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Semenza G 《FEBS letters》2003,544(1-3):1-3

A Green's function approach is used in constructing a dynamic model of a semi-infinite length of the DNA homopolymer B poly(d) . poly(d). Considerable attention is focused on the hydrogen bond stretching close to the terminus. A melting (or breathing) coordinate (M) is defined as an average over the three linking hydrogen bond stretches in a unit cell. The thermal mean squared amplitude of (M) is enhanced at the chain end compared with the interior. Spectral branches at 69, 80 and 105 cm-1, as well as a local mode at 75 cm-1, are primary contributors to the enhancement. We suggest that this fact can affect the thermal melting of a DNA double helical homopolymer, enhancing the tendency to start from an end (if one is available). We show how certain infinite chain modes with small (M) amplitude can turn into breathing modes near the terminus, and suggest that the same phenomenon may occur near other specific base-pair sequences. There is also considerable attention paid to the low microwave region from approximately 0 to 1.75 cm-1. The thermally activated modes in this frequency region contribute approximately (0.02 A)2 to [M2(0)] at 40 K, approximately two orders of magnitude greater than for [M2(infinity)]. Most important however, is the existence of narrow resonant modes in this frequency region. Particularly pronounced resonances near 0.03 cm-1 and 0.08 cm-1 (approximately 0.9 and 2.4 GHz) amplify M2(0) at the terminus by about for orders of magnitude over the infinite chain value M2(infinity).  相似文献   

Observations of acoustic velocities in DNA fibers have been used to refine nonbonded force constants for the DNA double helix. Long-range forces are found to be needed for A conformation and are likely to dominate in B conformation as well. The acoustic dispersion curves are described and calculated. A correction due to the effects of water is calculated. The effect of nonbonded interaction on other vibrational modes is calculated.  相似文献   

During the past decade, the issue of strong bending of the double helix has attracted a lot of attention. Here, we overview the major experimental and theoretical developments in the field sorting out reliably established facts from speculations and unsubstantiated claims. Theoretical analysis shows that sharp bends or kinks have to facilitate strong bending of the double helix. It remains to be determined what is the critical curvature of DNA that prompts the appearance of the kinks. Different experimental and computational approaches to the problem are analyzed. We conclude that there is no reliable evidence that any anomalous behavior of the double helix happens when DNA fragments in the range of 100 bp are circularized without torsional stress. The anomaly starts at the fragment length of about 70 bp when sharp bends or kinks emerge in essentially every molecule. Experimental data and theoretical analysis suggest that kinks may represent openings of isolated base pairs, which had been experimentally detected in linear DNA molecules. The calculation suggests that although the probability of these openings in unstressed DNA is close to 10−5, it increases sharply in small DNA circles reaching 1 open bp per circle of 70 bp.  相似文献   

We present unzipping force analysis of protein association (UFAPA) as a novel and versatile method for detection of the position and dynamic nature of protein-DNA interactions. A single DNA double helix was unzipped in the presence of DNA-binding proteins using a feedback-enhanced optical trap. When the unzipping fork in a DNA reached a bound protein molecule we observed a dramatic increase in the tension in the DNA, followed by a sudden tension reduction. Analysis of the unzipping force throughout an unbinding "event" revealed information about the spatial location and dynamic nature of the protein-DNA complex. The capacity of UFAPA to spatially locate protein-DNA interactions is demonstrated by noncatalytic restriction mapping on a 4-kb DNA with three restriction enzymes (BsoBI, XhoI, and EcoRI). A restriction map for a given restriction enzyme was generated with an accuracy of approximately 25 bp. UFAPA also allows direct determination of the site-specific equilibrium association constant (K(A)) for a DNA-binding protein. This capability is demonstrated by measuring the cation concentration dependence of K(A) for EcoRI binding. The measured values are in good agreement with previous measurements of K(A) over an intermediate range of cation concentration. These results demonstrate the potential utility of UFAPA for future studies of site-specific protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Tau could protect DNA double helix structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The hyperchromic effect has been used to detect the effect of tau on the transition of double-stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA. It was shown that tau increased the melting temperature of calf thymus DNA from 67 to 81 degrees C and that of plasmid from 75 to 85 degrees C. Kinetically, rates of increase in absorbance at 260 nm of DNA incubated with tau were markedly slower than those of DNA and DNA/bovine serum albumin used as controls during thermal denaturation. In contrast, rates of decrease in the DNA absorbance with tau were faster than those of controls when samples were immediately transferred from thermal conditions to room temperature. It revealed that tau prevented DNA from thermal denaturation, and improved renaturation of DNA. Circular dichroic spectra results indicated that there were little detectable conformational changes in DNA double helix when tau was added. Furthermore, tau showed its ability to protect DNA from hydroxyl radical (.OH) attacking in vitro, implying that tau functions as a DNA-protecting molecule to the radical.  相似文献   

Oriented fibers drawn from aqueous gels of calf-thymus DNA were maintained at constant relative humidites of 75 and 92% to yield canonical A-DNA and B-DNA structures, respectively. Raman spectra of the two forms of DNA were recorded over the spectral range 300–4000 cm?1. The authenticated DNA fibers were deuterated in hygrostatic cells containing D2O at appropriate relative humidities, and the corresponding spectra of deuterated DNAs were also obtained. The spectra reveal all of the Raman scattering frequencies and intensities characteristic of A- and B-DNA structures in both nondeuterated and deuterated froms, as well as the frequencies and intensities of adsorbed solvent molecules from which the hydration content of DNA fibers can be calculated. Numerous conformation-sensitive vibrational modes of DNA bases and phosphate groups have been identified throughout the 300–1700-cm?1 interval. Evidence has also been obtained for conformation sensitivity of deoxyribosyl CH stretching modes in the 2800–3000-cm?1 region. Raman lines of both the backbone and the bases are proposed as convenient indicators of A- and B-DNA structures. The results are extended to Z-DNA models investigated previously. Some implications of these findings for the determination of DNA or RNA structure from Raman spectra of nucleoproteins and viruses are considered.  相似文献   

Preservation of genetic information in DNA relies on shielding the nucleobases from damage within the double helix. Thermal fluctuations lead to infrequent events of the Watson-Crick basepair opening, or DNA "breathing", thus making normally buried groups available for modification and interaction with proteins. Fluctuational basepair opening implies the disruption of hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases and flipping of the base out of the helical stack. Prediction of sequence-dependent basepair opening probabilities in DNA is based on separation of the two major contributions to the stability of the double helix: lateral pairing between the complementary bases and stacking of the pairs along the helical axis. The partition function calculates the basepair opening probability at every position based on the loss of two stacking interactions and one base-pairing. Our model also includes a term accounting for the unfavorable positioning of the exposed base, which proceeds through a formation of a highly constrained small loop, or a ring. Quantitatively, the ring factor is found as an adjustable parameter from the comparison of the theoretical basepair opening probabilities and the experimental data on short DNA duplexes measured by NMR spectroscopy. We find that these thermodynamic parameters suggest nonobvious sequence dependent basepair opening probabilities.  相似文献   

DNA self-assembly has crucial implications in reading out the genetic information in the cell and in nanotechnological applications. In a recent paper, self-assembled DNA crystals displaying spectacular triangular motifs have been described (Zheng et al., 2009). The authors claimed that their data demonstrate the possibility to rationally design well-ordered macromolecular 3D DNA lattice with precise spatial control using sticky ends. However, the authors did not recognize the fundamental features that control DNA self-assembly in the lateral direction. By analysing available crystallographic data and simulating a DNA triangle, we show that the double helix geometry, sequence-specific cytosine–phosphate interactions and divalent cations are in fact responsible for the precise spatial assembly of DNA.  相似文献   

Structure of DNA hydration shells studied by Raman spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N J Tao  S M Lindsay  A Rupprecht 《Biopolymers》1989,28(5):1019-1030
We have used Raman scattering to study the water O-H stretching modes at approximately 3450 and approximately 3220 cm-1 in DNA films as a function of relative humidity (r.h.). The intensity of the 3220-cm-1 band vanishes as the r.h. is decreased from 98% to around 80%, which indicates that the hydrogen-bond network of water is disrupted in the primary hydration shell (which therefore cannot have an "ice-like" structure). The number of water molecules in the primary hydration shell was determined from the intensity of the approximately 3200-cm-1 band as about 30 water molecules per nucleotide pair. The approximately 3400-cm-1 O-H stretch band was used for determining the total water content, and this band persists at 0% r.h., implying that 5-6 tightly bound water molecules per nucleotide pair remain. The frequency of the approximately 3400-cm-1 O-H stretch mode is lower by 30 to 45 cm-1 in the primary hydration shell compared to free water. The water content as a function of r.h. obtained from these experiments agrees with gravimetric measurements. The disappearance of the approximately 3200-cm-1 band and the shift of the approximately 3400-cm-1 O-H stretch band provide a reliable way of measuring the hydration number of DNA.  相似文献   

This study examines and compares DNA cleavage modes by several esperamicin derivatives and calicheamicin. We found that the deoxyfucose-anthranilate moiety is a key factor to determine their DNA cutting modes. Probably, the bulky moiety hinders the abstraction of hydrogen atom from deoxyribose by the C-1 carbon radical of phenylene diradical. On the basis of the experimental results, detailed DNA cleaving modes in DNA minor groove by esperamicin and calicheamicin have been discussed.  相似文献   

Low-frequency Raman spectra of the self-associates of guanosine monophosphates (GMPs) Na2 · 5′GMP, K2 · 5′GMP, Na2 · 3′GMP, and K2 · 3′GMP, and polyribonucleic acid K · poly(rG), were obtained. In acidic gels and dried fibers, GMP molecules are known to form helical stacks of hydrogen-bonded tetramers. Some low-frequency collective modes specific to the helically stacked structures were observed. We examined the dependence of these modes on counterions and water content. The lowest frequency mode at ca. 20 cm?1 is sensitive to the water content of the sample and is clearly visible in solid-state samples, so it works as a marker band of the environmental condition of the helices. The intensity and the peak frequency of this mode in solid-state samples depend on the helical structure and counterions. The broad peaks in the vicinity of 100 cm?1 are influenced by cations and are independent of water content.  相似文献   

We demonstrate in this paper that one example of a biologically important and molecular self-assembling complex system is a collagen–DNA ordered aggregate which spontaneously forms in aqueous solutions. Interaction between the collagen and the DNA leads to destruction of the hydration shell of the triple helix and stabilization of the double helix structure. From a molecular biology point of view this nano-scale self-assembling superstructure could increase the stability of DNA against the nucleases during collagen diseases and the growth of collagen fibrills in the presence of DNA.  相似文献   

By assuming that the realistic DNA chains are random sequence of bases and using the Tung-Harvey formula for the prediction of twist angles, it is shown that the mean value of the sequence of twist angles is almost sequence-independent. In general the variance for the A, T-rich sequence is larger than that of G, C-rich sequence. There exists an upper bound for the variance of all possible sequences, i.e., the variance is not greater than 27 deg2. It is pointed out that the large conformational deviation from ideal DNA is an important factor for the recognition of DNA with protein/enzyme.  相似文献   

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