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Interest in using nanoporous materials for sensing applications has increased. The present study reports a method of preparing well-ordered nanoporous gold arrays using a porous silicon (PSi) template. Gold nanolayer could be electrodeposited on the surface of the PSi template at low electrolysis currents in low concentration of chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) solution. Surface morphology characterizations and optical measurements revealed that a PSi-templated nanoporous gold (Au–PSi) array well replicated the nanoporous structure and retained the optical properties of PSi. Fourier transform reflectometric interference spectra showed that a characteristic blue-shifted effective optical thickness (EOT) was observed due to the low refractive index of the gold film. An optical DNA biosensor was then fabricated via the self-assembly of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with a specific sequence on the surface of Au–PSi. The attachment of ssDNA and its hybridization with target oligonucleotides (ODNs) persistently caused the blue shift of the EOT. Consequently, a relationship between the EOT shift and the ODN concentration was established. The mechanism of the optical response caused by DNA hybridization on the Au–PSi surface was qualitatively explained by the electromagnetic theory and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The lowest detection limit for target ODNs was estimated at around 10−14 mol L−1, when the baseline noise, a variation in the value of EOT is around 5 nm. The fabricated Au–PSi based optical biosensor has potential use in the discovery of new ODN drugs because it will be able to detect the binding event between ODNs and the target DNA.  相似文献   

An efficient and selective method for methoxymethylation of alcohols and phenols with formaldehyde dimethyl acetal (FDMA) catalyzed by electron deficient tin(IV)tetraphenylporphyrinato trifluoromethanesulfonate, [SnIV(TPP)(OTf)2], is reported. A variety of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols as well as phenols were converted to their corresponding methoxymethyl ethers with FDMA in the presence of a high-valent tin(IV) porphyrin. This catalyst can be used for selective methoxymethylation of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols in the presence of phenols or tertiary alcohols. The present method offers several advantages such as short reaction times, high yields, simple procedure, selectivity and applicability for both alcohols and phenols.  相似文献   

In this paper, rapid and highly efficient tetrahydropyranylation of alcohols and phenols with 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran (DHP) in the presence of catalytic amounts of high-valent tin (IV) tetraphenylporphyrinato trifluoromethanesufonate, [SnIV(TPP)(OTf)2] is reported. In this catalytic system, primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols as well as phenols were converted to their corresponding tetrahydropyranyl ethers (THP-ethers) in excellent yields and short reaction times at room temperature. It is noteworthy that this method can be used for chemoselective tetrahydropyranylation of primary alcohols in the presence of secondary and tertiary alcohols and phenols. The catalyst was reused several times in the protection reactions without loss of its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The binding site and the geometry of Co(III)meso-tetrakis(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin (CoTMPyP) complexed with double helical poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dG)·poly(dC), and with triple helical poly(dA)·[poly(dT)]2 and poly(dC)·poly(dG)·poly(dC)+ were investigated by circular and linear dichroism (CD and LD). The appearance of monomeric positive CD at a low [porphyrin]/[DNA] ratio and bisignate CD at a high ratio of the CoTMPyP-poly(dA)·poly(dT) complex is almost identical with its triplex counterpart. Similarity in the CD spectra was also observed for the CoTMPyP-poly(dG)·poly(dC) and -poly(dC)·poly(dG)·poly(dC)+ complex. This observation indicates that both monomeric binding and stacking of CoTMPyP to these polynucleotides occur at the minor groove. However, different binding geometry of CoTMPyP, when bind to AT- and GC-rich polynucleotide, was observed by LD spectrum. The difference in the binding geometry may be attributed to the difference in the interaction between polynucleotides and CoTMPyP: in the GC polynucleotide case, amine group protrude into the minor groove while it is not present in the AT polynucleotide.  相似文献   

The catalytic cycle intermediates of heme peroxidases, known as compounds I and II, have been of long standing interest as models for intermediates of heme proteins, such as the terminal oxidases and cytochrome P450 enzymes, and for non-heme iron enzymes as well. Reports of resonance Raman signals for compound I intermediates of the oxo-iron(IV) porphyrin pi-cation radical type have been sometimes contradictory due to complications arising from photolability, causing compound I signals to appear similar to those of compound II or other forms. However, studies of synthetic systems indicated that protein based compound I intermediates of the oxoiron(IV) porphyrin pi-cation radical type should exhibit vibrational signatures that are different from the non-radical forms. The compound I intermediates of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and chloroperoxidase (CPO) from Caldariomyces fumago do in fact exhibit unique and characteristic vibrational spectra. The nature of the putative oxoiron(IV) bond in peroxidase intermediates has been under discussion in the recent literature, with suggestions that the Fe(IV)O unit might be better described as Fe(IV)-OH. The generally low Fe(IV)O stretching frequencies observed for proteins have been difficult to mimic in synthetic ferryl porphyrins via electron donation from trans axial ligands alone. Resonance Raman studies of iron-oxygen vibrations within protein species that are sensitive to pH, deuteration, and solvent oxygen exchange, indicate that hydrogen bonding to the oxoiron(IV) group within the protein environment contributes to substantial lowering of Fe(IV)O frequencies relative to those of synthetic model compounds.  相似文献   

The reaction of ethyldiphenyltin(IV) iodide with silver benzoate in ethanol results in the formation of bis(benzoato)ethylphenyltin(IV), EtPhSn[OC(O)C6H5]2 (1), by the cleavage of a phenyl group bound to tin. The reaction of ethyldiphenyltin(IV) iodide with silver acetate provides acetatoethyldiphenyltin(IV), EtPh2SnOC(O)CH3 (2). Similarly, the reaction of diphenylpropyltin(IV) iodide with silver acetate affords acetatodiphenyl-n-propyltin(IV), Ph2PrSnOC(O)CH3 (3). These three complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy (IR), as well as 1H, 13C, and 119Sn NMR. The molecular structures of three complexes were also verified by single-crystal X-ray analyses. The X-ray structures show that 1 adopts a skew-trapezoidal bipyramidal structure, while 2 and 3 are rare, cyclic hexameric structures.  相似文献   

Reaction of di-n-butyltin(IV) dichloride with 4-chlorobenzohydroxamic acid at 1:1 ratio yielded a new mixed-ligand diorganotin(IV) complex, di-n-butyl-(4-chlorobenzohydroxamato)tin(IV) chloride(DBDCT). It was fully characterized by IR, 1H, 13C, 119Sn NMR spectra and single crystal X-ray analysis. In DBDCT, the tin atom is five-coordinated in a trigonal bipyramidal geometry. DBDCT exhibited strong in vitro cytotoxic activity toward human immature granulocyte leukemia (HL-60), human salivary-gland carcinoma (SGC-7901), human henrietta carcinoma (Hela) and human urinary bladder (T24) cell lines which, in some cases, were equal to, or even higher than those of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) (cisplatin, DDP), the widely clinically used drug. The further in vivo antitumor tests of DBDCT towards the transplantation tumor models of sarcoma carcinoma (S180), hepatocellular carcinoma (H22) and Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma (EAC) on mice were carried out via injection intraperitoneally with cisplatin as positive contrast drug. The results showed that DBDCT displayed in vivo antitumor activity against the hepatocellular carcinoma H22 and sarcoma carcinoma S180 which were close to those of cisplatin, meanwhile, the survival-extending rates at middle dose and high dose on mice Ehrlich’s ascites tumor EAC were higher than those of cisplatin, and there was a good dose-effect relationship.  相似文献   

The polymeric structure of the complex, [SnCl4(H2O)2]18-crown-6·2H2O, prepared by the addition of a solution of SnCl4 to 18-crown-6, has been determined by X-ray analysis. The structure has been solved by three-dimensional Patterson-Fourier synthesis to a conventional R-factor of 0.13, by using 1394 reflections with I>3σ(I). The crystals are monoclinic, with a = 15.753(3), b = 15.072(3), c = 12.209(4), β = 97.77°(1.0), z = 4, and space group P21/a. The tin atom is octahedrally coordinated to four chlorine atoms and two water molecules in cis positions. A very complex network of hydrogen bonding links together the tin coordination octahedron, the two water hydration molecules, and the two crystallographically-different half crown-ethers.  相似文献   

To gain insight into IL5 receptor subunit recruitment mechanism, and in particular the experimentally elusive pathway for assembly of signaling subunit beta(c), we constructed a soluble beta(c) ectodomain (s(beta)(c)) and developed an optical biosensor assay to measure its binding kinetics. Functionally active s(beta)(c) was anchored via a C-terminal His tag to immobilized anti-His monoclonal antibodies on the sensor surface. Using this surface, we quantitated for the first time direct binding of s(beta)(c) to IL5R(alpha) complexed to either wild-type or single-chain IL5. Binding was much weaker if at all with either R(alpha) or IL5 alone. Kinetic evaluation revealed a moderate affinity (0.2-1 microM) and relatively fast off rate for the s(beta)(c) interaction with IL5:R(alpha) complexes. The data support a model in which beta(c) recruitment occurs with preformed IL5:R(alpha) complex. Dissociation kinetics analysis suggests that the IL5-alpha-beta(c) complex is relatively short-lived. Overall, this study solidifies a model of sequential recruitment of receptor subunits by IL5, provides a novel biosensor binding assay of beta(c) recruitment dynamics, and sets the stage for more advanced characterization of the roles of structural elements within R(alpha), beta(c), and cytokines of the IL5/IL3/GM-CSF family in receptor recruitment and activation.  相似文献   

The complex of vanadyl(IV) cation with oxodiacetate, VO(oda) caused an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 in the range of 25–100 μM (P < 0.001). This inhibition was partially reversed by scavengers of free radicals. The difference in cell proliferation in the presence and the absence of scavengers was statistically significant in the range of 50–100 μM (P < 0.05). VO(oda) altered lysosomal and mitochondria metabolisms (neutral red and MTT bioassays) in a dose–response manner from 10 μM (P < 0.001). Morphological studies showed important transformations that correlated with the disassembly of actin filaments and a decrease in the number of cells in a dose response manner. Moreover, VO(oda) caused statistically significant genotoxic effects on Caco-2 cells in the low range of concentration (5–25 μM) (Comet assay). Increment in the oxidative stress and a decrease in the GSH level are the main cytotoxic mechanisms of VO(oda). These effects were partially reversed by scavengers of free radicals in the range of 50–100 μM (P < 0.05). Besides, VO(oda) interacted with plasmidic DNA causing single and double strand cleavage, probably through the action of free radical species. Altogether, these results suggest that VO(oda) is a good candidate to be evaluated for alternative therapeutics in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The interaction of the oxidovanadium(IV) cation with the sodium salt of prephenic acid was investigated by electron absorption and electronic paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies in aqueous solution at different pH values. The study allows to demonstrate once more the effectiveness of oxidovanadium(IV) to interact with carboxylate groups. The most probable binding modes of the solution complexes were determined by EPR method. Two main coordination environments around the metal center were established: one includes four-carboxylate moieties and the other the set probably involves alkoxide and hydroxide groups.  相似文献   

Wang Y  He QY  Che CM  Chiu JF 《Proteomics》2006,6(1):131-142
There has been increasing interest in the potential applications of gold (III) complexes as anticancer drugs with higher cytotoxicity and fewer side effects than existing metal anticancer drugs. Our previous findings demonstrated that gold (III) porphyrin 1a preferentially induced apoptosis in a cancer cell line (SUNE1). In this study, we identified differentially expressed proteins related to the drug's cytotoxic action by comparing the protein alterations induced by gold (III) porphyrin 1a and cisplatin treatments. Several clusters of altered proteins were identified, including cellular structure and stress-related chaperone proteins, proteins involved in reactive oxygen species and enzyme proteins, translation factors, proteins that mediate cell proliferation or differentiation, and proteins participating in the internal degradation systems. Our results indicated that multiple factors leading to apoptosis were involved in drug cytotoxicity in SUNE1 cells. The balance between pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic signals determined the final fate of cancer cells.  相似文献   

Triphenyl(6-thiopurinyl)tin has been prepared and its structure reinvestigated by X-ray diffraction. In the structure, a new coordination mode was observed that was different from those reported previously from investigations by infrared and Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the molecule, 6-thiopurine coordinated to tin by the S and N(1) atoms. The discrete molecules were connected to form a zigzag 1D network through intermolecular H?N hydrogen bonds. The tin environment is pentacoordinated with cis-trigonal bipyramidal geometry.  相似文献   

New Os(II) complexes including [Os(dpop′)2](PF6)2 (dpop′= dipyrido(2,3-a;3′,2′-j)phenazine) and a series of mixed ligand [Os(dpop′)(N-N)Cl]PF6 (N-N = 2,2′-bipyridine(bpy); 2,2′-bipyrimidine(bpm) and 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine(dpp)) were synthesized. The Os dπ → dpop′ π MLCT transitions for [Os(dpop′)2]2+ are observed at lower energy than for Os dπ → tpy π (tpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) and Os dπ → tppz π (tppz = 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine) (The ligand abbreviations tpd, tpp and tpypz have also appeared in the literature for 2,3,5,6- tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine in addition to tppz.) MLCT transitions in the comparative [Os(tpy)2]2+ and [Os(tppz)2]2+ complexes. The Os dπ → dpop′ π MLCT transitions are observed at lower energy in mixed bidentate ligand N-N systems compared with [Os(dpop′)2]2+. Cyclic voltammetry shows more positive osmium oxidation, and less negative ligand reduction potentials for [Os(dpop′)2]2+ as compared to [Os(tpy)2]2+ and [Os(tppz)2]2+ complexes. The osmium oxidation potentials in mixed ligand [Os(dpop′)(N-N)Cl]+ complexes are at less positive potential than for the [Os(dpop′)2]2+ ion. NMR results show different chemical shifts for ring protons either trans or cis to dpop′ in mixed ligand systems, and also show two geometrical isomers for the [Os(dpop′)(dpp)Cl]+ complex. The [Os(dpop′)(dpp)Cl]+ geometric isomer with the pyrazine ring of dpp trans to dpop′ is found more predominate by 1.0/0.7 over the isomer with the pyrazine ring of dpp cis to dpop′ and that inter-conversion of geometric isomers does not occur in room temperature solution on the NMR timescale.  相似文献   

The reaction of iron(III) tetrakis‐5,10,15,20‐(N‐methyl‐4‐pyridyl)porphyrin (Fe(III)TMPyP) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the catalytic activity of the reaction intermediates on the luminescent peroxidation of luminol in aqueous solution were studied by using a double‐mixing stopped‐flow system. The observed luminescence intensities showed biphasic decay depending on the conditions. The initial flashlight decayed within <1 s followed by a sustained emission for more than 30 s. Computer deconvolution of the time‐resolved absorption spectra under the same conditions revealed that the initial flashlight appeared during the formation of the oxo–iron(IV) porphyrin, TMPyPFe(IV) = O, which is responsible for the sustained emission. The absorption spectra 0.0–0.5 s did not reproduce well by a simple combination of the two spectra of Fe(III)TMPyP and TMPyPFe(IV) = O, indicating that transient species was formed at the initial stage. Addition of uric acid (UA) caused a significant delay in the initiation of the luminol emission as well as in the formation of the TMPyPFe(IV) = O. Both of them were completely diminished in the presence of UA equimolar with H2O2, while mannitol had no effect at all. The delay of the light emission as well as the appearance of TMPyPFe(IV) = O was directly proportional to the [UA]0 but other kinetic profiles were not changed significantly. Based on these observations and the kinetic analysis, we confirmed the involvement of the oxo–iron(IV) porphyrin radical cation, (TMPyP)·+Fe(IV) = O, as an obligatory intermediate in the rate‐determining step of the overall reaction, Fe(III)TMPyP + H2O2 → TMPyPFe(IV) = O, with a rate constant of k = 4.3 × 104/mol/L/s. The rate constants for the reaction between the (TMPyP)·+Fe(IV) = O and luminol, and between the TMPyPFe(IV) = O and luminol were estimated to be 3.6 × 106/mol/L/s and 1.31 × 104/mol/L/s, respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reaction of vanadium(III) chloride with 8-quinolinol (Hqn) gave a mononuclear vanadium(IV) complex, [VOCl2(H2O)2] 1) · 2H2qn · 2Cl · CH3CN, and three dinuclear vanadium(IV) complexes: [V2O2Cl2(qn)2(H2O)2] (2) · Hqn, [V2O2Cl2(qn)2(C3H7OH)2] (3), and [V2O2Cl2(qn)2(C4H9OH)2] (4). Reaction of vanadium(III) chloride with 5-chloro-8-quinolinol (HClqn) gave four dinuclear vanadium(IV) complexes: [V2O2Cl2(Clqn)2(H2O)2] (5) · 2HClqn, [V2O2Cl2(Clqn)2(C3H7OH)2] (6), [V2O2Cl2(Clqn)2(C6H5CH2OH)2] (7), and [V2O2Cl2(Clqn)2(C4H9OH)2] (8) · 2C4H9OH. Reaction of vanadium(III) chloride with 5-fluoro-8-quinolinol (HFqn) gave two dinuclear vanadium(IV) complexes: [V2O2Cl2(Fqn)2(H2O)2] (9) · HFqn · 2H2O and V2O2Cl2(Fqn)2(C3H7OH)2] (10). X-ray structures of 1 · 2H2qn · 2Cl · CH3CN, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 · 2 t-BuOH, and 10 have been determined. As to the mononuclear species 1 · 2H2qn · 2Cl · CH3CN, coordination of Hqn to vanadium does not occur, but protonation to Hqn occurs to give H2qn+, which links 1’s through hydrogen bonding, while each of the dinuclear species has a terminal and a bridging qn (or Clqn, Fqn) ligand, giving rise to a (V-O)2 ring. Magnetic measurements of 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10 in solid form show very weak antiferromagnetic behavior, and the effective magnetic moments are close to spin only value (2.44) of d1-d1 system, while ESR of 3 in THF shows dissociation to monomeric species. Change from mononuclear, 1, to dinuclear, 2, species was followed by the change of electronic spectrum.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Inflammation is an integral feature of atherosclerosis, in which inflammatory processes contribute to the initiation, progression and rupture of lipid-rich atherosclerotic plaques. Recent studies have suggested the involvement of the proinflammatory secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2)-IIA in the development of atherosclerosis. This enzyme has been proposed to hydrolyze phosphatidylcholine (PC) in lipoproteins to liberate lyso-PC and free fatty acids in the arterial wall, thereby facilitating the accumulation of bioactive lipids and modified lipoproteins in atherosclerotic foci. However, the recent discovery of several novel sPLA2 isozymes has raised the question of which types of sPLA2 truly contribute to the atherosclerotic process. RECENT FINDINGS: Amongst the 10 mammalian sPLA2 isozymes, sPLA2-X, -V, -IIF and -III exhibit much more potent PC-hydrolyzing activity than do the others, and can release free fatty acids and lysophospholipids from the PC-rich outer leaflet of the cellular plasma membrane. In particular, sPLA2-X and sPLA2-V hydrolyze PC in lipoproteins far more efficiently than does sPLA2-IIA. Moreover, sPLA2-X promotes foam cell formation in vitro and is expressed in the atherosclerotic arterial walls of apolipoprotein E deficient mice in vivo. SUMMARY: PC-hydrolyzing sPLA2 isozymes, particularly sPLA2-V and sPLA2-X, are attractive candidates for proatherosclerotic factors that may act in place of sPLA2-IIA. However, their expression in human atherosclerotic lesions requires confirmation by specific methods that can distinguish between the different sPLA2 isozymes.  相似文献   

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