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Two groups of 16 male New Zealand rabbits were exposed to 2450-MHz continuous wave microwave fields in two experiments of 90 days each. The incident power densities of the first and second experiment were 0.5 and 5 mW/cm2, respectively. During each study, 16 animals were adapted to a miniature anechoic chamber exposure system for at least 2 weeks, then 8 of them were exposed for 7 h daily, 5 days a week for 13 weeks, and the other 8 animals were sham exposed. The rabbits were placed in acrylic cages, and each was exposed from the top in an individual miniature anechoic chamber. Thermography showed a maximum specific absorption rate of 5.5 W/kg in the head and 7 W/kg in the back at 5-mW/cm2 incident power density. After each 7-h exposure session, the animals were returned to their home cages. Food consumption in the exposure chamber and body mass were measured daily. Blood samples were taken before exposure and monthly thereafter for hematological, morphological, chemical, protein electrophoresis, and lymphocyte blast transformation studies. Eyes were examined for cataract formation. Finally, pathological examinations of 28 specimens of organs and tissues of each rabbit were performed. Statistically, there was a significant (P < .01) decrease only of food consumption during the 5-mW/cm2 exposure; other variables were not significantly different between exposed and control groups.  相似文献   

In this study the influence of acute (6 hr) exposure to 2450 MHz (CW) microwave radiation on certain cardiovascular, biochemical, and hematologic indices was examined in unanesthetized rats. Under methoxyflurane anesthesia, a catheter was inserted into the right femoral artery, which was used for monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sampling. Colonic temperature was monitored via a VITEK thermistor probe inserted rectally to a depth of 5 cm. The rat was subsequently placed into a ventilated restraining cage which was located inside an anechoic chamber. The temperature and humidity in the chamber were maintained at 22 +/- 0.5 degrees C and 60 +/- 5% (means +/- S.E.), respectively, during the experimental period. Rats (60) were exposed to either 0 (sham) or 10 mW/cm2 (exposed) for 6 hr. During exposure rats were oriented perpendicular to the E-field, and the measured specific absorption rate (SAR) was 3.7 mW/g. In the sham and exposed rats, the preexposure (time 0) mean +/- S.E. arterial blood pressure (MABP), heart rate, and colonic temperature were approximately 120 +/- 5 mmHg, 450 +/- 10 beats/min, and 37.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C, respectively. In the sham-exposed rats these values remained stable throughout the 6-hr exposure period. In the exposed rats, no effects were noted on MABP or colonic temperature; however after 1 hr of exposure, a significant reduction in heart rate was noted (450 versus 400 beats/min). This decrease in heart rate persisted throughout the remainder of the exposure period. None of the hematologic or biochemical parameters examined were affected by the microwave exposure. Although other mechanisms may be responsible, this decrease in heart rate may have been due to subtle cardiovascular adjustments because of microwave-induced heating with a resultant reduction in resting metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Adult rats anesthesized with pentobarbital and injected intravenously with a mixture of [14C]sucrose and [3H]inulin were exposed for 30 min to an environment at an ambient temperature of 22, 30, or 40 °C, or were exposed at 22 °C to 2450-MHz CW microwave radiation at power densities of 0, 10, 20, or 30 mW/cm2. Following exposure, the brain was perfused and sectioned into eight regions, and the radioactivity in each region was counted. The data were analyzed by two methods. First, the data for each of the eight regions and for each of the two radioactive tracers were analyzed by regression analysis for a total of 16 analyses and Bonferroni's Inequality was applied to prevent false positive results from numerous analyses. By this conservative test, no statistically significant increase in permeation was found for either tracer in any brain region of rats exposed to microwaves. Second, a profile analysis was used to test for a general change in tracer uptake across all brain regions. Using this statistical method, a significant increase in permeation was found for sucrose but not for inulin. A correction factor was then derived from the warm-air experiments to correct for the increase in permeation of the brain associated with change in body temperature. This correction factor was applied to the data for the irradiated animals. After correcting the data for thermal effects of the microwave radiation, no significant increase in permeation was found.  相似文献   

Female CD 1 mice were exposed from the thirty-fifth day of age for the remainder of their lives to 2.45 GHz, CW-microwave radiation at a power density of 3 or 10 m W/cm2 (SAR = 2.0 or 6.8 W/kg). Exposures took place 1 h/day, 5 day/week in an anechoic chamber at an ambient temperature of 22 °C and a relative humidity of 50%. There were 25 animals in each exposure group, and an equal number of controls were concurrently sham exposed. The average life span of animals exposed at 10 mW/cm2 was significantly shorter than that of sham-exposed controls (572 days vs. 706 days; P = .049; truncation >20%). In contrast, the average lifespan of the animals exposed at 3 mW/cm2 was slightly, but not significantly, longer (738 days) than that of controls (706 days). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    E Berman  H B Carter  D House 《Teratology》1984,30(3):393-402
    Mice offspring irradiated in utero with 2,450-MHz radio-frequency (RF) radiation at 0 or 28 mW/cm2 (whole-body averaged specific absorption rate = 0 or 16.5 W/kg) for 100 minutes daily on days 6 through 17 of gestation were evaluated for maturation and development on days 1, 5, 10, 12, 15, and 17 of age. The tests used to determine differences in developmental age in the two treatment groups were body weight, urine concentrating ability, brain weight, tolerance to ouabain, and bone lengths. Fifteen sham-irradiated and 26 RF-irradiated litters, normalized to eight pups/litter, were used in this study. Mean body weight of the microwave-irradiated offspring were significantly (p = .0003) decreased only on day 1 of age. Brain weight on days 10, 12, and 17 were significantly lower in microwave-irradiated pups (p = .01). There were no significant differences in the two groups in urine concentrating ability on day 5, ouabain tolerance on day 15, or bone length on days 5, 10, 12, and 17. It is concluded that there is a persistent delay in postnatal development of the brain after RF irradiation with 16.5 W/kg during gestation.  相似文献   

    Tests of mutagenesis and reproduction were conducted in male rats which were irradiated by 2,450-MHz, continuous-wave (CW) microwaves, 4 hr/day from day 6 of gestation to 90 days of age at 5 mW/cm2; or 5 hr/day for five days beginning on the 90th day of age at 10 mW/cm2; or 4 hr/day, 5 days/ wk for four weeks, beginning on the 90th day of age. During selected weekly periods after treatment, the rats were bred to pairs of untreated, normal female rats that were examined in late pregnancy by means of the dominant lethal assay. The reproductive efficiency of these males, as reflected in their breeding, was also examined for changes relating to their microwave experience. No significant evidence of germ-cell mutagenesis was detected when data of microwave-exposed males were compared with those of sham-exposed males, even though there were significant increases in rectal and intra-testicular temperatures at a power density of 28 mW/cm2. Temporary sterility, as indexed by fewer pregnancies, was seen at the highest power density.  相似文献   

    Many reports describe data showing that continuous wave (CW) and pulsed (PW) radiofrequency (RF) fields, at the same frequency and average power density (PD), yield similar response changes in the exposed organism. During whole-body exposure of squirrel monkeys at 2450 MHz CW and PW fields, heat production and heat loss responses were nearly identical. To explore this question in humans, we exposed two different groups of volunteers to 2450 MHz CW (two females, five males) and PW (65 micros pulse width, 10(4) pps; three females, three males) RF fields. We measured thermophysiological responses of heat production and heat loss (esophageal and six skin temperatures, metabolic heat production, local skin blood flow, and local sweat rate) under a standardized protocol (30 min baseline, 45 min RF or sham exposure, 10 min baseline), conducted in three ambient temperatures (T(a) = 24, 28, and 31 degrees C). At each T(a), average PDs studied were 0, 27, and 35 mW/cm2 (Specific absorption rate (SAR) = 0, 5.94, and 7.7 W/kg). Mean data for each group showed minimal changes in core temperature and metabolic heat production for all test conditions and no reliable differences between CW and PW exposure. Local skin temperatures showed similar trends for CW and PW exposure that were PD-dependent; only the skin temperature of the upper back (facing the antenna) showed a reliably greater increase (P =.005) during PW exposure than during CW exposure. Local sweat rate and skin blood flow were both T(a)- and PD-dependent and showed greater variability than other measures between CW and PW exposures; this variability was attributable primarily to the characteristics of the two subject groups. With one noted exception, no clear evidence for a differential response to CW and PW fields was found.  相似文献   

    C3H/HeA mice with high incidence of spontaneous breast cancer and Balb/c mice treated with 3,4-benzopyrene (BP) (by painting of the skin resulting in the development of skin cancer) were irradiated with 2,450-MHz microwaves (MW) in an anechoic chamber at 5 or 15 mW/cm2 (2 h daily, 6 sessions per week). C3H/HeA mice were irradiated from the 6th week of life, up to the 12th month of life. Balb/c mice treated with BP were irradiated either prior to (over 1 or 3 months) or simultaneously with BP treatment (over 5 months). The appearance of palpable tumors in C3H/HeA mice and of skin cancer in BP-treated Balb/c mice was checked every 2 weeks for 12 months. Two additional groups of mice were exposed to chronic stress caused by confinement or to sham-irradiation in an anechoic chamber; these served as controls. Irradiation with MWs at either 5 or 15 mW/cm2 for 3 months resulted in a significant lowering of natural antineoplastic resistance (mean number of lung neoplastic colonies was 2.8 ± 1.6 (SD) in controls, 6.1 ± 1.8 in mice exposed at 5 mW/cm2 and 10.8 ± 2.1 in those irradiated at 15 mW/cm2) and acceleration of development of BP-induced skin cancer (285 days in controls, 230 days for 5 mW/cm2 and 160 days for 15 mW/cm2). Microwave-exposed C3H/HeA mice developed breast tumors earlier than controls (322 days in controls, 261 days for 5 mW/cm2 and 219 days for 15 mW/cm2). A similar acceleration was observed in the development of BP-induced skin cancer in mice exposed simultaneously to BP and MWs (285 days in controls, 220 day for 5 mW/cm2 and 121 days for 15 mW/cm2). The acceleration of cancer development in all tested systems and lowering of natural antineoplastic resistance was similar in mice exposed to MW at 5 mW/cm2 or to chronic stress caused by confinement but differed significantly from the data obtained on animals exposed at 15 mW/cm2, where local thermal effects (“hot” spots) were possible.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this study was to determine whether chronic, low-level exposure of mammary-tumor-prone mice to 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation (RFR) promotes an earlier onset (decreased latency), a greater total incidence, or a faster growth rate of mammary tumors. One hundred C3H/HeJ mice were exposed in circularly polarized waveguides (CWG) for 18 months (20 h/day, 7 days/wk) to continuous-wave, 2450 MHz RFR at a whole body average specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.3 W/kg; 100 mice were sham exposed. Before exposure, SARs were determined calorimetrically; during experimentation, SARs were monitored by differential power measurement. All animals were visually inspected twice daily and were removed from the CWG cages for a weekly inspection, palpation, and weighing. From the time of detection, tumor size was measured weekly. Animals that died spontaneously, became moribund, or were killed after 18 months of exposure were completely necropsied; tissues were fixed and subjected to histopathological evaluations. Results showed no significant difference in weight profiles between sham-irradiated and irradiated mice. Concerning mammary carcinomas, there was no significant difference between groups with respect to palpated tumor incidence (sham = 52%; irradiated = 44%), latency to tumor onset (sham = 62.3 ± 1.2 wk; irradiated = 64.0 ± 1.6 wk), and rate of tumor growth. In general, histopathological examination revealed no significant differences in numbers of malignant, metastatic, or benign neoplasms between the two groups; a significantly greater incidence of alveolar-bronchiolar adenoma in the sham-irradiated mice was the only exception. In addition, survival analysis showed no significant difference in cumulative percent survival between sham and irradiated animals. Thus, results indicate that under the conditions of this study, long-term, low-level exposure of mammary-tumor-prone mice to 2450 MHz RFR did not affect mammary tumor incidence, latency to tumor onset, tumor growth rate, or animal longevity when compared with sham-irradiated controls. Bioelectromagnetics 19:20–31, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Mice were exposed in the far field in an anechoic chamber to 2,880-MHz pulsed microwaves 3 to 7.5 h daily, 5 days/week for 60 to 360 h. Three experiments were performed at average power densities of 5 mW/cm2 and six at 10 mW/cm2, corresponding to averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g, respectively. Each experiment consisted of eight mice, with a concurrently sham-exposed group of eight. In two of three studies at 5 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in bone marrow cellularity in the microwave-exposed groups compared to the sham-exposed groups. Significant differences were occasionally seen in erythrocyte, leukocyte, and platelet values from microwave-exposed groups, but were not consistently observed. In one of six groups exposed at 10 mW/cm2, mean bone marrow cellularity was reduced significantly in the microwave-exposed mice; in another group, the lymphocyte count was increased. In only one exposure (10 mW/cm2 for 360 h) was any significant effect noted on serum proteins: a reduction to 5.1 +/- 0.3 g/dl in the exposed versus 5.6 +/- 0.4 g/dl in the sham-exposed mice. This was due to a decrease in alpha and beta globulins, with no effect on albumin or gamma globulin concentrations. No effect on bone marrow granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming units (CFU) was revealed following exposure of mice to pulsed microwaves at 5 mW/cm2. In one of four exposures at 10 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in CFU-agar colonies. No significant effects of exposures at 10 mW/cm2 were observed on in vivo and in vitro assays of cell-mediated immune functions. No exposure-related histopathologic lesions were found from examination of several tissues and organs. Results of these series of exposures of mice at SARs of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g indicated no consistent effects on the hematologic, immunologic, or histopathologic variables examined.  相似文献   

    In utero exposure to microwave radiation and rat brain development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Timed-pregnancy rats were exposed in a circular waveguide system starting on day 2 of gestation. The system operated at 2,450 MHz (pulsed waves; 8 microseconds PW; 830 pps). Specific absorption rate (SAR) was maintained at 0.4 W/kg by increasing the input power as the animals grew in size. On day 18 of gestation the dams were removed from the waveguide cages and euthanized; the fetuses were removed and weighed. Fetal brains were excised and weighed, and brain RNA, DNA and protein were determined. Values for measured parameters of the radiated fetuses did not differ significantly from those of sham-exposed fetuses. A regression of brain weight on body weight showed no micrencephalous fetuses in the radiation group when using as a criterion a regression line based on two standard errors of the estimate of the sham-exposed group. In addition, metrics derived from brain DNA (ie, cell number and cell size) showed no significant differences when radiation was compared to sham exposure. We conclude that 2,450-MHz microwave radiation, at an SAR of 0.4 W/kg, did not produce significant alterations in brain organogenesis.  相似文献   

    Microwaves (pulsed, 2,450 MHz) at an average power density of 3 W/cm2 were applied directly to the head for 5, 10, or 20 min, producing a peak specific absorption rate of 240 W/kg in the brain, which, after a 10-min exposure, resulted in brain temperatures in excess of 43°C. A bolus of 86Rb in isotonic saline was injected intravenously and an arterial sample was collected for 20 s to determine cardiac output. Compared with unexposed controls, uptake of 86Rb increased most in those regions directly in the path of the irradiation, namely, the occipital and parietal cortex, as well as the dorsal hippocampus, midbrain, and basal ganglia. In a separate group of animals, regional brain-vascular spaces were found to increase with brain temperature. These results support previous observations indicating that reliably demonstrable increases of blood-brain barrier permeability are associated with intense, microwave-induced hyperthermia, and that the observed changes are not due to field-specific interaction.  相似文献   

    Thermoregulatory responses of heat production and heat loss were measured in two different groups of seven adult volunteers (males and females) during 45‐min dorsal exposures of the whole body to 450 or 2450 MHz continuous‐wave radio frequency (RF) fields. At each frequency, two power densities (PD) were tested at each of three ambient temperatures (Ta = 24, 28, and 31 °C) plus Ta controls (no RF). The normalized peak surface specific absorption rate (SAR), measured at the location of the subject's center back, was the same for comparable PD at both frequencies, i.e., peak surface SAR = 6.0 and 7.7 W/kg. No change in metabolic heat production occurred under any exposure conditions at either frequency. The magnitude of increase in those skin temperatures under direct irradiation was directly related to frequency, but local sweating rates on back and chest were related more to Ta and SAR. Both efficient sweating and increased local skin blood flow contributed to the regulation of the deep body (esophageal) temperature to within 0.1 °C of the baseline level. At both frequencies, normalized peak SARs in excess of ANSI/IEEE C95.1 guidelines were easily counteracted by normal thermophysiological mechanisms. The observed frequency‐related response differences agree with classical data concerning the control of heat loss mechanisms in human beings. However, more practical dosimetry than is currently available will be necessary to evaluate realistic human exposures to RF energy in the natural environment. Bioelectromagnetics 20:12–20, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    CBA/J adult male mice were given single or triple exposures to 2450-mHz microwaves in an environmentally controlled wave guide facility. The average absorbed dose rate for a single exposure varied from 12 to 15 mW/g. Sham-exposed mice served as controls. Lymphoid cells were collected and tested for metabolic activity on days 3, 6, and 9 following a single exposure, and on days 9, 12, and 16 following triple exposures on days 0, 3, and 6. Cells were cultured in vitro for four hours to seven days before their metabolic rates were assayed. Under these conditions, microwaves failed to produce any detectable change in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein synthesis, as measured by the incorporation of methyl(3H)-thymidine (3H-TDR) (DNA substrate), 3H-uridine (3H-UR) (RNA substrate), and 3H-leucine (protein substrate) by spleen, bone marrow, and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in vitro. These data suggest that microwave-induced increases in the frequency of complement-receptor (CR)- or surface-immunoglobulin (sIg)-bearing cells were not associated with a concomitant increase in cell proliferation and/or protein synthesis, and favor the concept that microwaves under these conditions stimulate already existing B-cell precursors for maturation.  相似文献   

    Foraging-experienced honeybees retained normal flight, orientation, and memory functions after 30 minutes' exposure to 2.45-GHz CW microwaves at power densities from 3 to 50 mW/cm2. These experiments were conducted at power densities approximating and exceeding those that would be present above receiving antennas of the proposed solar power satellite (SPS) energy transmission system and for a duration exceeding that which honeybees living outside a rectenna might be expected to spend within the rectenna on individual foraging trips. There was no evidence that airborne invertebrates would be significantly affected during transient passage through microwaves associated with SPS ground-based microwave receiving stations.  相似文献   


    1. 1.|The purpose of this study was to determine the threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) during exposure to 2450 MHz continuous wave (CW) microwaves that affected thermoregulatory behaviour in mice.

    2. 2.|A Plexiglas shuttle box was placed inside a waveguide imposed with a temperature gradient. The temperature gradient allowed the mice to select a particular section of the shuttle box which was, presumably, related to their state of thermal comfort. Exposing the mice to 2450 MHz inside the waveguide at SARs of 0–5.3 W kg−1 for 1 h caused no significant change in their preferred ambient temperature.

    3. 3.|Increasing SAR from 5.3 to 18.1 W kg−1 caused the animals to shift their position to the cooler end of the shuttle box.

    4. 4.|Following termination of microwave exposure animals that had selected a cool ambient temperature returned to the warm side of the shuttle box.

    5. 5.|It is concluded that for mice exposed to radiation at 2450 MHz the thermoregulatory behaviour is significantly affected at SARs of 5.3 to 9.9 W kg−1.

    Author Keywords: Specific absorption rate; microwave exposure; thermoregulatory behaviour; mice; Mus musculus  相似文献   

    Permission was received from the Brooks AFB Institutional Review Board and the AF Surgeon General's Office to exceed the peak power density (PD = 35 mW/cm(2)) we had previously studied during partial body exposure of human volunteers at 2450 MHz. Two additional peak PD were tested (50 and 70 mW/cm(2)). The higher of these PD (normalized peak local SAR = 15.4 W/kg) is well outside the IEEE C95.1 guidelines for partial body exposure, as is the estimated whole body SAR approximately 1.0 W/kg. Seven volunteers (four males, three females) were tested at each PD in three ambient temperatures (T(a) = 24, 28, and 31 degrees C) under our standard protocol (30 min baseline, 45 min RF exposure, 10 min baseline). The thermophysiological data (esophageal and six skin temperatures, metabolic heat production, local sweat rate, and local skin blood flow) were combined with comparable data at PD = 0, 27, and 35 mW/cm(2) from our 1999 study to generate response functions across PD. No change in esophageal temperature or metabolic heat production was recorded at any PD in any T(a). At PD = 70 mW/cm(2), skin temperature on the upper back (irradiated directly) increased 4.0 degrees C in T(a) = 24 degrees C, 2.6 degrees C in T(a) = 28 degrees C, and 1.8 degrees C in T(a) = 31 degrees C. These differences were primarily due to the increase in local sweat rate, which was greatest in T(a) = 31 degrees C. Also at PD = 70 mW/cm(2), local skin blood flow on the back increased 65% over baseline levels in T(a) = 31 degrees C, but only 40% in T(a) = 24 degrees C. Although T(a) becomes an important variable when RF exposure exceeds the C95.1 partial body exposure limits, vigorous heat loss responses of blood flow and sweating maintain thermal homeostasis efficiently. It is also clear that strong sensations of heat and thermal discomfort will motivate a timely retreat from a strong RF field, long before these physiological responses are exhausted. Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Both positive and negative biological effects of microwaves on drug actions in rats exposed to 1-mW/cm2, 2,450-MHz microwaves have been reported by several investigators. We conducted dosimetry studies for seven different exposure conditions to determine whether these different results could be due to the rats having been exposed differently. They included anterior and posterior exposures in a circular waveguide, near field, far field with E- or H-field parallel to the long axis of the body and dorsal exposure in a miniature anechoic chamber with E- or H-field parallel to the long axis of the body. The average specific absorption rates (SARs) in the head, tail, and body of the exposed rats were measured by means of a calorimetry system. The local SARs at eight locations in the brain were determined by temperature measurement with Vitek probes. Intensive coupling of energy to the tail when it was exposed parallel to the E-field was shown by thermography. For the same average incident power density, the average SARs in the heads of rats were about two times higher in the circular waveguide than for other exposures. The local SARs in the brain varied for different exposure conditions. Statistical comparisons of SARs under the different exposure conditions are presented.  相似文献   

    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the 930 MHz continuous wave (CW) electromagnetic field, which is the carrier of signals emitted by cellular phones, affects the reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in living cells. Rat lymphocytes were used in the experiments. A portion of the lymphocytes was treated with iron ions to induce oxidative processes. Exposures to electromagnetic radiation (power density 5 W/m2, theoretical calculated SAR = 1.5 W/kg) were performed within a GTEM cell. Intracellular ROS were measured by the fluorescent probe dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCF-DA). The results show that acute (5 and 15 min) exposure does not affect the number of produced ROS. If, however, FeCl2 with final concentration 10 microg/ml was added to the lymphocyte suspensions to stimulate ROS production, after both durations of exposure, the magnitude of fluorescence (ROS level during the experiment) was significantly greater in the exposed lymphocytes. The character of the changes in the number of free radicals observed in our experiments was qualitatively compatible with the theoretical prediction from the model of electromagnetic radiation effect on radical pairs.  相似文献   

    Sexual selection theory predicts that females should choose males that signal viability and quality. However, few studies have found fitness benefits among females mating with highly ornamented males. Here, we use Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), a teleost fish with no parental care, to investigate whether females could gain fitness benefits by mating with highly ornamented and large-sized males. Carotenoid-based coloration signalled by males during spawning is believed to be an indicator of good genes for this species. Paternal effects on offspring size (body length and dry body mass) were examined experimentally by crossing eggs and sperm in vitro from 12 females and 24 males in a split-brood design and raising larvae to 30 days past hatching. We clearly demonstrated that there was a relationship between offspring size and paternal coloration. However, a negative interaction between paternal length and coloration was evident for offspring length, indicating that positive effects of paternal coloration were only present for smaller males. Thus, the red spawning coloration of the male Arctic charr seems to be an indicator of good genes, but the effect of paternal coloration on offspring length, an indicator of 'offspring quality', is size dependent.  相似文献   

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