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In the course of studying [PSI(+)], a yeast prion, we found inadvertently that Escherichia coli strain BL21 overproducing a fusion protein, in which the prion-domain of Sup35 was connected to the C terminus of glutathione S-transferase, grew normally to the stationary phase and rapidly decreased in colony-forming ability thereafter. Evidence indicated that protein polymers consisting mainly of the fusion protein GST-Sup35NM (about 70% of the mass) and its N-terminal fragments were formed in extract prepared from the cells producing GST-Sup35NM. It was further found that cells of strain BL21 accumulated the protein polymers during prolonged cultivation. Based on these results, we contend that the initially observed defect in colony forming ability is the direct or indirect consequence of intracellular formation and accumulation of the protein polymers.  相似文献   

The correlation between 5-fluorouracil-induced resistance to ultraviolet (UV) light and the ability of bacterial cells to repair irradiation damage was investigated in various strains of Escherichia coli. Preincubation with 5-fluorouracil did not influence the dark-repair mechanism. It affected, however, the UV light-induced damage of cell division in filament-forming strains. It is suggested that the delay in postirradiation macromolecular synthesis of 5-fluorouracil-pretreated bacteria plays a decisive role in the recovery process leading to cross cell wall-forming ability in the damaged strains.  相似文献   

To promote viral entry, replication, release, and spread to neighboring cells, many cytolytic animal viruses encode proteins responsible for modification of host cell membrane permeability and for formation of ion channels in host cell membranes during their life cycles. In this study, we show that the envelope (E) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus can induce membrane permeability changes when expressed in Escherichia coli. E protein expressed in bacterial and mammalian cells under reducing conditions existed as monomers, but formed homodimer and homotrimer under non-reducing conditions. Site-directed mutagenesis studies revealed that two cysteine residues of the E protein were essential for oligomerization, leading to induction of membrane permeability. This is the first report demonstrating that a coronavirus-encoded protein could modify membrane permeability in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) depletes intracellular glutathione (GSH) by covalent bond formation in a reaction mediated by GSH-S-transferase. Treatment of hypoxic Chinese hamster V79 cells with 5 mM DMF before irradiation radiosensitizes the cells, resulting in an enhancement ratio (ER) of about 2.7 with minimal toxicity, when the end point is clonogenic cell survival. Under the same conditions aerobic cells are sensitized, and ER of about 1.3 is found, and GSH is reduced to about 3% of control. Very similar results were obtained previously with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, new data presented here show that DMF treatment of V79 or CHO cells immediately after irradiation under hypoxic conditions sensitizes the cells, resulting in an ER of about 1.5, DMF treatment after irradiation under aerobic conditions results in an ER of 1.3, and this DMF treatment reduces protein thiols (PSH) to about 70% of control. When induction of DNA damage is measured using the neutral elution assay, treatment of V79 or CHO cells with DMF prior to irradiation under hypoxic conditions results in an ER of 1.9-2.0, but there is no enhancement of DNA damage when DMF is added after irradiation under hypoxic conditions or when cells are treated with DMF before or after irradiation under aerobic conditions. Based on these data we postulate that DMF radiosensitizes killing of hypoxic cells by two actions: depletion of GSH interferes with the chemical competition between damage fixation and repair, and depletion of PSH causes an inhibition of enzymatic repair processes. We also suggest that DMF sensitizes aerobic cells only by inhibition of enzymatic repair processes.  相似文献   

Matney, Thomas S. (The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas), and Joan C. Suit. Synchronously dividing bacterial cultures. I. Synchrony following depletion and resupplementation of a required amino acid in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 92:960-966. 1966.-A procedure was developed for phasing large-volume cultures of Escherichia coli K-12 with regard to cell division. The method consists of permitting the bacteria to exhaust a growth-limiting supply of a required amino acid, starving the culture, resupplementing with an excess of the amino acid, and following the ensuing growth by usual counting procedures.  相似文献   

Postirradiation alterations of neuronal chromatin structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous work from our laboratory suggested that neuronal chromatin structure may be altered immediately after exposure to ionizing radiation. In the present study, whole brains of 4-month-old male Fisher 344 rats were irradiated with a dose of 25 Gy. The kinetics of restoring the chromatin structure to its unirradiated state was investigated in rat cerebellar neurons using three different approaches: (1) measurement of changes in the DNA superhelical structure by the fluorescent halo assay, (2) measurement of changes in chromatin accessibility to digestion by micrococcal nuclease, and (3) measurement of changes in the accessibility of the nuclear-matrix-associated DNA to digestion by DNase I. Immediately after irradiation, the topological constraints on the DNA loops were altered, the chromatin was more accessible to m. nuclease digestion, and the DNA associated with the nuclear matrix was more resistant to digestion by DNase I. Return of the chromatin structure to its unirradiated state as measured by each of the three methods followed biphasic kinetics with the fast phase having a half-time of several minutes and the slow phase having a half-time of several hours. The kinetics are similar to that previously reported for repair of radiation-induced DNA damage in mammalian cells. Although the independent assays used in this study seemed to follow the same kinetics, their relationship at the molecular level remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to study the effect of a short incubation in 0.01 M tris buffer, pH 7.0, with a different NaCl content (0-10%) on the viability, optic density and permeability of intact and heated at 52 degrees C Escherichia coli B/r cells. In contrast to the intact cells, the viability of the heated cells depended on osmotic pressure in the medium into which they were transferred after heating. The survival rate was highest when the cells were transferred into an isotonic buffer. In the case of hypotonic and hypertonic media, the survival rate of the cells decreased owing to the death of cells which were responsible for the formation of small colonies under the isotonic conditions. This was accompanied with a more intensive drop in the optic density of bacterial suspensions while their permeability increased (when the cells were transferred into the hypotonic conditions). The role of membranes in the processes of bacterial heat inactivation is discussed on the basis of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Polyamines decrease Escherichia coli outer membrane permeability.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The permeability of the outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria to hydrophilic compounds is mostly due to the presence of porin channels. We tested the effects of four polyamines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine) on two processes known to depend on intact porin function: fluxes of beta-lactam antibiotics in live cells and chemotaxis. In both cases, inhibition was observed. Measurements of the rate of permeation of cephaloridine and of chemotaxis in swarm plates and capillary assays were used to determine the concentration dependence of this modulation. The effective concentration ranges depended on the nature of the polyamine and varied from submillimolar for spermine to tens of millimolar for cadaverine. Both OmpC and OmpF porins were inhibited, although the effects on OmpC appeared to be milder. These results are in agreement with our observations that polyamines inhibit porin-mediated ion fluxes in electrophysiological experiments, and they suggest that a low-affinity polyamine binding site might exist in these porins. These results reveal the potential use of porins as targets for blocking agents and suggest that polyamines may act as endogenous modulators of outer membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Plasmid genes increase membrane permeability in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The membrane permeability to o-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactoside is increased in the presence of rifampicin in Escherichia coli cells carrying srnB+ or pnd+ plasmids, but not in the cells carrying srnB- or pnd- mutant plasmids. The same permeability alteration was also observed at 42 degrees C when a rpoC4- mutant strain was used as a host strain in the absence of rifampicin. These results and the blockage of the effects by action of chloramphenicol suggest that the increase of permeability to o-nitrophenyl galactoside was caused by the expression of srnB+ or pnd+ gene, respectively. srnB+ gene expression leads to massive RNA degradation, probably through the activation of the rna+ gene product. In an rna- strain carrying the srnB+ plasmid, the extent of RNA degradation was reduced, whereas the permeability to o-nitrophenyl galactoside was increased to the same level as in the rna+ strain. Also, the increase in permeability to o-nitrophenyl galactoside was observed at 30 degrees C, although high-temperature incubation (42 degrees C) was necessary for the induction of RNA degradation. These results suggest that the alteration in permeability is a more direct effect of the expression of srnB+ or pnd+ gene and that the RNA degradation is a secondary phenomenon caused by the alteration in the membrane.  相似文献   

Postirradiation recovery of haemopoiesis in Steel mutant mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recovery of haemopoiesis in Steel mutant mice following 1 Gy sublethal irradiation is described. Steel homozygotes (S1/S1) did not display the abortive phase of erythropoietic recovery while the secondary phase of erythropoietic recovery was more pronounced in S1/S1 than in control (+/+) animals. On the contrary, the neutrophilopoietic recovery in S1/S1 mice was defective only during the secondary phase of recovery. Steel heterozygotes (S1/+) manifested similar, albeit less pronounced, defects. In the course of studies of recovery of eosioniphils it was observed that neither wild-type nor mutant animals expressed the abortive rise. Moreover, the kinetics of recovery of eosinophils was essentially different from both erythropoietic and neutrophilopoietic recovery, and the preirradiation level was reached in both normal and mutant animals on day 60 postirradiation as opposed to 24 and 35 days for erythropoiesis and neutrophils respectively.  相似文献   

Urea permeability of human red cells   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of unidirectional [14C]urea efflux from human red cells was determined in the self-exchange and net efflux modes with the continuous flow tube method. Self-exchange flux was saturable and followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At 38 degrees C the maximal self-exchange flux was 1.3 X 10(-7) mol cm-2 s-1, and the urea concentration for half-maximal flux, K1/2, was 396 mM. At 25 degrees C the maximal self-exchange flux decreased to 8.2 X 10(-8) mol cm-2 s-1, and K1/2 to 334 mM. The concentration-dependent urea permeability coefficient was 3 X 10(-4) cm s-1 at 1 mM and 8 X 10(-5) cm s-1 at 800 mM (25 degrees C). The latter value is consonant with previous volumetric determinations of urea permeability. Urea transport was inhibited competitively by thiourea; the half-inhibition constant, Ki, was 17 mM at 38 degrees C and 13 mM at 25 degrees C. Treatment with 1 mM p-chloromercuribenzosulfonate inhibited urea permeability by 92%. Phloretin reduced urea permeability further (greater than 97%) to a "ground" permeability of approximately 10(-6) cm s-1 (25 degrees C). This residual permeability is probably due to urea permeating the hydrophobic core of the membrane by simple diffusion. The apparent activation energy, EA, of urea transport after maximal inhibition was 59 kJ mol-1, whereas in control cells EA was 34 kJ mol-1 at 1 M and 12 kJ mol-1 at 1 mM urea. In net efflux experiments with no extracellular urea, the permeability coefficient remained constantly high, independent of a variation of intracellular urea between 1 and 500 mM, which indicates that the urea transport system is asymmetric. It is concluded that urea permeability above the ground permeability is due to facilitate diffusion and not to diffusion through nonspecific leak pathways as suggested previously.  相似文献   

The osmotic permeability coefficient (Pf) for water movement across Novikoff hepatoma cells was found to be 82 ± 3 (S.E.) · 10?5 cm · s?1 at 20°C. The corresponding diffusional permeability coefficient for 3HHO (Pd) was 97 ± 10 (S.E.) · 10?5 cm · s?1, therefore the ratio PfPd is close to unity. The apparent activation energy for water filtration was 10.4 ± 0.4 (S.E.) kcal · mol?1. This value is significantly greater than the activation energy for the self diffusion of water. The product of the hydraulic permeability coefficient and the viscosity coefficient for water was temperature-dependent. However, the product of the hydraulic permeability coefficient and the viscosity coefficient for membrane lipid did not vary with temperature. These data are interpreted as evidence for water movement across a lipid membrane barrier rather than through aqueous channels.  相似文献   

Wolff S  Luippold HE 《Genetics》1958,43(3):493-501

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