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alpha-L-Iduronidase is a glycosyl hydrolase involved in the sequential degradation of the glycosaminoglycans heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate. A deficiency in alpha-L-iduronidase results in the lysosomal accumulation and urinary secretion of partially degraded glycosaminoglycans and is the cause of the lysosomal storage disorder mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I; Hurler and Scheie syndromes; McKusick 25280). The premature stop codons Q70X and W402X are two of the most common alpha-l-iduronidase gene (IDUA) mutations accounting for up to 70% of MPS I disease alleles in some populations. Here, we have reported a new mutation, making a total of 15 different mutations that can cause premature IDUA stop codons and have investigated the biochemistry of these mutations. Natural stop codon read-through was dependent on the fidelity of the codon when evaluated at Q70X and W402X in CHO-K1 cells, but the three possible stop codons TAA, TAG and TGA, had different effects on mRNA stability and this effect was context dependent. In CHO-K1 cells expressing the Q70X and W402X mutations, the level of gentamicin-enhanced stop codon read-through was slightly less than the increment in activity caused by a lower fidelity stop codon. In this system, gentamicin had more effect on read-through for the TAA and TGA stop codons when compared to the TAG stop codon. In an MPS I patient study, premature TGA stop codons were associated with a slightly attenuated clinical phenotype, when compared to classical Hurler syndrome (e.g. W402X/W402X and Q70X/Q70X genotypes with TAG stop codons). Natural read-through of premature stop codons is a potential explanation for variable clinical phenotype in MPS I patients. Enhanced stop codon read-through is a potential treatment strategy for a large sub-group of MPS I patients.  相似文献   

alpha-L-Iduronidase activity is deficient in mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I; Hurler syndrome, Scheie syndrome) patients and results in the disruption of the sequential degradation of the glycosaminoglycans dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. A monoclonal antibody-based immunoquantification assay has been developed for alpha-L-iduronidase, which enables the detection of at least 16 pg alpha-L-iduronidase protein. Cultured human skin fibroblasts from 12 normal controls contained 17-54 ng alpha-L-iduronidase protein/mg extracted cell protein. Fibroblasts from 23 MPS I patients were assayed for alpha-L-iduronidase protein content. Fibroblast extracts from one MPS I patient contained at least six times the level of alpha-L-iduronidase protein for normal controls--but contained no associated enzyme activity--and is proposed to represent a mutation affecting the active site of the enzyme. Fibroblast extracts from 11 MPS I patients contained 0.05-2.03 ng alpha-L-iduronidase protein/mg extracted cell protein, whereas immunodetectable protein could not be detected in the other 11 patients. Four fibroblast extracts with no immunodetectable alpha-L-iduronidase protein had residual alpha-L-iduronidase activity, suggesting that the mutant alpha-L-iduronidase in cultured cells from these MPS I patients has been modified to mask or remove the epitopes detected by two monoclonal antibodies used in the quantification assay. Both the absence of immunoreactivity in a mild MPS I patient and high protein level in a severe MPS I patient present limitations to the use of immunoquantification analysis as a sole measure of patient phenotype. Enzyme kinetic analysis of alpha-L-iduronidase from MPS I fibroblasts revealed a number of patients with either abnormal substrate binding or catalytic activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background aimsMucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is characterized by deficiency of the enzyme alpha-l-iduronidase (IDUA) and storage of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in several tissues. Current available treatments present limitations, thus the search for new therapies. Encapsulation of recombinant cells within polymeric structures combines gene and cell therapy and is a promising approach for treating MPS I.MethodsWe produced alginate microcapsules containing baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells overexpressing IDUA and implanted these capsules in the peritoneum of MPS I mice.ResultsAn increase in serum and tissue IDUA activity was observed at early time-points, as well as a reduction in GAG storage; however, correction in the long term was only partially achieved, with a drop in the IDUA activity being observed a few weeks after the implant. Analysis of the capsules obtained from the peritoneum revealed inflammation and a pericapsular fibrotic process, which could be responsible for the reduction in IDUA levels observed in the long term. In addition, treated mice developed antibodies against the enzyme.ConclusionsThe results suggest that the encapsulation process is effective in the short term but improvements must be achieved in order to reduce the immune response and reach a stable correction.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is an inborn error of the metabolism resulting from several possible mutations in the gene coding for iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS), which leads to a great clinical heterogeneity presented by these patients. Many studies demonstrate the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of inborn errors of metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress can be related since most of reactive oxygen species come from mitochondria. Cellular models have been used to study different diseases and are useful in biochemical research to investigate them in a new promising way. The aim of this study is to develop a heterozygous cellular model for MPS II and analyze parameters of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction and investigate the in vitro effect of genistein and coenzyme Q10 on these parameters for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of this disease. The HP18 cells (heterozygous c.261_266del6/c.259_261del3) showed almost null results in the activity of the IDS enzyme and presented accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), allowing the characterization of this knockout cellular model by MPS II gene editing. An increase in the production of reactive species was demonstrated (p < .05 compared with WT vehicle group) and genistein at concentrations of 25 and 50 µm decreased in vitro its production (p < .05 compared with HP18 vehicle group), but there was no effect of coenzyme Q10 in this parameter. There was a tendency for lysosomal pH change in HP18 cells in comparison to WT group and none of the antioxidants tested demonstrated any effect on this parameter. There was no increase in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase and oxidative damage to DNA in HP18 cells in comparison to WT group and neither genistein nor coenzyme q10 had any effect on these parameters. Regarding mitochondrial membrane potential, genistein induced mitochondrial depolarization in both concentrations tested (p < .05 compared with HP18 vehicle group and compared with WT vehicle group) and incubation with coenzyme Q10 demonstrated no effect on this parameter. In conclusion, it is hypothesized that our cellular model could be compared with a milder MPS II phenotype, given that the accumulation of GAGs in lysosomes is not as expressive as another cellular model for MPS II presented in the literature. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that there is no mitochondrial depolarization and no DNA damage, since there is less lysosomal impairment, as well as less redox imbalance.  相似文献   

alpha-L-Iduronidase is a lysosomal enzyme, the deficiency of which causes mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I); a canine MPS I colony has been bred to test therapeutic intervention. The enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity from canine testis and found to consist of two electrophoretically separable proteins that had common internal peptides but differed at their amino termini. A 57-base oligonucleotide, corresponding to the most probable codons of the longest peptide, was used to screen a canine testis cDNA library. Three cDNAs were isolated, two of which lacked the 5'-end whereas the third was full-length except for a small internal deletion. The composite sequence encodes an open reading frame of 655 amino acids that includes all sequenced peptides. The amino terminus of the larger protein, glutamic acid 26, is at the predicted signal peptide cleavage site, whereas the amino terminus of the smaller protein is leucine 106. There are six potential N-glycosylation sites and a non-canonical polyadenylation signal, CTTAAA. A search of GenBank showed that the amino acid sequence of alpha-L-iduronidase has similarity to that of a bacterial beta-xylosidase. A full-length cDNA corresponding to the composite sequence was constructed (pcIdu) and inserted into the pSVL expression vector (pSVcIdu). Two days after Cos-1 cells were transfected with pSVcIdu, their intracellular and secreted level of alpha-L-iduronidase activity has increased 8- and 22-fold, respectively, over the endogenous activity. Fibroblasts of MPS I dogs, which have no alpha-L-iduronidase activity, lacked the normal alpha-L-iduronidase mRNA of 2.2 kilobases and contained instead a trace amount of a 2.8-kilobase species. Isolation and characterization of an expressible alpha-L-iduronidase cDNA represents the first step toward mutation analysis and replacement therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Systemic in vivo gene therapy has resulted in widespread correction in animal models when treated at birth. However, limited improvement was observed in postnatally treated animals with mainly targeting to the liver and bone marrow. It has been shown that an O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase variant (MGMT(P140K)) mediated in vivo selection of transduced hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in animals. METHODS: We investigated the feasibility of MGMT(P140K)-mediated selection in primary hepatocytes from a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) in vitro using lentiviral vectors. RESULTS: We found that multiple cycles of O(6)-benzylguanine (BG)/1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) treatment at a dosage effective for ex vivo HSC selection led to a two-fold increase of MGMT-expressing primary hepatocytes under culture conditions with minimum cell expansion. This enrichment level was comparable to that obtained after selection at a hepatic maximal tolerated dose of BCNU. Similar levels of increase were observed regardless of initial transduction frequency, or the position of MGMT (upstream or downstream of internal ribosome entry site) in the vector constructs. In addition, we found that elongation factor 1alpha promoter was superior to the long-terminal repeat promoter from spleen focus-forming virus with regard to transgene expression in primary hepatocytes. Moreover, the levels of therapeutic transgene expression in transduced, enzyme-deficient hepatocytes directly correlated with the doses of BCNU, leading to metabolic correction in transduced hepatocytes and metabolic cross-correction in neighbouring non-transduced MPS I cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that MGMT(P140K) expression confers successful protection/selection in primary hepatocytes, and provide 'proof of concept' to the prospect of MGMT(P140K)-mediated co-selection for hepatocytes and HSC using BG/BCNU treatment.  相似文献   

Cardiac dysfunction is a common cause of death among pediatric patients with mutations in the lysosomal hydrolase α-l-iduronidase (IDUA) gene, which causes mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS-I). The purpose of this study was to analyze adrenergic regulation of cardiac hemodynamic function in MPS-I. An analysis of murine heart function was performed using conductance micromanometry to assess in vivo cardiac hemodynamics. Although MPS-I (IDUA(-/-)) mice were able to maintain normal cardiac output and ejection fraction at baseline, this cohort had significantly compromised systolic and diastolic function compared with IDUA(+/-) control mice. During dobutamine infusion MPS-I mice did not significantly increase cardiac output from baseline, indicative of blunted cardiac reserve. Autonomic tone, measured functionally by β-blockade, indicated that MPS-I mice required catecholaminergic stimulation to maintain baseline hemodynamics. Survival analysis showed mortality only among MPS-I mice. Linear regression analysis revealed that heightened end-systolic volume in the resting heart is significantly correlated with susceptibility to mortality in MPS-I hearts. This study reveals that cardiac remodeling in the pathology of MPS-I involves heightened adrenergic tone at the expense of cardiac reserve with cardiac decompensation predicted on the basis of increased baseline systolic volumes.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharide diseases (MPS) are caused by deficiency of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) degrading enzymes, leading to GAG accumulation. Neurodegenerative MPS diseases exhibit cognitive decline, behavioural problems and shortened lifespan. We have characterised neuropathological changes in mouse models of MPSI, IIIA and IIIB to provide a better understanding of these events.Wild-type (WT), MPSI, IIIA and IIIB mouse brains were analysed at 4 and 9 months of age. Quantitative immunohistochemistry showed significantly increased lysosomal compartment, GM2 ganglioside storage, neuroinflammation, decreased and mislocalised synaptic vesicle associated membrane protein, (VAMP2), and decreased post-synaptic protein, Homer-1, in layers II/III-VI of the primary motor, somatosensory and parietal cortex. Total heparan sulphate (HS), was significantly elevated, and abnormally N-, 6-O and 2-O sulphated compared to WT, potentially altering HS-dependent cellular functions. Neuroinflammation was confirmed by significantly increased MCP-1, MIP-1α, IL-1α, using cytometric bead arrays. An overall genotype effect was seen in all parameters tested except for synaptophysin staining, neuronal cell number and cortical thickness which were not significantly different from WT. MPSIIIA and IIIB showed significantly more pronounced pathology than MPSI in lysosomal storage, astrocytosis, microgliosis and the percentage of 2-O sulphation of HS. We also observed significant time progression of all genotypes from 4-9 months in lysosomal storage, astrocytosis, microgliosis and synaptic disorganisation but not GM2 gangliosidosis. Individual genotype*time differences were disparate, with significant progression from 4 to 9 months only seen for MPSIIIB with lysosomal storage, MPSI with astrocytocis and MPSIIIA with microgliosis as well as neuronal loss. Transmission electron microscopy of MPS brains revealed dystrophic axons, axonal storage, and extensive lipid and lysosomal storage. These data lend novel insight to MPS neuropathology, suggesting that MPSIIIA and IIIB have more pronounced neuropathology than MPSI, yet all are still progressive, at least in some aspects of neuropathology, from 4-9 months.  相似文献   

Familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM-1) is a monogenic form of migraine with aura that is characterized by recurrent attacks of a typical migraine headache with transient hemiparesis during the aura phase. In a subset of patients, additional symptoms such as epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia are part of the clinical phenotype. FHM-1 is caused by missense mutations in the CACNA1A gene that encodes the pore-forming subunit of CaV2.1 voltage-gated Ca2 + channels. Although the functional effects of an increasing number of FHM-1 mutations have been characterized, knowledge on the influence of most of these mutations on G protein regulation of channel function is lacking. Here, we explored the effects of G protein-dependent modulation on mutations W1684R and V1696I which cause FHM-1 with and without cerebellar ataxia, respectively. Both mutations were introduced into the human CaV2.1α1 subunit and their functional consequences investigated after heterologous expression in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK‐293) cells using patch-clamp recordings. When co-expressed along with the human μ-opioid receptor, application of the agonist [d‐Ala2, N‐MePhe4, Gly‐ol]‐enkephalin (DAMGO) inhibited currents through both wild-type (WT) and mutant CaV2.1 channels, which is consistent with the known modulation of these channels by G protein-coupled receptors. Prepulse facilitation, which is a way to characterize the relief of direct voltage-dependent G protein regulation, was reduced by both FHM-1 mutations. Moreover, the kinetic analysis of the onset and decay of facilitation showed that the W1684R and V1696I mutations affect the apparent dissociation and reassociation rates of the Gβγ dimer from the channel complex, suggesting that the G protein-Ca2 + channel affinity may be altered by the mutations. These biophysical studies may shed new light on the pathophysiology underlying FHM-1.  相似文献   

Sheldon-Hall syndrome (SHS) is a rare multiple congenital contracture syndrome characterized by contractures of the distal joints of the limbs, triangular face, downslanting palpebral fissures, small mouth, and high arched palate. Epidemiological data for the prevalence of SHS are not available, but less than 100 cases have been reported in the literature. Other common clinical features of SHS include prominent nasolabial folds, high arched palate, attached earlobes, mild cervical webbing, short stature, severe camptodactyly, ulnar deviation, and vertical talus and/or talipes equinovarus. Typically, the contractures are most severe at birth and non-progressive. SHS is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern but about half the cases are sporadic. Mutations in either MYH3, TNNI2, or TNNT3 have been found in about 50% of cases. These genes encode proteins of the contractile apparatus of fast twitch skeletal muscle fibers. The diagnosis of SHS is based on clinical criteria. Mutation analysis is useful to distinguish SHS from arthrogryposis syndromes with similar features (e.g. distal arthrogryposis 1 and Freeman-Sheldon syndrome). Prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography is feasible at 18–24 weeks of gestation. If the family history is positive and the mutation is known in the family, prenatal molecular genetic diagnosis is possible. There is no specific therapy for SHS. However, patients benefit from early intervention with occupational and physical therapy, serial casting, and/or surgery. Life expectancy and cognitive abilities are normal.  相似文献   

To find an explanation for survival of homozygous or compound heterozygous variants of acute intermittent porphyria, we studied the three mutant forms of porphobilinogen deaminase (PBG-d) described in the four reported patients with homozygous acute intermittent porphyria. Wild-type human PBG-d and the PBG-d R167W, R167Q and R173Q mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant mutant human enzyme were examined for enzyme activity. Specific antibodies against human PBG-d detected the three human PBG-d mutants. All three had less than 2% of wild-type enzyme activity when examined under customary assay conditions (pH 8.0), but the R167W and R167Q mutants were found to have about 25% of normal activity when assayed at pH 7.0. This residual activity at a more physiological pH provides an explanation for survival when these mutations are inherited in a homozygous or compound heterozygous fashion.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter syndrome; OMIM 309900) is a rare X-linked recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficiency of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS; EC Different alterations at the IDS locus, mostly missense mutations, have been demonstrated, by expression study, as deleterious, causing significant consequences on the enzyme function or stability. In the present study we report on the results of the transient expression of the novel K347T, 533delTT, N265I and the already described 473delTCC (previously named DeltaS117) mutations in the COS 7 cells proving their functional consequence on IDS activity. This type of information is potentially useful for genotype-phenotype correlation, prognosis and possible therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

In order to determine the phenylketonuria (PKU) mutation spectrum in the population of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 78 unrelated PKU patients found by the neonatal screening program from 1993 to 2003 were tested for nine phenylalanine hydroxylase mutations. These mutations were selected due to their high frequencies in other Brazilian populations and in Portugal, where the largest contingent of the Caucasian component of the Brazilian population originated from. The most frequent mutations were V388M (21%), R261Q (16%), IVS10nt11 (13.4%), I65T (5.7%), and R252W (5%). The frequencies of the other four mutations (R261X, R408W, Y414C, and IVS12nt1) did not reach 2%. By testing these nine mutations, we were able to identify 64% of the PKU alleles in our sample. V388M frequency was higher than in any other known population and almost three times larger than that observed in Portugal, probably reflecting genetic drift. The mutation profile, as well as the relative frequency of the different mutations, suggest that the Minas Gerais population more closely resembles that of Portugal than do the other Brazilian populations that have already been tested.  相似文献   

Native and recombinant wild type and mutant forms of type I adenylyl cyclase, expressed in fall army worm ovarian cells (Sf9) cells, with mutations Lys-923-Ala, Lys-921-Ala, and Lys-350-Ala, retained the characteristic noncompetitive inhibition by adenine nucleoside 3'-polyphosphates, but exhibited substantially different sensitivities to inhibition by them. The type I K923A enzyme resulted in increased IC(50) values, e.g., >100-fold for 2'-deoxyadenosine-3'-monophosphate, but the shift diminished as the number of 3'-phosphates increased. The K921A mutation increased IC(50) values approximately 5-fold for all adenine nucleosides tested, whereas the K350A mutation increased IC(50) values approximately 6- to 8-fold for all adenine nucleosides tested except 2'-deoxyadenosine-3'-diphosphate, which was increased >/=2-fold. The data suggest that 3'-phosphates sufficiently increase binding affinity of these ligands to compensate for the reduced coordination of the adenine moiety induced by the K923A mutation. Moreover, the altered structures induced by both K350A and K921A mutations impair ligand binding in general, but paradoxically those resulting from the K350A change minimally affected nucleoside 3'-diphosphate binding, implying that selective changes in ligand binding can be induced by this site-specific mutation.  相似文献   

The present study was intented to estimate the frequencies of the most common mutations (R778L, R778W, R778G, I1102T and H1069Q) of ATP7B in Indian Wilson disease (WD) population and to explore the correlation between genotype/phenotype and copper ATPase activity. A total of 33 WD patients and their family members from North West states of India were examined. The H1069Q, R778W and R778L mutations were absent in these WD patients. R778W and I1102T mutations were present in 36% of WD patients. Family analysis for these mutations using PCR-RFLP documented 5 carriers and 2 asymptomatic WD patients. The copper ATPase activity in WD patients was significantly reduced (50%) than that of control individuals. No significant difference was observed in copper stimulated ATPase activity between homozygous (R778W/R778W, I1102T/I1102T) and compound heterozygous (R778W/unknown mutation, I1102T/unknown mutation) WD patients. Serum ceruloplasmin, serum copper levels were significantly lower in homozygous WD patients than that of compound heterozygous. However, no significant difference was observed in liver copper contents between heterozygous and homozygous patients. In conclusion, the data suggest that R778W and I1102T are most common mutations and provide the basis of genetic (PCR-RFLP) diagnostic tool for Indian WD patients as well as in siblings/parents where biochemical parameters are ambiguous.  相似文献   



Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) results in significant disease burden and early treatment is important for optimal outcomes. Recognition of short stature and growth failure as symptoms of MPS I among pediatric endocrinologists may lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment.

Case presentation

A male patient first began experiencing hip pain at 5 years of age and was referred to an endocrinologist for short stature at age 7. Clinical history included recurrent respiratory infections, sleep apnea, moderate joint contractures, mild facial dysmorphic features, scoliosis, and umbilical hernia. Height was more than ??2 SD below the median at all time points. Growth velocity was below the 3rd percentile. Treatment for short stature included leuprolide acetate and recombinant human growth hormone. The patient was diagnosed with MPS I and began enzyme replacement therapy with laronidase at age 18.


The case study patient had many symptoms of MPS I yet remained undiagnosed for 11 years after presenting with short stature. The appropriate path to MPS I diagnosis when patients present with short stature and/or growth failure plus one or more of the common signs of attenuated disease is described. Improved awareness regarding association of short stature and growth failure with attenuated MPS I is needed since early identification and treatment significantly decreases disease burden.

Familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM-1) is a monogenic form of migraine with aura that is characterized by recurrent attacks of a typical migraine headache with transient hemiparesis during the aura phase. In a subset of patients, additional symptoms such as epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia are part of the clinical phenotype. FHM-1 is caused by missense mutations in the CACNA1A gene that encodes the pore-forming subunit of Ca(V)2.1 voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. Although the functional effects of an increasing number of FHM-1 mutations have been characterized, knowledge on the influence of most of these mutations on G protein regulation of channel function is lacking. Here, we explored the effects of G protein-dependent modulation on mutations W1684R and V1696I which cause FHM-1 with and without cerebellar ataxia, respectively. Both mutations were introduced into the human Ca(V)2.1α(1) subunit and their functional consequences investigated after heterologous expression in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK-293) cells using patch-clamp recordings. When co-expressed along with the human μ-opioid receptor, application of the agonist [d-Ala2, N-MePhe4, Gly-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO) inhibited currents through both wild-type (WT) and mutant Ca(V)2.1 channels, which is consistent with the known modulation of these channels by G protein-coupled receptors. Prepulse facilitation, which is a way to characterize the relief of direct voltage-dependent G protein regulation, was reduced by both FHM-1 mutations. Moreover, the kinetic analysis of the onset and decay of facilitation showed that the W1684R and V1696I mutations affect the apparent dissociation and reassociation rates of the Gβγ dimer from the channel complex, suggesting that the G protein-Ca(2+) channel affinity may be altered by the mutations. These biophysical studies may shed new light on the pathophysiology underlying FHM-1.  相似文献   

The kinetic effects of the cardiac myosin point mutations R403Q and R453C, which underlie lethal forms of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC), were assessed using isolated myosin and skinned strips taken from heterozygous (R403Q/+ and R453C/+) male mouse hearts. Compared with wild-type (WT) mice, actin-activated ATPase was increased by 38% in R403Q/+ and reduced by 45% in R453C/+, maximal velocity of regulated thin filament (V(RTF)) in the in vitro motility assay was increased by 8% in R403Q/+ and was not different in R453C/+, myosin concentration at half-maximal V(RTF) was reduced by 30% in R403Q/+ and not different in R453C/+, and the characteristic frequency for oscillatory work production (b frequency), determined by sinusoidal analysis in the skinned strip at maximal calcium activation, was 27% lower in R403Q/+ and 18% higher in R453C/+. The calcium sensitivity for isometric tension in the skinned strip was not different in R403Q/+ (pCa(50) 5.64 +/- 0.02) and significantly enhanced in R453C/+ (5.82 +/- 0.03) compared with WT (5.58 +/- 0.02). We conclude that isolated myosin and skinned strips of R403Q/+ and R453C/+ myocardium show marked differences in cross-bridge kinetic parameters and in calcium sensitivity of force production that indicate different functional roles associated with the location of each point mutation at the molecular level.  相似文献   

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