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The rebreathing technique for the measurement of the pulmonary O2 diffusing capacity, DO2, previously developed for resting conditions [Cerretelli et al., J. appl. Physiol. 37, 526-532 (1974)] has been modified for application to exercise and simplified to one rebreathing maneuver only. The changes consist: 1) in administering in the course of a normoxic exercise a priming breath of an O2 free mixture just before the onset of rebreathing in order to achieve rapidly the appropriate starting PO2 values on the linear part of the O2 dissociation curve as required by the method; 2) in calculating mixed venous blood O2 tension by extrapolation of the alveolar to mixed venous blood PO2 equilibration curve, instead of determining it separately. While the mean DO2 value of 21 measurements on 5 subjects at rest was 30 ml-min-1 - Torr-1 +/- 3 (S.E.), in 2 subjects exercising on a bicycle ergometer, DO2 was found to increase from a resting value of about 32 ml- min-1 - Torr-1 to 107 ml - min-1 - Torr-1 for an eightfold increase of O2 uptake. The validity and the applicability of the method are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Noninvasive techniques for assessing cardiopulmonary function in small animals are limited. We previously developed a rebreathing technique for measuring lung volume, pulmonary blood flow, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (Dl(CO)) and its components, membrane diffusing capacity (Dm(CO)) and pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc), and septal volume, in conscious nonsedated guinea pigs at rest. Now we have extended this technique to study guinea pigs during voluntary treadmill exercise with a sealed respiratory mask attached to a body vest and a test gas mixture containing 0.5% SF(6) or Ne, 0.3% CO, and 0.8% C(2)H(2) in 40% or 98% O(2). From rest to exercise, O(2) uptake increased from 12.7 to 25.5 ml x min(-1) x kg(-1) while pulmonary blood flow increased from 123 to 239 ml/kg. The measured Dl(CO), Dm(CO), and Vc increased linearly with respect to pulmonary blood flow as expected from alveolar microvascular recruitment; body mass-specific relationships were consistent with those in healthy human subjects and dogs studied with a similar technique. The results show that 1) cardiopulmonary interactions from rest to exercise can be measured noninvasively in guinea pigs, 2) guinea pigs exhibit patterns of exercise response and alveolar microvascular recruitment similar to those of larger species, and 3) the rebreathing technique is widely applicable to human ( approximately 70 kg), dog (20-30 kg), and guinea pig (1-1.5 kg). In theory, this technique can be extended to even smaller animals provided that species-specific technical hurdles can be overcome.  相似文献   

CO transfer factor for lungs (TLCO) was measured by a steady state method in 83 subjects (haemoglobin concentration from 60 to 270 g.l-1). TLCO was related with height (T), age (A) and with logarithm of haemoglobin concentration for a non negligeable part : TLCO = 15.45 log Hb + 33.1 T -- 0.06 A -- 51.8. The interest of this relation is discussed.  相似文献   

Pulmonary diffusing capacity (DLCO) has been measured at 3500 m in highlander and lowlander subjects. DLCO is more elevated in highlanders than in lowlanders. In these subjects, a transient increase of DLCO is observed during the first hours of hypoxia which is related to transient changes in pulmonary circulation.  相似文献   

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