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A stereotyped approach phase vocalization response of Noctilio albiventris to artificial echoes simulating a virtual approaching object was used to assess the ability of the bat to analyze and extract distance information from the artificial echoes. The performance of the bats depended on the temporal pattern of frequency change of the continuously sweeping frequency modulated (FM) component of the signals. When the bats were presented with a CF/FM signal containing a time-reversed upward FM sweep, they responded with approach phase behavior at a performance level that was significantly below that seen with a CF/FM signal containing a naturally structured downward FM sweep. When the FM sweep was divided into a series of brief pure tone steps, the extent to which the bats showed a difference in their capability to process upward versus downward FM sweeps depended on the difference in frequency between the pure tone steps. The bats effectively processed downward but not upward FM sweeps when the difference in frequency between pure tone frequency elements of the FM sweeps was from about 100–200 Hz, but they effectually processed both downward and upward FM sweeps when the tonal elements composing the FM sweeps were separated by more than about 200 Hz. This suggests that the ability of the bats to effectively process downward but not upward FM sweeps is based on local interactions between adjacent frequency elements of the complex sounds.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

Big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus, were presented with artificial frequency modulated (FM) echoes that simulated an object becoming progressively closer to the bat. A stereotyped approach phase behavioral response of the bat to the virtual approaching target was used to determine the ability of the bat to analyze FM signals for target distance information. The degree to which the bats responded with approach phase behavior to a virtual approaching target was similar when they were presented with either a naturally structured artificial FM echo or an artificial FM echo constructed from a series of brief pure tone steps. The ability of the bats to respond to an FM signal structured from a sequence of pure tone elements depended on the number of pure tone steps in the series; the bats required the presentation of tone-step FM signals containing about 83 or greater pure tone elements. Moreover, the duration of the individual tone steps of the tone-step FM signals could not exceed a specific upper limit of about 0.05 ms. Finally, it appears that the bats were able to independently resolve individual tone steps within the tone-step FM signals that were separated by about 450 Hz or more.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. During the discrimination trials, the bats emitted complex FM/CF/FM pulses containing first harmonic and dominant second harmonic components.Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the CF/FM part of the natural echolocation components, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Changes in the frequency or frequency pattern of the artificial pulses resulted in systematic changes in the degree of interference. Interference occurred when artificial CF/FM pulses were presented at frequencies near those of the bat's own first or second harmonic components.These findings suggest that Rhinolophus rouxi uses both the first and second harmonic components of its complex multiharmonic echolocation sound for distance discrimination. For interference to occur, the sound pattern of each harmonic component must contain a CF signal followed by an FM sweep beginning near the frequency of the CF.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the bat's natural long-CF/FM echolocation sounds, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Interference occurred when the duration of the CF component of the CF/FM artificial pulse was between 2 and 70 ms. A brief (2.0 ms) CF signal 2–68 ms before an isolated FM signal was as effective as a continuous CF component of the same duration. When coupled with the bat's own emissions, a 2 ms FM sweep alone was effective in interfering when it came 42 to 69 ms after the onset of the bat's pulse. The coupled FM artificial pulses did not interfere when they began during the bat's own emissions.It appears that the onset of the CF component activates a gating mechanism that establishes a time window during which FM component signals must occur for proper neural processing. A comparison with a similar gating mechanism in Noctillo albiventris, which emits short-CF/FM echolocation sounds, reveals that the temporal parameters of the time window of the gating mechanism are species specific and specified by the temporal structure of the echolocation sound pattern of each species.Abbreviations FM frequency modulated - CF constant frequency  相似文献   

In a two-alternative, forced-choice task lesser bulldog bats were trained to distinguish between a pure tone pulse and a pulse composed of a series of brief tonal steps oscillating between two different frequencies. The tone-step pulse gradually approximates the pure tone pulse as the frequency difference between the steps becomes progressively smaller. Frequency difference limens for the brief tonal frequency steps were determined for a broad range of ultrasonic frequencies. The variation in tone-step difference limens with frequency appears to be correlated to the frequency structure of the bat's short-constant-frequency/frequency-modulated echolocation sound. There was a marked decline in the value of the relative frequency difference limens (Weber ratio) over a fairly narrow range of frequencies above the constant frequency and a sharp increase in threshold above this range. The relative thresholds for frequency discrimination were small and uniform over the frequency range of the frequency-modulated sweep and increased for frequencies below the frequency- modulated sweep. Thus, the most accurate frequency-discrimination abilities occur over a narrow frequency range around the frequency of the constant-frequency component of returning echoes. Frequency discrimination over the range of frequencies of the frequency-modulated component is relatively good. Accepted: 20 March 1999  相似文献   

Acoustic signals consist of pressure changes over time and can thus be analyzed in the frequency- or in the time-domain. With behavioural experiments we investigated which frequency components (FC) are necessary for the recognition of the periodic envelope of the conspecific song by females of the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. Further, we determined up to which frequency component phase information is required which would indicate processing in the time domain. Responses of females revealed that signals composed of FC between 10 and 50 Hz are sufficient for recognition of the song envelope. A systematic reduction in the number of FC showed that no single frequency component was required; signals without the fundamental frequency were still highly attractive and only three FC may be sufficient for song recognition. Phase changes for frequencies up to 40 Hz strongly changed the attractiveness of song signals but only little at 50 Hz. Females were also tested with rectangular signals in which pause duration was varied. Evidently, and despite the high attractiveness of song signals with a “missing fundamental”, females evaluated the attractiveness of signals in the time-domain, since the selectivity for pause duration predicted the responses to signals composed from FC well.  相似文献   

The orientation behaviour of bats (Phyllostomus discolor, Phyllostomidae), flying inside an octagonal roost-like chamber (ø: 100cm; h: 150cm) was examined.It has been shown that the bats begin turning manoeuvres during flight by turning their head towards the direction they intend to proceed to. During early phases of the flights, cumulative navigation errors were evident, indicating that endogenous spatial information plays a major role in the orientation of the bats. During later phases of the flight this error is diminished again. So it can be concluded that the bats start to use exogenous spatial information for orientation while approaching the target.In order to investigate the relative importance of vision, echolocation and endogenous spatial information for approaching the roost, the landing lattices inside the test arena were changed for non-grid dummies. We found that: 1. combined visual and endogenous information are more important than echoacoustical cues, 2. the bats learned quickly to switch their orientation behaviour in order to get a better performance in avoiding the dummies, 3. the learning performance was influenced by the visual similarity of dummies and the real landing lattice.  相似文献   

1. Encoding of temporal stimulus parameters by inferior collicular (IC) neurons of Eptesicus fuscus was studied by recording their responses to a wide range of repetition rates (RRs) and durations at several stimulus intensities under free field stimulus conditions. 2. The response properties of 424 IC neurons recorded were similar to those reported in previous studies of this species. 3. IC neurons were classified as low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass according to their preference for RRs and/or durations characteristic of, respectively, search, approach, or terminal phases of echolocation. These neurons selectively process stimuli characteristic of the various phases of hunting. 4. Best RRs and best durations were not correlated with either the BFs or recording depths This suggests that each isofrequency lamina is capable of processing RRs and durations of all hunting phases. 5. Responses of one half of IC neurons studied were correlated with the stimulus duty cycle. These neurons may preferentially process terminal phase information when the bat's pulse emission duty cycle increases. 6. While the stimulus RR affected the dynamic range and overall profile of the intensity rate function, only little effect was observed with different stimulus durations.  相似文献   

Male katydids produce mating calls by stridulation using specialized structures on the forewings. The right wing (RW) bears a scraper connected to a drum‐like cell known as the mirror and a left wing (LW) that overlaps the RW and bears a serrated vein on the ventral side, the stridulatory file. Sound is generated with the scraper sweeping across the file, producing vibrations that are amplified by the mirror. Using this sound generator, katydids exploit a range of song carrier frequencies (CF) unsurpassed by any other insect group, with species singing as low as 600 Hz and others as high as 150 kHz. Sound generator size has been shown to scale negatively with CF, but such observations derive from studies based on few species, without phylogenetic control, and/or using only the RW mirror length. We carried out a phylogenetic comparative analysis involving 94 species of katydids to study the relationship between LW and RW components of the sound generator and the CF of the male's mating call, while taking into account body size and phylogenetic relationships. The results showed that CF negatively scaled with all morphological measures, but was most strongly related to components of the sound generation system (file, LW and RW mirrors). Interestingly, the LW mirror (reduced and nonfunctional) predicted CF more accurately than the RW mirror, and body size is not a reliable CF predictor. Mathematical models were verified on known species for predicting CF in species for which sound is unknown (e.g. fossils or museum specimens).  相似文献   

The speed of sound (SOS) value is an indicator of bone mineral density (BMD). Previous genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified a number of genes, whose variations may affect BMD levels. However, their biological implications have been elusive. We re-analyzed the GWA study dataset for the SOS values in skeletal sites of 4,659 Korean women, using a gene-set analysis software, GSA-SNP. We identified 10 common representative GO terms, and 17 candidate genes between these two traits (PGS < 0.05). Implication of these GO terms and genes in the bone mechanism is well supported by the literature survey. Interestingly, the significance levels of some member genes were inversely related, in several gene-sets that were shared between two skeletal sites. This implies that biological process, rather than SNP or gene, is the substantial unit of genetic association for SOS in bone. In conclusion, our findings may provide new insights into the biological mechanisms for BMD. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(6): 348-353]  相似文献   

Summary Bats of the speciesNoctilio albiventris, trained to discriminate differences in target distance, emitted pairs of pulses at a rate of 7–10/s, the first a constant frequency (CF) pulse of about 8 ms duration and 75 kHz frequency, followed after about 28 ms by a CF/FM pulse having a 6 ms, 75 kHz CF component that terminates in a 2 ms FM sweep to about 57 kHz.Loud free-running artificial pulses, simulating the bat's natural CF/FM echolocation sound, interfered with distance discrimination at repetition rates exceeding 5/s. Systematic modifications in the temporal and frequency structure of the artificial pulses resulted in orderly changes in the degree of interference. Artificial pulses simulating the natural CF or FM components alone had no effect, nor did 10/s white noise pulses, although constant white noise of the same intensity masked the behavior.Interference occurred when the CF of the artificial pulses was between 52 and 77 kHz, ending with a downward FM sweep of 25 kHz from the CF. For interference to occur there was a much more critical requirement that the FM sweep begin at approximately the frequency of the CF component. The FM sweep needed to be 11 kHz or greater bandwidth. Interference occurred when the duration of the CF component of the CF/FM artificial pulse was between 2 and 30 ms, with maximal effect between 10 and 20 ms. However, a brief (2.0 ms) CF signal 2–27 ms before an isolated FM signal was as effective as a continuous CF component of the same duration.When coupled with the bat's own emissions, artificial CF/FM pulses interfered if they occurred after the bat's CF/FM pulse and before the next natural emission. A 2 ms FM sweep alone was effective in interfering with distance discrimination when it came 8–27 ms after the onset of the bat's own CF/FM pulse. Neither CF/FM nor FM artificial pulses interfered when they began during the bat's own emission. A 10 ms CF pulse alone had no effect at any time.These findings indicate thatN. albiventris uses both the CF and FM components of its short-CF/FM echolocation sound for distance discrimination. The CF onset activates a gating mechanism that, during a narrowly defined subsequent time window, enables the nervous system to process FM pulse-echo pairs for distance information, within a fairly broad frequency range, as long as the frequencies of the CF and the beginning of the FM sweep are nearly identical.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

Bats are a species-rich order of mammals providing key ecosystem services. Because bats are threatened by human action and also serve as important bioindicators, monitoring their populations is of utmost importance. However, surveying bats is difficult because of their nocturnal habits, elusiveness and sensitivity to disturbance. Bat detectors allow echolocating bats to be surveyed non-invasively and record species that would otherwise be difficult to observe by capture or roost inspection. Unfortunately, several bat species cannot be identified confidently from their calls so acoustic classification remains ambiguous or impossible in some cases.The popularity of automated classifiers of bat echolocation calls has escalated rapidly, including that of several packages available on purchase. Such products have filled a vacant niche on the market mostly in relation to the expanding monitoring efforts related to the development of wind energy production worldwide.We highlight that no classifier has yet proven capable of providing correct classifications in 100% of cases or getting close enough to this ideal performance. Besides, from the literature available and our own experience we argue that such tools have not yet been tested sufficiently in the field. Visual inspection of calls whose automated classification is judged suspicious is often recommended, but human intervention a posteriori represents a circular argument and requires noticeable experience.We are concerned that neophytes – including consultants with little experience with bats but specialized into other taxonomical groups – will accept passively automated responses of tools still awaiting sufficient validation. We remark that bat call identification is a serious practical issue because biases in the assessment of bat distribution or habitat preferences may lead to wrong management decisions with serious conservation consequences. Automated classifiers may crucially aid bat research and certainly merit further investigations but the boost in commercially available software may have come too early. Thorough field tests need to be carried out to assess limitations and strengths of these tools.  相似文献   

Information transmission in the auditory pathway of Tettigonia viridissima was investigated using song models and artificial stimuli. Receptor cells respond tonically to song models and copy the syllable pattern within a wide intensity range. The omega-neuron responds tonically to soma-ipsilateral stimuli. Contralateral stimuli elicit IPSPs both within dendritic (ipsilateral) and axonal (contralateral) branches, thereby emphasizing directionality. Both AN1 and AN2 respond with tonic, non-adapting responses, precisely copying the syllable pattern of the song. While AN1 is excited by sonic frequencies and inhibited by ultrasonic frequencies, AN2 responds predominantly to ultrasound. The TN1 only responds to the ultrasonic components of the song, with phasic responses, which adapt quickly. In the adapted state, it responds selectively to the time pattern of the conspecific song, but not to the song patterns of two syntopic Tettigonia species. TN2, which has not been described up until now, is tuned to ultrasonic frequencies. Its responses to song models vanish after a few syllables, because of quick adaptation. The morphology is unusual with the axon running contralateral to the input site. The behavioural relevance of auditory interneurons is discussed and compared with the auditory system of crickets. Accepted: 3 November 1996  相似文献   

The mature tsetse larva descends slightly in the uterus causing a protrusion of the female's abdomen and a thrusting open of the female vulva 5–6 h before parturition. Coinciding with larval descent, the female becomes conspicuously restless. The activity pattern monitored by measuring oxygen consumption shows a progression of four discrete stages of activity before and after parturition. Immediately following parturition, the female emits a low frequency sound of 5.8 min duration that differs markedly from sounds produced during feeding or mating. Parturition can be blocked by neck-ligation of the female, thus suggesting a crucial role for the brain. Both neural and hormonal pathways appear to be involved. Transection of the nerve that innervates the uterine muscles reduces the incidence of successful parturition, and parturition in neck-ligated females can be stimulated by transfusion of haemolymph from females that have recently given birth. When parturition is blocked, larvae are retained in utero but eventually pupariate after a delay of 2.3 days.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of sequenced genomes enables the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of large protein complexes. Here, we trace the evolution of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I), which has increased in size, by so-called supernumary subunits, from 14 subunits in the bacteria to 30 in the plants and algae, 37 in the fungi and 46 in the mammals. Using a combination of pair-wise and profile-based sequence comparisons at the levels of proteins and the DNA of the sequenced eukaryotic genomes, combined with phylogenetic analyses to establish orthology relationships, we were able to (1) trace the origin of six of the supernumerary subunits to the alpha-proteobacterial ancestor of the mitochondria, (2) detect previously unidentified homology relations between subunits from fungi and mammals, (3) detect previously unidentified subunits in the genomes of several species and (4) document several cases of gene duplications among supernumerary subunits in the eukaryotes. One of these, a duplication of N7BM (B17.2), is particularly interesting as it has been lost from genomes that have also lost Complex I proteins, making it a candidate for a Complex I interacting protein. A parsimonious reconstruction of eukaryotic Complex I evolution shows an initial increase in size that predates the separation of plants, fungi and metazoa, followed by a gradual adding and incidental losses of subunits in the various evolutionary lineages. This evolutionary scenario is in contrast to that for Complex I in the prokaryotes, for which the combination of several separate, and previously independently functioning modules into a single complex has been proposed.  相似文献   

Strong evidence for a major late Eocene impact, including an iridium-rich layer and shocked quartz, has been found in the Massignano section (central Italy), stratotype of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Quantitative calcareous nannofossils analyses have been performed and classical and multivariate statistical techniques have been applied to assess the paleonvironmental effect of this impact on the nannoflora.Abundance patterns indicate: (1) a warming episode just above the iridium layer; (2) a subsequent slight cooling trend, probably related to the global cooling during late Eocene to early Oligocene; (3) marked fluctuations in the trophic resources and an increase in near-shore taxa in the upper part of the interval; (4) increase in low-nutrient taxa in biotite-rich layers, just above the iridium level, possibly related to lowered productivity linked to volcanic activity. All these signals appear most likely to be the result of long-term climatic changes rather than to short-term effects of extraterrestrial impact.In addition, cluster analysis was performed on the assemblage data. This delineated similarities among different taxa and grouped samples with similar assemblages. Several groups related to temperature-, trophic- and unknown-preference conditions have been distinguished. A consistent difference in the abundances of the taxa and in their correlation has been detected between samples above and below the iridium level. This change appears to be related to two important sedimentary features which are found in the interval above the iridium occurrence: (1) the presence of biotite-rich layers linked to increasing volcanism and (2) a conspicuous color transition from reddish to greenish related to changes in sedimentary environments (e.g. variations in trace element abundance). These environmental changes rather than the impact may have affected the nannoflora assemblages.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has emerged as an important tool for understanding consumer diets and diet shifts. However, although the general idea behind SIA is clear, the interpretation of data is often fraught with problems because tissue turnover and fractionations are not known. We investigated shifts in stable isotope composition of spiders following a diet shift, using mealworms fed either maize (C4) or wheat (C3) flour. Mealworms had different carbon isotope composition depending on their diet and this difference was reflected in spider body parts. In the experiment, we first fed the spiders on a diet of either maize‐fed or wheat‐fed mealworms and then switched diet at the time of the second molt. Spiders were then sampled repeatedly until the next molt. We sampled both legs and abdomens, as these are presumed to have different turnover of tissue, and also molt remains were sampled when this was relevant. The data indicated that the spider legs had a turnover of about 20 days, whereas the spider abdomens had a turnover of about 8 days. Molt remains had the slowest turnover and reflected the diet at the previous molt, when the exoskeleton was formed. Both these observations indicate that SIA may be successfully used for elucidating diet shifts. More problematic was the fact that fractionation of carbon isotope ratios varied with body parts and diets. When spiders were fed maize‐mealworms then the fractionation was larger for abdomens, but when the spiders were fed wheat‐mealworms then the fractionation was larger for legs. The mechanisms underlying this pattern are unclear and deserve further attention.  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of percussive, pounding and grinding tools has provided new insights into human evolution, more particularly regarding the development of technology enabling the processing and exploitation of plant resources. Some of these studies focus on early evidence for flour production, an activity frequently perceived as an important step in the evolution of plant exploitation. The present paper investigates plant food preparation in mobile hunter-gatherer societies from the Southern Levant. The analysis consists of a use-wear study of 18 tools recovered from Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old site in Israel showing an exceptional level of preservation. Our sample includes a slab previously interpreted as a lower implement used for producing flour, based on the presence of cereal starch residues. The use-wear data we have obtained provide crucial information about the function of this and other percussive tools at Ohalo II, as well as on investment in tool manufacture, discard strategies and evidence for plant processing in the Late Pleistocene. The use-wear analysis indicates that the production of flour was a sporadic activity at Ohalo II, predating by thousands of years the onset of routine processing of plant foods.  相似文献   

Peek J  Lee J  Hu S  Senisterra G  Christendat D 《Biochemistry》2011,50(40):8616-8627
Shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) catalyzes the reversible NADPH-dependent reduction of 3-dehydroshikimate to shikimate. This reaction represents the fourth step of the shikimate pathway, the essential route for the biosynthesis of the aromatic amino acids in plants, fungi, bacteria, and apicomplexan parasites. The absence of this pathway in animals makes it an attractive target for herbicides and antimicrobials. At least four functionally distinct enzyme classes, AroE, YdiB, SDH-like (SdhL), and AroE-like1 (Ael1), utilize shikimate as a substrate in vitro and form the SDH family. Crystal structures have been determined for AroE, YdiB, and SdhL. In this study, we have determined the first representative crystal structure of an Ael1 enzyme. We demonstrate that Ael1 shares a similar overall structure with the other members of the SDH family. This high level of structural conservation extends to the active sites of the enzymes. In particular, an ionizable active site lysine and aspartate are present in all SDH homologues. Two distinct biochemical roles have been reported for this Lys-Asp pair: as binding residues in YdiB and as a catalytic dyad in AroE and SdhL. Here, we establish that the residues function as a catalytic dyad in Ael1 and, interestingly, in at least one YdiB homologue. The conservation of three-dimensional fold, active site architecture, and catalytic mechanism among members of the SDH family will facilitate the design of drugs targeting the shikimate pathway.  相似文献   

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