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The alpha and beta subunits in Fe-Co hybrid hemoglobins differ in their rapid reactions with dioxygen and nitric oxide after dissociation by a 25-ns photoflash. The alpha subunits show little recombination on a scale of tens of nanoseconds, whereas the beta subunits show extensive recombination on this time sale. The alpha-beta difference is more marked with Fe than with Co and greater with dioxygen as ligand than with nitric oxide, but is clearly evident in all combinations of ligand and metal. Addition of inositol hexaphosphate slows ligand binding and reduces the proportion of rapid recombination of dioxygen and nitric oxide to beta-Fe subunits. The behavior of alpha-Fe subunits is unaffected by this compound. These results permit the beta subunit to be identified as the T-state species which equilibrates rapidly with oxygen in the T-state, i.e. the reverse of the identification suggested on structural grounds.  相似文献   

The oxygen dissociation constants from Fe subunits in the half-ligated intermediate states of Fe-Co hybrid hemoglobins, alpha(Fe-O2)2 beta(Co)2 and alpha(Co)2 beta(Fe-O2)2, have been determined as functions of pH, temperature and inositol hexaphosphate. The oxygen dissociation rates from alpha(Fe-O2)2 beta(Co)2 are estimated to be more than 1300 s-1 for the deoxy quaternary state (T-state) and less than 3 s-1 for the oxy quaternary state (R-state) at 15 degrees C in 50 mM-Tris or Bis-Tris buffer containing 0.1 M-Cl-, while those of alpha(Co)2 beta(Fe-O2)2 are more than 180 s-1 and less than 5 s-1 for the T and R-states, respectively. The pH dependence of the oxygen dissociation rate from Fe subunits is large enough to be accounted for by the R-T transition, and implies that those half-ligated intermediate hybrids mainly exist in the R-state at pH 8.8, and in the T-state at pH 6.6, while other studies indicated that the half-ligated hybrids are essentially in the R-state at pH 7. Large activation energies of the oxygen dissociation process of 19 to 31 kcal/mol determined from the temperature dependence suggest that the process is entropy-driven.  相似文献   

Hybrid hemoglobins were prepared in which cobalt was substituted for the heme iron in either the alpha or beta subunits. Transient optical absorption spectra were measured at room temperature for these hybrids at time intervals between 0 and 50 ms following photodissociation of the carbon monoxide complex with 10-ns laser pulses. The cobalt porphyrins do not bind carbon monoxide, making it possible to investigate the time-resolved response of the cobalt-containing subunits to photodissociation of carbon monoxide in the iron-containing subunits. At the same time the response of the iron-containing subunits to the photolysis event can be studied, permitting an independent determination of the kinetics of ligand rebinding and conformational changes in the alpha and beta subunits of an intact tetramer. The data were analyzed by using singular-value decomposition to obtain the kinetic progress curve for ligand rebinding, the deoxyheme and cobalt porphyrin spectral changes, and the time course of these spectral changes. The geminate rebinding kinetics following photodissociation of alpha(Co)2 beta(Fe-CO)2 were very similar to those found unsubstituted hemoglobin, alpha(Fe-CO)2 beta(Fe-CO)2, indicating equivalence of the geminate kinetics for alpha and beta subunits within the R-state tetramer. The results for alpha(Fe-CO)2 beta(Co)2 were consistent with this conclusion, even though the analysis was complicated by the presence of comparable populations of R- and T-state species. Comparison of the deoxyheme spectral changes and relaxation times among the three molecules indicated that both alpha and beta subunits contribute to the deoxyheme spectral changes that signal tertiary and quaternary conformational changes in the unsubstituted tetramer. The response of the cobalt porphyrins to photodissociation was similar in the two hybrids. No structural changes were detected in the cobalt-containing subunits until the second tertiary conformational change in the iron-containing subunits observed at 1-2 microseconds. Much larger structural changes, as judged by the amplitude of the spectral changes, occurred in the cobalt-containing subunits concomitant with the R----T quaternary change at about 20 microseconds.  相似文献   

Geminate recombination of CO in rabbit, opossum, and adult hemoglobins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geminate recombination of CO with Hb following dissociation by a 10-ns laser pulse has been studied as a function of pH (9.2 and 7.0 without inositol hexaphosphate and 6.0 with inositol hexaphosphate) and temperature (5-35 degrees C). The hemoglobins studied included adult, Rothschild, rabbit, opossum, and carp. Despite significant differences in their structural and functional properties, the first four of these hemoglobins show similar trends in the yields, rates, and activation energies of the geminate recombination. The nature of the "cage recombination" in hemoglobin is discussed in the light of such findings. Neither a slow diffusion model nor a model based upon a specific non-heme binding site accounts for the observations.  相似文献   

By introducing an additional H-bond in the alpha(1)beta(2) subunit interface or altering the charge properties of the amino acid residues in the alpha(1)beta(1) subunit interface of the hemoglobin molecule, we have designed and expressed recombinant hemoglobins (rHbs) with low oxygen affinity and high cooperativity. Oxygen-binding measurements of these rHbs under various experimental conditions show interesting properties in response to pH (Bohr effect) and allosteric effectors. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies show that these rHbs can switch from the oxy (or CO) quaternary structure (R) to the deoxy quaternary structure (T) without changing their ligation states upon addition of an allosteric effector, inositol hexaphosphate, and/or reduction of the ambient temperature. These results indicate that if we can provide extra stability to the T state of the hemoglobin molecule without perturbing its R state, we can produce hemoglobins with low oxygen affinity and high cooperativity. Some of these rHbs are also quite stable against autoxidation compared to many of the known abnormal hemoglobins with altered oxygen affinity and cooperativity. These results have provided new insights into the structure-function relationship in hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The 13CO-NMR spectra of carbonylhemoglobins Saint Mandé (beta 102Asn----Tyr), Malm? (beta 97His----Gln), H?tel Dieu (beta 99Asp----Gly) and Ao have been determined. The positions of the 13CO resonances for hemoglobins Ao, Malm? and H?tel Dieu were similar indicating similar ligand environments for all. The 13CO resonance for the beta-subunit of Saint Mandé was upfield-shifted compared to the others. This is evidence that structural changes at the beta 102 position directly affect iron-ligand bonding as well as quaternary structure.  相似文献   

The structure and function of iron(II)-ruthenium(II) hybrid hemoglobins alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2 and alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2, which can serve as models for the intermediate species of the oxygenation step in native human adult hemoglobin, were investigated by measuring oxygen equilibrium curves and the Fe(II)-N epsilon (His F8) stretching resonance Raman lines. The oxygen equilibrium properties indicated that these iron-ruthenium hybrid hemoglobins are good models for the half-liganded hemoglobin. The pH dependence of the oxygen binding properties and the resonance Raman line revealed that the quaternary and tertiary structural transition was induced by pH changes. When the pH was lowered, both the iron-ruthenium hybrid hemoglobins exhibited relatively higher cooperativity and a Raman line typical of normal deoxy structure, suggesting that their structure is stabilized at a "T-like" state. However, the oxygen affinity of alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2 was lower than that of alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2, and the transition to the "deoxy-type" Fe-N epsilon stretching Raman line of alpha(Fe2)beta(Ru-CO)2 was completed at pH 7.4, while that of the complementary counterpart still remained in an "oxy-like" state under the same condition. These observations clearly indicate that the beta-liganded hybrid has more "T"-state character than the alpha-liganded hybrid. In other words, the ligation to the alpha subunit induces more pronounced changes in the structure and function in Hb than the ligation to the beta subunit. This feature agrees with our previous observations by NMR and sulfhydryl reactivity experiments. The present results are discussed in relation to the molecular mechanism of the cooperative stepwise oxygenation in native human adult hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Antisera were produced in rabbits to the three known types of Lepore hemoglobins, which contain hybrid delta-beta non-alpha-chains, and to hemoglobin Kenya, which has a hybrid gamma-beta non-alpha-chain. By using a sensitive radioimmunoassay technique, the absorbed antisera were shown to contain an antibody population that was specific for the hybrid hemoglobin and did not cross-react with normal hemoglobins. However, with the absorbed Lepore-specific antisera, the three known types of Lepore hemoglobins were antigenically indistinguishable from each other, suggesting that antibodies are not produced to the primary structural differences which define the three non-alpha-chains of the Lepore hemoglobins. These studies demonstrate that the non-alpha-subunits of hemoglobins Lepore and Kenya possess unique antigenic determinant sites, evidently resulting from an altered polypeptide conformation.  相似文献   

Ligand binding studies were made with hemoglobin (Hb) isolated from trematode species Gastrothylax crumenifer (Gc), Paramphistomum epiclitum (Pe), Explanatum explanatum (Ee), parasitic worms of water buffalo Bubalus bubalis, and Isoparorchis hypselobagri (Ih) parasitic in the catfish Wallago attu. The kinetics of oxygen and carbon monoxide binding show very fast association rates. Whereas oxygen can be displaced on a millisecond time scale from human Hb at 25 degrees C, the dissociation of oxygen from trematode Hb may require a few seconds to over 20 s (for Hb Pe). Carbon monoxide dissociation is faster, however, than for other monomeric hemoglobins or myoglobins. Trematode hemoglobins also show a reduced rate of autoxidation; the oxy form is not readily oxidized by potassium ferricyanide, indicating that only the deoxy form reacts rapidly with this oxidizing agent. Unlike most vertebrate Hbs, the trematodes have a tyrosine residue at position E7 instead of the usual distal histidine. As for Hb Ascaris, which also displays a high oxygen affinity, the trematodes have a tyrosine in position B10; two H-bonds to the oxygen molecule are thought to be responsible for the very high oxygen affinity. The trematode hemoglobins display a combination of high association rates and very low dissociation rates, resulting in some of the highest oxygen affinities ever observed.  相似文献   

The absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of valency hybrid hemoglobins and their constituents (alpha + and beta chains for alpha 2+beta 2, alpha and beta + chains for alpha 2 beta 2+: + denotes ferric heme) were measured in the Soret region for F-, H2O, N3- and CN- derivatives. Absorption and MCD spectra of valency hybrid hemoglobins were very similar to the arithmetic mean of respective spectra of their corresponding component chains in all derivatives. The Soret MCD intensity around 408 nm for various complexes of valency hybrid hemoglobins seems to reflect the spin state of ferric chains. Upon ferric and deoxy ferrous subunit association to make the deoxy valency hybrid hemoglobins, only the high-spin forms bound with F- and H2O of alpha 2+beta 2 displayed a blue shift in the peak position around 430 nm and those of alpha 2 beta 2+ an increase in intensity around 430 nm. The blue shift and the increase in intensity were considered to be caused by the structural changes in deoxy beta chains of alpha 2+beta 2 and deoxy alpha chains of alpha beta 2+, respectively. These spectral changes were interpreted on the basis of their oxygen-equilibrium properties. In contrast to absorption and MCD spectra, the CD spectra of valency hybrid hemoglobins were markedly different from the simple addition of those of their component chains in all derivatives examined. The large part of CD spectral changes upon subunit association were interpreted as changes in the heme vicinity accompanied by formation of the alpha 1 beta 1 subunit contact.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical hybrid hemoglobins formed from mixtures of two structurally different hemoglobins were found to be readily separated by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography under anaerobic conditions. When oxyhemoglobins A and S were mixed and deoxygenated, the resulting HPLC chromatogram showed three peaks. The distribution of the three components follow the binomial expansion a2 + 2 ab + b2 = 1, where a and b are the initial fractions of parent hemoglobins. The middle peak was collected in a test tube saturated with CO gas and reanalyzed under the same experimental conditions. This middle component gave two peaks of equal areas with retention times identical to those of the CO-form of the parent hemoglobins without the appearance of the hybrid hemoglobin band. No intermediate peak was observed in solutions of mixtures of liganded hemoglobins under aerobic conditions. Hybrid hemoglobins AC and SC were also formed when oxyhemoglobins A and C, S and C were mixed, respectively. The separation and the identification of hemoglobins and hybrid hemoglobin employing cation-exchange HPLC can be achieved within 30 min by gradient elution. In addition, the ability to isolate hybrid hemoglobins may be a valuable tool for the study of physical and chemical properties of hybrid hemoglobins.  相似文献   

The method of disk-electrophoresis in PAAG has shown that hemoglobin of domestic ducks is heterogeneous and consists of four electrophoretically homogeneous fractions: two fractions with high content of protein and two minor fractions. They differ in the content of lysine, histidine, serine, glycine, glutamic acid, tyrosine and phenyl alanine as well as in affinity to molecular oxygen. The minor fractions are characterized by low and high affinity to oxygen and fractions with high content of protein occupy an intermediate position.  相似文献   

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