of steam pelleting on the performance, dietary N-corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AMEn), total tract dry matter retention (DMR), nitrogen retention (NR) and fat digestibility (FD) coefficients, and digestive tract development of broilers fed four different wheat samples in complete diets. Four European wheat samples, with different chemical composition and endosperm characteristics, were used in a broiler experiment. The wheat samples were milled through a 5 mm screen and four basal feeds containing 670 g/kg of each selected wheat sample were mixed. The basal feeds were then split into two batches and one of them was steam pelleted resulting in eight experimental diets. Each diet was fed ad libitum to eight pens of two male Ross 308 broilers from 10 to 24 days of age. Feeding pelleted diets improved (P<0.001) feed intake and weight gain, and daily water intake of the birds. Pelleting also improved dietary AMEn and FD (P<0.001) and DMR (P<0.05). An interaction (P<0.05) was observed between wheat samples and steam pelleting for NR. Steam pelleting improved (P<0.05) NR in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm but not in the rest of the wheat samples. Similar interactions (P<0.05) were also observed between wheat sample and steam pelleting for gain to feed (G : F) and water to feed (W : F) ratios. Pelleting improved G : F ratio the greatest in the wheat sample with high starch and protein and hard endosperm. Feeding the same wheat sample also decreased (P<0.05) W : F but only in the mash diets. Regardless of the wheat sample the values of dietary AMEn did not differ (P>0.05). Feeding different wheat types and pelleting did not (P>0.05) change the development of the gastrointestinal tract of the birds. The study showed that there were differences between four wheat samples when they were fed in pelleted complete feed, but no differences were observed when fed in mash form complete diets. Research on the interaction between pelleting and wheat chemical and quality characteristics is warranted.  相似文献   

Because employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) is experience rated, employers have an incentive to try to offset its cost by paying lower wages to employees who have greater medical expenditures. The existing evidence on this topic, however, illustrates only that ESI is associated with lower wages for groups of workers who are costlier to cover. In contrast, I use the variation provided by the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate to examine if differences in medical expenditures are passed on to workers at the individual level. My estimates rely on Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data in a dose response difference-in-difference framework that examines how wages change for workers with varying medical expenditures when they must soon be offered ESI. I find that each $1 difference in medical expenditures is associated with a $0.35 to $0.51 wage offset after the employer mandate's announcement wherever ESI must soon be offered to workers. Placebo analyses, focusing on workers whose employers are not affected by the mandate, provide support for a causal interpretation. I also show that my findings are not sensitive to sample selection or data reliability issues and that they cannot be explained by the effects of the Great Recession, demographic characteristics that correlate with medical expenditures, or location- or industry-specific idiosyncratic shocks.  相似文献   

In many social mammals and birds, soft vocalizations are habitually produced during dispersed moving and foraging, the function being to maintain contact and regulate spacing between group members. In some species, much louder calls are given sporadically by specific individuals when they become separated from the group, or 'lost'. The function of these calls has seldom been specifically tested, particularly among social primates, but is often assumed to involve regaining contact with the group based on a combination of individually distinctive calls and antiphonal responses to them from within the group. To test these assumptions, we conducted research on two groups of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Costa Rica. We analyzed 82 bouts of 'lost' calls given by 13 different adult individuals when separated from the group and the antiphonal responses they elicited. Lost calls were individually distinctive and were answered in 35% of calling episodes. Answers were selective: dominant males and females were answered more than were subordinate callers of either sex. As a result, dominant callers relocated and returned to the group more quickly than did subordinate callers. We discuss the potential proximate motivations for, and ultimate benefits of, such selective answering of dominant group members.  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of plant diversity on insect herbivory have produced conflicting results. Plant diversity has been reported to cause positive and negative responses of herbivores. Explanations for these conflicting responses include not only various population-level processes but also changes in plant quality that lead to changes in herbivore performance. In a tree diversity experiment, we investigated the effects of tree diversity on insect herbivory on oak in general and whether the effects of tree diversity on herbivore damage are reflected by the performance (leaf consumption, growth) of the generalist herbivore Lymantria dispar. Our study showed that the feeding damage caused by naturally occurring herbivores on oak trees decreased with increasing diversity of tree stands. The performance of L. dispar on oak leaves was not affected by tree diversity, neither in field nor laboratory experiments. Our results can be explained by the various processes behind the hypothesis of associational resistance.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - For a prey, its best ticket to stay alive is to get early and accurate information on predation risk and so, escape from predation at low cost. Some prey species have evolved...  相似文献   

Clonal architecture is involved in performance of clonal fragments, as it determines spatial distribution of ramets. It is expected to rely on the species-specific expression of several architectural traits (structural blue-print). However, in contrasting environments, realized clonal architectures may differ, due to phenotypic plasticity. In this paper, we compared clonal architectures between two rhizomatous ecologically close Cyperaceae (Carex divisa and Eleocharis palustris) in non-defoliated and defoliated conditions. Two questions were addressed. (1) How much do the structural blue-print and resulting colonization and occupation of space differ between both species? (2) Does the structural blue-print constrain plastic responses of clonal architecture to defoliation? Traits related to performance, spatial pattern, architecture and biomass allocation of clonal fragments were monitored through an original non-destructive mapping method. In non-defoliated conditions, both species showed similar biomass but contrasting architectures and patterns of biomass allocation to rhizomes that resulted in different spatial patterns. The rhizome network of C. divisa, which consisted in only two primary rhizomes but several branches, was involved in resource storage rather than in spatial colonization. Conversely, E. palustris produced on average six primary rhizomes that grew in the whole horizontal plane, maximizing both occupation and colonization of space. These differences in structural constraints coupled with allometric relationships, resulted in differential responses to defoliation. In C. divisa, the costs associated to defoliation caused a decrease in branching, limiting the area occupied and number of ramets produced by clonal fragments, but increasing ramet density. Conversely, the weakly branched rhizome network of E. palustris was not affected by defoliation. Both spatial strategies (consolidation vs. colonization) are likely to provide ecological advantages allowing their coexistence in grazed meadows.  相似文献   

Individuals are likely to benefit from responding to the alarmsignals of other species with similar predators, and mutualinterspecific responses to aerial (hawk) alarms are thoughtto be common in birds, in part because similarity in alarm callstructure among species might facilitate detection or interpretation.However, there has been no test of whether interspecific responsesto aerial alarm calls can involve mutual responses between speciesand only incomplete tests of the response of any species tosuch heterospecific alarms. We describe the aerial alarm callsof white-browed scrubwrens (Sericornis frontalis) and superbfairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) and use a playback experimentto test for mutual responses to each other's aerial alarm calls.The 2 species occur in similar habitats and can co-occur inmixed-species flocks during the nonbreeding season. The aerialalarm calls of both species are high pitched (7 kHz) and rapidlyfrequency-modulated calls but are distinct in frequency measuresand only the scrubwren's call had 2 parallel sounds. Both speciesfled to cover after playback of either their own or the otherspecies' alarm calls but never to control sounds. The responseto either species' alarm was almost invariant in both speciesin an experiment at high natural amplitude, but there was aslightly lower response to heterospecific compared with conspecificalarms when playbacks were at the mean natural amplitude. Ourresults demonstrate, after at least 50 years of interest inthe subject, that there can be mutual responses to aerial alarmcalls between species.  相似文献   

Brains of 1664 subjects (895 males and 769 females) aged from 20 to 89 years have been studied. The whole material being investigated was divided, within sex groups, into body-height classes and age classes. The class interval within the age classes was 10 years, that in height classes 5 cm. Mean arithmetics, standard deviations, standard error as well as coefficients of variation and correlation for respective classes have been calculated. It has been ascertained that the brain weight depends on the body height. In tall subjects no brains of extremely low absolute weight are encountered and, adversely, high brain weight is seldom met in short individuals. The body height also exerts certain influence upon the relative weight of the brain. More favourable proportion between the brain weight and the body length has been revealed in short subjects. Tall individuals are characterized by a low relative weight of the brain. It should be supposed that the spinal cord weight is higher in the latter subjects. The differences between the mean absolute weight of women's brains and that in men of the same age class are conditioned by the difference in the body length. A constant magnitude of difference in the mean brain weight in subjects of the same body height claims 100 g. The paper provides 2 enclosed tables representing obtained results for arithmetic mean of the absolute brain weight both in the age classes and body height classes. The differences between the mean weights of brains in women as well as in men are not significant. The coefficient of correlation between the brain weight and the body height is for men r male1 = 0.2008 for women r female1 = 0.2630, wherease the coefficient of regression for the brain weight is r male2 = 3.67 and r female2 = 3.906 respectively.  相似文献   

P Sch?nfeld 《FEBS letters》1990,264(2):246-248
The stimulation of respiration by long-chain fatty acids and FCCP was studied with oligomycin-inhibited mitochondria from rat liver, heart and kidney tissue. By addition of equal amounts of palmitate and oleate, mitochondrial respiration was increased in the order RLM less than RKM less than RHM. Using the classical protonophore FCCP, this difference could not be observed. Inhibition of oleate-stimulated respiration by carboxyatractyloside decreased in the order RHM greater than RKM greater than RLM. As CAT sensitivity of oleate-stimulated respiration and the mitochondrial ANT content were found to be correlated, it is suggested that the weak CAT sensitivity of oleate-stimulated respiration of RLM [(1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 977, 266-272] is due to the low content of ANT.  相似文献   

J L Cherry 《Genetics》1998,150(2):911-919
The rate of nucleotide substitution is generally believed to be a decreasing function of effective population size, at least for nonsynonymous substitutions. This view was originally based on consideration of slightly deleterious mutations with a fixed distribution of selection coefficients. A realistic model must include the occurrence and fixation of some advantageous mutations that compensate for the loss of fitness due to deleterious substitutions. Some such models, such as so-called "fixed" models, also predict a population size effect on substitution rate. An alternative model, presented here, predicts the near absence of a population size effect on substitution rate. This model is based on concave log-fitness functions and a fixed distribution of mutational effects on the selectively important trait. Simulations of an instance of the model confirm the approximate insensitivity of the substitution rate to population size. Although much experimental evidence has been claimed to support the existence of a population size effect, the body of evidence as a whole is equivocal, and much of the evidence that is supposed to demonstrate such an effect would also suggest that it is very small. Perhaps the proposed model applies well to some genes and not so well to others, and genes therefore vary with regard to the population size effect.  相似文献   

Experimental data together with modeling of pheromone perireceptor and receptor events in moths (Bombyx mori, Antheraea polyphemus) suggest that the kinetics of olfactory receptor potentials largely depend on the association of the odorant with the neuronal receptor molecules and the deactivation of the odorant accumulated around the receptor neuron. The first process could be responsible for the reaction times (mean about 400 ms) of the nerve impulses at threshold. The second process has been postulated for flux detectors such as olfactory sensilla of moths. The odorant deactivation could involve a modification of the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) that “locks” the pheromone inside the inner binding cavity of the protein. The model combines seemingly contradictory functions of the PBP such as pheromone transport, protection of the pheromone from enzymatic degradation, pheromone deactivation, and pheromone–receptor interaction. Model calculations reveal a density of at least 6,000 receptor molecules per µm2 of neuronal membrane. The volatile decanoyl-thio-1,1,1-trifluoropropanone specifically blocks pheromone receptor neurons, probably when bound to the PBP and by competitive binding to the receptor molecules. The shallow dose–response curve of the receptor potential and altered response properties observed with pheromone derivatives or after adaptation may indicate shortened opening of ion channels.  相似文献   

Facilitation of tree regeneration by nurse shrubs that offer protection against large herbivores is an important driver of wood-pasture dynamics. Here we asked whether the response to facilitation by nurse shrubs depends on the grazing resistance of the protégé saplings. We experimentally tested the protective effects of the thorny Rosa rubiginosa on browsing frequency, survival, and biomass change of saplings of two species-groups, presumably differing in grazing resistance: the coniferous Abies alba and Picea abies and the deciduous Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica saplings. The saplings were planted under and outside (1.5 m) planted nurse shrubs, under zero, low and high grazing intensity. In total, 1920 young saplings were transplanted to 60 blocks and followed for 1 year.Although the number of saplings browsed did not differ between species-groups, the coniferous saplings showed lower resistance to cattle browsing (i.e. lower survival and growth rates) than the deciduous saplings. The less resistant coniferous saplings benefited significantly more from nurse shrubs than the more resistant deciduous species in terms of growth of the surviving saplings, but not in terms of overall survival. This was likely due to herbivory on the nurse shrubs causing incidental browsing on protégé saplings and differences in biomass off-take. At high grazing intensity facilitative effects of the nurse shrubs decreased, especially for the coniferous species.These results have important management implications for the endangered wood-pastures in Western Europe. For a sustainable management and conservation that allows tree recruitment, grazing intensity should remain low to best promote facilitation processes for all tree species, but in particular for the less resistant conifer saplings.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation reduces the numbers of neurons expressing activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). It is currently unclear if that change relates to cognitive function. We assessed the effects of 1 Gy of head-only ??Fe-particle irradiation on hippocampus-dependent and hippocampus-independent fear conditioning and determined how those changes related to Arc expression within the DG. Irradiated mice that did not receive tone-shock pairings on day 1 showed less freezing in the same context on a second day and a lower fraction of Arc-expressing neurons in the free (lower) blade of the DG than sham-irradiated mice. Those data suggested reduced hippocampus-dependent spatial habituation learning. Changes in Arc expression in the free blade correlated positively with freezing in mice that did not receive tone-shock pairings. However, irradiated mice that did receive tone-shock pairings showed enhanced contextual freezing but a reduced percentage of Arc-expressing neurons in the enclosed (upper) blade. Changes in Arc expression correlated negatively with freezing in mice that received tone-shock pairings. In animals receiving cued fear conditioning, radiation did not affect cognitive performance or the fractions of Arc-expressing neurons. While the relationship between Arc expression and cognitive performance is complex, our data suggest that radiation effects on hippocampus-dependent cognition might depend on the prominence (salience) of environmental stimuli and blade-specific Arc expression.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the properties of ionic channels formed in phospholipid-cholesterol bilayers by polyene antibiotics of various molecular structures. Properties of channels created by natural antibiotics with different structures of the lactone ring (amphotericin B-nystatin-mycoheptin) as well as by some derivatives of amphotericin B modified with respect to the amino and carboxyl groups are compared. Neutralization of one or both charges of the amphotericin B molecule (both by chemical modification and by pH shift) increases the probability of the channel to be in a nonconducting state. An increase of cholesterol concentration in the membrane produces an opposite effect. It is assumed that the electrostatic interaction of the amino group of an antibiotic molecule with the carboxyl group of an adjacent one stabilized the channel. Conductance and selectivity of an open channel are not influenced by changes in the charged groups. These properties strongly depend on the structure of the polar chain of the lactone ring. For example, the appearance of one more carbonyl group in the mycoheptin molecule results in a sharply decreasing anion permeability of channels. An antibiotic concentration which is necessary to observe single channels depends on the polyene chain structure: this is about 10(-7) M for tetraene nystatin and 2.10(-8) M for heptaene amphotericin B an mycoheptin.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify the habitat types listed in the Habitats Directive Annex I that require low-intensity agricultural management for their existence. We assessed the link between the Annex I habitat types and agricultural practices in order to identify habitat types that depend on the continuation of agricultural practices or whose existence is prolonged or spatially enlarged via blocking or reducing the secondary succession by agricultural activities. 63 habitat types that depend on or which can profit from agricultural activities—mainly grazing and mowing—were identified. They are classified into 2 groups: (1) habitats fully dependent on the continuation of agricultural management; (2) habitats partly dependent on the continuation of agricultural management. This paper also briefly discusses habitat types for which either doubts remain on their dependence on agricultural management, or the relation to extensive farming practices exists only in part of their area of distribution in Europe or under certain site conditions, respectively. Assessments of the conservation status of habitats of European Importance by 25 EU Member States in 2007 showed that habitats identified by us as depending on agricultural practices had a worse status than non-agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

In offspring production, with whom are the maternally derived (madumnal), paternally derived (padumnal), and maternal genes in conflict? I developed a model, in which those genes independently regulate resource absorption of developing offspring, and offspring with a high realized resource absorption rate may become large, but may suffer abortion due to overgrowth. I analyzed two cases: maternal control is weak (maternal genes cannot completely inhibit the resource demand by the madumnal or the padumnal genes) and is strong (maternal genes can completely inhibit it). I found that, under weak maternal control, the maternal genes inhibit resource absorption, but the madumnal and padumnal genes enhance it if the abortion cost of overgrowth is low. The maternal and madumnal genes inhibit resource absorption, but the padumnal genes enhance it if the cost is high. Under strong maternal control, the maternal genes inhibit resource absorption, but the madumnal and padumnal genes enhance it irrespective of the degree of abortion cost. I also found that the effects of offspring abortion on an ESS size and number of offspring when independent are large under weak maternal control, but are moderated under strong maternal control.  相似文献   

In this work we investigated the antibacterial properties of differently shaped silver nanoparticles against the gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli, both in liquid systems and on agar plates. Energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy images revealed considerable changes in the cell membranes upon treatment, resulting in cell death. Truncated triangular silver nanoplates with a {111} lattice plane as the basal plane displayed the strongest biocidal action, compared with spherical and rod-shaped nanoparticles and with Ag(+) (in the form of AgNO(3)). It is proposed that nanoscale size and the presence of a {111} plane combine to promote this biocidal property. To our knowledge, this is the first comparative study on the bactericidal properties of silver nanoparticles of different shapes, and our results demonstrate that silver nanoparticles undergo a shape-dependent interaction with the gram-negative organism E. coli.  相似文献   

Preference in concurrent chains for the richer terminal-link schedule becomes more extreme as the schedule values increase with their ratio held constant, a result known as the terminal-link effect. We report two experiments that attempt to determine whether this effect is related to terminal-link duration or the overall rate of reinforcement. These variables have been confounded in prior studies, but can be separated by comparing variable-duration schedules that end after a single reinforcer has been earned, with constant-duration schedules during which a variable number of reinforcers may be earned. In Experiment 1, the terminal-link effect was obtained with variable-duration schedules when duration and overall reinforcement rate were manipulated, but not with constant-duration schedules when overall reinforcement rate was changed with duration held constant. In Experiment 2, the terminal-link effect was obtained with constant-duration schedules when duration was manipulated with overall reinforcement rate held constant. Taken together, these results show that the terminal-link effect depends on changes in terminal-link duration, not overall reinforcement rate (or equivalently, average time to reinforcement). This accords with the account of the terminal-link effect provided by the contextual choice model [J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 61 (1994) 113] but not delay-reduction theory [J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 12 (1969) 723].  相似文献   

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