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In this study, the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequence of the South China deep‐sea giant isopod Bathynomus sp. was determined, and this study is the first to explore in detail the mt genome of a deep‐sea member of the order Isopoda. This species belongs to the genus Bathynomus, the members of which are saprophagous residents of the deep‐sea benthic environment; based on their large size, Bathynomus is included in the “supergiant group” of isopods. The mt genome of Bathynomus sp. is 14,965 bp in length and consists of 13 protein‐coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, only 18 transfer RNA genes, and a noncoding control region 362 bp in length, which is the smallest control region discovered in Isopoda to date. Although the overall genome organization is typical for metazoans, the mt genome of Bathynomus sp. shows a number of derived characters, such as an inversion of 10 genes when compared to the pancrustacean ground pattern. Rearrangements in some genes (e.g., cob, trnT, nad5, and trnF) are shared by nearly all isopod mt genomes analyzed thus far, and when compared to the putative isopod ground pattern, five rearrangements were found in Bathynomus sp. Two tRNAs exhibit modified secondary structures: The TΨC arm is absent from trnQ, and trnC lacks the DHU. Within the class Malacostraca, trnC arm loss is only found in other isopods. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Bathynomus sp. (Cymothoida) and Sphaeroma serratum (Sphaeromatidea) form a single clade, although it is unclear whether Cymothoida is monophyletic or paraphyletic. Moreover, the evolutionary rate of Bathynomus sp. (dN/dS [nonsynonymous mutational rate/synonymous mutational rate] = 0.0705) is the slowest measured to date among Cymothoida, which may be associated with its relatively constant deep‐sea environment. Overall, our results may provide useful information for understanding the evolution of deep‐sea Isopoda species.  相似文献   

Previously unreported males of a gnathiid isopod were found in reproductive aggregations of the harem-forming gnathiid Elaphognathia discolor. Although the male gnathiids were small in size and morphologically different from E. discolor males, the male sexual organ, appendix masculina, was similar to that of E. discolor males, and possible conspecific larvae and females of the small male gnathiid were never found. In the laboratory, the small male gnathiids as well as male E. discolor successfully copulated with female E. discolor, and the development of embryos in female brood pouches was observed. Offspring of small male gnathiids develop to adults of E. discolor after molting three times, or small male gnathiids after molting two times. Thus, the small male gnathiid was concluded to be an alternative male form compared to the regular large male form of E. discolor. This male polymorphism was thought to have a genetic basis, since no small male specimens appeared in offspring of regular E. discolor males. Field sampling showed that a regular large male formed a harem composed of one large male and several females and never coexisted with other large males as previously reported. However, small males were often found together with large males. Therefore, small males are thought to be sneakers intruding into harems dominated by large males.  相似文献   

We investigated the excitatory and inhibitory input to cardioaccelerator (CA) and cardioinhibitor (CI) neurons located in the thoracic ganglia of the isopod crustacean Bathynomus doederleini by extracellular and intracellular recording. Electrical stimuli applied to the anterior and posterior connectives of single-ganglion preparations, containing either the 2nd or 3rd thoracic ganglion alone, and each of three paired ganglionic nerve roots produced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the cell body of a CA neuron. Artificial movements of appendages, such as the thoracic limbs and the swimmerets, also evoked EPSPs in the CA neuron. Electrical stimuli applied to the peripheral nerves running to appendages induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in a CI neuron. Since artificial movements of the appendages caused decrease of CI impulse rate, these IPSPs in the CI neuron may be caused by mechanoproprioceptors in the appendages. Since tachycardia was accompanied by excitation of CA neurons and inhibition of CI neurons, activation of the mechanoproprioceptors may be responsible for tachycardia. EPSPs in CA neurons produced by stimulation of peripheral nerves were augumented by eserinization and blocked by curarization. The activation of CA neurons by ganglionic roots may be mediated by cholinergic processes ascending from mechanoproprioceptors.  相似文献   

Cirolana songkhla sp. n. was collected from brackish-water habitats including lagoons and estuaries in the coastal zone of the lower Gulf of Thailand. C. songkhla sp. n. is described and fully illustrated; C. songkhla sp. n. can be recognized by the presence of abundant chromatophores dorsally, lack of ornamentation on the posterior pereonites, pleonites and pleotelson, the number of robust setae on the uropodal and pleotelson margins (uropod exopod lateral margin with 12–14 RS, mesial margin with 5–8 RS; endopod lateral margin with 8–10 RS, mesial margin with 11–13 RS; pleotelson with 12–15 RS) and lack of setae on the endopods of pleopods 3–5. A dichotomous key of brackish Cirolana species in Thailand is given.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the compound eye of the largest known isopod, Bathynomus giganteus, is described from four specimens maintained in the laboratory for as long as two months. Living specimens have not previously been available for study. The two triangular compound eyes measure about 18 mm on the dorsal edge and are separated by an interocular distance of 25 mm. They face forward and slightly downward and may have significant overlap in visual fields. Each eye contains about 3,500 ommatidia in animals of body lengths from 22.5 cm to 37.5 cm. The packing of ommatidia is not uniform across the retina, but is nearly hexagonal in the dorsal central region and nearly square in the ventral and lateral periphery. The dioptric elements in each ommatidium consist of a laminar cornea, which is flat externally and convex internally, and a bipartite crystalline cone. Sometimes seven and sometimes eight retinular cells closely appose the proximal tip of the cone and bear the microvilli of the rhabdom. Proximal to the rhabdom the retinular cells form thin pillars near the periphery of the ommatidium, and the central portion along the optic axis at this level is occupied by interstitial cells that contain massive arrays of clear vesicles thought to serve as reflective elements. The arhabdomeral segments of the retinular cells and the interstitial cells rest on a basement membrane. Within each ommatidium the basement membrane has two extensions with cylindrical cores and thin sheets of dense material and collagen-like filaments. These sheets occupy spaces between adjacent interstitial cells up to the level of the rhabdomeral segments of the retinular cells. Arrays of pigment cells with relatively weak light-screening properties separate adjacent ommatidia. Animals were fixed both in light within a week of being brought from depth into daylight, and after 2 months of maintenance in constant darkness following such daylight exposure. In both cases, microvilli of the rhabdom were severely disrupted and the retinular cytoplasm contained numerous multivesicular bodies. Exposure to natural daylight appears to cause irreversible structural damage to the photoreceptors of these animals.  相似文献   

The eye of Ligia exotica is of the apposition type and has open rhabdoms. The facets are hexagonal, and the dioptric apparatus consists of a flat cornea and a spherical crystalline cone placed in the center of two large cone cells. Each ommatidium has seven regular retinula cells and one eccentric cell; a basement membrane forms the proximal boundary of the retina. With increases in body size from 0.6 to almost 4.0 cm, facet numbers and ommatidial diameters increased from 800 to 1500 and 35 microm to 100 microm, respectively; eye length and width grew from 1.2 to 3.2 and 0.9 to 2.5 mm, respectively; and length of dioptric apparatus and width of retinal layer changed from 70 microm to 180 microm and about 70 microm to 120 microm. Visual angles and interommatidial angles of centrally located ommatidia remained constant at about 30 and 6.9 degrees, respectively. An almost perfect linear relationship was found when eye length was plotted against the product between the square root of the total number of ommatidia and the ommatidial diameter. No difference between males and females was observed in any of the relationships, but the results suggest that, compared with smaller specimens, larger ones possess increased absolute sensitivity in single ommatidia, increased sensitivity to point sources, and overall larger angular visual fields for the eye in its totality. This means that larger individuals of L. exotica (which are also faster) have an advantage over smaller individuals at night, but that smaller individuals may cope better with bright lights. Vision in L. exotica seems useful not only in detecting potential danger, but also in locating and approaching cliffs from a distance of 2-4 m when swimming in seawater.  相似文献   

There coexist two types of neuronal terminal processes attaching to elastic strands at the socket of the swimmeret in Bathynomus doederleini. One of the processes, stretch receptor I is derived from the 1st nerve root of the abdominal ganglion. The other, stretch receptor II is derived from the 2nd nerve root of the ganglion. Both axons of stretch receptors are very thick (30-60 micro m) at sites before the terminal arborization. Cell bodies of the stretch receptors are located in the ganglion of their own segments. The neuronal cell body of the stretch receptor I is located at the anterior half of the hemiganglion ipsilateral to the periphery, and the neuronal cell body of the stretch receptor II at the posterior half of the hemiganglion contralateral to the periphery. Their signaling modalities in response to swimmeret movements were analyzed from intracellular recordings from the cell bodies. Stretch receptor I produced a sustained hyperpolarizing potential in response to protraction of the swimmeret. Stretch receptor II produced a sustained depolarizing potential in response to the protraction, and moreover, generated spike potentials on the rising phase of the depolarizing potential according to its height and steepness. Both the stretch receptors are a push-pull set of elastic strand stretch receptors for the angular position and velocity of swimmeret movements.  相似文献   

In Bathynomus doederleini all of the cardioarterial valves located at the origin of the lateral arteries are dilated by impulses of lateral cardiac nerves. Tactile stimuli applied to sensillar setae depress impulse activities of the 1st and 5th lateral cardiac nerves. The 1st lateral cardiac nerve controls the valve of the lateral artery which runs to the walking-legs and viscera. The 5th lateral cardiac nerve controls the valve of the lateral artery which runs to the swimmeret muscles. The response indicates that tactile receptor reflexes bring about decreased haemolymph flow to the organs. Augmented swimmeret movements were always accompanied by an increased firing rate in the 5th lateral cardiac nerve. Artificial full protraction of swimmerets simultaneously induced excitation of the 5th lateral cardiac nerve and inhibition of the 1st lateral cardiac nerve. The excitation corresponds to an increase in haemolymph flow to the swimmerets, and the inhibition a decrease in haemolymph flow to walking-legs and viscera. Three kinds of mechanoproprioceptors which were activated by swimmeret movements were found. Two of the mechanoproprioceptors are located at the base of the basipodite. The other mechanoproprioceptor supplies processes to a nerve to the retractor muscles. Activation of three kinds of mechanoproprioceptors, induced by artificial swimmeret protraction, triggered lateral cardiac nerve reflex responses.Abbreviations LA lateral artery - LCN lateral cardiac nerve - RMN nerve to retractor muscles - StR stretch receptor  相似文献   

Summary The exopodal branches of the pleopods of Cyathura carinata have a thicker cuticle than the endopodites, but the hypodermis proved to be very thin and probably of respiratory function. The nuclei are found in pilaster areas together with stabilizing elements (micro-tubuli attached to cuticular pegs), which are typical for hypodermal tendon cells of other arthropods. Precipitation of Ag2S revealed that the cuticle of the exopod is more permeable to silver ions than the cuticle of the endopods. The endopodal epithelia have the features of typical osmoregulating tissues (apical folds, mitochondrial pumps, and basal invaginations of the plasma membrane) and reduce silver nitrate. The stabilizing pilaster areas are composed of the same elements as in the exopods.  相似文献   

A study of intraspecific variation in one of the most widespread and abundant terrestrial isopods in Europe, Oniscus asellus , is presented. It is concluded that previous attempts to describe intraspecific taxa in this species are invalid, but that the species is clearly divisible into two subspecies which differ in a number of features, including male sexual modifications. The nominal subspecies, Oniscus asellus asellus Linnaeus, 1758, is described in detail, and a neotype, collected from Uppsala, Sweden, where Linnaeus lived and worked, is designated. Oniscus asellus occidentalis ssp. nov . is also described, and reported as occurring in the far west of the species' range, in the British Isles, Ireland and France. Characters useful in distinguishing these two taxa are indicated and figured. Differences in the ecology of the two taxa are also noted, occidentalis appearing to be a relict Atlantic taxon, largely restricted to damp woodland. The existence of populations intermediate between asellus and occidentalis is noted, and the features of these populations discussed in detail. A combination of geographical, environmental and laboratory breeding data suggest that these intermediates arise through hybridization between the two subspecies, this process of hybridization being accelerated by human activity, which brings the two taxa into frequent contact. It is suggested that Oniscus asellus may provide an excellent model system for the study of the dynamics of hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellites were characterized in the marine isopod Sphaeroma terebrans (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) for phylogeographic and parentage analyses. The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 10. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.428 to 0.950, while expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.532 to 0.889. Heterozygote deficiency was detected for one locus, possibly the result of null alleles.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial arthropods display tight osmotic and ionic regulation of the hemolymph during dehydration. In this study, we sought to quantify the level of regulation of the major hemolymph cations in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare (Isopoda, Oniscidea). Inulin space measurements showed that the hemolymph comprises 52 ± 2.2% of the hydrated water content but contributes 71 ± 9.8% of water losses during desiccation. Hemolymph concentrations of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ were measured in variably dehydrated animals using ion-selective microelectrodes and compared with predicted concentrations assuming no regulation. Na+ and Ca2+ are quite tightly regulated, showing respective concentration increases of 20.8% and 7.1% following a 50% reduction in hemolymph volume, but K+ showed no measurable regulation. The excreted cation fraction during desiccation is negligible. Sites of ion sequestration were examined by injecting 22Na and ??Ca into the hemolymph of hydrated animals and assaying tissue-specific activities following dehydration. Na+ is apparently sequestered non-specifically by an unknown mechanism. Ca2+ accumulates in the dorsal somatic tissues, possibly in the calcium pool of the cuticle. How A. vulgare avoids significant disruptions of E(m) and neuromuscular function in the absence of K+ regulation, and how it sequesters Na+, both pose intriguing challenges for future work.  相似文献   

Morphological colour variation in Idotea baltica basteri Audouin, 1827 (Isopoda: Crustacea) is reported for the first time on populations from a brackish water lake (Kucukcekmece Lagoon) in Turkey. According to pigmentation characteristics, the isopods were described and sorted to ten different colour morphs which are named as maculata, maculata-lineata, uniformis, uniformis-lineata, immaculatum, immaculatum-lineata, nigrum, nigrum-lineata, albafusca, and albafusca-fasciatum. The similarity of the morphs was compared by defining digit codes to some of the visual pigmentation characteristics and calculating the Bray-Curtis similarity index of the colour morphs. The albafusca and albafusca-fasciatum forms were found to be the most similar to each other (similarity 96%), whereas immaculatum forms were considered the most different from maculata-lineata (similarity 50%). The morphs named maculata and maculata-lineata, having the highest abundance with 70%, belong to the most successful forms which may achieve crypsis by background matching in their living habitat in Kucukcekmece Lagoon which has sandy and rocky bottom surface area.  相似文献   

The complex life history of the sexually dimorphic, harem-forming isopod Paragnathia formica Hesse is described, combining published information with new observations. The results of a two-and-a-half year field study, carried out within the animal's saltmarsh habitat, are presented, revealing significant differences in the life cycles of males and females. Settlement to the breeding habitat of final stage male and female larvae, derived from the same annual generation, was recorded at very different times of the year. The total lifespan of males was shown to be twice that of females.
The larvae, temporary ectoparasites of estuarine fish, and the non-feeding, burrow-living adults are described and categorized into several developmental phases, whose numbers were recorded during the course of the study.
The annual production of larvae during a limited period in the autumn, and the subsequent settlement of final stage larval females and males the following year, were monitored. Larval females entered the burrows of adult males in the spring to breed, and died after releasing viviparous broods in the autumn. Larval males settled later in the summer, reaching adulthood in the autumn and overwintering before breeding some 18 months after their birth and dying at the end of the breeding season. Adult males thus bred with females from the next generation. The differences in male and female life cycles led to great seasonal variations in adult sex ratios, a huge winter bias towards males contrasting with a brief excess of females in the summer.  相似文献   

Studies on the intertidal sand-beach isopod, Excirolana chiltoni , have shown the species to be ovoviviparous. Large yolk-filled eggs are deposited into paired uteri of the female where they remain throughout gestation. Intrauterine development progresses through five stages and terminates upon birth of the manca which is morphologically similar to the adult but lacks the eighth pair of thoracic legs. The oostegites while present are much reduced and form a genital operculum rather than a brood pouch as they do in the majority of free living isopods. Six other species of Excirolana examined in the course of this investigation show evidence of internal incubation. Ovoviviparity thus appears to be characteristic of the entire genus, members of which live on exposed sand beaches throughout tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. Internal retention of embryonic stages provides protection against a number of environmental stresses peculiar to this sort of habitat.  相似文献   

A new species of Anuropus, A. pacificus is described from the Galapagos region. It differs markedly from the other species of Anuropus especially in the structure of the head region. The head is bilobed with the dorsal surface and margins convex, and with a small vertical "rostrum" level with the anterior margin. The antennules are extremely large, strongly angular, and located in a deep excavation of the front of the head and the anterior peracon tergite. Present material was sorted from regurgitated food of the Waved albatross from Hood Island, Galapagos.  相似文献   

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