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Studying patterns of parasite local adaptation can provide insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics of host–parasite coevolution. Many factors, both biotic and abiotic, have been identified that influence parasite local adaptation. In particular, dispersal and population structuring are considered important determinants of local adaptation. We investigated how the shape of the spatial dispersal network within experimental landscapes affected local adaptation of a bacteriophage parasite to its bacterial host. Regardless of landscape topology, dispersal always led to the evolution of phages with broader infectivity range. However, when the spatial dispersal network resulted in spatial variation in the breadth of phage infectivity range, significant levels of parasite local adaptation and local maladaptation were detected within the same landscape using the local versus foreign definition of local adaptation. By contrast, local adaptation was not detected using the home versus away or local versus global definitions of local adaptation. This suggests that spatial dispersal networks may play an important role in driving parasite local adaptation, particularly when the shape of the dispersal network generates nonuniform levels of host resistance or parasite infectivity throughout a species’ range.  相似文献   

The desaturase-2 (desat2) locus of Drosophila melanogaster has two alleles whose frequencies vary geographically: one (the "Z" allele) is found primarily in east Africa and the Caribbean, and the other (the "M" allele) occurs in other parts of the world. It has been suggested that these alleles not only cause sexual isolation between races, but that their distribution reflects differential adaptation to climate: Z alleles are supposedly adapted to tropical conditions and M alleles to temperate ones. This has thus been viewed as a case of reproductive isolation evolving as a pleiotropic byproduct of adaptation. Here we reinvestigate this presumed climatic adaptation, using transgenic lines differing in the nature of their desat2 alleles. We were unable to replicate earlier results showing that carriers of M alleles are uniformly more cold resistant and less starvation resistant than carriers of Z alleles. It is thus doubtful whether the distribution of these alleles reflects natural selection involving climate. Mating studies of transgenic lines show some evidence for sexual isolation due to desat2. However, work on other, wild-type lines, as well as observations on the nature of sexual isolation, suggest that this conclusion--and thus the relationship between this locus and mating discrimination between races of D. melanogaster--may also be doubtful.  相似文献   

The role and importance of ecological interactions for evolutionary responses to environmental changes is to large extent unknown. Here it is shown that interspecific competition may slow down rates of adaptation substantially and fundamentally change patterns of adaptation to long-term environmental changes. In the model investigated here, species compete for resources distributed along an ecological niche space. Environmental change is represented by a slowly moving resource maximum and evolutionary responses of single species are compared with responses of coalitions of two and three competing species. In scenarios with two and three species, species that are favored by increasing resource availability increase in equilibrium population size whereas disfavored species decline in size. Increased competition makes it less favorable for individuals of a disfavored species to occupy a niche close to the maximum and reduces the selection pressure for tracking the moving resource distribution. Individual-based simulations and an analysis using adaptive dynamics show that the combination of weaker selection pressure and reduced population size reduces the evolutionary rate of the disfavored species considerably. If the resource landscape moves stochastically, weak evolutionary responses cause large fluctuations in population size and thereby large extinction risk for competing species, whereas a single species subject to the same environmental variability may track the resource maximum closely and maintain a much more stable population size. Other studies have shown that competitive interactions may amplify changes in mean population sizes due to environmental changes and thereby increase extinction risks. This study accentuates the harmful role of competitive interactions by illustrating that they may also decrease rates of adaptation. The slowdown in evolutionary rates caused by competition may also contribute to explain low rates of morphological change in spite of large environmental fluctuations found in fossil records.  相似文献   

Sexually deceptive orchids from the genus Ophrys attract their pollinators primarily through the chemical mimicry of female hymenopteran sex pheromones, thereby deceiving males into attempted matings with the orchid labellum. Floral odor traits are crucial for the reproductive success of these pollinator-limited orchids, as well as for maintaining reproductive isolation through the attraction of specific pollinators. We tested for the signature of pollinator-mediated selection on floral odor by comparing intra and interspecific differentiation in odor compounds with that found at microsatellite markers among natural populations. Three regions from southern Italy were sampled. We found strong floral odor differentiation among allopatric populations within species, among allopatric species and among sympatric species. Population differences in odor were also reflected in significant variation in the attractivity of floral extracts to the pollinator, Colletes cunicularius. Odor compounds that are electrophysiologically active in C. cunicularius males, especially alkenes, were more strongly differentiated among conspecific populations than nonactive compounds in the floral odor. In marked contrast to these odor patterns, there was limited population or species level differentiation in microsatellites (FST range 0.005 to 0.127, mean FST 0.075). We propose that the strong odor differentiation and lack of genetic differentiation among sympatric taxa indicates selection imposed by the distinct odor preferences of different pollinating species. Within species, low FST values are suggestive of large effective population sizes and indicate that divergent selection rather than genetic drift accounts for the strong population differentiation in odor. The higher differentiation in active versus non-active odor compounds suggests that divergent selection among orchid populations may be driven by local pollinator preferences for those particular compounds critical for pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining Y chromosomes are expected to degenerate through the progressive accumulation of deleterious mutations. In lower vertebrates, however, most species display homomorphic sex chromosomes. To address this, paradox I propose a role for sex reversal, which occasionally occurs in ectotherms due to the general dependence of physiological processes on temperature. Because sex‐specific recombination patterns depend on phenotypic, rather than genotypic sex, homomorphic X and Y chromosomes are expected to recombine in sex‐reversed females. These rare events should generate bursts of new Y haplotypes, which will be quickly sorted out by natural or sexual selection. By counteracting Muller's ratchet, this regular purge should prevent the evolutionary decay of Y chromosomes. I review empirical data supporting this suggestion, and propose further investigations for testing it.  相似文献   

In all species, patterns of reproductive allocation have important fitness consequences and therefore important implications for life-history evolution. Nearly universally, theory in this field has modeled as independent the evolution of total allocation to offspring and the subsequent division of this allocation into many small versus few large offspring. Yet, some theory and a very small amount of experimental evidence suggest that these life-history traits may be evolutionarily linked. Using comparative analyses of copepod life histories, we illustrate that rather than being evolutionarily independent these traits can be linked, in this case, across a very large clade of invertebrates. Our results indicate that a more complete understanding of the evolution of these traits will require greater consideration of simultaneous allocation decisions, rather than sequential ones, and other genetic and selective mechanisms.  相似文献   


Abstract This paper examines aspects of genetic draft, the stochastic force induced by substitutions at one locus on the dynamics of a closely linked locus. Of particular interest is the role of population size on genetic draft. Remarkably, the rate of substitution of weakly selected advantageous mutations decreases with increasing population size, whereas that for deleterious mutations increases with population size. This dependency on population size is the opposite of that for genetic drift. Moreover, these rates are only weakly dependent on population size, again contrary to the strong dependency of drift‐based dynamics. Four models of the strongly selected loci responsible for genetic draft are examined. Three of these exhibit a very weak dependency on population size, which implies that their induced effects will also be weakly dependent on population size. Together, these results suggest that population size and binomial sampling may not be relevant to a species' evolution. If this is the case, then a number of evolutionary conundrums are resolved.  相似文献   

It is widely believed (following the 1957 hypothesis of G. C. Williams) that greater rates of “extrinsic” (age- and condition-independent) mortality favor more rapid senescence. However, a recent analysis of mammalian life tables failed to find a significant correlation between minimum adult mortality rate and the rate of senescence. This article presents a simple theoretical analysis of how extrinsic mortality should affect the rate of senescence (i.e., the rate at which probability of mortality increases with age) under different evolutionary and population dynamical assumptions. If population dynamics are density independent, extrinsic mortality should not alter the senescence rate favored by natural selection. If population growth is density dependent and populations are stable, the effect of extrinsic mortality depends on the age specificity of the density dependence and on whether survival or reproduction (or both) are functions of density. It is possible that higher extrinsic mortality will increase the rate of senescence at all ages, decrease the rate at all ages, or increase it at some ages while decreasing it at others. Williams's hypothesis is most likely to be supported when density dependence acts primarily on fertility and does not differentially decrease the fertilities of older individuals. Patterns contrary to Williams's prediction are possible when density dependence acts primarily on the survival or fertility of later ages or when most variation in mortality rates is due to variation in nonextrinsic mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract.— In the Australian myobatrachid frog Crinia georgiana simultaneous polyandry occurs in about half of all matings, which leads to multiple paternity, but reduced fertilization success and occasional female mortality. Multiple paternity may provide benefits to females that compensate for these costs, for example, through enhanced genetic diversity of a clutch. In nature, embryos and tadpoles of C. georgiana develop in shallow, temporary pools and may be exposed to fluctuating water levels and the risk of desiccation between rain events. Fertilization by genetically diverse sires may act as a bet hedge against these conditions. To evaluate this hypothesis, females were artificially mated with one or two males in the field and eggs and larvae reared in the laboratory under constant or fluctuating developmental conditions. Experiment 1 exposed embryos from single- and multiple-paternity clutches to conditions where eggs were completely covered during development or eggs sat in air on a moist substrate. Experiment 2 exposed freshly hatched larvae from single- and multiple-paternity clutches to constant wet conditions, where larvae were completely covered, or fluctuating wet conditions, where larvae ranged from being completely submersed to partially exposed over a 13- day cycle. We measured mean performance and best performance as alternate measures of genetic benefits. There were no effects of paternity on percent survival to hatching, time to hatching, body size at hatching, percent survival to metamorphosis, time to metamorphosis, or body size at metamorphosis. We also analyzed variance within clutches as a measure of genetic diversity. Again there were no predictable effects of multiple paternity. Polyandry does not appear to provide any genetic benefits that compensate for the high costs of polyandry in this species.  相似文献   

Highland populations of several Drosophila species in Argentina were active early in the afternoon in the field as opposed to populations from a much warmer lowland site, where flies were mainly active in the early evening prior to sunset. For one of these species, Drosophila buzzatii, we tested for a genetic component of activity differences by carrying out crosses within and between populations and measuring oviposition activity of the progeny in the laboratory. We found that activity in the highland population exceeded that in the lowland one during the midafternoon, whereas activity in the lowland population exceeded that in the highland one prior to the beginning of the dark period. Oviposition activity for the period corresponding to the field observations was regressed on the proportion of the genome derived from the highland population. This variable significantly predicted oviposition activity between 1400 and 1600 and between 2000 and 2200 h. Activity of both reciprocal crosses was intermediate and not significantly different from each other, suggesting that nuclear genetic, rather than cytoplasmic factors contribute to differences in oviposition activity between the populations. Two morphological, one genetic, and one stress resistance trait were also scored to examine whether temperature differences between environments were associated with other differences between populations. Wing length of wild-caught and laboratory-reared flies from the highland population significantly exceeded that in the lowland. Thorax length of laboratory-reared flies from the highland population also significantly exceeded that from the lowland. Chromosomal inversion frequencies differed significantly between the two populations with a fivefold reduction in the frequency of arrangement 2st in the highland as compared to the lowland population. This arrangement is known for its negative dose effect on size, and thus, the highland population has experienced a genetic change, perhaps as a result of adaptation to the colder environment, where body size and the frequency of arrangement 2st have changed in concert. Finally, a heat knockdown test revealed that the lowland population was significantly more resistant to high temperature than the highland one. In conclusion, we suggest that temperature has been an important selective agent causing adaptive differentiation between these two populations. We also suggest that the activity rhythms of the two populations have diverged as a consequence of behavioral evolution, that is, through avoidance of stressful temperatures as a mean of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

The effect of colchicine and vinblastine on cell aggregation was studied, using BHK cells and their transformed derivatives (pyBHK cells). When cells were dissociated with EDTA and the assay was made in a Ca2+-containing medium, the aggregation of transformed cells was prevented by colchicine and vinblastine, whereas the aggregation of normal cells was unaffected. When a Ca2+-free medium was used for aggregation, neither type of cell was influenced by these drugs. BHK and pyBHK cells, dissociated by trypsin in the presence of Ca2+, can aggregate only in the Ca2+-containing medium and the aggregation of both cell types was equally prevented by colchicine and vinblastine. Based on these results, it was concluded that colchicine and vinblastine inhibited the Ca2+-dependent mechanism of cell adhesion, but not the Ca2+-independent one which occurs in the Ca2+-free aggregation medium.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that positive relationships between sinking rate and irradiance were due to increases in cell density caused by accumulations of carbohydrate. In semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell el Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk, carbohydrate content was varied by growing cells under diel cycles of high or low light. Sinking rate was measured at the end of the light period and the end of the dark period, on live and heat-killed cells. No positive correlations were found between sinking rate (which varied from – 0.060 to 0.13 m·d?1) and carbohydrate content (which varied from 10 to 950 pg · cell?1), indicating that accumulations of carbohydrate did not significantly affect sinking rate. There were no large diel variations in the sinking rate of T. weissflogii, but sinking rates of D. brightwellii grown under high light ranged from being negative (i.e. cells were floating) at the end of the light period to positive at the end of the dark period. This is the first report of positive buoyancy in vegetative D. brightwellii, a phenomenon that may only occur in D. brightwellii grown under diel cycles.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies highlight the nontransitive properties of ejaculates when they are in competition to fertilize a female's eggs. Increasingly, these studies suggest that postcopulatory processes act as a filter against sperm from closely related males or those with similar genotypes, limiting the deleterious effects of inbreeding on offspring fitness. We investigated the potential for such postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a promiscuous livebearing fish. We used artificial insemination as a method of delivering to a female the combined ejaculates from a first cousin (relatedness coefficient r = 0.125) and an unrelated male. This method of sperm delivery controls behavioral processes of pre- and postcopulatory female choice, which can bias paternity toward unrelated males. Our genetic analysis revealed no effect of parental relatedness on paternity outcomes. The observed mean paternity share for related males (0.47) and associated variance did not differ significantly from an expected binomial distribution that assumes no biased use of sperm with respect to relatedness (0.5). Although our data provide no evidence for postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance, the ability of female guppies to influence ejaculate transfer and retention offers an alternative and easily testable mechanism of inbreeding avoidance in this species.  相似文献   

Although the spectral quality of light in the ocean varies considerably with depth, the effect of light quality on different physiological processes in marine phytoplankton remains largely unknown. In cases where experiments are performed under full spectral irradiance, the meaning of these experiments in situ is thus unclear. In this study, we determined whether variations in spectral quality affected the sinking rates of marine diatoms. Semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell et Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk were grown under continuous red, white, or blue light. For T. weissflogii, sinking rates (SETCOL method) were twice as high (~0.2 m·d?1)for cells grown under red light as for cells grown under white or blue light (~0.08 m·d?1), but there were no significant differences in carbohydrate content (~105 fg·μm?3) or silica content (~ 17 fg·μ?3) to account for the difference in sinking rates. Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under blue light was significantly smaller (495 μm3) than cells grown under red light (661 μm3), which could contribute to its reduced sinking rate. However, cells grown under white light were similar in size to those grown under red light but had sinking rates not different from those of cells grown under blue light, indicating the involvement of factors other than size. There were no significant differences in sinking rate (~0.054 m·d?1) or silica content (~20 fg·μm?3) in D. brightwellii grown under red, white, or blue light, but cells grown under red light were significantly (20%) larger and contained significantly (20%) more carbohydrate per μm3 than cells grown under white or blue light. Spectral quality had no consistent effect on sinking rate, biochemical composition (carbohydrate or silica content), or cell volume in the two diatoms studied. The similarity in sinking rate of cells grown under white light compared to those grown under blue light supports the ecological validity of sinking rate studies done under white light.  相似文献   

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