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薏苡胚发育及贮藏营养物质积累的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薏苡(Coix lacrym a-jobi)胚发育分下列各期:棒形胚前的原胚期、棒形胚期、胚芽鞘期、1叶期、2 叶期、3叶期、4 叶期、5 叶期及6叶期成熟胚。3 叶期胚具1 条不定根(种子根),4 叶期具2 条,5 叶期及成熟胚期具3 条。不定根与胚根排成1 纵行。营养物质最先在盾片细胞中积累。开花后9 天的1 叶期胚,在盾片、胚芽鞘及胚轴细胞中积累了淀粉,以后遍及成熟胚的各部分。淀粉粒含量与器官发生及生长顺序成正相关,但发育后期,盾片细胞内的淀粉粒含量下降。开花后10 天,盾片细胞中形成含晶体的蛋白质体,晶体含蛋白质及植酸钙镁。以后,这种蛋白质体增多、增大。同时,又形成不含晶体的蛋白质体。一定时期,含晶体的蛋白质体消失,不含晶体的蛋白质体增多,直到胚成熟。开花后13 天,胚芽鞘上部细胞形成蛋白质体。以后遍及成熟胚的各部分,器官发生越早,所含蛋白质体越多、越大。开花后10 天,盾片细胞中产生了脂体,成熟胚的盾片细胞,含有大量的脂体。还观察了胚发育各期与颖果及盾片长度的对应关系  相似文献   

为揭示毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)种子生长过程中胚、胚乳、果皮及种皮的发育规律,以桂林海洋山一带的开花毛竹为材料,采集并固定不同时期的开花毛竹种子,使用石蜡制片法制片,显微镜观察胚、胚乳、果皮与种皮的结构变化。结果表明:(1)毛竹花后1 d完成受精并形成合子,合子休眠时长约为5 d。经过原胚阶段、胚芽鞘阶段、幼胚生长阶段及成熟胚阶段,花后40 d的胚发育基本成熟,其发育类型为禾本型。(2)胚乳发育早于胚的发育,其发育类型为核型胚乳,历经游离核、细胞化、细胞分化及成熟4个阶段。在细胞分化阶段胚乳细胞分化形成淀粉胚乳细胞以及糊粉层细胞,淀粉胚乳细胞主要积累淀粉粒,糊粉层细胞主要积累矿质元素、脂类及蛋白质等。(3)花后1 d的果皮细胞及珠被细胞形状规则、内含物丰富、结构完整;花后10~20 d,内、外果皮及珠被细胞层数递减,形状发生改变,中果皮细胞开始出现淀粉粒;花后20~60 d,随着胚乳细胞营养物质的积累及体积的增大,向外产生机械压力,中果皮细胞逐步消解仅剩残留的细胞壁;外果皮细胞呈长条形,细胞壁加厚,与残留的中果皮细胞壁组成保护结构;皮层在种子发育过程中主要起到合成...  相似文献   

薏苡胚乳发育及营养物质积累的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薏苡 ( Coix lacryma- jobi)授粉后 2 d,游离核胚乳已转变为细胞胚乳。授粉后 3d,中央细胞被胚乳细胞充满。起初 ,全部胚乳细胞均进行分裂 ,一定时期后 ,细胞分裂主要发生在胚乳周边区。授粉后 1 0 d,表皮停止平周分裂变为糊粉层 ,内方的数层形成层状细胞行平周分裂直到颖果接近成熟。胚乳内部生长则依赖于细胞体积扩大。胚乳基部 (颖果基部的胚乳 )形成了数层传递细胞。授粉后 9d,淀粉积累。授粉后 1 0 d,糊粉层及其内方数层细胞产生了脂体 ,后者的脂体以后又消失。授粉后 1 3、1 5 d,糊粉层细胞的液泡积累蛋白质。授粉后 2 0 d,液泡变为糊粉粒。授粉后 1 5 d淀粉胚乳细胞产生蛋白质体 ,营养物质积累持续到颖果成熟。还观察了胚和胚乳发育的对应关系。  相似文献   

谷子胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
合子的第一次分裂为斜的横分裂,胚发育至棒状原胚后,胚顶端一侧的细胞加速分裂形成一团分生组织细胞,由这团分生组织分化盾片、胚芽鞘、胚芽生长点和胚根。胚体的其它部分参与部分盾片和胚根鞘的构成。胚柄不参与胚的组成,胚无外胚叶,胚胎发育属禾本型。核型胚乳。从胚囊壁产生的自由生长壁把胚乳游离核隔开形成一层胚乳细胞。然后这层细胞平周分裂使胚乳细胞变成二层,以后的胚乳细胞增殖以细胞有丝分裂方式进行。胚乳的最外层  相似文献   

长豇豆胚和胚乳的发育及营养物质积累   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长豇豆(Vigna sesquipedalis (L.)Fruwirth)开花前7—10小时传粉,开花后8—10小时完成双受精。合子期珠孔端及合点部位胚囊的周界壁有壁内突。胚发育属柳叶菜型。胚柄的基部细胞及基部区域外层细胞的外切向壁发生壁内突。成熟胚中胚柄宿存。开花后9—16天为子叶细胞中淀粉积累期,开花后12—18天为蛋白质积累期。胚乳发育为核型,珠孔端胚乳细胞化,合点端保持游离核状态。胚乳外层细胞为传递型细胞,珠孔端的胚乳细胞形成折叠细胞群,亦有壁内突。心形胚期胚乳开始退化解体,成熟胚期胚乳完全消失。  相似文献   

荞麦胚和胚乳的发育及贮藏营养物质的积累   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
荞麦原胚期,胚乳为游离核期。球形胚晚期,胚乳开始细胞化。心形胚期,胚囊中部形成一层“开放细胞”。鱼雷形胚期,胚囊中部有5-7层胚乳细胞。子叶弯曲胚期,胚乳全部形成胚乳细胞,具传递细胞特征的合点胚乳吸器形成。胚乳细胞的初始垂周壁来自于自由生长壁和胞质分裂形成的细胞板;初始平周壁由自由生长垂周壁分友相接形成,及有丝分裂的细胞板形成。开花后9d,胚乳细胞积累淀粉,比胚细胞积累早6d。开花后15d,胚乳最  相似文献   

华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王丽  赵桂仿 《西北植物学报》2002,22(4):T005-T006
采用常规石蜡切片法,观察了华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育过程,结果表明,华山新麦草胚和胚乳的发育过程与一般禾本科植物基本相同,胚胎发生属紫宛型,顶细胞和基都参与胚体的形成,胚胎发育经过二细胞原胚,多细胞原胚,球形原胚,梨形原胚,分化胚和成熟胚阶段,成熟胚具有胚根,胚芽,盾片,胚牙鞘,胚根鞘,外胚叶等典型禾本科植物成熟胚的结构,胚乳发育类型为核型,包括游离核阶段,细胞化阶段和生长成熟阶段,待大量游离核形成之后才形成细胞壁,紧贴胚囊的一层胚乳细胞最后形成种子的糊粉层,其余的胚乳细胞最后充满淀粉粒,其特点为:(1)有双球形原胚的现象;(2)反足细胞解体较早;(3)胚乳游离核时期和细胞时期胚乳细胞核的核仁多样。  相似文献   

莲胚发育达到最大鲜重(开花后21d)前,胚轴和子叶的DNA,RNA都持续增长。开花13d后,蛋白、淀粉等贮藏物质显著积累,核酸增长速度加快。成熟胚轴的DNA和RNA含量很高,而子叶中积累大量的淀粉、可溶性糖和蛋白质。发育前期胚乳的生长速度较快,开花后16d左右鲜重和物质积累达到高峰。胚生长后期胚乳逐渐败育,贮藏物质和结构物质都减少,膨大的子叶逐步取代了胚乳的地位。 莲胚生物大分子物质含量的模式属于双子叶植物类型。讨论了莲胚细胞多倍化的问题。  相似文献   

种子萌发时胚的生长需要营养物质。禾谷类的种子在胚乳中贮藏着丰富的养分。这些贮藏物质的动用主要受植物激素赤霉素(GA)的控制。GA是在胚中合成,经过盾片输送到胚乳周围的糊粉层细胞-GA发生作用的靶细胞。糊粉层组织由均一的、不分裂的、富含蛋白质的二到三层细胞组成,这些细胞对GA反应时合成多种水解酶如a-淀粉酶和蛋白酶。这些酶被分泌释放到胚乳中去,水解大分子贮藏物质淀粉和蛋白质等形  相似文献   

薏苡糊粉层及糊粉亚层细胞发育的超微结构观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
授粉后10d,薏苡胚乳最外层细胞开始分化为糊粉层,细胞内已形成很多脂体,授粉后15d,颗粒状及絮状蛋白质分别在小液泡中积累,以后逐渐充满液泡形成糊粉粒,有些糊粉粒内含1至几个球状体,有的则含1个电子密度较深的球体。成熟的糊粉层细胞被大量脂体和糊粉粒所充满,淀粉粒很少,除核糖体外,其它细胞器均已不存在,糊粉层内方的几层淀粉胚乳细胞于授粉后10-15d出现淀粉粒和少量脂体,授粉后15-20d形成大量蛋  相似文献   

Embryo development in Coix lacryma-jobi is classified into the following stages: proembryo before club-shaped, club-shaped, coleoptilar, I-leafed, 2-1eared, 3-1eared, 4-1eared, 5-leafed and 6-leafed (mature embryo). The 3-, 4-, 5-leafed embryos have 1, 2 and 3 adventitious roots (seminal roots) respectively, and the matrue also has 3. These seminal roots are arranged in a longitudinal row parallelling with the radicle. The storage reserves first deposit in the scutellar cells. 9 days after anthesis (l-leafed stage), the starch grains are accumulated in cells of scutellum, coleoptile and mesocotyle. When the embryo matures, starch grains are deposited throughout its cells. The increase in size and amount of starch grains correlates with the initiation and growth order of the embryonic organs. But the amount in the scutellar cells decreases from later to mature stage. 10 days after anthesis (2-leafed stage), protein bodies containing crystals, of protein and phytin are present in the scutellar cells. They subsequently become larger and abundant druses. At the same time some protein bodies without crystals are also formed. Later, the protein bodies containing crystals disappear, while those without crystals increase until the embryo matures. 13 days after anthesis (3- leafed stage) protein bodlies are formed in the upper coleoptile cells. Protein bodies are rich in the cells of mature embryo, but the earlier the organ of embryo occurs, the more and the larger protein bodies it contains. 10 days after anthesis, lipid bodies appear in the scutellar cells and increase in size and quantity rapidly as the embryo develops. The correlation of the length of caryopsis and scutellum with embryo development is also observed.  相似文献   

The time sequence analysis of the starch digestion pattern of the thin sectioned germinating rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed specimens using the starch film method showed that at the initial stage amylase activity was almost exclusively localized in the epithelium septum between the scutellum and endosperm. Starch breakdown in the endosperm tissues began afterward; amylase activity in the aleurone layers was detectable only after 2 days. Polyacrylamide gel electrofocusing (pH 4 to 6) revealed nearly the same zymogram patterns between endosperm and scutellum extracts, although additional amylase bands appeared in the endosperm extracts at later germination stages (4 to 6 days). These are presumably attributable to the newly synthesized enzyme molecules in the aleurone cells.  相似文献   

The transition from free nuclear to cellular endosperm of Coix lacryma-jobi was eompleted 2 days after pollination. By 3 days after pollination the central cell was filled with endosperm cells. At first all cells of endosperm underwent division, later cell division was limited mainly in the peripheral region. 10 days after pollination the epidermal layer ceased its periclinal division and became the aleurone layer. Cell division persisted in the subepidermal 'cambium-like layers until the caryopsis nearly matured. Ceils of the inner region of endosperm became enlarged. Several layers of transfer cells were formed at the basal part of the endosperm. Starch grains appeared in endosperm cells on the 9th day after pollination. 10 days after pollination, lipid bodies occurred in the aleurone layer and the underlying layers. 13 and 15 days after pollination, the small vacuoles of aleurone cells contained protein and 20 days after pollenation they became aleurone grains. By 15 days after pollination pro tein bodies were formed in starch endosperm. Storage reserve deposition continued until the grain ripened. A correlation between endosperm and emoryo development was also observed.  相似文献   

The expression of a 30 kD cysteine endoprotease (EP-B) was studied by in situ hybridization and immunomicroscopy to clarify its role in germinating barley grains. At the beginning of germination, EP-B mRNA was expressed in the scutellar epithelium and aleurone cells next to the embryo. Later, mRNA levels were highest in the aleurone layer proceeding to the distal end of the grain. During the first day of germination, EP-B protein was strongly localized to the germ aleurone and scutellar epithelium from where the secretion into the starchy endosperm began. Secretion was also observed to proceed along the aleurone layer to the distal end. These results show that EP-B is differentially localized during germination, and both scutellum and aleurone layer are able to synthesize and secrete EP-B protein.  相似文献   

A study was made of the ontogeny of the achene of Polygonum pensylvanicum L. from fertilization to maturity. The proembryo is classified as the Polygonum Variation, Asterad Type. Cotyledons are initiated three days after anthesis, and by the fifth day procambium is present in the embryo axis. At approximately seven days after anthesis, the embryo begins to curve and occupy a marginal position in the ovary. By ten days the first foliage leaf primordium is initiated at the stem apex of the embryo. At maturity the embryo consists of two cotyledons, a plumule composed of the stem apex and one leaf primordium, and a hypocotyl with a well-developed radicle. Endosperm nuclei begin to divide before the first division of the zygote. Cell wall formation begins in the endosperm at the micropylar end of the embryo sac and proceeds toward the chalazal region. By the fifth day the endosperm is completely cellular, except for a basal projection; and a peripheral meristem has been established. At approximately ten days the peripheral meristem ceases periclinal cell division and becomes the aleurone. At the time of fertilization the ovary wall has its full complement of cell layers. The walls of the outermost cells elongate and become convoluted. Subsequent thickening and lignification of these cell walls produce the hard epicarp of the mature achene.  相似文献   

Localization of carboxypeptidase I in germinating barley grain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Activity measurements and Northern blot hybridizations were used to study the temporal and spatial expression of carboxypeptidase I in germinating grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Himalaya). In the resting grain no carboxypeptidase I activity was found in the aleurone layer, scutellum, or starchy endosperm. During germination high levels of enzyme activity appeared in the scutellum and in the starchy endosperm but only low activity was found in the aleurone layer. No mRNA for carboxypeptidase I was observed in the resting grain. By day 1 of germination the mRNA appeared in the scutellum where its level remained high for several days. In contrast, little mRNA was observed in the aleurone layer. These results indicate that the scutellum plays an important role in the production of carboxypeptidase I in germinating barley grain.  相似文献   

Using a tissue print method, major endopeptidase activitieswere observed in the aleurone layer and along parts of scutellumsurface 1 d after imbibition. By day 2 the zone of activityhad spread into the subaleurone and starchy parenchyma cellsof the endosperm. Three days later, activity was detected throughoutthe endosperm tissue, but not in the embryo. Endosperm tissues,aleurone layers and scu-tella were dissected from the seedlingsat different stages after imbibition and endopeptidase activitywas analysed by an activity stain after native PAGE. At leastten different endopeptidase activities were detected in theendosperm tissues during the initial 5 d. Activities similarto these ten enzymes were also detected in aleurone layers.These results suggest that the main source of these endopeptidasesin the endosperm is the aleurone layer. The scutellum had adifferent spectrum of endopeptidases. One of these alternativeendopeptidases, which was detected on the first day after theaddition of water, was a metallo-enzyme with electrophoreticproperties similar to an activity found in endosperm tissueshortly after imbibition. Key words: Zea mays, endopeptidase localization, seed germination  相似文献   

Fusion of oil bodies in endosperm of oat grains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Few microscopical studies have been made on lipid storage in oat grains, with variable results as to the extent of lipid accumulation in the starchy endosperm. Grains of medium- and high-lipid oat (Avena sativa L.) were studied at two developmental stages and at maturity, by light microscopy using different staining methods, and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Discrete oil bodies occurred in the aleurone layer, scutellum and embryo. In contrast, oil bodies in the starchy endosperm often had diffuse boundaries and fused with each other and with protein vacuoles during grain development, forming a continuous oil matrix between the protein and starch components. The different microscopical methods were confirmative to each other regarding the coalescence of oil bodies, a phenomenon probably correlated with the reduced amount of oil-body associated proteins in the endosperm. This was supported experimentally by SDS-PAGE separation of oil-body proteins and immunoblotting and immunolocalization with antibodies against a 16 kD oil-body protein. Much more oil-body proteins per amount of oil occurred in the embryo and scutellum than in the endosperm. Immunolocalization of 14 and 16 kD oil-body associated proteins on sectioned grains resulted in more heavy labeling of the embryo, scutellum and aleurone layer than the rest of the endosperm. Observations on the appearance of oil bodies at an early stage of development pertain to the prevailing hypotheses of oil-body biogenesis.  相似文献   

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