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The basal ATPase activity of 30S dynein, whether obtained by extraction of ciliary axonemes with a high (0.5 M NaCl) or low (1 mM Tris-0.1 mM EDTA) ionic strength buffer is increased by NaCl, NaNO3, and Na acetate, with NaNO3 causing the largest increase. The calmodulin-activated ATPase activity of 30S dynein is also increased by addition of NaCl, NaNO3, or Na acetate, but the effects are less pronounced than on basal activity, so that the calmodulin activation ratio (CAR) decreases to 1.0 as salt concentration increases to 0.2 M. These salts also reduce the CAR of 14S dynein ATPase to 1.0 but by strongly inhibiting the calmodulin-activated ATPase activity and only slightly inhibiting the basal activity. Sodium fluoride differs both quantitatively and qualitatively from the other three salts studied. It inhibits the ATPase activity of both 14S and 30S dyneins at concentrations below 5 mM and, by a stronger inhibition of the calmodulin-activated ATPase activities, reduces the CAR to 1.0. Na acetate does not inhibit axonemal ATPase, nor does it interfere with the drop in turbidity caused by ATP and extracts very little protein from the axonemes. NaCl and, especially, NaNO3, cause a slow decrease in A350 of an axonemal suspension and an inhibition of the turbidity response to ATP. NaF, at concentrations comparable to those that inhibit the ATPase activities of the solubilized dyneins, also inhibits axonemal ATPase activity and the turbidity response. Pretreatment of demembranated axonemes with a buffer containing 0.25 M sodium acetate for 5 min followed by extraction for 5 min with a buffer containing 0.5 M NaCl and resolution of the extracted dynein on a sucrose density gradient generally yields a 30S dynein that is activated by calmodulin in a heterogeneous manner, ie, the "light" 30S dynein ATPase fractions are more activated than the "heavy" 30S dynein fractions. These results demonstrate specific anion effects on the basal and calmodulin-activated dynein ATPase activities, on the extractability of proteins from the axoneme, and on the turbidity response of demembranated axonemes to ATP. They also provide a method that frequently yields 30S dynein fractions with ATPase activities that are activated over twofold by added calmodulin.  相似文献   

Cilia from the protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis were demembranated and then extracted for 5 min with a buffer containing 0.5 M NaCl. The briefly extracted axonemal pellet was then reextracted for about 20 hr. The soluble material obtained from each extraction was resolved into 14S and 30S dynein ATPases by sedimentation on sucrose density gradients and tested for sensitivity to added calmodulin. The 14S dynein obtained by a 5-min extraction was generally insensitive to added calmodulin, whereas that obtained by 20-hr extraction of the 5-min extracted axonemes was activated by calmodulin, the activation being much larger in the “light” 14S fractions than in the “heavy” fractions. The 30S dynein ATPase obtained by a 5-min extraction was generally activated over 1.6-fold by added calmodulin, whereas that obtained by the subsequent long extraction was usually activated only 1.3-fold. After further purification of the 5-min extracted 30S dynein and of the 5-min to 20-hr-extracted 14S dynein on DEAE-Sephacel, these dyneins retained much of their calmodulin activatability. The ATPase activity of both 14S and 30S dyneins was inhibited more strongly by erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)] adenine and by vanadate in the presence of added calmodulin than in its absence. These data suggest that the only ATPase activity present in the fractions studied is that of the dyneins and demonstrate that both the 14S and 30S dynein ATPases may be obtained in forms mat are activated by added calmodulin as well as in forms that are insensitive to added calmodulin.  相似文献   

The enhancing effect of low concentrations (eg, 8 μM) of bis(4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl)sulfone (FNS) on 30S dynein ATPase activity is increased when 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) is present. The effect of FNS + DTT is optimal at pH 7.5. Activation of the latent ATPase activity of 30S dynein by FNS + DTT is partially prevented by 1–3 μM ATP. Adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) is less effective than ATP, while β,γ-methylene-adenosine triphosphate (AMP-PCP), though a much stronger inhibitor of ATPase activity than AMP-PNP, does not protect against enhancement. These results demonstrate the presence of a high-affinity ATP-binding site on 30S dynein.  相似文献   

The effects of five sulfhydryl (SH) reagents – N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a spin-labeled maleimide (SLM), N-N′-phenylenedimaleimide (PPDM), bis(4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl)sulfone (FNS), and carboxypyridine disulfide (CPDS) – on glycerol-treated, Triton X-100-demembranated ciliary axonemes of Tetrahymena, on the 30S and 14S dyneins extracted from such axonemes, and on the residual ATPase activity remaining associated with axonemes that have been extracted twice with Tris-EDTA have been examined as a function of pH in the range 6.9–8.6. Preincubation of axonemes and of solubilized 30S dynein with low concentrations of each of the five SH reagents, at 0°C and at 25°C, caused enhancement of the latent ATPase activity. PPDM was the most effective reagent, causing half-maximal enhancement (after 18 h at 0°C) at ~ 0.5 μM, corresponding to 0.19 moles/105 g axonemal protein. The rate constants, ka, for the enhancement reaction at 0°C depended on whether the 30S dynein was in situ or solubilized; the ratio ka (in situ) /ka (solubilized) was > 1 for NEM, ~ 1 for PPDM, and < 1 for FNS. For each SH reagent except CPDS, ka (at 0°C) increased markedly with increasing pH in the range pH 6.9–8.6; for CPDS ka increased only about fourfold. At long times of preincubation and high concentrations of NEM, SLM, PPDM, and CPDS, the enhancement of ATPase activity was followed by a loss of activity. The values of kL, the rate constants for loss of ATPase activity from the peak enhanced level, were much lower than the corresponding values for ka, and increased with increasing pH. With SLM and PPDM, inhibition continued until the ATPase activity was almost completely inhibited. With NEM, however, the initial rate of loss from the peak enhanced value decreased as the ATPase activity returned toward the control (unmodified) level, and further inhibition was very slow. The differences in degree of inhibition obtained with SLM as compared to NEM suggest that there are at least two classes of inhibitory SH groups on 30S dynein. The ATPase activity of 14S dynein was only inhibited by preincubation with NEM, SLM, PPDM, and, to a lesser extent, CPDS; kL increased with increasing pH. Preincubation of 14S dynein with FNS yielded conflicting results when the reaction was “stopped” by adding dithiothreitol. When 14S dynein was preincubated at 0 C with FNS and the ATPase activity was then assayed at 25°C, a biphasic pattern of enhancement followed by inhibition was obtained. The residual ATPase activity of twice-extracted axomenes was relatively insensitive to each of the SH reagents studied; an initial rapid loss of some 20–40% of the ATPase activity occurred, followed by a very slow further loss of activity. Increasing the pH increased this slow rate of inhibition. The residual ATPase activity of unmodified twice-extracted axonemes decreased slightly with increasing pH, in contrast to the slight increase observed with increasing pH for the ATPase activity of axonemes and of solubilized 30S and 14S dyneins. The presence of ATP during preincubation of axonemes with PPDM at O°C prevented the enhancement of ATPase activity; only a slow loss of ATPase activity was observed. This rate of loss of ATPase activity was slower than the rate of loss observed (after peak enhancement of activity was reached) when PPDM reacted with axonemes in the absence of ATP. In these properties the SH groups of 30s dynein responsible for the enhancement of latent ATPase activity and for the inhibition of ATPase activity do not resemble the SH1 and SH2 groups of myosin, respectively, since the presence of ATP increases the rates of reaction of SH1 and SH2 of myosin with SH reagents.  相似文献   

Increases in reactive oxygen species and mis-regulation of calcium homeostasis are associated with various physiological conditions and disease states including aging, ischemia, exposure to drugs of abuse, and neurodegenerative diseases. In aged animals, this is accompanied by a reduction in oxidative repair mechanisms resulting in increased methionine oxidation of the calcium signaling protein calmodulin in the brain. Here, we show that oxidation of calmodulin results in an inability to: (1) activate CaMKII; (2) support Thr(286) autophosphorylation of CaMKII; (3) prevent Thr(305/6) autophosphorylation of CaMKII; (4) support binding of CaMKII to the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor; and (5) compete with alpha-actinin for binding to CaMKII. Moreover, oxidized calmodulin does not efficiently bind calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in rat brain lysates or in vitro. These observations contrast from past experiments performed with oxidized calmodulin and the plasma membrane calcium ATPase, where oxidized calmodulin binds to, and partially activates the PMCA. When taken together, these data suggest that oxidative stress may perturb neuronal and cardiac function via a decreased ability of oxidized calmodulin to bind, activate, and regulate the interactions of CaMKII.  相似文献   

The sonication of 30 S dynein obtained from Tetrahymena cilia induced dissociation into 14-S subunits, some of the enzyme still remaining as intact 30 S dynein and partially dissociated dynein (21 S) in a minor amount. It was demonstrated that the enzymatic properties of the 14 S subunit are quite similar to those of 30 S dynein except for the Ca2+:Mg2+ ratio. ATPase (EC (ATP phosphohydrolase activity of the 14 S subunit was steadily enhanced by increasing concentrations of Mg2+. It was also activated by Ca2+ with an optimum at 6 mM but inhibited by a further increase in concentration. The Ca2+:Mg2+ ratio at 1 mM was about 0.62. 0.6 M KCl stimulated ATPase activity of the 14 S subunit two-fold. The Mg2+-ATPase had an optimum at pH 6.2 and revealed a high activity over pH 10. The Ca2+-ATPase showed two optima at pH 6.2 and 9.5. The Km for ATP was 10 muM. Only 10% of the 14 S subunit recombined with the outer fibers in the presence of Mg2+. The 14 S subunit was shown to have the same mobility as that of 30 S dynein on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Calcium ions play an important role in the regulation of stomatal movement and the mechanism underlying this action is yet to be determined. It is suggested that guard cell plasma membrane ATPase is a target for calcium action and that this effect is mediated by calmodulin. In this study, the effects of calcium and two calmodulin antagonists on ATPase activity in a crude homogenate of Commelina communis L. guard cell protoplasts were examined. The homogenate contained Mg2+-dependent, K+-simulated ATPase activity, which was inhibited by CaCl2 while stimulated by the calmodulin antagonists, compound 48/80 and chlorpromazine. The calmodulin antagonists partially reversed the inhibitory effect of calcium ions. The results support the possibility of calmodulin involvement in the regulation of guard cell ATPase activity by calcium ions.  相似文献   

Triacontanol (TRIA) treatment of plasma membrane-enriched vesicles from barley ( Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Conquest) roots resulted in stimulation of membrane-associated, divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity (EC The stimulation at physiologically active concentrations of TRIA (10−11–10−9 M ) occurred only when the vesicles were treated with TRIA in the presence of calmodulin. Octacosanol, the C28-analogue of TRIA, had no effect on divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity. Consistent with in vivo studies, simultaneous treatment of vesicles with weight equivalents of TRIA and octacosanol reduced the stimulation of ATPase activity. The effect of calmodulin on the stimulation of ATPase activity was diminished by calmidazolium, a specific inhibitor of calmodulin. Circular dichroism studies did not show a change in the α-helix content of calmodulin in the presence of TRIA. TRIA also had no apparent effect on soluble calcium-calmodulin 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. Removal of excess TRIA from the medium after treatment still resulted in stimulation of divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity in the presence of calmodulin was comparable to treated vesicles from which excess TRIA had not been removed. These data further support the contention that TRIA affects membrane structure and function.  相似文献   

The immunological relation between 14 S dynein and 30 S dynein obtained from Tetrahymena cilia was investigated by using antisera specific for each dynein subunit or some dynein subunits separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Although 14 and 30 S dynein main subunits have different electrophoretic mobilities, our immunodiffusion tests showed that there exists a close immunological relation between them. At least three immunologically different polypeptides designated polypeptides A, B and C are included in the 30 S dynein main band which has been recognized as a single component by electrophoresis, and that the polypeptides designated A',B' and C' are included in the 14 S dynein main bands. Polypeptides A and A',B and B', or C and C' appeared to have a certain common antigenic determinant(s). Polypeptide C of 30 S dynein was shown to possess a certain antigenic determinant(s) specific for 30 S dynein, besides the determinant common with that of polypeptide C' of 14S dynein. The second main component of 30 S dynein proved to be a specific polypeptide of 30 S dynein but not to be a degraded product of the main polypedtide. All antisera reacted with native dynein molecules to some extent, but did not inhibit dynein ATPase (ATP phosphohydrase, EC activity significantly.  相似文献   

Yeast plasma membrane ATPase is activated during nitrogen starvation when a fermentable substrate is present. This activation is due to changes in the Vmax and it is irreversible, independent of protein synthesis and apparently triggered by a decrease in the intracellular pH. It is shown that the ATPase regulatory domain implicated in the activation by fermentable carbon sources is also implicated in activation by nitrogen starvation and by external acidification.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The biochemical effects of some detergents on the ATPase activity of isolated flagella from Euglena gracilis are related to morphologic obliterations induced by those detergents. Enzymic activity can be localized by electron microscopy along the microtubules and also on the paraflagellar rod. The nonionic detergent digitonin solubilizes the enzyme linked to dyneinic arms, whereas the activity linked to residual structures appears enhanced. These results support the hypothesis that the paraflagellar rod may be a structure actively related to the motility of this type of flagellum.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+ channel blockers felodipine and bepridil are known to affect selectively functions of calmodulin. We studied their effects on calmodulin binding and ATPase activities of calmodulin-containing and calmodulin-depleted rabbit heart sarcolemma. Both drugs as well as the specific anti-calmodulin drug calmidazolium at a concentration of 50 µM, inhibited the Ca2+-stimulated calmodulin binding to calmodulin-depleted sarcolemma. Within the concentration range of 3 to 100 µM all three drugs also progressively inhibited Ca2+ pumping ATPase in calmodulin containing sarcolemma, although the enzyme was assayed at saturating Ca2+ (100 µM). The inhibitory potency of calmidazolium and bepridil, but not that of felodipine, increased when the membrane protein concentration in the ATPase assay was lowered. At low membrane protein concentration 30 µM calmidazolium completely blocked calmodulin-dependent Ca2+ pumping ATPase, whereas the inhibition caused by 30 µM felodipine or bepridil remained partially. A similar inhibition pattern of the drugs was found in the calmodulin binding experiments. Within a concentration range of 3 to 30 µM, all three drugs had negligible effects on the basal Ca2+ pumping ATPase which was measured in calmodulin-depleted sarcolemma. In conclusion, the characteristics of the anti-calmodulin action of felodipine on the rabbit heart sarcolemmal Ca2+ pumping ATPase are not different from those of bepridil. Both drugs may inhibit the enzyme by interference with the Ca2+-stimulated binding of calmodulin.Abbreviations Ca2+ pumping ATPase Ca2+ stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolyzing activity - Na+ pumping ATPase Na+-stimulated K+- and Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolyzing activity - Tris-maleate tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane hydrogen maleate - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid and Egta, ethylene glycol bis (p-amino ethylether)-N,N,N,N tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

Effect of tricyclohexylhydroxytin (plictran) on Ca2+-ATPase activity was studied in rat brain synaptosomes under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Plictran inhibited basal Ca2+-ATPase activity with an IC50 value of 6 nM suggesting its interaction with calcium transport phenomenon. Plictran inhibited calmodulin (CaM) activated Ca2+-ATPase in a concentration-dependent manner. A complete reversal of calmodulin activation of Ca2+-ATPase was observed with 2-3 nM plictran. A 50 per cent decrease of CaM activated Ca2+-ATPase was observed with 0.5 nM plictran, a concentration at which no significant effect was observed on basal enzyme activity. Of all the brain fractions studied, calmodulin levels in P2 fractions alone were reduced significantly to about 75 per cent of control values in plictran treated rats. The synaptosomal Ca2+-ATPase was also decreased by 35 per cent, 42 per cent and 65 per cent in 10, 20 and 40 mg plictran kg-1 day-1 treated rats for 3 days respectively. The activity levels of Ca2+-ATPase in 10 and 20 mg plictran kg-1 day-1 treated rats were restored to normal level by exogenously added calmodulin. These results suggest that plictran may disrupt synaptic function by altering calcium and calmodulin regulated processes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The hydrolytic and phosphorylation activities of the ATPase complex of bovine heart mitochondria are regulated by the ATPase inhibitor of Pullman and Monroy [1]. The inhibiting action of the peptide on ATPase activity can be overcome by a proton-motive force. Submitochondrial particles that contain the inhibitor, either intrinsically or externally added, show a lag that precedes phosphorylation. Particles devoid of the inhibitor, or particles that are in an ‘active’ state fail to present the lag. Accordingly, the data indicate that, prior to the onset of phosphorylation, the ATPase complex undergoes a transition to an active state through a process that involves the inhibitor. The transition depends on the concentration of ATP, 50 μM ATP giving 50% inhibition of the proton-motive force-induced transition.  相似文献   

Interactive effects between calmodulin activation of 30 S dynein ATPase activity and activation by heat or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) have been studied. Addition of calmodulin during the heat treatment caused a larger increment in ATPase activity (above that caused by heating alone) than did addition of calmodulin after the heat treatment. Similar results were obtained in experiments where activation was caused by NEM treatment. For both the heat and NEM treatments, the synergistic effect of calmodulin when present during the treatment was Ca2+ dependent although activation of ATPase activity by either treatment alone was not Ca2+ dependent. Heating 14 S dynein inhibited its ATPase activity and reduced the effectiveness of calmodulin as an activator. The activating effect of calmodulin added after heat or NEM treatments was about the same as if the calmodulin was present during the treatment, i.e., interactive effects were minimal. Concentrations of NEM that had little effect on the ATPase activity of 14 S dynein largely eliminated the ability of calmodulin to activate its ATPase activity. Chromatography of the heat-treated 14 S dynein on calmodulin-Sepharose 4B indicated that the loss of sensitivity of 14 S dynein ATPase to calmodulin was not due to loss of ability of the dynein to bind to calmodulin. Retention of calmodulin binding ability was also shown for heat-treated 30 S dynein. These results suggest that calmodulin and heat/NEM activate solubilized 30 S dynein ATPase by separate mechanisms which may include a common process.  相似文献   

The active transport of proteins and organelles is critical for cellular organization and function in eukaryotic cells. A substantial portion of long-distance transport depends on the opposite polarity of the kinesin and dynein family molecular motors to move cargo along microtubules. It is increasingly clear that many cargo molecules are moved bi-directionally by both sets of motors; however, the regulatory mechanism that determines the directionality of transport remains unclear. We previously reported that collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2) played key roles in axon elongation and neuronal polarization. CRMP-2 was also found to associate with the anterograde motor protein Kinesin-1 and was transported with other cargoes toward the axon terminal. In this study, we investigated the association of CRMP-2 with a retrograde motor protein, cytoplasmic dynein. Immunoprecipitation assays showed that CRMP-2 interacted with cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. Dynein heavy chain directly bound to the N-terminus of CRMP-2, which is the distinct side of CRMP-2's kinesin light chain-binding region. Furthermore, over-expression of the dynein-binding fragments of CRMP-2 prevented dynein-driven microtubule transport in COS-7 cells. Given that CRMP-2 is a key regulator of axon elongation, this interference with cytoplasmic dynein function by CRMP-2 might have an important role in axon formation, and neuronal development.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is involved in a multitude of essential cellular functions. Dynein's activity is controlled by the combinatorial action of several regulatory proteins. The molecular mechanism of this regulation is still poorly understood. Using purified proteins, we reconstitute the regulation of the human dynein complex by three prominent regulators on dynamic microtubules in the presence of end binding proteins (EBs). We find that dynein can be in biochemically and functionally distinct pools: either tracking dynamic microtubule plus‐ends in an EB‐dependent manner or moving processively towards minus ends in an adaptor protein‐dependent manner. Whereas both dynein pools share the dynactin complex, they have opposite preferences for binding other regulators, either the adaptor protein Bicaudal‐D2 (BicD2) or the multifunctional regulator Lissencephaly‐1 (Lis1). BicD2 and Lis1 together control the overall efficiency of motility initiation. Remarkably, dynactin can bias motility initiation locally from microtubule plus ends by autonomous plus‐end recognition. This bias is further enhanced by EBs and Lis1. Our study provides insight into the mechanism of dynein regulation by dissecting the distinct functional contributions of the individual members of a dynein regulatory network.  相似文献   

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