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雌性灵长类为获得更高的投入收益比,会调整其对不同性别后代的母系投入策略,并主要表现为针对某一性别尽可能多的生育或对某一性别的幼崽付出更多的母系照顾。雄性质量模型(MaleQualityModel,MQ)和栖息地资源竞争模型(LocalResourceCompetitionModel,LRC)分别将这种现象发生的机制解释为物种对性选择压力和资源竞争压力的回应。本研究通过对一个秦岭川金丝猴群生育行为连续四年的观察,发现该种群新生雄性幼崽的数量多于雌性幼崽,种群的次级性比存在偏离(♀∶♂=1∶1.71)。通过对不同社会单元的等级与雄性出生率的分析,发现两者之间存在一元线性关系(PM=-0.4918MDI 0.9329)(t=-1.879,df=24,P=0.073<0.10,R2=0.1331),各社会单元内新生雄猴占所有新生幼猴的比例会随着该单元社会等级的降低而升高,呈现PMH相似文献   

We describe the development of social play behavior and assess factors influencing the development of play in infant Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Infant snub-nosed monkeys began to exhibit social play at 3 months of age, when they spent an average 0.89% of time engaging in this behavior (range: 0.7-1.12%). At 6 months of age, there was a significant increase in the proportion of time spent in social play, averaging 9.78% of observation time (range: 4.92-17.08%). However, from 7 to 9 months of age during the winter, social play decreased gradually before rising again from 10 months of age in the spring. Play behavior in infant snub-nosed monkeys is influenced by environmental temperature. Males were observed to play more than females, although further data on this are required. Social rank did not influence the social play of wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkey infants.  相似文献   

For group-living primates, the information on postconflict management is crucial for understanding primate competition and cooperation. However, such information is poorly known for snub-nosed monkeys, especially for wild populations. In this study, from September 2007 to June 2008, we investigated postconflict behavior among adult females Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana within one-male units in a wild, provisioned group in the Qinling Mountains of China by means of the time-rule method and the PC-MC method. We obtained a total of 81 PC-MC pairs and each individual was involved in only 0.004 aggressive behavior per observation hour. The first affiliative behavior was more likely to occur within the first minute after a conflict. The postconflict affiliative behaviors most often seen were contact-sit, embrace and grooming. The affiliative contacts between adult females occur due to selective attraction, I.e. Reconciliation. The pattern of postconflict affiliation demonstrates that the R. Roxellana belongs to a tolerant species.  相似文献   

<正> For group-living primates, the information on postconflict management is crucial for understanding primate competitionand cooperation. However, such information is poorly known for snub-nosed monkeys, especially for wild populations. Inthis study, from September 2007 to June 2008, we investigated postconflict behavior among adult females Sichuan snub-nosedmonkeys Rhinopithecas roxellana within one-male units in a wild, provisioned group in the Qinling Mountains of China bymeans of the time-rule method and the PC-MC method. We obtained a total of 81 PC-MC pairs and each individual was involvedin only 0.004 aggressive behavior per observation hour. The first affiliative behavior was more likely to occur within the firstminute after a conflict. The postconflict affiliative behaviors most often seen were contact-sit, embrace and grooming. The affiliativecontacts between adult females occur due to selective attraction, i.e. reconciliation. The pattern of postconflict affiliationdemonstrates that the R. roxellana belongs to a tolerant species  相似文献   

Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys were observed for 197 days from 2000 to 2003 in the Qinling Mountains, Central China. The study group was provisioned in 2001 allowing detailed observations of social organization based on individual identification. The group was composed of 45–82 monkeys, all of which belonged to one of 6–8 one-male units (OMU) that foraged to form one big group. The average unit size was 9.0±2.3, 8±1.5 in the winter and 11.1±2.0 in the spring. Immigration or emigration of one-male units to or from the foraging group was observed, as was migration of individuals in and out of OMU, especially for by subadult females and juveniles. Group size therefore tended to fluctuate with the number of OMU and the number of young monkeys present in the group. The OMU in the study area were smaller than those in Shennongjia area. The factors influencing the size of these OMU and the entire group are discussed.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴的昼间活动时间分配   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
1999年12月至2004年11月,通过野外直接跟踪观察,采用焦点取样和瞬时记录的方法,对秦岭川金丝猴西梁猴群的昼间活动时间分配进行了研究。将川金丝猴的昼间活动定义为摄食、休息、理毛、移动和其他行为5 种类型,结果发现:川金丝猴昼间活动中有两个摄食高峰,分别在每天的上午和下午,中午有一个较长时间的休息期。川金丝猴昼间的主要行为类型是摄食和休息(约占全部活动时间的62%),各种行为依所占时间比例依次为:摄食(34.64 ± 1.70%)、休息(26.83 ± 1.69%)、理毛(11.58 ± 0.96%)、移动(18.93 ±1.08%)和其他行为(8.02 ± 0.82%)。在不同季节各种行为类型所占时间比例有明显的变化,表现为摄食和休息行为占昼间活动时间比例在夏(75.00%)、秋季(74.15%) 大于春(52.74%)、冬季(56.64%);而移动、理毛和其他行为所占时间比例之和在夏(25.00%)、秋季( 25.85%) 则明显小于冬( 43.4%)、春季(47.3%)。不同季节间的活动时间分配经非参数检验( Kruskal Wallis H test,N = 199),理毛行为( x2 =11.438,df = 3,P < 0.05)有显著差异,摄食(x2 = 20.469,df = 3,P < 0.01)、休息(x2 = 27.235,df = 3,P < 0.01)、移动(x2 = 24.110,df = 3,P < 0.01) 和其他行为( x2 = 60.810,df = 3,P < 0.01) 季节间差异非常显著;除摄食行为外,其余各行为类型的时间分配在不同性别-年龄组间也存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴长时间携带死婴行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道了一例秦岭川金丝猴死婴被其母亲和近亲未成年雌猴长时间携带行为。携带者的行为除正常婴猴中常见的检视、嗅吻、理毛行为外,还有嘴叼和手抓携带行为,后者是正常婴猴携带行为中未曾见到过的。对于树栖生活为主的川金丝猴,与正常婴猴相比,死婴的携带更加困难,母亲对死婴的行为方式在一定程度上体现了对婴猴的母爱和照料能力。本文对死婴携带行为发生的原因及其意义进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Group size influences female reproductive success through scramble/contest feeding competition, predation pressures and infanticide risks in primates. The Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is an endangered folivorous colobine species living in a multilevel society. From 2002 to 2008, we studied a free-ranging band of R. roxellana in the Qinling Mountains of China to examine the effect of group size on female reproductive success. During our observation period, the number of monkeys in the study band fluctuated from 61 to 108, and the number of one-male/multi-female groups within it varied from 7 to 10. A significant negative linear relationship was found between group size and birth rate, but group size was not significantly correlated with infant survival rate or interbirth interval. These results suggest that group size influences female reproductive success via within-group scramble competition in this folivorous species.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴冬季和春季在自然栖息地的空间利用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
2000年9月到2003年3月共计197天的时间里,我们采用目标动物取样法(Focalanimalsampling)和行为的全事件记录法(Alloccurrencesampling)对一群生活在秦岭北坡周至保护区内的秦岭金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellana)在自然栖息地内空间利用的进行了研究。当猴群在离开人工投食区进行自由活动时我们开始收集数据。结果表明:秦岭川金丝猴在不同年龄性别组的个体对植被的空间利用明显不同,它们花费每天活动的14%的时间在地面上活动,53%时间在树叉处活动,33%的时间在树冠中间活动。与其它年龄性别个体相比,成年雄性有27%的观察时间在地上活动,并且20%的取食时间或29%的休息时间是在地上的,明显地高于其它年龄性别组的个体。群体迁移时,成年雄性有53%的时间在地上移动,而只有13%的时间是在树冠层移动的。在通过不同树冠的时候,成年雄性经常会同时抓住两边再把身体摆过去。它们也经常下到地上迁移而回避在树间跳跃。相比之下,亚成年雌性和青少年猴更加经常地在低植被层和树冠层中找食和休息。它们明显地比成年猴更加频繁地在树冠中移动,却很少下地。它们还经常使用跳跃的方式通过树冠间的空隙。从观察到摔下树的事例分析,青少年猴从树上摔下来的风险比成年猴大。本文进而讨论了影响秦岭金丝猴空间分布和移动的因素,比如说身体的重量等.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in home range and habitat use of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana, have been studied by radio tracking and direct observation in the Qinling Mountains of China. The home range size was 14.1 km(2) in spring, 9.5 km(2) in summer, 12.1 km(2) in autumn and 12.3 km(2) in winter; the total area used was 22.5 km(2). The area of the home range is closely correlated with the distribution and abundance of food resources. Seasonal change in the home range area is correlated with the phenology of the vegetation. An unusually large home range is a unique characteristic of this monkey.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一周岁内个体的行为发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年3月至2004年5月在陕西周至国家自然保护区的玉皇庙地区,采用目标动物取样法(Focal ani-mal sampling)对2003年出生的5只金丝猴个体行为发育进行了观察,应用全事件记录法(All-occurrences record-ing)进行数据的收集。结果表明23日龄婴儿首次从母亲怀内爬出在树枝上活动,68日龄开始在树上攀爬跳跃,5月龄主动采食树叶和啃投食区食物,6月龄跟随社群迁移。依据婴幼儿主要行为首次出现时间及其变化,把1周岁内个体发育分为5个时期,即完全依赖期、探索外部世界期、融入社群期、适应生存期和逐步独立期。1周岁内婴幼儿活动和休息的地方是母亲怀里、其它个体怀里、树枝上和地面上。随着发育,婴幼儿在这些地方停留的时间也在变化。1周岁内婴幼儿在母亲怀中的时间与年龄存在明显的负相关,在其它个体怀里的时间与年龄也呈显著负相关。虽然独自在树上的时间与年龄相关性不显著,但在地面上停留的时间与年龄呈正相关。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一个群的社会结构   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  

On the basis on 6 years of observation, we estimated the reproductive parameters of a Golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) group in the Qinling Mountains, China. We observed 88 births in 47 females from 2001 to 2006. Two methods were used to calculate the birthrate. The first method is based on the number of births observed in a year, giving 0.49+/-0.07 (mean+/-SD), and the second method is based on the female-years of observation, giving 0.49+/-0.17 births per female per year in this troop. The mean interbirth interval is 21.88+/-6.01 months (mean+/-SD). The mortality of infant born between 2002 and 2005 was 22.4%. The interbirth intervals of females that had lost an infant before the age of 6 months were significantly shorter than that of females whose infants survived for more than 6 months. A female usually gives birth once every 2 years if the previous offspring survives to a weaning age of 5-6 months, or will give birth in the next year if the previous young dies before reaching an age of 6 months. Births were significantly concentrated during March to May of each year. The mean birth date was on April 14, median was April 12; and the standard deviation was 13.98 days. Birth peak occurs 6-7 months after mating peak. From observations on 15 individuals that gave birth for the first time, we concluded that the wild female Golden snub-nosed monkeys in Qinling Mountains start giving birth at an age of 5 or 6 years. We suggest that the seasonal reproductive pattern is an adaptive response to the availability of seasonal food. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that these reproductive characteristics are a result of adaptation to the seasonality of mountain climate and food resources.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一个投食群等级关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
2002年7月至2003年6月,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法对秦岭山脉周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁川金丝猴投食群一雄多雌社会单元内部和社会单元间的攻击和屈服行为的指向和次数进行记录,应用计算优势指数的方法对社会单元内不同性别年龄组和社会单元间的等级进行排列。结果表明,在每一个社会单元内部成年雄性居最高地位,所有成年雌性占有第二阶层,亚成体处于第三阶层,青少年个体处于最低层。每个社会单元内成年雌性在一年内的等级序列并不是固定不变的,一般是雌性在产仔后顺位明显上升。八个社会单元在交配阶段和产仔阶段等级结构不同,等级最高的社会单元以及等级最低的社会单元的等级顺序没有发生变化,等级接近的社会单元间的等级顺序发生变化,其变化的原因可能主要与社会单元内部成员相互协作进行攻击有关。  相似文献   

Numerical superiority does not always ensure victory in intergroup contests. Although group size is likely to determine the maximum resource holding potential (RHP) of a group, the realized RHP is the collective outcome of individual group members' choices about participation in any given contest. For any group member, the choice about participation should be based on the assessment of costs and benefits that are affected by both ecological and social factors. In this study, we studied inter-unit contests in a provisioned troop of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). We spent 368?hr in contact with 9 one-male units sharing the same home range, during which we recorded 148 inter-unit contests at a provisioning site. Inter-unit contests always started as inter-individual contests. Contests escalated only when the two individuals were of different age-sex classes and one was an adult male. When a contest escalated, additional individuals were likely to get involved, and the outcome of the contest depended on unit members' choices about participation. The superiority in the number of participants rather than the superiority in unit size led to victory in inter-unit contests, given that the difference in unit size did not predict a difference in the number of participants. Unit members were more likely to support others in inter-unit contests in winter when food was sparse than in spring when food was abundant. In addition, unit members were more likely to support others in escalated contests than in those resulting in displacement, indicating that they tended to alter the outcome of a contest to gain immediate benefit. Although males initiated most inter-unit contests, a clear win-loss was most likely when females joined the fight. This sex difference may reflect the benefits to males vs. females of living in a multi-level society.  相似文献   

与手偏好相比较,脚偏好被认为是研究大脑半球中语言功能偏侧性调控表达的一种更佳的行为预测指标。当前国际科学界对于人类大脑半球功能不对称性和肢体偏好进化起源的关注,有力地推动了非人灵长类物种肢体偏好行为学研究,其中关于树栖灵长类物种的相关研究,对身体姿势在灵长类肢体偏好表达的理解有十分关键作用。川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我特有濒危灵长类物种,主要营树栖生活。本研究首次关注秦岭川金丝猴自发性非移动双足姿势(双足叠放)的脚偏好。研究发现在个体水平上每个焦点动物均表现出明显的脚偏好,在群组水平上表现出显著的右脚偏好,脚偏好表达无显著性别差异,其研究结果支持“姿势起源理论”。本文首次呈现野生旧大陆猴物种群组水平脚偏好的研究证据。  相似文献   

婴儿出生9个月就开始跟随母亲的视线接触外界社会活动,那么与人亲缘关系较近的灵长类,它们是否也拥有这种能力?凝视行为是否可以作为一种认知发育的行为指标?是否可以被测量并用于诊断?本研究选取秦岭川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellanae为观察对象,设置川金丝猴照片引导实验,运用焦点动物取样法对不同年龄组的凝视行为进行观察记录。结果发现秦岭川金丝猴存在凝视现象,不同年龄组的行为发生方式存在差异,表明凝视行为可能是灵长类在早期就出现的一种发育行为。此研究方法可以为不同成长环境儿童的行为测量和诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

Primates - Studies of positional behavior, gait, and habitat use are important for understanding how animals adapt to the challenges of their environment. In turn, this information is useful for...  相似文献   

食土行为广泛存在于灵长类动物中,关于灵长类的食土行为有很多功能性的假说,包括补充矿物质、有毒物质吸附、抗腹泻、抗体内寄生虫感染及肠胃酸性中和等假说。为了解秦岭川金丝猴取食黏土的影响因子和功能假说,于2013年9月至2015年1月采用扫描观察法和瞬时记录法收集食性数据,记录取食黏土个体的性别年龄及取食位置,并采集秦岭川金丝猴取食的黏土和对照黏土样品。于2016年07月采用电位法测定土壤样品的pH值。食性结果表明不同性别年龄个体,从1岁的婴幼猴到成年个体都存在取食黏土的行为;秦岭川金丝猴取食黏土的pH显著高于对照样品的pH值。因此,本研究结果与肠胃酸性中和假说更为契合,秦岭川金丝猴取食偏碱性的黏土,有利于中和取食大量芽和叶摄入的酸性物质。  相似文献   

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