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HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(4):489-501
The seasonal dynamics of uptake, partitioning and redistributionof dry matter, N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cuby the cormaceous plant Ixia flexuosa were studied in pot cultureat Perth, Western Australia. Dry matter and P, N, K, Zn andCu were redistributed from the mother corm with about 90 percent net efficiency: there was no net redistribution of Ca,Na, Fe or Mn. The efficiency of redistribution from the leafyshoot to fruits and the new season's corm was 80 per cent forN and P, 24–49 per cent for K, Cu and Zn, and 0–15per cent for Na, Fe, Ca, Mn, Cl, Mg, S and dry matter. Redistributionfrom the mother corm and vegetative organs could have suppliedthe replacement corm, cormlets and fruits with 32–53 percent of their S, K, P, N, Cu and Zn, and 11–25 per centof their Ca, Cl, Mn, Mg and dry matter. The mature replacementcorm had over 60 per cent of the plant's N and P, 25–50per cent of its dry matter, Zn, Cu, Mg, K and Cl, but less than20 per cent of its Ca, Na, Fe and Mn. Each plant produced anaverage of 12 cormlets; these had 35 per cent of the dry matterand 23–47 per cent of the amount of a particular nutrientin the new season's corms. Fruits had less than 16 per centof the dry matter and each mineral in the mature plant. Ratesof mineral intake by Ixia were much lower than reported forcrop plants, and may be related to the long growing season ofthe species. Ixia polystachya L., corm, nutrition, mineral nutrients, nutrient redistribution  相似文献   

The economy of carbon, nitrogen, water and mineral elementsin fruits of Lupinus albus L. was studied by measuring accumulationof these quantities in the developing fruit and estimating itstranspirational losses and CO2 exchanges. Combining this informationwith data on levels of mineral elements in the xylem sap andphloem sap supplying the fruit, it was possible to test whethertransport based on mass inflow through xylem and phloem wouldaccount for the observed intake of elements. A model of transportbased on water and carbon intake suggested that vascular intakeduring the fruit's life matched the recorded increment for mineralsto within ± 15 per cent for N, Na, Zn, Fe and Cu, andto within ± 23 per cent for P, K and S. However, estimatedvascular intake of Ca, Mg and Mn accounted for less than one–thirdof the recorded intake by the fruit, inadequacy of vascularintake being especially great early in growth. Transport inphloem accounted for more than 80 per cent of the fruit's vascularintake of C, N and S, and 70–80 per cent of its P, K,Mg and Zn. Xylem contributed 68 per cent of the vascular inputof Ca, 59 per cent of the Na, and 34–38 per cent of theFe, Mn and Cu. Enclosure and darkening of fruits reduced levelsof Ca and Fe but increased levels of N, P, K and Zn in fruitdry matter relative to unenclosed, illuminated fruits. Resultswere related to previous observations on fruit functioning. Lupinus albus, legume fruit, mineral supply, phloem, xylem  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(4):383-396
The distribution of dry matter and various mineral nutrientsbetween testa and embryo of seeds of Lupinus albus and L. angustifoliusis described It was found that lupin seeds at either end ofa pod contained less dry matter and minerals than seeds in themiddle of the fruit. The transport of dry matter, N, P, K, S,Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu from cotyledons of parent seedsof both species to the seedling axis was measured from germinationto the time of cotyledon death. N, P, K and S were retrievedfrom cotyledons with over 90 per cent efficiency, dry matter,Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and with 59–90 per cent efficiency,and Ca with 26–31 per cent efficiency. There was littlechange in the efficiency of nutrient retrieval from cotyledonswhen seedlings were grown in different culture media. Both speciesshowed a linear relationship between the loss of each elementand dry matter throughout the experiment, and a similar proportioningbetween root and shoot of the amount of a specific nutrientmobilized from cotyledons of parent seeds. Lupinus albus L., Lupinus angustifolius L., lupin, transport, of dry matter and mineral nutrients  相似文献   

Mobilization of Minerals to Developing Seeds of Legumes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HOCKING  P. J.; PATE  J. S. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1259-1278
The mineral nutrition of fruiting plants of Pisum sativum L.,Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus angustifolius L. is examined insand cultures supplying adequate and balanced amounts of essentialnutrients. Changes in content of specific minerals in leaves,pods, seed coat, and embryo are described. P, N and Zn tendto increase precociously in an organ relative to dry matteraccumulation, other elements more or less parallel with (K,Mn, Cu, Mg and Fe) or significantly behind (Ca and Na) dry weightincrease. Some 60–90 per cent of the N, P and K is lostfrom the leaf, pod and seed coat during senescence, versus 20–60per cent of the Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu and less than 20 per centof the Na and Ca. Mobilization returns from pods are estimatedto provide 4–39 per cent of the seeds' accumulations ofspecific minerals, compared with 4–27 per cent for testatransfer to the embryo. Endosperm minerals are of only minorsignificance in embryo nutrition. Comparisons of the mineral balance of plant parts of Lupinusspp. with that of stem xylem sap and fruit tip phloem sap supportthe view that leaves and pod are principal recipients of xylem-borneminerals and that export from these organs via phloem is themajor source of minerals to the seeds. Endosperm and embryodiffer substantially in mineral compostition from phloem sap,suggesting that selective uptake occurs from the translocationstream during seed development. Considerable differences are observed between species in mineralcomposition of plant organs and in the effectiveness of transferof specific minerals to the seeds Differences between speciesrelate principally to Ca, Na and certain trace elements.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in mineral elements id xylem (tracheal) sap, fruitphloem sap, leaflets and dmloping fruits were studied in a fieldpopulation of Lupinus angustifolius L. by three-hourly samplingover a 39 h period. Elements usually reached maximum contentsor concentrations at or near noon, minimum levels during thenight. Amplitudes of diurnal fluctuations in minerals lay withinthe range ±4–33 per cent of the mean content ofleaflets, and ±17–157 per cent of the mean concentrationsin xylem and phloem sap. Most minerals elements fluctuatcd inphase with daily changes in sugar level of phloem sap and drymatter and carbohydrate fluctuations of leaflets, suggestinga coupling of translocation of photosynthate and minerals fromthe leaflets. Rates of import of minerals by shoots wereestimatedfrom shoot transpiration and mineral concentrations in trachealsap. Average day time rates of import of most elements were12–25 times those at night. Translocation of minerals,nitrogen and carbon to fruits also exhibited diurnal periodicity,average rates of import king three to seven times higher inthe day than at night. A model of transport based on the carbonand water economy of the fruit suggested that P, K, Fe, Zn,Mn and Cu were imported predominantly by phloem. Estimates ofvascular import accounted for 87–104 per cent of the fruit'sactual increment of these elements. Na and Ca were gauged tobe imported mainly by xylem, Mg almost equally by xylem andphloem. However, large discrepancies existed for these threeelements between estimated vascular import and actual intakeby the fruit. Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, accumulation, fruits, xylem sap, phloem sap, transpiration  相似文献   

Hocking  Peter J. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(6):495-509
The seasonal dynamics of the accumulation, distribution andredistribution of dry matter and 12 mineral nutrients by a weedyspecies of gladiolus (Gladiolus caryophyllaceus) were studiedat Perth, Western Australia, where it has colonized the nutrient-poorsandy soils. Parent corms sprouted in autumn, and the plantshad completed their growth cycle by early summer. The maturereplacement corm had 15-25% of the plant's P, Ca, Na, Zn andCu, 5-15% of its K, N, Cl, Mg, S and dry matter, and < 5%of its Fe and Mn. Seeds had 26% of the plant's dry matter, 60%of its N and P, 21-33% of its S, Mg, Cu and K, 5-20% of itsFe, Mn and Zn, and < 5% of its Ca and Na. The mature vegetativeshoot had 47% of the plant's dry matter and over 40% of eachnutrient, except for N, P and Cu. Phosphorus, K and N were redistributedfrom the parent corm with over 85% efficiency, S, Mg, Zn andCu with 60-70% efficiency, but there was < 10% redistributionof Ca, Na, Cl, Fe and Mn. The efficiency of redistribution fromthe leafy shoot was over 70% for N and P, 29-52% for K, Mg andCu, 16-20% for S, Zn and Cl, but negligible for Ca, Na, Fe andMn. Redistribution from the shoot could have provided the replacementcorm and seeds with 53-98% of their Cu, Mg, N, P and K, and29-38% of their S, Zn and dry matter. Seeds contained over 60%of each nutrient in a capsule, except for Ca, Na and Fe. Redistributionfrom the capsule walls could have provided 13-19% of the P,Cu and Zn, and 3-7% of the N, K, Mg and dry matter accumulatedby seeds. Each plant produced an average of 520 seeds. Removalof flowers and buds at first anthesis resulted in a larger replacementcorm containing a greater quantity of most nutrients, indicatingcompetition between the replacement corm and seeds for nutrients.Redistribution from parent to replacement cormlets in the absenceof shoot and root development was high, with over 50% of thedry matter and each nutrient, except for Ca, being transferred.Concentration of nutrients were low in all organs of G. caryophyllaceus,especially the replacement corm. It was concluded that the effectiveredistribution of key nutrients, such as N and P, to reproductivestructures and tolerance of low internal concentrations of nutrientscontribute to the capacity of G. caryophyllaceus to colonizeand persist on infertile soils.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Gladiolus caryophyllaceus, corm, distribution, dry matter, gladiolus, mineral nutrients, nutrient accumulation, nutrient redistribution, seasonal growth, weed  相似文献   

TYLER  G.; ZOHLEN  A. 《Annals of botany》1998,81(3):455-459
Mineral nutrients of seeds constitute a significant source ofessential elements to seedlings and developing individuals ofvascular plants. In spite of their potential ecological significance,seed nutrient pools have attracted little attention with respectto calcifuge–calcicole behaviour of plants. The objectivesof this study were, therefore, to compare concentrations of13 macro- and micronutrients (K, Rb, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu,Zn, Mo, B, P and S) in seeds and leaves of 35 mainly herbaceousvascular plant species growing on both limestone (calcareous)and silicate (non-calcareous) soils. Concentrations of Rb andCo in seeds of plants originating from limestone soils were,on average, about half of those from silicate soils. Concentrationsof Mn, Mg, Zn and P of seeds were, or tended to be, lower orslightly lower in limestone-soil plants, whereas mean Ca andMo concentrations were higher. Comparing seed and leaf concentrationsof the same species from limestone and silicate soils generallydemonstrated a high P enrichment ratio, but a particularly lowK enrichment ratio in seeds, valid for both types of soil. Itwas also apparent that Fe and Mn, micronutrients which are lessreadily solubilized and taken up by plants on limestone soils,had significantly higher seed:leaf concentration ratios in plantsfrom limestone than from silicate soils, whereas the oppositewas true for Ca. This indicates a ‘strategy’ tosatisfy the demand of seedlings for elements which are lessreadily available in the soil.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Seed, leaf, plant, nutrient, content, calcareous, silicate, acid, soil.  相似文献   

The accumulation is described of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe,Zn, Mn and Cu in the developing pericarp and seed of two speciesof seagrass. Both species showed essentially the same patterns,which resemble those of herbaceous terrestrial plants. Therewas a close relation between dry matter and nutrient accumulation.N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu accumulated in the fruit againstlarge concentration gradients, with discrimination against Na.Seeds accumulated N, P and trace elements to a greater extentthan pericarps and other plant parts; P was apparently retrievedfrom pericarps to a greater extent than other elements. Calculationswere made of the losses of these elements from seagrass meadowsin shed fruits. Posidonia spp., seagrass, nutrient accumulation in fruits  相似文献   

On the way from the roots to the seeds during reproductive developmentin soybean (Glycine max), a large proportion of the mineralspass through the leaves rather than travelling directly viathe xylem. This direct and indirect movement of mineral nutrientshas important implications for mineral redistribution, seeddevelopment and leaf senescence. Therefore, we have studiedthe role of cytokinin and mineral flux from the roots in regulatingmineral redistribution from the leaves to the seeds using explants,i.e. a leaf, a pod and a subtending stem segment, with theirbases immersed in treatment solutions. Thus, defined solutionscontaining cytokinin and/or minerals can be substituted forthe roots. When explants (excised at early-mid podfill) aresupplied H2O only, leaf N, P, K, Mo, Mg, Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Ca,and Mn decline, ranging from 93% for Mo to 38% for Fe. In explantson H2O, N, P, K, Mo, Mg, Zn, and Fe appear to be redistributedfrom the leaves to the seeds, while the B, Cu, Ca, and Mn lostfrom the leaves do not seem to move to the seeds. Although amixture of minerals resembling xylem sap can delay net lossof these elements from the leaves, it does not prevent the decreases.The cytokinin zeatin (4.6 µM) inhibits the loss of N,IC, Mo, Mg, Zn, Fe, B, Cu, Ca, and Mn from the leaves, but notthat of P. When combined with minerals, zeatin not only preventsthe loss of the minerals from the leaves but may even greatlyincrease them with the possible exception of Zn, Fe, and Cu.Supplying the mineral nutrient mixture increases the quantitiesof N, P, K, Mg, Cu, and B in the seeds but not Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca,and Mo. For those minerals, especially N, where zeatin inhibitsefflux from the leaves, it may reduce the amounts in the seeds,but it does not change P, K, Mg, and Ca. The accumulation andredistribution patterns of the different mineral nutrients showmany dissimilarities thereby suggesting differences in the controlof their distribution. Key words: Cytokinin, mineral transport, seed development, senescence  相似文献   

Under-storey Nutrient Content in an Age Sequence of Douglas-fir Stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TURNER  J.; LONG  J. N.; BACKIEL  A. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1045-1055
The nutrient concentrations and contents of the under-storeyspecies were estimated for a series of Pacific North-west Douglas-fir[Pseudotsuga menxiessii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in agefrom 9 to 95 years. Analyses were carried out for ash, N, P,K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Na and significant differences innutrient concentrations were found to exist between species;species rejecting certain nutrients and accumulating others.General trends for mean concentrations of some nutrients areassociated with stand maturity in that ash, K and Mg decline,P and Mn increase and N and Ca reaches a peak at 20–30years and then declines. The nutrient contents (kg ha–1)of the under-storey component of the stands are presented andtrends discussed. Mineral nutrient content, under-storey vegetation, Pseudotsuga menziessii stands, Douglas-fir  相似文献   

Ndon, B. A. 1985. Some morphological and chemical characteristicsof developing fruits of Raphia hookeri.—J. exp. Bot. 36:1817–1830. Fruits which were at different stages of development were randomlysampled from different inflorescences of Raphia hookeri palms.The morphological characteristics and chemical (the dry matter,lipid and carbohydrate) contents of the exocarp and seeds weredetermined. The results showed that the seed length, circumferenceand volume were optimal at 24 months after pollination whichindicates that Raphia seeds attained maximum size at that period.The seed endosperm was liquid or semi-liquid between 6–18months after pollination but became solid with a prominent embryoat 24 months. The seed dry matter was low at the early stagesof development but there was a rapid increase in seed dry weightat 18–33 months after pollination. The seeds were physiologicallymatured at 30–33 months after pollination, while the exocarpmatured at 24–30 months after pollination. The Raphia seeds were low in lipid (about 2%) compared to theexocarp which had 30–40% lipid at full maturity. Maximumamount of lipid was accumulated within the exocarp at 36–42months after pollination and this period indicates the timefor harvesting Raphia fruits for maximum oil which is probablythe most economic part of the fruit. The total sugar concentration increased in the exocarp withincrease in maturity. Conversely the concentration of sugarsdecreased within the seeds as the fruit matured. Maximum totalsugar concentration (about 309 mg g–1 dry fat free sample)was found in the exocarp at 36–42 months after pollination.Mature seeds at 48 months after pollination had about 50 mgof total sugars per g of fat free sample. There was insignificantaccumulation of starch in the exocarp. The mature seeds werelow in starch (5–10% of the dry weight). Key words: Raphia hookeri, development, fruit  相似文献   

Kermode, A. R. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The role of maturationdrying in the transition from seed development to germination.II. Post–germinative enzyme production and soluble proteinsynthetic pattern changes within the endosperm of Ricinus communisL. seeds.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1916–1927. Immature seedsof Ricinus communis L. cv. Hale (castor bean) removed from thecapsule at 30 or 40 d after pollination (DAP) do not germinateunless first subjected to a desiccation treatment. This changefrom development to germination elicited by premature desiccationis also mirrored by a change, upon subsequent rehydration, inthe pattern of soluble protein synthesis within the endospermstorage tissue. Following rehydration of prematurely dried 30or 40 DAP seeds, soluble proteins characteristic of developmentcease to be synthesized after 5 h of imbibition, and those uniquelyassociated with germination and growth are then produced. Apattern of soluble storage protein breakdown comparable to thatfound in endosperms from mature seeds following imbibition isalso observed. In contrast, hydration of 40 DAP seeds immediatelyfollowing detachment from the mother plant results in a continuationof the developmental pattern of protein synthesis. Prematuredesiccation at 40 DAP elicits the production within the endospermof enzymes involved in protein reserve breakdown (leucyl ß–naphthylamidase;LeuNAase) and lipid utilization (isocitrate lyase; ICL) to levelscomparable to those observed in mature–hydrated endosperms.It is proposed that drying plays a role in redirecting metabolismfrom a developmental to a germinative mode; it also appearsto be a prerequisite for the induction of hydrolytic enzymesessential to the post–germinative (growth) phase of seedlingdevelopment. Key words: Desiccation-tolerance, germinability, seed development, castor bean  相似文献   

Epidermal and mesophyll tissues of Commelina communis L. andVicia faba L. were analysed by atomic absorption spectrometryfor the major plant inorganic cations and anions (K, Na, Ca,Mg, P, NO3-N, Cl) when stomata of the leaf were open and closed.Water-soluble and residual levels of the elements were estimatedand a charge balance of the soluble fraction made. The major portion of K, Na, Cl, and P was extracted in the water-solublefraction of the epidermal and mesophyll tissues of both species.In both species the bulk of Ca remained in the insoluble residueof the epidermis whereas in mesophyll tissue it was equallydistributed be-between the two fractions in C. communis butmainly in the insoluble residue in V. faba. Magnesium was predominantlyfound in the water-soluble fraction of V. faba mesophyll tissueand distributed approximately equally between the two fractionsin the epidermal tissue. In C. communis Mg was slightly moreabundant in the water-soluble fraction of both mesophyll andepidermis. In both species no statistically significant differences inthe levels of the elements could be detected between epidermaland mesophyll tissues from leaves with open stomata and thesame tissues from leaves with closed stomata, suggesting thatthere was no major flux of ions between mesophyll and epidermisduring stomatal movements. Regardless of whether the stomata were open or closed, therewere considerably more water-soluble inorganic cations thananions present in all tissues of both species with K being themajor cation and Cl being the major anion. In V.faba and C-communis epidermis there was 49–53 per cent and 56%68per cent excess cation respectively. In the mesophyll tissuethe excess cation was 63–75 per cent and 75%78 per centin V.faba and C. communis respectively. When the partitioning of the levels of the elements betweenepidermis and mesophyll of a leaf is considered, except forNO3-N in both species and Na in V. faba, 20 per cent or lessof each element was present in the epidermis.  相似文献   

Kermode, A. R. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The role of maturationdrying in the transition from seed development to germination.1. Acquisition of desiccation–tolerance and germinabilityduring development of Ricinus communis L. seeds.—J. exp.Bot. 36: 1906–1915. Seeds of Ricinus communis L. cv. Hale(castor bean) undergo a transition from desiccation–intoleranceto desiccation–tolerance approximately midway throughtheir development. Tolerance of slow desiccation is gained overonly a few days of development (between 20 and 25 d) and isachieved well before the completion of major developmental events,such as reserve deposition and the onset of normal maturationdrying. A tolerance of very rapid water loss brought about bydrying over silica gel is not acquired by this seed until nearmaturity. Coincident with the acquisition of tolerance to slowdesiccation the seeds gain the capacity to germinate upon subsequentrehydration. Germinability and capacity for normal post–germinativegrowth during the tolerant phase are not fully expressed unlessthe seed is dried at an optimal rate, which is dependent uponthe developmental stage of the seed. Drying presumably actsto terminate developmental processes and to initiate those metabolicprocesses necessary to prepare the seed for germination andgrowth. Key words: Desiccation-tolerance, germinability, seed development, castor bean  相似文献   

Kermode, A. R., Gifford, D. J. and Bewley, J. D. 1985. The roleof maturation drying in the transition from seed developmentto germination. III. Insoluble protein synthetic pattern changeswithin the endosperm of Ricinus communis L. seeds.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1928–1936. Immature seeds of Ricinus communisL. cv. Hale (castor bean) removed from the capsule at 30 or40 days after pollination (DAP) can be induced to germinateby being subjected to drying. This desiccation–inducedswitch from development to germination is mirrored by a change,upon subsequent rehydration, in the pattern of insoluble proteinsynthesis within the endosperm storage tissue. During normaldevelopment from 25–40 DAP there is rapid synthesis ofthe insoluble (11S) crystalloid storage protein. At later stagesof development (45 and 50 DAP), crystalloid protein synthesisdeclines markedly and synthesis of new insoluble proteins commences.Following premature drying at 30 or 40 DAP, the pattern of insolubleprotein synthesis upon rehydration is virtually identical tothat following imbibition of the mature seed. Proteins synthesizedduring normal late development (at 45 and 50 DAP) are producedup to 48 h after imbibition; a subsequent change in the patternof insoluble protein synthesis occurs between 48 and 72 h. Thus,in contrast to the rapid switch in the pattern of soluble proteinsynthesis induced by drying, insoluble protein syntheses withinthe endosperm are redirected towards those uniquely associatedwith a germination/growth programme only after a considerabledelay following mature seed imbibition, or following rehydrationof the prematurely dried seed. Nevertheless, these results supportour contention that drying plays a role in the suppression ofthe developmental metabolic programme and in the permanent inductionof a germination/growth programme. Key words: Desiccation, crystalloid storage proteins, castor bean, seed development, seed germination  相似文献   

Temperature and mineral nutrition are major environmental factors regulating plant growth and development. Yet, cold impact on mineral contents and the ability of the plants to perform changes in specific elements as a part of the acclimation process received little attention. Using five Coffea genotypes previously characterized concerning their cold sensitivity, a mineral analysis was performed considering macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S) and micro (Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B) nutrients in order to predict their importance in cold tolerance. The results showed a cold-induced dynamics of mineral nutrients in recently mature leaves. The less cold sensitive Icatu, and partially Catuaí, accumulated N, Ca, Mn, Cu, and Zn with potential implications in the maintenance of photosynthetic performance, the reinforcement of the antioxidative defense system, lipid metabolism, and the expression of cold regulated genes, thus constituting interesting traits to evaluate the cold acclimation ability. After a principal component analysis (PCA), N, Fe, Mn, and Cu were further confirmed as strong candidates for an early cold tolerance evaluation due to their dynamics and to specific roles in the activities of Cu/Zn-SOD (Cu), APX (Fe), and PSII (Mn).  相似文献   

HOLE  C. C.; BARNES  A. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):295-307
Carbon dioxide efflux from 5- to 20-day-old pea fruits was measuredfor plants grown in controlled environment at 15 °C and600 µmol s–1 m–2 photon flux density in a16 h photoperiod. The rate of CO2 output per fruit increasedquickly from 0.005 to 0.018 mg CO2 min–1 during fruitelongation and subsequently more slowly to 0.030 mg CO2 min–1as the fruits inflated. On a d. wt basis the rate was highest,0.175 mg CO2 g–1 min–1, in the youngest fruits anddeclined curvilinearly with increasing fruit weight to 0.02mg CO2 g–1 min–1. Separation of maintenance andgrowth components was achieved by starvation methods and bymultiple regression analysis. From the latter method estimatesof the maintenance coefficient declined hyperbolically from150±8.7 mg carbohydrate g–1 d. wt day–1 inthe very young fruits (0.05 g) to 10.4±0.36 mg carbohydrateg–1 d. wt day–1 in older fruits (2.0 g). On a nitrogenbasis maintenance costs decreased from 2240 to 310 mg carbohydrateg–1 nitrogen day–1 while nitrogen concentrationfell from 6.7 to 3 per cent d. wt. A simple linear relationshipbetween maintenance cost per unit d. wt and nitrogen concentrationwas not observed. A growth coefficient of 50±6.7 mg carbohydrate g–1growth (equivalent to a conversion efficiency, YG, of 0.95)was estimated for all fruits examined. The overall efficiency, Y, increased from a mean of 0.70 to0.85 during fruit elongation and subsequently declined to 0.80.For a given fruit weight, efficiency increased asymptoticallywith relative growth rate; both asymptote and slope of the relationshipincreased as the fruits grew. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, legume fruit, carbon dioxide efflux, maintenance respiration, growth respiration  相似文献   

The influence of the endogenous micronutrient chelator, nicotianamine(NA), and of Cu nutrition on the distribution of Cu, Fe, Mn,Zn, and NA was investigated in eight different shoot organs,roots, and in xylem exudates of the NA-containing tomato wildtype Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Bonner Beste and itsNA-less mutant chloronerva. Contrary to the other heavy metals, copper transport in thexylem was inefficient in the mutant and was enhanced by an applicationof NA to the roots or leaves in proportion to the applied NAconcentration. Also, with NA application, the Cu concentrationin mutant roots decreased significantly, and increased in theshoot. Fe and Mn transport in the xylem was greater in the mutantthan in the wild type, and was decreased in the mutant by theapplication of NA to the leaves. Zn transport in the xylem wasthe same in both genotypes and was unaffected by NA application.After application of NA to leaves and roots of the mutant itwas possible to detect NA in the xylem exudate (up to 2nmolNA(g–1 root FWh–1). High Cu supply (3 µM) resulted in higher Cu and Mn concentrationsin all organs of the wild type as compared to mutant organs,but Fe concentrations were not influenced. Under high Cu supply(3µM) the NA concentrations of roots and the three youngestleaves of the wild type were higher than under normal Cu supply(0.3 µM). The highest concentrations were found in theshoot apex under both Cu conditions (up to 361 nmol NAg–1FW). It is concluded from our experiments and from the high stabilityconstant of the NA-Cu-complex (log K= 18.6) that NA is involvedin Cu translocation whereas for the translocation of Fe, Mn,and Zn, NA is not essential. Key words: Copper transport, micronutrients, mobilization, nicotianamine, xylem  相似文献   

The effect on the mineral ion nutrition of developing barleyembryos and endosperms was studied when both Mg and Mn werewithdrawn simultancously from the rooting medium. Both embryosand endosperms had lower Mg levels, on average 40 and 50 percent, respectively, over the developmental period, than thosefrom control plants grown in complete nutrient solution. Comparedto the controls, higher levels of Mn (average 20 per cent) andCa (average 20 per cent) were found in Mg-deficient embryosfrom test plants, but Mn levels were lower (average 30 per cent)and Ca levels unaffected in Mg-deficient endosperms. K levelsin both embryos and endosperms were not changed. The endospermsfrom test plants had lower total N levels than the controls. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, embryo, endosperm, sand culture, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, mineral nutrition  相似文献   

MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(6):697-709
Dewaxed thin-sectioned and dewaxed isolated mature fruit cuticlesrevealed the unequivocal presence in situ of visibly discrete,ubiquitous, cuticular pores or orifices concomitant with anticlinally-orientedtranscuticular canals in 51 varieties of fruit among 20 plantfamilies. More than 66 per cent of the fruit cuticles have poresand/or canals. No correlation exists between either fruit sizeor pore size and cuticle thickness. Dewaxed cuticles rangedfrom 1.25–22.5 µm in thickness. Canal lengths aredirectly related to cuticle thickness. Cuticular occlusionsof the epidermal cells were found in 76 per cent of the fruitsexamined. Evidence is provided by light microscopy photomicrographs. Fruit cuticles, cuticle morphology, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals  相似文献   

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